PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Smith also was arrested April 13, 2014, at Los Angeles International Airport. Police said he was randomly selected for a secondary screening and became uncooperative, telling a TSA agent he had a bomb. No charges were filed in that incident.
Wow. Even with as fucked as our country is in regards to crime and punishment, I'm amazed he didn't get in trouble for that.

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Not that I don't appreciate the ingenuity, but this is why some trophies are just dumb.
no argument, but I'll definitely admit that there are some that I think it's fun to try to outsmart the system. I love it when people figure out effortless ways of picking up awful grinding trophies with rubber banding/etc. seeing that picture pancakes took of him farming geoms on three different versions of geometry wars was really funny to me. putting a banana on your vita screen? awesome. even figuring out that the tutorial counts towards the trophy without having to hold the screen is a great find.

when they take unavoidable _actual_ effort that clocks in at 20+ hours of doing the exact same thing (binary domain multiplayer) then they're just straight up dumb. if I can set a turbo controller to do it for me over the course of a week I'm not bothered since all I had to do was figure out how to do it. and that's just good ol fashioned problem solving.

Bummer. I do like the idea of AC-style exploration and climbing, but without combat the climbing should have gone into more detail. As you mentioned in the review, there should be more varied pathing for how to get to a specific location and the puzzle aspect of climbing should have been more enhanced to provide a sense of accomplishment for getting to the top of a building. If the scaling aspect doesn't get difficult in some way then yeah I can see how it would just feel like a waste of time.

Oh well. I still want to give it a try, but I can't imagine it'll take long to hit a flash sale or PS+.
$20 is kind of an asinine price IMO. I don't think it will sell well and yeah I think a price drop will happen sooner rather than later.

It's at 52 on Metacritic. There's no hard and fast rule that games ranked that low can't be on Plus, but they generally try to pull in games that score a bit higher.

Everytime I look at your trophy card, I wish I did the fast shipping. Looks like my game is still in customs.
Play-Asia is always my last choice. Now Nippon-Yason gets my business with $9 3 day Fedex. Hopefully you get IA VT this week. I told Vig to import as its worth every penny. I think Sage was interested in the game too. It would be great if more people in the thread played this gem.

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Happy Happy Birthday Pharm! 


IA/VT Colorful does look good, but $42 + s/h from play-asia seems a bit steep. I see it's 4400 yen (~$35) at nippon-yasan, which is a bit better. Was it on sale for less recently?

This is Japanese only, isn't it?

IA/VT Colorful does look good, but $42 + s/h from play-asia seems a bit steep. I see it's 4400 yen (~$35) at nippon-yasan, which is a bit better. Was it on sale for less recently?

This is Japanese only, isn't it?
Therm it's worth every penny. This won't be making it over here so if it interests you than import it. I suggest Nippon-Yason and just pick 3 day Fedex for $9. If this does make it to the U.S. I'll buy it again to show support. I rarely import and this is a no brainer if you love rhythm games.

You should order from Nippon-Yason and see if you get it faster than Pancakes Play-Asia copy. It'll be a race for IA/VT Colorful.

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Therm it's worth every penny. This won't be making it over here so if it interests you than import it. I suggest Nippon-Yason and just pick 3 day Fedex for $9. If this does make it to the U.S. I'll buy it again to show support. I rarely import and this is a no brainer if you love rhythm games.

You should order from Nippon-Yason and see if you get it faster than Pancakes Play-Asia copy. It'll be a race for IA/VT Colorful.
Hm. I'll fire up Hatsune Miku and take a look. I've never actually played a rhythm game aside from perhaps the alligator boss in Sly 1 (not really the same thing.)

IA/VT Colorful does look good, but $42 + s/h from play-asia seems a bit steep. I see it's 4400 yen (~$35) at nippon-yasan, which is a bit better. Was it on sale for less recently?

This is Japanese only, isn't it?
I just came out a week ago so not really much time for a sale.

Also the reason for the price difference is that Nippon just does straight yen and it converts later in paypal while play asia gives a USD price. With the yen down, it really is the best time to get imports from Japan.

how the hell do u figure out what to do in fuck ing Japanese games man
I have Mother 3 for Gameboy Advance and tried to play it screw that
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Hm. I'll fire up Hatsune Miku and take a look. I've never actually played a rhythm game aside from perhaps the alligator boss in Sly 1 (not really the same thing.)
I had trouble with Hatsune Miku but love rhythm games. IA/VT Colorful is perfect for me and I like it more than Miku at the moment.

[quote name="Fatality" post="12853394" timestamp="1438967330"]how the hell do u figure out what to do in fuck ing Japanese games man
I have Mother 3 for Gameboy Advance and tried to play screw that[/quote]

You play the Mother 3 Fan Translation ROM. Awesome game so you should definitely get that.

Hoops prevention:
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Even after following the list here, I still don't know what enemy/enemies I have left for the Dying Time trophy in GW3. I'm pretty sure I've died to everything in that list. :whistle2:k

Pharm/wren, I'll wish you proper 'Happy Birthday' on Sunday.  However, being the FNG I wanted to get you something for your birthday.  After careful consideration, I decided this would be a good gift based on your current plight in life (Warning: NSFW)

If you'll PM me your shipping information, I'll have it dropped shipped to you.  If it comes to my house first, I can't guarantee that it will be NIB when you receive it.  I am married after all, and not every night is Matrix-nostalgia night at my household.

Therm it's worth every penny. This won't be making it over here so if it interests you than import it. I suggest Nippon-Yason and just pick 3 day Fedex for $9. If this does make it to the U.S. I'll buy it again to show support. I rarely import and this is a no brainer if you love rhythm games.

You should order from Nippon-Yason and see if you get it faster than Pancakes Play-Asia copy. It'll be a race for IA/VT Colorful.


Pharm/wren, I'll wish you proper 'Happy Birthday' on Sunday. However, being the FNG I wanted to get you something for your birthday. After careful consideration, I decided this would be a good gift based on your current plight in life (Warning: NSFW)

If you'll PM me your shipping information, I'll have it dropped shipped to you. If it comes to my house first, I can't guarantee that it will be NIB when you receive it. I am married after all, and not every night is Matrix-nostalgia night at my household.
It's worth every penny.
Yeah my birthday is actually Sunday, but no one needs to worry about that then.  I hope to be recovering from a hangover of alcohol and debauchery so I wont feel like reading my phone.  And even if I am not recovering from anything exciting I will say I am anyway!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Just as I planned it.  I Tyler'd all of you!  HAHAHA

fucking people. Springsteen is playing Born to Run on the Daily Show stage, Stewart and correspondents and show people are dancing, and half of these fuckers are just standing there filming it with their cell phones instead of enjoying the once-in-a-lifetime moment. "I've got to show people where I was." No, you're showing people where your phone was while you watched everything through its five inch screen.

But holy shit, what a great finale.
But if they don't record it there will be no video evidence of the event! They're preserving history!

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That IA/VT COLORFUL game looks difficult with the different paths and buttons. Seems cool, though. Might have to pick that up at some point.

What are the rainbow notes that have no button symbol on them? What do you do for those?

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bread's done