PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Wait, I have to play as him too? Ugh.
Assuming you started Thieves in Time, you do, and to me it felt like you play as him much more frequently than in the other games where you played as him (Sly 2 & 3).

If you started the first Sly Cooper, then you only play as Sly.

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Assuming you started Thieves in Time, you do, and to me it felt like you play as him much more frequently than in the other games where you played as him (Sly 2 & 3).

If you started the first Sly Cooper, then you only play as Sly.
Oh okay, I just started with the first one since I have the vita collection.

I didnt even finish a level of Sly 1 on the collection I hated it so much.  Not sure if it was just the camera or what but I remember saying fuck it and moved on.  I guess Sly just isnt for me.

If you started the first Sly Cooper, then you only play as Sly.
Uh, no. You're forgetting the racing sections where you're playing as Murray and there's also a hacking section with Bentley.

Rising Star Games will publish a physical release for Kromaia Omega, a "highly-stylized shoot 'em up", on PS4 this fall:


It has very positive reviews on Steam.

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Uh, no. You're forgetting the racing sections where you're playing as Murray and there's also a hacking section with Bentley.
Whoops. I guess I forgot them since they aren't that prevalent. You play as Murray and Bentley much more often in the sequels.

Whoops. I guess I forgot them since they aren't that prevalent. You play as Murray and Bentley much more often in the sequels.
To call either of those sections playing as Bentley or Murray is a stretch anyway. It is mini games with those characters voices being prevalent.

The later games are where you actually play as those characters.

Was just about to say those look more like vaguely interesting minigames than actual story segments with the annoying turtle. Is it safe to assume that whenever I get around to the other games there are full levels as those two? If the game keeps up the captioning for all the voice segments I might just play some music and hit mute lol. 

Was just about to say those look more like vaguely interesting minigames than actual story segments with the annoying turtle. Is it safe to assume that whenever I get around to the other games there are full levels as those two? If the game keeps up the captioning for all the voice segments I might just play some music and hit mute lol.
I dont know but I skipped any cut scenes I could when paying Thieves in Time.

Was just about to say those look more like vaguely interesting minigames than actual story segments with the annoying turtle. Is it safe to assume that whenever I get around to the other games there are full levels as those two? If the game keeps up the captioning for all the voice segments I might just play some music and hit mute lol.
Not sure I would call them full levels. Long mission segments where you play as them though, yes.

ETA: While they are mini-games in the first game, they are still needed for story progression.

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Was just about to say those look more like vaguely interesting minigames than actual story segments with the annoying turtle. Is it safe to assume that whenever I get around to the other games there are full levels as those two? If the game keeps up the captioning for all the voice segments I might just play some music and hit mute lol.
Sly 2 introduces a hub-world-like structure that's in every subsequent game, so like Gator said, it's more like long segments where you play as the two of them.

I appreciate the concern yesterday about my health guys but I know it isnt internal organ related.  I had my health check again here at work last week and my numbers are all normal (for me).   Yeah I need a full checkup too but that can wait.

My left arm from my shoulder down to my elbow is numb again but I am 99% sure it is a combo of three things.  Torn ligaments in my shoulder that I have had for 10 years, a tennis elbow or other nerve issue in my elbow, and carpal tunnel in my forearms.  What I need to do is figure out how to keep my arms from getting this carpal tunnel as it hurts every day at work.  I need to get some splints first I guess and I cant seem to find the sweet spot for my keyboard and mouse.

I am also mostly concerned that video games are contributing to this issue.  Shooters in particular require a lot of movement with the thumbs and hands and it radiates down to the forearm.  I cant quit video games!  fuck

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I appreciate the concern yesterday about my health guys but I know it isnt internal organ related. I had my health check again here at work last week and my numbers are all normal (for me). Yeah I need a full checkup too but that can wait.

My left arm from my shoulder down to my elbow is numb again but I am 99% sure it is a combo of three things. Torn ligaments in my shoulder that I have had for 10 years, a tennis elbow or other nerve issue in my elbow, and carpal tunnel in my forearms. What I need to do is figure out how to keep my arms from getting this carpal tunnel as it hurts every day at work. I need to get some splints first I guess and I cant seem to find the sweet spot for my keyboard and mouse.

I am also mostly concerned that video games are contributing to this issue. Shooters in particular require a lot of movement with the thumbs and hands and it radiates down to the forearm. I cant quit video games! fuck
Sorry to hear that, Pharm. I hope you can find a solution.

On a happier note, my posts have been auto-loading after hitting "Post". #wefixedcag

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I am also mostly concerned that video games are contributing to this issue. Shooters in particular require a lot of movement with the thumbs and hands and it radiates down to the forearm. I cant quit video games! fuck
the easy fix is to send me your PS4

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Simmias won't give a fuck and will just man up and finish it. He suffered through all that DLC in the games before. This is nothing.
Oh, I know he'll get the 100% anyway. I just thought he expressed similar disdain for speed runs recently. I might be wrong.

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I appreciate the concern yesterday about my health guys but I know it isnt internal organ related. I had my health check again here at work last week and my numbers are all normal (for me). Yeah I need a full checkup too but that can wait.

My left arm from my shoulder down to my elbow is numb again but I am 99% sure it is a combo of three things. Torn ligaments in my shoulder that I have had for 10 years, a tennis elbow or other nerve issue in my elbow, and carpal tunnel in my forearms. What I need to do is figure out how to keep my arms from getting this carpal tunnel as it hurts every day at work. I need to get some splints first I guess and I cant seem to find the sweet spot for my keyboard and mouse.

I am also mostly concerned that video games are contributing to this issue. Shooters in particular require a lot of movement with the thumbs and hands and it radiates down to the forearm. I cant quit video games! fuck
Sounds like you're jerking it too much. Lay off on the porn. Maybe get a wife.

It's 2015 and people are still putting toilet paper on the holder so it feeds from the bottom.  I thought we've evolved as a society?

DAN out today blog post:

Free DLC this week:

  • You can jam with the musical track “Shadow World (DE DE MOUSE shadow swing mix)”.
  • Didn’t get to attend Persona events in Japan? There’s no way to travel back in time and go to the concerts, but “Reach Out To The Truth (PERSONA MUSIC FES 2013)” will be available for free, so close your eyes and use your imagination.
  • First introduced in Persona 4 Arena, this General Teddie Costume is a must-have for all Teddie fans! Look how adorable he is!
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I appreciate the concern yesterday about my health guys but I know it isnt internal organ related. I had my health check again here at work last week and my numbers are all normal (for me). Yeah I need a full checkup too but that can wait.

My left arm from my shoulder down to my elbow is numb again but I am 99% sure it is a combo of three things. Torn ligaments in my shoulder that I have had for 10 years, a tennis elbow or other nerve issue in my elbow, and carpal tunnel in my forearms. What I need to do is figure out how to keep my arms from getting this carpal tunnel as it hurts every day at work. I need to get some splints first I guess and I cant seem to find the sweet spot for my keyboard and mouse.

I am also mostly concerned that video games are contributing to this issue. Shooters in particular require a lot of movement with the thumbs and hands and it radiates down to the forearm. I cant quit video games! fuck
Honestly one of the best things you could probably do is YOGA. I was in a bad car accident years ago (flipped that shit over) and when my shoulders hurt yoga is the only thing that helps, because it's basically similar to what you'd do in physical therapy. My wife tried to get me to do it for years and I laughed until I tried it. You could probably youtube something that would focus on your issues too.

Honestly one of the best things you could probably do is YOGA. I was in a bad car accident years ago (flipped that shit over) and when my shoulders hurt yoga is the only thing that helps, because it's basically similar to what you'd do in physical therapy. My wife tried to get me to do it for years and I laughed until I tried it. You could probably youtube something that would focus on your issues too.
chicks in Yoga pants :drool:

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Wonder if the Speed Run trophy is the same or if it does count towards the plat. If it does count then that's only 2 runs for the plat.
That's also the way all multiplayer trophies should be on single player focused games. If a trophy can become unobtainable when a multiplayer server shuts down, then it should be a +trophy.

FYI Pharm if you do happen to do yoga find a location near a college campus. It is the difference between 50 something year olds and chicks in their 20s.  

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FYI Pharm if you do happen to do yoga. Find a location near a college campus. It is the difference between 50 something year olds and chicks in their 20s.
USF isnt far away. It is also between work and home. And I think I will be looking for a doctor on campus too. Happy days.

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Wonder if the Speed Run trophy is the same or if it does count towards the plat. If it does count then that's only 2 runs for the plat.
That's really weird.

All games should just make all the easy trophies unlock the platinum and then make all the hard trophies additional DLC, right guyz?

So, any tips for the vampire? Perfecting several scene challenges are a pain in the ass too!
Not really unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it until I unlocked the last perk (I think that's the one - it allows more dead time before your combo drops). I used that and the one that gives you a combo bonus for every parry and just stayed up in his business unless there were minions to wail on. It was tough for sure.
I played more Heroes of Loot last night and this morning. It's actually quite enjoyable once you get going. Not a bad way to spend $2 and some change. Hopefully the run I have going this morning doesn't glitch out like the one from last night. 

One more foul play tip, in case you didn't pick up on it - the larger baddies can be stunned by throwing dudes at them. This allows you to pick them up, flurry and throw them (before the flurry finishes) in to another big guy for another stun-flurry-throw combo. This makes some of the #x combo/perfect scene challenges a bit easier. Usually the 'get X perfect scenes' challenges should be done in the first handful of scenes since they always progressively get harder to pull off through the level.
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