PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Apparently Edward Snowden just joined Twitter?  His pic makes him look like even more of a D bag.  No matter the politics and what you think of our govt (I dont care Absess) this guy didnt blow the whistle cause he cares about anyone else.  He just wanted to be famous. 

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That terrible THPS5 video gave me the urge to find a copy of Skate 3 since I remember that being the last well-reviewed skating game. Did anyone here play it?

Looks like the Halloween sale is coming a month early--the two Corpse Party games are $10 each through 10/13.!/en-us/games/corpse-party/cid=UP1023-NPUH10117_00-0000000000000000?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SEN|US|B|Games|Evergreen|General%20PS%20Store|Desktop|Exact&utm_term=playstation!/en-us/games/corpse-party-book-of-shadows/cid=UP1023-NPUH10187_00-CORPSEPARTYBSDLV?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SEN|US|B|Games|Evergreen|General%20PS%20Store|Desktop|Exact&utm_term=playstation

That terrible THPS5 video gave me the urge to find a copy of Skate 3 since I remember that being the last well-reviewed skating game. Did anyone here play it?
I can't recall now if I have Skate 2 or 3. Still need to get to that, but I expect it won't have that magic of THPS 1.

Don't forget Skate and Skate 2 are part of the Buy 4 for $20 at GS right now.

I can't recall now if I have Skate 2 or 3. Still need to get to that, but I expect it won't have that magic of THPS 1.

Don't forget Skate and Skate 2 are part of the Buy 4 for $20 at GS right now.
I think Skate 3 was considered the best of the "trilogy", so I don't see any reason to get the first two.

From the reading I did there were mixed opinions on Skate 2 vs Skate 3. 

Looks like Shinobido 2 is going to be on sale again this week. Just a reminder: It's $6.99 at GS. I'm on my 3rd playthrough now. The game isn't great graphically, the story and dialogue are terrible, but the grappling hook is a lot of fun and the stealth kills are as well. If you have any interest at all I'd suggest giving it a try, especially if you go for a copy from GS since Amazon buys it for $6.32. No real loss if you don't like it for some reason.

MGS V players: Which story mission do I have to complete to get the Fulton - Cargo 2 upgrade? I need to be able to get the large material containers so I can build more Mother Base platforms.

MGS V players: Which story mission do I have to complete to get the Fulton - Cargo 2 upgrade? I need to be able to get the large material containers so I can build more Mother Base platforms.
I'm not sure where I stopped (less than halfway), but you should be able to tell from my trophies. I think you just have to extract someone with the skill it needs and have your base teams at the right level, it isn't associated with a mission completion as I recall.

Edit - all that's to say I got it right before I took it back so I could Fulton a truck for a side op.
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I am sure pot would be good for this arm pain I am having.  But of course the old people and conservatives just cant approve legalizing medicinal marijuana.   Thanks Obama!

Thanks guys. I was really happy when I bought it and it's been great for me the last 3 years.

When I moved in the there was an elderly couple living in the adjoining house. The husband passes away last year but the wife seems to be in really good shape and I could see her living there a lot longer. She is super quiet which is really nice.
I think we found his FWB.

I read something that the pain in my forearms could also be from neck/spine issues. My neck has been really stiff from time to time lately. I probably need to go see a chiro for an adjustment.
Yeah I have neck and back pains from a car accident like 20 years ago. Could also be partly from that.


I'm not sure where I stopped (less than halfway), but you should be able to tell from my trophies. I think you just have to extract someone with the skill it needs and have your base teams at the right level, it isn't associated with a mission completion as I recall.

Edit - all that's to say I got it right before I took it back so I could Fulton a truck for a side op.
Thanks--I should be getting it pretty soon then since I have the same story-progression trophies that you do.

I am sure pot would be good for this arm pain I am having. But of course the old people and conservatives just cant approve legalizing medicinal marijuana. Thanks Obama!
I asked my parents how they voted on that in the last Florida election. After they told me they voted against it, I pretty much went off on them. I am sure their preacher gave them some "think of the children" type of sermon right before election day. Oddly, it is special needs children they should have been thinking about when voting that should have caused them to vote for it.

I really do not give a shit if people will abuse it if it helps people that have no other way to improve their quality of life.

Reportedly the Tony Hawk disc contains only two things: a tutorial and the stage editor. The rest of the game has to be downloaded. It's not a patch. It's the game.

Did we know a Dungeon Defenders 2 was coming out?  That's a complete surprise to me.  I only played the original game once, but I thought I would have heard more about it.

I couldn't be more disappointed that the new tony hawk game sucks. They couldn't even out-feature olliolli 2 which is mind numbing given the assumed budget and big name backing.
I asked my parents how they voted on that in the last Florida election. After they told me they voted against it, I pretty much went off on them. I am sure their preacher gave them some "think of the children" type of sermon right before election day. Oddly, it is special needs children they should have been thinking about when voting that should have caused them to vote for it.

I really do not give a shit if people will abuse it if it helps people that have no other way to improve their quality of life.
My thought has always been to legalize all drugs so that the real dumbasses kill themselves by abusing them. The rest of us can have fun and be responsible enough to have and keep good jobs.

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Looks like the Halloween sale is coming a month early--the two Corpse Party games are $10 each through 10/13.!/en-us/games/corpse-party/cid=UP1023-NPUH10117_00-0000000000000000?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SEN|US|B|Games|Evergreen|General%20PS%20Store|Desktop|Exact&utm_term=playstation!/en-us/games/corpse-party-book-of-shadows/cid=UP1023-NPUH10187_00-CORPSEPARTYBSDLV?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SEN|US|B|Games|Evergreen|General%20PS%20Store|Desktop|Exact&utm_term=playstation
Vig buy both of these. I predicted they would be on sale for Halloween plus you don't have to watch them on YouTube.

Show some support!
Spent the past two hours assemblying (supervising) with the wfife a dresser from Ikea.

Now all our bedroom furniture comes from there.

Wasn't Marvel Puzzle Quest supposed to be out today?  I don't see it in the store.

And yes I know it may not be updating, but usually all the stuff is there by now so shut up Frisky OK.

I'm more than OK with legalizing non-physically-addicting drugs like pot, but not so crazy about the idea of legalizing drugs like heroin.
This is more or less where I am, but I have to admit it is hard to balance that view with the fact that cigarettes and alcohol are legal. They are both physically addictive.

I am sure pot would be good for this arm pain I am having. But of course the old people and conservatives just cant approve legalizing medicinal marijuana. Thanks Obama!
Now that it's legal here, I wish they'd stop making the distinction between recreational and medical MJ. I always figured the medical argument was mostly just a back door to full legalization anyway. (which I'm fine with).

All of the medical "dispensaries" in Portland are rushing to convert themselves into stores.

Anyone interested in the whole vita is dead sony killed the vita thing should really listen to the PS I Love you podcast at about the 1hr mark. Jkam especially, Colin goes on a rant about how the 3DS library is not up to par with the past nintendo handhelds.

The 3DS will never match the DS as long as there is no 3DS Elite Beat Agents sequel. Love it and it's Japan-only sequels so much.

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Shuhei Yoshida's character in STFU has a charged attack where he shoots [what I assume is] a Tweet at enemies. One of these says "BLOODBORNE!".

Indie Game of the Year.

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My thought has always been to legalize all drugs so that the real dumbasses kill themselves by abusing them. The rest of us can have fun and be responsible enough to have and keep good jobs.
And that is kind of the problem. Even if legal jobs can still screen for it and fire you. Mine doesn't do testing so I would be ok.

More storage for cloud saves is all I care about with this update and the hang during sleep issue which finally happened to me about a week ago.
But more cloud storage doesn't even seem like it is something that needs a software update. They could just give us more cloud storage, so it's a stretch to call it part of this system update. There is some cloud-storage related changes, though. You can see how much storage you have left.

But more cloud storage doesn't even seem like it is something that needs a software update. They could just give us more cloud storage, so it's a stretch to call it part of this system update. There is some cloud-storage related changes, though. You can see how much storage you have left.
Yeah true. Just glad to have it. I have run up against it earlier this year and I don't play as many games as most in this thread. 1GB is stupid.

And that is kind of the problem. Even if legal jobs can still screen for it and fire you. Mine doesn't do testing so I would be ok.
But that isnt a problem. You arent allowed to drink at work so you shouldnt be allowed to do any drugs. Your still impaired and can make bad judgements under the influence. But it doesnt mean you shouldnt be allowed to do that in your own home if you want. Forgetting pot stays in your system a while as most employers only screen on hiring and wont screen you again (if at all) unless you seem to have a problem.

I do drink nearly every Friday at lunch time though. Thankfully I am pretty good at hiding it and a couple beers (even at 22 ounces each) wont make me too sloppy.

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But that isnt a problem. You arent allowed to drink at work so you shouldnt be allowed to do any drugs. Your still impaired and can make bad judgements under the influence. But it doesnt mean you shouldnt be allowed to do that in your own home if you want. Forgetting pot stays in your system a while as most employers only screen on hiring and wont screen you again (if at all) unless you seem to have a problem.

I do drink nearly every Friday at lunch time though. Thankfully I am pretty good at hiding it and a couple beers (even at 22 ounces each) wont make me too sloppy.
Just because it is legal in some states doesn't mean they can't test you for weed and fire you. Even if you smoked it over the weekend. They don't know or care that you smoked it days ago. That was the point I was trying to make. Perhaps if you have a legal reason to be on it you might be protected. But the recreational user could be SOL.

Reminds me of one of my first jobs. I had to piss in a cup. I told them if you are testing for alcohol don't bother. I was still buzzed from the night before. They said they were only interested in illegal drugs.

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Anyone interested in the whole vita is dead sony killed the vita thing should really listen to the PS I Love you podcast at about the 1hr mark. Jkam especially, Colin goes on a rant about how the 3DS library is not up to par with the past nintendo handhelds.
Already have it on my phone. Caught the first 10 or so minutes on lunch. :)

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