PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Just because it is legal in some states doesn't mean they can't test you for weed and fire you. Even if you smoked it over the weekend. They don't know or care that you smoked it days ago. That was the point I was trying to make. Perhaps if you have a legal reason to be on it you might be protected. But the recreational user could be SOL.

Reminds me of one of my first jobs. I had to piss in a cup. I told them if you are testing for alcohol don't bother. I was still buzzed from the night before. They said they were only interested in illegal drugs.
Different tests have different use periods they'll reveal. If they test blood or saliva then it goes away pretty quick. Urine is days to weeks. Hair is 3 months.

Holy fuck. Never realized the Belgian beers I like so much have 220 or more calories in a 12 ounce bottle! WOW
LOL! What did you expect? They are higher alcohol which means higher calories AND the ones you like are sweeter which means there also have more residual sugar in them after fermentation as well.

well looks like I'm going to plat omega quintet. so you guys can all call the biggest losers you know and let them know that there's a new sheriff in town.
Skate 3 has a heavier multiplayer focus than the other games with the skate teams and shit. Doubt Vig would like it, plus I think it is pretty much unplattable now which means he would like it even less.
LOL! What did you expect? They are higher alcohol which means higher calories AND the ones you like are sweeter which means there also have more residual sugar in them after fermentation as well.
I did not realize higher alcohol content meant more calories though I realize the sweeter ones would be sweeter due to sugar. But hot damn!

Either way I wont stop drinking them. Thankfully one Belgian beer gives the same buzz as two regular beers anyway.

From the reading I did there were mixed opinions on Skate 2 vs Skate 3.

Looks like Shinobido 2 is going to be on sale again this week. Just a reminder: It's $6.99 at GS. I'm on my 3rd playthrough now. The game isn't great graphically, the story and dialogue are terrible, but the grappling hook is a lot of fun and the stealth kills are as well. If you have any interest at all I'd suggest giving it a try, especially if you go for a copy from GS since Amazon buys it for $6.32. No real loss if you don't like it for some reason.
There were like 30-35 price drops this week so a lot of things in the weekly sales section are just price drops, like Shinodido 2.

I always chuckle reading through some local sell/trade groups on FB.  Today's highlight is a PS3 bundle with 8 old games and GTA V for the low price of...$360!

MGS V players: Which story mission do I have to complete to get the Fulton - Cargo 2 upgrade? I need to be able to get the large material containers so I can build more Mother Base platforms.
The earliest you an get a dude with that skill is mission 10, but you can easily miss it if you're not fultoning every single person like I do. I think the first time one appears that is actually part of the mission is maybe 12 or 13.

Wasn't Marvel Puzzle Quest supposed to be out today? I don't see it in the store.

And yes I know it may not be updating, but usually all the stuff is there by now so shut up Frisky OK.
It was on the Blogcast but I don't recall seeing it on the The Drop post, and it's definitely not on The Drop post now. Probably got delayed, so did Onigiri.

Reportedly the Tony Hawk disc contains only two things: a tutorial and the stage editor. The rest of the game has to be downloaded. It's not a patch. It's the game.
When Gator mentioned his Brothers disc had a 4GB update I posited that the disc was just basically a boot disc to prompt the download. But then I realized it would be entirely playable offline.

So wouldn't Tony Hawk basically be unplayable offline if that were true?

I've always wondered how many calories in things like vodka, tequila, rum, spiced rum.
I had someone tell me a rule of thumb was 200 calories for around 3 ounces. Quick google search makes that seem pretty close. I would think rum and tequila likely are higher calorie than vodka though just based on taste.

I had someone tell me a rule of thumb was 200 calories for around 3 ounces. Quick google search makes that seem pretty close. I would think rum and tequila likely are higher calorie than vodka though just based on taste.
Holy shit. This might be a dumb question, but what makes it have so many calories? 3 oz. of Dr Pepper only has like 40 calories.

Apparently Edward Snowden just joined Twitter? His pic makes him look like even more of a D bag. No matter the politics and what you think of our govt (I dont care Absess) this guy didnt blow the whistle cause he cares about anyone else. He just wanted to be famous.
Even if true, it's great that he did whistleblow.

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The cod twitter account apparently changed branding at some point today to be a fake aggregate news site in order to live-tweet a fake terrorist attack based on blops3. Dumb shit. 

Kinda surprised I hadn't read anything about it until now. Seems like the kinda thing regular news media would pick up on and pull at least one talking head for a half hour segment.

Following a presentation on the history of the series at EGX 2015, the developer’s community strategist Arne Meyer was asked as to why the SCE Bend-developed Vita spinoff is not present in the PS4 collection. He replied:

“It was definitely under consideration, because we were trying to see how we could collect all of the Uncharted games. But when we went back and looked at what we were trying to do with the Nathan Drake Collection, we realised that those three games – the trilogy – actually provided a particular narrative arc that led into Uncharted 4. We wanted to keep that as a holistic collection for that reason, and Golden Abyss kind of lives a little bit outside of that.”
I can't believe all the Sly hate in here! 

I played through the entire series with my son, but after finishing it I can say that even if he didn't like the games that I would have enjoyed playing through them by myself.  Yeah, it's aimed at kids and a bit goofy but I thought it was a welcome change of pace from the games I usually play.  I hope that we see another Sly game sometime soon; maybe with the movie in the works we'll see a tie-in. 

Could've sworn there were several "meh" comments with Gator being the only one that said he actually enjoyed it, but I'm too lazy to go back and look at it now.

Either way, your the worst! 

Could've sworn there were several "meh" comments with Gator being the only one that said he actually enjoyed it, but I'm too lazy to go back and look at it now.

Either way, your the worst!
I only played thieves in time and assumed that the rest probably weren't any better. It wasn't my favorite game but it was still slightly better than meh.

pharm is the worst though, so we'll always have that.
How w the fuck did you guys solo geometry wars co op? I can't get close even with the other guy rubber banded.

Anyone want to play co op? We would have to share play on each systme so we would have to run through the ten levels twice. But it shouldn't take long as levels are short.

Cro maybe? We still need to play resogun once I get the dlc too. I will get it after the holidays if it isn't on sale before. I am hoping they have a holiday sale or something.
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Another week of meh sales and nothing good releasing (ok fine, i bought mega man). I see that plus discount for Soma is still active. I'll let that nag at me for another week.
They even have online multiplayer but no online co op?!??!! How fucking retarded are you?! You develop multi player online and don't include co op?!? And you make two trophies for co op?! fuck off devs!
Huh, this was a cool accident:


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