PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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One of the free things from the next Rocket League patch. A disconnect antenna.

Oh man, I hope this isn't the end of you talking about your SSD. It's really been enthralling, probably the best story in here since my fridge. Please continue to provide weekly updates on your SSD.
You got a new fridge?!

Oh wait was that the thing you talked about every day, 50 times a day, for six months? Yeah you're right, this is totally comparable.
Trump is currently the front runner for the Republican nomination. Hillary is expected to get the Democratic nod. A lot of things can happen in a year, but if those two end up at the end I hope you're all ready for Trump as president.
Anyone care to explain how a woman choosing to run the London Marathon while on her 1st day of her period without a tampon is a symbol of refusing to be oppressed?  I don't get it.  

Anyone care to explain how a woman choosing to run the London Marathon while on her 1st day of her period without a tampon is a symbol of refusing to be oppressed? I don't get it.
Got no idea on that one. Hopefully she's using alternative methods, elsewise it's a biohazard...

Not using tampons is all well and good and periods are whatever, but you still gotta use something in public at least for sanitary reasons.
Got no idea on that one. Hopefully she's using alternative methods, elsewise it's a biohazard...

Not using tampons is all well and good and periods are whatever, but you still gotta use something in public at least for sanitary reasons.
She went with nothing so it was free flowing. And now all I'm picturing is the opening scene of the original Carrie in the locker room shower. fucking Facebook trends.

Got no idea on that one. Hopefully she's using alternative methods, elsewise it's a biohazard...
This is literally one of the scams people used when I worked at Dell tech support. Due to the biohazard it was illegal for the customer to send in their old laptop, so they basically got a free "replacement" whenever they pulled it. Though there was a blood service company that called in with a big spill that hit like 6 laptops that was probably legit. That was fun.

"I ran with blood dripping down my legs for sisters who don't have access to tampons and sisters who, despite cramping and pain, hide it away and pretend like it doesn't exist."
Nothing about fighting oppression there at all.

EDIT: I guess on her site she did start to mention how it was fighting sexism and oppression. That part is stupid for sure but the other part is understandable, at least to me.

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"I didn't wipe my ass after taking a shit then swam in a public pool for others who don't have access to toilet paper and for others who, despite the discomfort and disgusting smell, hide it away and pretend like it doesn't exist."

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"I didn't wipe my ass after taking a shit then swam in a public pool for others who don't have access to toilet paper and for others who, despite the discomfort and disgusting smell, hide it away and pretend like it doesn't exist."
This sign is legally required to be displayed at public pools (including hotels, condos, apartments) in California.


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Going to Gamestop with a friend tomorrow. Don't really want the 3-pack but at that point I'll feel compelled to put some money down on them.

I'm definitely doing the correct thing by staying with my fiancee who keeps gaining weight and spending money while being in debt instead of banging a legit 7/10, right guys?
u sure u want to marry this girl? u keep complaining about her gaining weight and if u get her pregnant, she obviously gonna keep the weight from that
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I'm definitely doing the correct thing by staying with my fiancee who keeps gaining weight and spending money while being in debt instead of banging a legit 7/10, right guys?
I always find it funny when you guys ask questions like this because it's obvious that you already know what you want/need to do.

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I'm definitely doing the correct thing by staying with my fiancee who keeps gaining weight and spending money while being in debt instead of banging a legit 7/10, right guys?
Why the heck did you get engaged to somebody if you knew she had horrible money-management skills? Surely you had to know before you popped the question, right?

Does she not care about her debt? Is the assumption that you'll take care of it all? Or is she just overwhelmed?

You seem like you're pretty body-image conscious, so it's hard to tell what "gaining weight" means to you, so I'm leaving that one alone.

I still can't believe this many people grinded out the Xillia 2 plat. 4050 linked artes and 450 transformations is crazy.
I'm not surprised. The plat may be at 5.5%, but there's only 8800 people on psnp who have bothered to play it. It's just the latest in a long line of very grindy trophy games so a decent number of the people who care about trophies and decided to pick the game up knew what they were doing.

Speaking of marriage, I heard a statistic the other day that the average marriage lasts 13 years. That's not even long enough to see any kids get to high school. The wife and I are at 12 years; two to go to beat the average.
[quote name="madchemist76" post="12854697" timestamp="1439038591"]Speaking of marriage, I heard a statistic the other day that the average marriage lasts 13 years. That's not even long enough to see any kids get to high school. The wife and I are at 12 years; two to go to beat the average.[/quote]

We have our first high schooler on August 24th. Almost there!
I went and preordered 2 of the Retro 3-packs at Gamestop this morning for the hell of it.  Been up since 4:45 (I didnt go to the store till like 8), 2 cups of coffee and now having a mimosa.  Gonna be an interesting day...

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