Punch Out Wii - General Discussion and Info

[quote name='prim4444']At TRU next week, save $10 on any Wii game with purchase of Punch Out.[/QUOTE]

That's a good deal for the folks who already have a Nunchuk for every Wiimote. With this deal in mind, it might be prudent to remind everyone that Boom Blox: Bash Party is releasing the same week as Punch-Out!!.

Boom Blox Bash Party has an MSRP of $39.99, so this $10 off at Toys R Us deal should be good for the people who were thinking of getting both titles.
I'm kinda disappointed Mario didn't return to ref. I mean, if Nintendo is going to all this trouble to capture the vibe of the original, then why not?
[quote name='Corvin']I'm kinda disappointed Mario didn't return to ref. I mean, if Nintendo is going to all this trouble to capture the vibe of the original, then why not?[/QUOTE]

I'm kinda glad that Mario isn't the referee - back when Mario didn't have a voice, it was cool to see him in the ring, but I couldn't imagine Charles Martinet counting to ten without it being totally ridiculous.
[quote name='Kyattsuai']I'm kinda glad that Mario isn't the referee - back when Mario didn't have a voice, it was cool to see him in the ring, but I couldn't imagine Charles Martinet counting to ten without it being totally ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

FTW so to speak...

"OH NO, You've been KOed by Glass Joe!"

Who says he needed to talk? He didn't in the original did he? I thought he just waved his arm while an on screen counter counted to 10.
1. Don Flamenco is now on the official site. Assuming that there's no one else in the major circuit, we should get our first World Circuit contender on Friday, or at least someone who doesn't already have a dedicated video online.

2. Someone in Europe posted pictures of the manual and the back of the box at NeoGAF.

3. A pink sweater will be one of the contest prizes at the Nintendo World Store's event on Saturday.

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I got a letter from Nintendo. It looks like they're having an event in Nintendo Store on Saturday, May 16 between 1-4 pm. I wonder what kinda of freebies they are giving away?(they generally give out free stuff at these events). I doubt I will purchase the game to get it a few days early. It's a bit pricey and I have Devil Summoner 2 on my backlog.
World Circuit:
Aran Ryan, Soda Popinsky, Bald Bull, Super Macho Man, then Mr. Sandman (Title Holder)...then Title Defense
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[quote name='KingBroly']World Circuit:
Aran Ryan, Soda Popinsky, Bald Bull, Super Macho Man, then Mr. Sandman (Title Holder)...then Title Defense

Interesting stuff, especially the order. Back when I played the NES version, it always confuzzled me how
Super Macho Man came after Mr. Sandman, as Sandman was clearly the tougher opponent. SMM was pretty predictable, as he had Soda's punches, and even his most threatening attack (Multi Spin Punch) had a pretty easy-to-master rhythm. Sandman on the other hand had quicker attacks, more difficult timing, and was difficult, if not impossible, to get Star Punches from. So I'm glad to hear that Sandman is now the champion.

And the requisite roster update:
Glass Joe
Von Kaiser
Disco Kid
King Hippo
Piston Hondo
Bear Hugger
Great Tiger
Don Flamenco
Aran Ryan
Soda Popinsky
Bald Bull
Super Macho Man
Mr. Sandman (Review copies at NeoGAF. Thanks KingBroly for letting us know!)
Mr. Dream (Not confirmed, but as others have pointed out, the silhouette on the web site resembles him. Also, someone on NeoGAF mentioned that there's one more opponent at the end of Title Defense, and he seems quite likely)
Some people have said that once you beat Title Defense Mode, you fight another opponent. Although nothing has come up to back this claim.
[quote name='Cao Cao']Interesting stuff, especially the order. Back when I played the NES version, it always confuzzled me how
Super Macho Man came after Mr. Sandman, as Sandman was clearly the tougher opponent. SMM was pretty predictable, as he had Soda's punches, and even his most threatening attack (Multi Spin Punch) had a pretty easy-to-master rhythm. Sandman on the other hand had quicker attacks, more difficult timing, and was difficult, if not impossible, to get Star Punches from. So I'm glad to hear that Sandman is now the champion.

Really?? Sandman was always easy for me while SMM was proably the hardest guy for me to beat in the game. Yes, even harder than Tyson/Dream. Maybe I'm just weird?
1up has videos of Title Defense up feature Glass Joe and King Hippo. Whoever played lost both times. It looks like getting knocked down twice in a row after getting knocked down 3 times is an instant KO. Of course, no one's trying the secret stay alive move.
[quote name='soonersfan60']And what is the "secret stay alove move?"[/QUOTE]
Probably has something to do with:

In all seriousness, KingBroly is probably talking about the "Press the Select button between rounds" code from the NES version. I think I heard somewhere that it still does something in the Wii game. Of course, as he said, no one seems to have tried it yet, or they just don't want to say what it does
No...not talking about that. In one of the videos I saw (And it was talked about on the IGN Podcast) that if you get knocked down, before you go down, if you mash the 1 & 2 buttons at the same time you stay up and continue fighting.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Amazon currently has Punch-Out for pre-order at $39.99. Now might be a good time to bite if you were planning on doing so.[/QUOTE]

Damn that is a good deal. I'm getting it for around $12 after using a GS GC but I would have jumped on this deal otherwise.
Aran Ryan, Soda Popinski, Bald Bull, and Super Macho Man are up.

Aran is now Irish, which is a lot better than Blond haired and Blue Eyed.
Are you talking about the official page? I still only see Don Flamenco

EDIT: Never mind, I had to clear my cache AND restart Firefox :p
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The Punch Out site now has every character up except for the one.

Of course...they're wrong about the last appearances of
Bald Bull and Super Macho Man
Gametrailers review confirms what i wanted to know, its just a upgraded graphically NES punchout remake. Thats all i wanted anyway. +1 for this game.
I like how the GameTrailers review says they don't want to spoil who the last guy is, but then they show several clips of him, including him getting defeated. Aran Ryan looks quite badass now, looks like they definitely justified his being there.
[quote name='Kyattsuai']I like how the GameTrailers review says they don't want to spoil who the last guy is, but then they show several clips of him, including him getting defeated. Aran Ryan looks quite badass now, looks like they definitely justified his being there.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, that part of the review was really infuriating.

"There are 12 fighters and one secret boxer, we're not going to say who it is."
*Proceed to show five clips of the "secret boxer" throughout the rest of the review*

I mean, really, it's one thing to just show the clips, it's another thing entirely to say that you aren't going to give spoilers on something, then almost immediately show part of what's essentially the ending footage for the first run-through. Compared to that, the footage in IGN's video footage seems relatively tame in the spoiler department.

EDIT: I went to the NeoGAF thread, where one of the GT reviewers admitted that the line was an error. He meant to say "13 boxers, with one secret boxer," with 14 boxers in total. He said that it would be fixed on Monday. Likely means that there will be a boxer waiting at the end of Title Defense.
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Are we sure that it's at the End of Title Defense, though? I wonder what at the end of Title Defense, though.
Uh oh... If there's another guy beyond those 13, I think I should stop looking up stuff about the game, perchance to keep something about this game a surprise.
I always thought Aran Ryan was Irish. He looked Irish to me...and his last name was Ryan. Though I guess I can see why the name would make someone think about nazis...
[quote name='Nintendragon']I always thought Aran Ryan was Irish. He looked Irish to me...and his last name was Ryan. Though I guess I can see why the name would make someone think about nazis...[/QUOTE]

Same here... Super Punch-Out!!, which was Ryan's debuting game, even has him billed as being from Ireland:

Y'know, I never even thought of Aran Ryan = A.Ryan = Aryan until it was mentioned earlier in this thread.
[quote name='Zincdust']Same here... Super Punch-Out!!, which was Ryan's debuting game, even has him billed as being from Ireland:

Y'know, I never even thought of Aran Ryan = A.Ryan = Aryan until it was mentioned earlier in this thread.[/QUOTE]

I had always thought the player (who is blond haired) was Aran Ryan in the pictures I had seen since I've never played Super Punch-Out.

Mea Culpa on jumping to conclusions, I had assumed it was a joke from the Nintendo team.
AHEM. Your Attention Please. The SUPPOSED Final Fighter in Punch-Out Wii.

[quote name='KingBroly']AHEM. Your Attention Please. The SUPPOSED Final Fighter in Punch-Out Wii.


If that is true...AWESOME!
[quote name='KingBroly']AHEM. Your Attention Please. The SUPPOSED Final Fighter in Punch-Out Wii.


My god, it's
Jack Nicholson!

Seriously though, :applause: this is quite a shocker,
and if anyone needs a reason to pummel him into submission, I think this should be more than enough incentive:
Double spoiler-tagged, for her pleasure
[quote name='KingBroly']AHEM. Your Attention Please. The SUPPOSED Final Fighter in Punch-Out Wii.

That sucks. Oh well.
[quote name='KingBroly']AHEM. Your Attention Please. The SUPPOSED Final Fighter in Punch-Out Wii.


:rofl: G.T.F.O.

What. The. fuck?!
[quote name='snowmint']That sealed the deal for me. so the best deal is at
Target right?[/QUOTE]

I'm going to say amazon with the ECA 10% off coupon.
bread's done