Quitting my job at Gamestop, *UPDATE* Hulk Rampages through Gamestop

Well, I can vouch for the three hours thing. fuck, mostly for the past few months is NO HOURS FOR TWO fuckING WEEKS, then three or four hours the following week, then back to the cycle again of no hours. I just PMed Reality's Fringe a story of mine, but that was before I saw this topic, and I will repeat it in its entirety for the CAGs:

"So I get home from my trip to Ohio, had a good time. The second I walk in the door, my aunt tells me work called and they have me working Sun (today now, but yesterday it was tomorrow) from 11-3. Well, I shaq-fuing told the manager AND the assistant managers that I cannot work Wednesday-Sunday due to a vacation of visiting colleges. I called the bitches immediately and apparently the manager had just left. I still told them to basically go shaq-fu themselves in a much nicer way. Seriously, what the shaq-fu is wrong with people? If the local WaldenBooks didn't only hire people 18+ I would be out of this hellhole in a millisecond."

Yeah, so I'm about ready to quit and I probably will be looking for a new job. fuck Gamestop.
[quote name='Ledhed']
Reality's Fringe]Led said:
Man, it's been worse. I've been there 3 years. 3 motherfucking years, and when I leave, I won't have anything to show for it.

What say you Reality, you and I team up and overthrow this ridiculous establishment that has robbed us of our youth and dignity. Too long have we stood back and watched them take away everything that made that job the least bit enjoyable. What a cruel joke it was. "Work at a gamestore?!?! I'll take 5!!!"

For the proletariat, Reality. It must be done. I live 3 miles away from corporate headquarters. Me and you man, we can give this a happy ending.

I've considered it. Oh have I considered it. The only appy ending I can think of involves arson though. For the rest of you that want to know; Tuesday is the day, so I'll keep you posted.
[quote name='Fenway']
And Xevious, when my cousin worked retail a guy quit by hopping on top of the return desk and taking a squat.[/quote]

No way! I was kidding when I was suggesting that.

Your cousin sounds like a wild guy.
The best advice I can give to dealing with crappy managers is to do the following.

I preface this by saying that my new manager sounds alot like your old manager. This cock-sucker destroyed my nametag while I was on vacation because it had a Nintendo sticker on it. Not "corporate standard" like his.


Since it's Summer, go outside before work for awhile. Get some exercise, get a little sweaty. Come in with your shirt untucked on a day when the manager isn't working. Excuse yourself to the backroom, and grab his nametag.

Now, here's the important part......

RUB his nametag into the sweatiest part of your balls, right underneath your sac by your asshole. Get it good. Leave it someplace warm to dry and fester a bit. Then tell him about it on the day you quit. I plan to when I quit.

I was at work the other day and we were talking about ways to go out funny.

We thought the best way is to just mess with customers until you get fired. Don't hold back, and be creative. Give bad information.

"Oh, the Playstation 2 won't be released for 3 months."

"X-Box Live! has been down for the last 3 1/2 weeks. Don't waste your time."

"We are out of that (NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!), but I'm almost positive that EB has it...and cheaper!"

Then, go the complete opposite.

Lets say a customer comes in and buys a game and a controller.

"There is a deal we have now where you buy any game and get a free accessory."

Next person that comes in (or if its the same guy) tell them you have never heard of anything like that and Gamestop would never be stupid enough to put on an expensive deal like that.
[quote name='Xevious']Drop your pants and take a dump in the cash register when no one is looking. I think thats the best way to go out in style....[/quote]

i second this one! :D
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']The best advice I can give to dealing with crappy managers is to do the following.

I preface this by saying that my new manager sounds alot like your old manager. This cock-sucker destroyed my nametag while I was on vacation because it had a Nintendo sticker on it. Not "corporate standard" like his.


Since it's Summer, go outside before work for awhile. Get some exercise, get a little sweaty. Come in with your shirt untucked on a day when the manager isn't working. Excuse yourself to the backroom, and grab his nametag.

Now, here's the important part......

RUB his nametag into the sweatiest part of your balls, right underneath your sac by your asshole. Get it good. Leave it someplace warm to dry and fester a bit. Then tell him about it on the day you quit. I plan to when I quit.


Well, the guy eats a bagel every morning. I was thinking that, instead of sweat, I could use another naturally produced fluid on that bagel....but then again, I think that'd be taking it too far.
Reality's Fringe][quote name='Lord_Kefka']The best advice I can give to dealing with crappy managers is to do the following. I preface this by saying that my new manager sounds alot like your old manager. This cock-sucker destroyed my nametag while I was on vacation because it had a Nintendo sticker on it. Not "corporate standard" like his. Soooooooo said:
Well, the guy eats a bagel every morning. I was thinking that, instead of sweat, I could use another naturally produced fluid on that bagel....but then again, I think that'd be taking it too far.

Naaaaaaaaaaah. :wink:
jesus, is GSthat bad of a place to work in? The employies at my local one seem to have nothing but fun.

I wanted a job at GS, but got one at the local movie theater instead. I barley get 10 hrs a week and they pay bi-weekly, but at least I get free movie tickets.
I know that it doesn't sound like fun, but i'd just give my two weeks a leave. If you're unprofessional it can come back to haunt you. Just an example, I had worked at a start up investment boutique bank and the guy there was a total douche, they ran out of funding and after working there a summer I was never paid. I just kept my tight lip shut. One year later I go to work for Morgan Stanley. i put the company name on the resume and an old address (because the company had closed shop). Sure enough, they track down the landlord and then get a phone number of the boss and call him without me giving permission and luckily the guy gave a good recommendation.

Just be professional about it and leave. IF you must do something, make sure its never known that you did it.
Not to be a spoilsport, but I agree with the 'just leave' side of things.
Yes a little 'vengeance' would be fun, but hello, even though you're fired, they could still have you arrested. Or withhold your paycheck if you cost them money.

When I managed a convenience store, I was told by my DM I couldn't give out a negative reference [company policy.] I could rave all I wanted, but if the situation were negative, I could confirm that the person worked there, how long, and--here's the important--if I would rehire them. It spoke volumes to people checking references when all I said was that I would not rehire someone.
I don't know how old you are, or what your resume looks like other than this job, but even if you go into an industry totally different, they can still check those old references for work ethic, attitude, etc. which can have a big impact on future jobs.

The best way to 'get even' would be to find another job, get your last paycheck, then after a new schedule comes out, as soon as possible before your next shift, call them and tell them you quit. You might still piss them off enough so you wouldn't get a good reference, but if you're in an at-will state, you are technically within your rights to do that.

The 'two weeks notice' is a suggestion [albeit a very good one, but in your case, they probably wouldn't have a problem filling those three hours a week], not a requirement.

Or go ahead and find another job [if possible] and work them both until there's a collision with the schedules, then quit. I hate to tell you, no matter what job you get or what industry you work in, there will always be a jerkass somewhere near you or somewhere above you.
Where do you work??? If its nearby i'd definatly want to come in the store and watch. Or maybe Have one of your friends come in and act all rude to him , start fighting with him and jump over the counter at him.
I would just leave in a professional manner. You've learned a valuble lesson as to what you don't want in a job

However if you still feel compelled to enact some form of despicable revenge.

Shrimp is the answer!
Go to your local supermarket and buy a few pounds of uncooked shrimp and a box of plastic sandwich bags. Load a few bags with shrimp and place them in inconspicuous places. (do not seal) Drop ceilings are great if you've got them there. Also put a few in the stockroom behind or in boxes. If there are any office chairs, remove the chair from the base and pack the base with shrimp. After a day or so the shrimp will start rotting and permeate one of the most god awful stenchs known to man. A disgruntled friend of mine did this at his former place of employment. After 3 days you could not even walk into the store without getting nausea. Eventually they found a few bags of rotten shrimp and closed the store for fumigation. The fumigation did not work because my friend had thrown several bags into the drop ceiling. The owner of the store burned mad amounts of inscense and sprayed mad amounts of air freshner for like 2 months till the stench went away.
I thought of this in bed before going to sleep last night....


That's right, screw the dress code on your last day, and dress exactly like The Dude from The Big Lebowski. The jelly sandals and everything (though I suppose any sandals would be ok since those are rare these days). Just a suggestion I thought of which would be hilarious and wouldn't get you in much trouble.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I thought of this in bed before going to sleep last night....


That's right, screw the dress code on your last day, and dress exactly like The Dude from The Big Lebowski. The jelly sandals and everything (though I suppose any sandals would be ok since those are rare these days). Just a suggestion I thought of which would be hilarious and wouldn't get you in much trouble.[/quote]

What the heck is a jelly sandal?
While being the bigger man would make me look good, I persoanlly do not forsee it happeneing. The manager has a penchant for saying stuff topiss me off, and if it happens wile I'm quitting, something is going to happen. As for references, I don't really care. I'm going through a temp agency now, ad tat shoudl give me enough references to find a shitty job during college. Of course, I could always just quit like a gentleman and then kick the Manager's ass in the parking lot.
fuck GAMESTOP. I called my work to see if there was an off chance (.1%) that they rescheduled me to work later in the week. I let it ring 10+ times, still no answer. I hang up and call again. Wait for like 6 rings this time, still no answer. fuck THEM.
Reality's Fringe said:
While being the bigger man would make me look good, I persoanlly do not forsee it happeneing. The manager has a penchant for saying stuff topiss me off, and if it happens wile I'm quitting, something is going to happen. As for references, I don't really care. I'm going through a temp agency now, ad tat shoudl give me enough references to find a shitty job during college. Of course, I could always just quit like a gentleman and then kick the Manager's ass in the parking lot.

Do the shrimp thing! Do the shrimp thing!
Once again live animals usually provide a laugh or two.

Edit: This was my Satanic 666th post :twisted: So... back to the animal theme, may I suggest releasing some sort of rodents into the storage area or any other part of the store they could breed and cause more rodents. Or perhaps you could lock up the store and leave them a few greased up pigs and chickens, that'd create some serious hell the next day.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I think a combination of The Dude outfit and the shrimp thing would be a good way of going out.[/quote]

I agree.
Reality's Fringe] As for references said:
This same temp agency is one that gave me a job, a month before this company hired me, breaking rocks and filling binders in a stonework company. Obviously not something I 'wanted' to do, and it had nothing to do with my next job, but the boss praised me to the temp agency, and that does have an impact. Not to sound like a parent, but be careful burning bridges.
I've only quit without notice twice--once I was going to be released anyway, and I called in about 6 hours before my shift saying 'I quit' [the boss didn't care], and the other was where I was literally going insane from the job [managing a convenience store, the only person who didn't steal from me, my asst mgr, quit on me to make more money hostessing at IHOP.]
Every other time I've either given two weeks, or worked till a mutually-agreed-upon date. Which freed me to write off those two jobs [one of them was a 10-hour a week telemarketing job to raise money for a 'charity', I was only there two weeks, and the other was from a store I worked at 1-2 months, having transferred there from another store--so I could use the first store's DM.]
And while the manager may say things that piss you off, like I said earlier, this won't be the last time. We have a guy here who's above me on the chain of command [though lateral, he's not my boss], and he has a way of hearing only what he wants to hear from you, and then telling people about due dates or promises 'made' by you based on what he heard [what he wanted to hear.] Yes, it makes me want to throttle him for being so obtuse and/or asking such leading questions, but obviously I can't do that, you just have to take that into account when speaking to him.
Example: him: 'When will that report be ready?'
me: 'Well, my schedule looks like this, priorities already set, it'll be no earlier than Wednesday afternoon, probably Thursday or Friday.'
him, on Tuesday afternoon: 'Are you done with that yet? You said by Wednesday.'
um, no.

Anyway, again, not to preach, just to share experiences. And of course, you are in control of your own life, so you do what you gotta do.
Got a final plan yet? Also, when do you work tomorrow? Are you planning on quitting right when you get there to screw them for the next three hours? You better come straight home after quitting so you can tell us the story. Inquiring minds want to know!
[quote name='Supernothing']Give your two weeks notice. And at the end just say bye and leave.[/quote]

I agree with this idea. Instead of being a jerk, or breaking rules, and burning your bridges behind you. Quit in a decent way, be respectful of the fact they've given you a job for so long and just leave quietly after your two weeks. It also helps not to ruin your references btw.
I don't recommend any of this but....

If you want to be unprofessional...

Walk in with a boom box on your shoulder, play Beat It by Michael Jackson and Moonwalk out the door...

Lick as many of the games on the shelf you can find...

Run in with you arms out (ala Eugene from WWE Raw) and knock stuff off the shelf....

Go in and pass gas in front of the manager...

Track mud on the floor and say "I didn't do it"...

Say you are working for EBGames now...

Tell the manager to wiggle your joystick....

Do the D'Lo Brown neck movement while saying "You better recognize who the hell I am!"

Tell people you are going to take an Xbox, shine it up real nice.....

Say, "Give me Bonestorm or go to hell!"

Cosplay as Man-Faye and make a pass at every employee in the store...

Again, I don't think burning bridges is a good idea.
Pull the sponge trick. Take a couple of big sponges and wet them. While wet, tighten it into a ball and tie string around it till the sponge ball keeps it's form. Let it dry, then on the last day, take them to work. Go to the bathroom and flush the toilet. as the water starts to leave the bowl, throw the ball(s) in so that the sponge will go down. This will cause the sponges to expand in the pipe and clog the toilet. Most places only have one toilet anyways, so when that breaks down, it's pretty effective. Plus, it's hard to prove you did it...
Well, here's how it went. You seriously won't believe what this douche did when everything was going well:

I honestly went in with the notion to just respectfully bow and leave. Sure, most of the suggestions I received here were compelling and quite humorous, but it would make me look really immature and petty. Anyhow, I walk into the store, and it's in its usual disarray thanks to the "Proactive new management approach"(Not lying here. He honeslty thinks that screwing up things is helping), and there's a few guys here and there just browsing about. I walk up to the counter and say, "Listen, I've raised my concerns to you several times, and both times you've basically told me that you didn't care and that it wasn't your problem. Well, you know what, I'm just going to quit. It's not working out, and I think you should realy step back and re-evaluate how you 'manage' things here." I thought this was a fair and civilized way to address the situation, and I assumed a crisis had been averted. Well, I guess the manager didn't see it my way.
"Oh, so you're just going to come in here, be an ass, and quit? I kind of expected that from you." At this point I'm pretty much speechless and I say,
"What did you just call me?"
"You're just some smartass kid. I've seen a whole bnch of your type around here. You never did deserve to work here."
"Deserve!?!" I shouted this, and by now the customers are staring, "What in the hell do you mean deserve? this is some shitty, go-nowhere, minimumwage job! Look at you! Who in the fuck do you think you are? You're a manager at a videogame store, that you don't even own or have any say in! Do you fucking think I'm going to stand around here and kiss your ass, you fucking goober?"
He gets all red and flustered and replies with , "Why don't you act like an ass a little more? It fits who you realy are." At this point, I completely flipped the hell out. What kind of manager would even START such an arguement. That was it, seriously, I was one a one-way train to fu ck ass-crazy town and he was in the way.
"No, that wasn't me being an ass, THIS is me being an ass" and with that, I placed my foot on the PSX game rack and with one mighty push it was felled in the centre of the store. Guides and cases went everywhere.
"Is that enough of an ass for you, you patheitc excuse for a man, " *Wham* Down comes 3 shelves of XBox games onto the floor, "I'm not fucking coming back here, EVER, and if I see you on the street I'm making it my p[ersonal mission to kick your skinny ass!" and with that I stormed out the door.
I don't know if they caught that on camera or not, and I don't really care although I doubt they did. the whole thing completely blows my fucking mind. I went in there without an attitude. I sounded terse whe I addressed him, but shit, what manager would follow up with somehting like that? fuck that place, fuck that place for good. I'm NEVER shopping at gamestop again, and I'll make it a mission to keep other people away from there. fuck that guy, seriously, fuck him.

On another note, I did manage to score the HAlo Display cases that were requested of me as I ripped the shelf that held them to the floor.
Ok that defiently beats the day that I got so pissed working at Best Buy that I just logged off the register and walked out.
You just reinforced your managers point that you were some punk kid. Do you think the customers were impressed by your rampage? If you would have kept calm and counter-remarked his comments for you without cursing, he would have looked real bad.
[quote name='manofpeace20']You just reinforced your managers point that you were some punk kid. Do you think the customers were impressed by your rampage? If you would have kept calm and counter-remarked his comments for you without cursing, he would have looked real bad.[/quote]

Bah! Breaking stuff is always alot cooler than staying calm and acting like a bitch.
[quote name='manofpeace20']You just reinforced your managers point that you were some punk kid. Do you think the customers were impressed by your rampage? If you would have kept calm and counter-remarked his comments for you without cursing, he would have looked real bad.[/quote]

But the manager would have had to have been a huge ass for him to even want to do that
Personally, I don't care what he or the customers think about me. If what I did makes me a punk-kid, then damnit, punk me up, but I wasn't going to stand for that. Me kicking the shit out of the PSX rack was to keep me from punching him in the mouth.
Wow, Reality. We were both saved today. My friend just called me asking if I wanted a part-time job at Half Price Books. Granted, it's still retail, but it's with a larger staff and considerably more pay. I suppose we'll see how this goes.

Now that you are free of GS's shackles, where do you plan to work?
If he would have said just loud enough that goes something like "I'm a punk ass kid? Is this how you treat loyal workers?" He could have even added in a nice bit about ripping people off.

Or better yet, take the high road and just walk out without saying a word.
Temp agency until I go to college this fall; great place to find work, it's out of the retail sector, and builds references. I shoulda just quit a while ago.
Reality's Fringe- obviously you are a punk ass kid.

The statement "What did you just call me" reflects that you actually think that people give a damn about you and your ego. It is obvious that he called you an ass, and you said that to try to intimidate or exaserbate the situation.

Tell you what- when you are old enough, go into biker bar, or a bar that serves military folks- then go be rude, and when one of them calls you an ass, fight them.

Just make sure you send us pictures of your sorry rear in the hospital.
bread's done