Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

[quote name='timesplitt']can i just join a random free roam and then go from blackwater to escelera(spelling) and get there before sundown I'lll get achieve, whats the best time to start and best horse?[/QUOTE]

It has to be public. You can't leave prior to 6am and can't arrive past 5pm. It took me around 4-5 hours in game to get from one to another. I left around 8am. You have to go from center of city to center of city.'s basically impossible to commit crime in a city without having to pay a big ass bounty, huh? What a crock of shit.
Man just when i think this game was over, it keeps going. :D Which is a good thing. Im 85% done, playing time of 4 days 6 hours 36 minutes, and im not even done with the story. :D

I seem to get loading issues when my xbox is hot. Well my room gets hot, and after a while ive been playing. Textures load in late, maybe its a combination of heat, and me using one of the fastest horses in the game. IDK. But on rare occasions my guy will freeze and then it will go a second later. Like if im running from the great plains into the blackwater town.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Man just when i think this game was over, it keeps going. :D Which is a good thing. Im 85% done, playing time of 4 days 6 hours 36 minutes, and im not even done with the story. :D

I seem to get loading issues when my xbox is hot. Well my room gets hot, and after a while ive been playing. Textures load in late, maybe its a combination of heat, and me using one of the fastest horses in the game. IDK. But on rare occasions my guy will freeze and then it will go a second later. Like if im running from the great plains into the blackwater town.[/QUOTE]

I've had a couple of freezing issues. Other than that, the game ran smoothly for me.
I had quite a bit of freezing issues, especially on the last mission in Mexico. I ended up uninstalling the game and didnt have any more freezes. Maybe it was a botched install, but once I cleared it off the drive and played from the disc, everything was perfect.

I finished the story just about 20 minutes ago. I still have a lot to do (mainly stranger missions/collecting), and while I think the game is great and easily my GOTY right now, I felt the single player story structure was exceptionally easy. Definitely the easiest GTA-style game in Rockstars catalogue. The challenge just wasnt there. I breezed through 99% of the missions on my first try.

Multiplayer is fantastic and eons better than GTAIV's. I hope the mission structure and challenge is fleshed out a bit more in the next Red Dead.

All in all a solid 9/10 for me. I did find some of the missions near the end of the game a bit tedious though.

I completely understand and like the fact that they have you do some missions back home with the family. It just annoyed me it was more herding and horsebreaking style crap. I liked the hunting missions with Jack as it set up the end of the story poignantly and made perfect sense.
I just spend minutes roaming the country side collecting pelts or plants lol. I've accumulated $5,000 at the moment! The random encounters were a great idea as well.

Duuude I'm loving Mexico right now. I really wish my dad had a 360, this is the perfect game for him as he watches me play all the time lol. He hardly pulls up a chair and watches for solid 10 minutes with any game I play (he has so many westerns it isn't funny).

I've found myself just watching the sun rise and set and the weather system is pretty awe inspiring as well.
[quote name='Spybreak8']I've found myself just watching the sun rise and set and the weather system is pretty awe inspiring as well.[/QUOTE]

Experienced my first thunderstorm in-game yesterday.... really well done. Then went and did the burning and noticed that they even glossed over the characters to make them look wet in the rain in a very believable way. Attention to details like that are really impressive... (although then I find a lady of the night bug where she is leaning on thin air... win some, lose some)
[quote name='cin84_12']I finished the game today. The ending was great. Found another avatar award too.[/QUOTE]
How do you get the R* shirt? Looks sweet.
[quote name='Fjordson']How do you get the R* shirt? Looks sweet.[/QUOTE]

It's an award. It's in the attic of John's house. There's a ladder in the kitchen pantry up to it.
[quote name='faceturd']Experienced my first thunderstorm in-game yesterday.... really well done. Then went and did the burning and noticed that they even glossed over the characters to make them look wet in the rain in a very believable way. Attention to details like that are really impressive... (although then I find a lady of the night bug where she is leaning on thin air... win some, lose some)[/QUOTE]

Anybody else notice that when you lookup at the sky while it's Raining that your screen appears to have a ton of rain drops on it?
i wonder how they program the distance of the blood and water when it hits "the camera lens." because you dont want the blood/water to close or to far away. and depth perception plays a role and so much more.
It's my own fault for looking around, but someone (on another forum) didn't use a spoiler tag and ruined a critical part of the game plot for me.


For those who haven't experienced a storm, use the change weather cheat. It's worth it
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[quote name='faceturd']Experienced my first thunderstorm in-game yesterday.... really well done. Then went and did the burning and noticed that they even glossed over the characters to make them look wet in the rain in a very believable way. Attention to details like that are really impressive... (although then I find a lady of the night bug where she is leaning on thin air... win some, lose some)[/QUOTE]

I don't know if it's a scripted storm or not, having only played it once (edit: Checked it out and it's not scripted, I just got lucky). But when you're first riding into Mexico and that song is playing and for me it in a driving rainstorm at night, it was amazingly beautiful.

It was easily the highlight of the game for me so far (I'm almost done with Mexico):
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[quote name='bvharris']I don't know if it's a scripted storm or not, having only played it once. But when you're first riding into Mexico and that song is playing and for me it was raining, it was amazingly beautiful.

It was easily the highlight of the game for me so far (I'm almost done with Mexico):[/QUOTE]
You rode into Mexico? I took some Ferry thing while getting ambushed. I never heard this song playing. It would have been nice to.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']
You rode into Mexico? I took some Ferry thing while getting ambushed. I never heard this song playing. It would have been nice to.

It plays right after that.

Once you get off the ferry with Irish and climb on a horse it starts playing. You may have missed it if you immediately fast traveled after that.
[quote name='bvharris']I don't know if it's a scripted storm or not, having only played it once (edit: Checked it out and it's not scripted, I just got lucky). But when you're first riding into Mexico and that song is playing and for me it in a driving rainstorm at night, it was amazingly beautiful.

It was easily the highlight of the game for me so far (I'm almost done with Mexico):

[/QUOTE]Same for me, I love that song too, went perfectly with the rain, though I don't think it always rains during that.
Does anyone know what you get for finishing the hunting part of the challenges? I finished it but didnt say anything about any reward. Hunting a bear with a knife wasnt hard at all. My biggest problem was chasing him down and being able to stab him. After i hit him a few times he just ran.
[quote name='wildcpac']Anybody else having problems registering with the Rockstar Social Club? I put in my info and keep on getting select a valid date.[/QUOTE]

I've been having the same problem. I have no idea what the deal is. Perhaps they have a bias against 1979...
I've only had access to one bounty at Armadillo, which I failed. Shouldn't there be more available? Is it a time of day thing or something I am missing?
They start up every couple of days or so I believe.

how do I cheat at poker with the elegant suit? I never get a prompt.
Well, I just went to do a Horsebreaking jog and the game broke. The job wouldn't load and I ended up just sitting there watching John stand in the rain All I could do was pause or bring up the 360 guide.
[quote name='wildcpac']
how do I cheat at poker with the elegant suit? I never get a prompt.[/QUOTE]

When you're dealing, push Y. You always deal first when you join a Poker game.
Hmm that's strange I didn't have a storm for me when it was playing that song and it was sort of surreal (considering there hadn't been a licensed song before then). I loved it though and I actually took the time to explore while listening to that song.
Good stuff with about 30% complete, but I couldn't help notice during the Gaptooth Breach Mining mission...
with Irish that the mission design could have been deeper. They had this mine with alternate routes that were all sealed off and then explosive barrels everywhere. At first I thought, sweet, a bit of a maze/alternate routes setup where I can blow up the explosives to open different tunnels. But nope, completely linear. Doesn't seem like that would be too hard to switch.

Or during the American Appetite mission...
after finding two corpses there is the guy with the broken leg who seemed to obviously be the killer that asks you to chase down what looks to be the victim. What can I say, I didn't want to take the victim back to the broken leg guy because he was shady... so I road back to Cowboy Shady and shot him. Mission Fail. Would be great to have the option where you can bring the victim straight back to the sheriff's station and then either he is or isn't the husband.

Maybe these kind of things are for the next generation... or maybe I ask for too much.
Mother fucker. The rank 10 sharpshooter challenge is really pissing me off (disarm 6 enemies without reloading or changing your weapon). Why oh why does Dead Eye automatically reload your gun for you? I want my legend of the west outfit :whistle2:(
Very useful-sounding thread I found. All stuff you wouldn't normally find out by playing the game, but is just generally cool. Such as, you can jump from a building onto your horse; You can slit someone's throat if crouched, with a knife, behind them; You can hogtie someone by the feet, or by the neck.

I don't have the game, yet, however, but this stuff sounds neat. Should have it Friday, so I can play with you guys.

Fjordson - you can still use dead eye. It doesn't count as a reload. I did it last night on gaptooth hideout. In the mine. Just keep aiming down the sights and make sure you have some chewing tobacco and/or moonshine. DO NOT let your weapon holster.
[quote name='Rhett']Very useful-sounding thread I found. All stuff you wouldn't normally find out by playing the game, but is just generally cool. Such as, you can jump from a building onto your horse; You can slit someone's throat if crouched, with a knife, behind them; You can hogtie someone by the feet, or by the neck.

I don't have the game, yet, however, but this stuff sounds neat. Should have it Friday, so I can play with you guys.

Cheers[/QUOTE]I accidentally jumped onto my horse from my place in Armadillo when I skipped the stairs. Thought it was pretty cool.
[quote name='faceturd']Good stuff with about 30% complete, but I couldn't help notice during the Gaptooth Breach Mining mission...
with Irish that the mission design could have been deeper. They had this mine with alternate routes that were all sealed off and then explosive barrels everywhere. At first I thought, sweet, a bit of a maze/alternate routes setup where I can blow up the explosives to open different tunnels. But nope, completely linear. Doesn't seem like that would be too hard to switch.

Or during the American Appetite mission...
after finding two corpses there is the guy with the broken leg who seemed to obviously be the killer that asks you to chase down what looks to be the victim. What can I say, I didn't want to take the victim back to the broken leg guy because he was shady... so I road back to Cowboy Shady and shot him. Mission Fail. Would be great to have the option where you can bring the victim straight back to the sheriff's station and then either he is or isn't the husband.

Maybe these kind of things are for the next generation... or maybe I ask for too much.[/QUOTE]

I had to reload American Appetite because
I had my pistol drawn on him as soon as I walked up.

What about when
the guy busts out of the saloon and is stabbing a woman on the sidewalk. Shoot him at the right time, you're a hero. Shoot him shortly after, you're a criminal.

Or if you happen to miss the criminals and shoot a train or get between the cops, you're boned. Just some various bugs that need to be fixed.
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Yea, that's the difference between GUN and RDR. You can't really complain about anything in GUN, because it's universe is set in it's fictional feel. And it's such crap that theres not much you could ask for. In RDR, it's SOO realistic in most of its aspects that anything that doesn't work realistically stands out extremely badly. But, I'd love a more indepth RDR, with more customization (of everything; horse, character, guns, home ect) with branching quests that are not linear in design.

But, that's just because they took the Western genre SOOOOO far that you want to see it go a little further. And when I'm not playing it, I think about playing it. Even when I get outside to go to my car I whistle for it... is that weird?
[quote name='Fjordson']Mother fucker. The rank 10 sharpshooter challenge is really pissing me off (disarm 6 enemies without reloading or changing your weapon). Why oh why does Dead Eye automatically reload your gun for you? I want my legend of the west outfit :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

I did it this way.... works. I had a hard time trying to do it at first. But i was able to get it within time. Just make sure you only shoot 1 bullet at a time, and try to release the LT as soon as you shoot to save on dead eye power.

[quote name='faceturd']
Or during the American Appetite mission...
after finding two corpses there is the guy with the broken leg who seemed to obviously be the killer that asks you to chase down what looks to be the victim. What can I say, I didn't want to take the victim back to the broken leg guy because he was shady... so I road back to Cowboy Shady and shot him. Mission Fail. Would be great to have the option where you can bring the victim straight back to the sheriff's station and then either he is or isn't the husband.

Maybe these kind of things are for the next generation... or maybe I ask for too much.[/QUOTE]

when i seen the guy telling me to get the guy running, and laughed, it was pretty obvious that he was the killer. They shouldnt have given it away so easy. I think most people will think they are bringing the innocent guy back to the guy doing the killing.

[quote name='reddjoey']I had to reload American Appetite because
I had my pistol drawn on him as soon as I walked up.

What about when
the guy busts out of the saloon and is stabbing a woman on the sidewalk. Shoot him at the right time, you're a hero. Shoot him shortly after, you're a criminal.

Or if you happen to miss the criminals and shoot a train or get between the cops, you're boned. Just some various bugs that need to be fixed.[/QUOTE]

Talk about glitches, this game has a lot. I once went after a stolen carriage, killed the guy, brought back the carriage to the owner, got on my horse and started to ride off. I ended up losing honor for it. I guess i took off before the guy could pay me.

Another time a cop wanted me to help him bring a guy into town. So i did, i put him on my horse and lost the cop. his blip disappeared, and i didnt know where to drop the guy off. So i layed him in the street. Then i go to my house and try to save and i couldnt because i was in the middle of a mission. So i go back to where i layed the guy in the street, and he is gone. So i had to reload my previous save.

Sometimes you see boxes floating in the air, like they are in the back of a wagon, but the wagon is invisible. Yeah it has glitches but its still a really great game.

In the begining my game was fine. But now its having loading problems. If i ride too fast into some areas he will pause, or it will be a ghost town. I can run into a bar and no one will be there for a few seconds. Then they start popping in. I dunno if my xbox is slowly breaking or what, but i dont remember the loading being so bad when i first started to play the game. Sometimes the framerate drops when im in the tall trees area, or Thieves landing area where there are trees.

I finished the story.....
I really dont like being Jack. He has an annoying voice and he looks like rockstar didnt take much time making his appearance. Does he really have the same voice he had when he was 16? I guess so. Plus the only thing that changes is your appearance. You still have the same fame, items, and other stuff John had. I understand why they did it, and its pretty cool. But Jack should have had a better voice/look to him.

Im about 98% done. I think the only thing i need to do is unlock an outfit, and a few bounties.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea, that's the difference between GUN and RDR. You can't really complain about anything in GUN, because it's universe is set in it's fictional feel. And it's such crap that theres not much you could ask for. In RDR, it's SOO realistic in most of its aspects that anything that doesn't work realistically stands out extremely badly. But, I'd love a more indepth RDR, with more customization (of everything; horse, character, guns, home ect) with branching quests that are not linear in design.

But, that's just because they took the Western genre SOOOOO far that you want to see it go a little further. And when I'm not playing it, I think about playing it. Even when I get outside to go to my car I whistle for it... is that weird?[/QUOTE]I was in the parking lot at wlamart and saw some big birds circling nearby and immediately thought to pull the left trigger. . .

Anybody else see a rider jump off his horse and pee on the side of the road? Better yet pull your gun on them and watch them hurry back to their horse!
[quote name='jdawgg76']I was in the parking lot at wlamart and saw some big birds circling nearby and immediately thought to pull the left trigger. . .

Anybody else see a rider jump off his horse and pee on the side of the road? Better yet pull your gun on them and watch them hurry back to their horse![/QUOTE]

Ive seen that a couple times, also a guy in the outhouse taking a wiz. LOL.

Im at 99.2% complete. I believe the only thing i need is 20 bounties. However i dont see how many bounties ive completed in any of the stat pages. :bomb: Well the social site lists them, it says i have 11 of 20, and i just did one so 12 of 20 cos it slow to update. So i guess i need to do 8 more.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I did it this way.... works. I had a hard time trying to do it at first. But i was able to get it within time. Just make sure you only shoot 1 bullet at a time, and try to release the LT as soon as you shoot to save on dead eye power.[/QUOTE]
Thanks man, I got it! Legend of the West outfit looks so bad ass with my black American Standardbred horse. Now I can finally go back to doing story missions, and going back to previous areas to get the challenges done opened up like four new stranger missions :applause:
Couple questions for people further along into the game than me:

1. If I buy an expensive horse, will it become my default horse, like if one dies from a cougar attack or something, will the next horse that spawns be the same type, or am I back to the crap horse I had before I bought one?

2. With the "More than a fistful" achievement, will it unlock if I've earned $10,000 total, but spent $5,000 of it along the way, or do I need to actually have $10,000 at one time?
[quote name='Danimal']Couple questions for people further along into the game than me:

1. If I buy an expensive horse, will it become my default horse, like if one dies from a cougar attack or something, will the next horse that spawns be the same type, or am I back to the crap horse I had before I bought one?

2. With the "More than a fistful" achievement, will it unlock if I've earned $10,000 total, but spent $5,000 of it along the way, or do I need to actually have $10,000 at one time?[/QUOTE]
1. If you buy the deed to a horse you can go into your inventory at any time, select it, and it'll default you a new horse of that breed. So basically, no worries about your horse dying if you've bought the deed for it.

2. Strictly based on what you've earned. I remember only having around $6,800 on me when I got it. But I bet you'd get it easily even if it was based on what you actively had on you. Money is really easy to come by when you get to Blackwater.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ive seen that a couple times, also a guy in the outhouse taking a wiz. LOL.

Im at 99.2% complete. I believe the only thing i need is 20 bounties. However i dont see how many bounties ive completed in any of the stat pages. :bomb: Well the social site lists them, it says i have 11 of 20, and i just did one so 12 of 20 cos it slow to update. So i guess i need to do 8 more.[/QUOTE]

It is listed in one of the stat pages, I just don't remember which one. I think it is the one right before the last one on the list, the bounty stats are near the bottom.
[quote name='saut']does anyone know if you can play cards/dice in multi?[/QUOTE]

Doesn't seem so, brother. Free roam = riding around killing other players and doing gang hideouts.

...That's it. And then there's competitive multiplayer with the Grab the Bag and Gang Shootout modes.

I'm so unbelievably disappointed with RDR multiplayer. Being a huge multiplayer guy and not so much singleplayer, I cry inside.
[quote name='reddjoey']I had to reload American Appetite because
I had my pistol drawn on him as soon as I walked up.

So it comes back even if you fail? Or do you mean reload an old save?

[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah
when i seen the guy telling me to get the guy running, and laughed, it was pretty obvious that he was the killer. They shouldnt have given it away so easy. I think most people will think they are bringing the innocent guy back to the guy doing the killing.

There are just obvious places to have choices in this world that just aren't there and make me feel trapped in this linear experience. I guess it is a by-product of ME2... but even simple choices would be good outside of the under-developed fame/honor meter (which I still don't really get the point of besides saving money).

[quote name='jdawgg76']Anybody else see a rider jump off his horse and pee on the side of the road?[/QUOTE]

Yep... what was really odd is as I saw him running to the rock I somehow understood, "That guy is going to take a piss, isn't he?" And then he did and I oddly enough thought, "Wow... cool."
Turns out the spoiler i had ruined for me that I thought was minor was actually the big WTF. :bomb: Those of you that have played through the campaign, you know what I'm referring to. I still have yet to touch the campaign.

That's what I get. Thaaaat's what I get. I'll stick to trying to find enjoyment in multiplayer 'til I find the motivation to head into Single.

My stupidity amazes me sometimes.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Doesn't seem so, brother. Free roam = riding around killing other players and doing gang hideouts.

...That's it. And then there's competitive multiplayer with the Grab the Bag and Gang Shootout modes.

I'm so unbelievably disappointed with RDR multiplayer. Being a huge multiplayer guy and not so much singleplayer, I cry inside.[/QUOTE]

I wish they would add in the ability to play the games (poker, dice, blackjack, horseshoes). It is the one thing they are truly missing from it.
[quote name='lordopus99']I wish they would add in the ability to play the games (poker, dice, blackjack, horseshoes). It is the one thing they are truly missing from it.[/QUOTE]

Would've liked to see them put some sort of reason to hunt in multi. I heard apparently you can skin the animals you kill in campaign? I tried fistfighting bears with a friend, but the bears are mean so we killed it with throwing knives. :/ Poor Pooh.

I'll be honest, when I play comp. multi I have a rough time killing people usually. It seems the other night I was possessed by Satan and went 17 and 0 in a Gang Shootout match. I now proudly wear my "Just Get Outta The Way" title for completely the 15 killstreak challenge. /endgloat
I tried to save at a campsite last night and the screen went to black. The system didn't freeze up since I could pull up the dashboard but it stayed there for more than 5 minutes, so I restarted. Lost the horse Bonnie gave me. Damn. I'm wondering if the horse's stamina upgrade carried over and it's just a reskinned horse I got.

Also, do they only have 5 star horses in the 2nd large area that opens, or 3 stars the best?
yeah free roam is fun for a while, but i feel far too limited with things to do. can only do the same gang hideouts so many times and i have little interest in competitive play for the moment. would love for hunting to be expanded somehow and for there to be some sort of official "kill wave after wave of enemies" mode while holed up in a nice defensible position (like that fort near tall trees) and not just killing cops from a rooftop in blackwater
[quote name='saut']would love for hunting to be expanded somehow and for there to be some sort of official "kill wave after wave of enemies" mode while holed up in a nice defensible position (like that fort near tall trees) and not just killing cops from a rooftop in blackwater[/QUOTE]

I swear that I had heard about some kind of horde-like mode where wild animals would attack your posse in waves in media previews of the game. But it appears that isn't the case. Real shame, because it could potentially add an extra dimension to the free roam.
bread's done