Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

well i'm doing the hunting challenges now and once you get to the legendary named animals (first one is Lobo the wolf) that's sort of what happens. had to kill like 20 wolves before lobo appeared. would love if there was a mode where they first sent a wave of rabbits, then raccoons, then deer, then dogs, then finally bear or cougars or whatever. so much untapped potential in free roam
[quote name='BingoBrown']I swear that I had heard about some kind of horde-like mode where wild animals would attack your posse in waves in media previews of the game. But it appears that isn't the case. Real shame, because it could potentially add an extra dimension to the free roam.[/QUOTE]
I think I saw the same thing listed either on the back of the case or in the manual.
Alright guys, I need some advice:

After "losing" my preorder copy of Red Dead, Amazon went ahead and sent out another copy to me, free of charge. They both came in today. I now have two copies of RDR and as far as I can tell, I've only been charged for one.

Here's the email that was sent to me:

I'm sorry that you have not received your order, it looks like your shipment was lost in transit. I've placed a new order that's listed below. We'll ship it to the same address as soon as possible. I've also upgraded the shipping method to One-Day Shipping at no additional charge.

Order Number: ----------------------
Estimated Delivery Date: May 26, 2010

There's no charge for this replacement order. If the original order does show up, you can refuse the unopened package or use our Online Returns Center to return the extra order:

If you'd like to keep the original item and pay for both, please let us know.

Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:

We look forward to your next visit.

Based on your experience, what happens if I don't bother filling out that little form and just hold on to the extra copy? Will Amazon charge me for the "lost" game now that it shows up as "Shipped" on my account (I've been charged for my original order but not for the replacement, it's still showing up as $0.00).
Bad karma points if you keep it, plus Amazon will do their research with UPS or whoever it was to verify delivery. Amazon did the right thing and sent you a 2nd copy...I'd send it back. Just don't open it and mark the package as "refused - return to shipper" and it should be ok. If you already opened it up ask for a pre-paid label.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Bad karma points if you keep it, plus Amazon will do their research with UPS or whoever it was to verify delivery. Amazon did the right thing and sent you a 2nd copy...I'd send it back. Just don't open it and mark the package as "refused - return to shipper" and it should be ok. If you already opened it up ask for a pre-paid label.[/QUOTE]

It's already been opened (I was surprised to see what it was, I thought it might be a movie I ordered and forgot about) and I was already leaning towards returning it. Amazon's been good to me the last year and I don't *need* the $40-50 I'd make from flipping it.
What do you guys think of the "I Know You" Stranger Without a Name? If you've completed this side mission, give me your theories! Make sure you use spoiler tags, though!
[quote name='faceturd']So it comes back even if you fail? Or do you mean reload an old save?

He will come back after a few in game days. I just reloaded my save so I wouldn't have to wait.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Bad karma points if you keep it, plus Amazon will do their research with UPS or whoever it was to verify delivery. Amazon did the right thing and sent you a 2nd copy...I'd send it back. Just don't open it and mark the package as "refused - return to shipper" and it should be ok. If you already opened it up ask for a pre-paid label.[/QUOTE]

I highly doubt that they'd do that over 1 game, it's not worth their time for the marginal loss of profit it is to them. Plus, short of actually coming to your house they can't actually prove that you received it, since it being "delivered" by UPS is not definitive proof that it actually was.

I'm not advocating either way, just saying that it's probably not even worth it to Amazon to track down mistakes like that which are made by their own Customer Service. So if you decide to keep it, nothing will likely come of it (up to you).
[quote name='Law_Professor']What do you guys think of the "I Know You" Stranger Without a Name? If you've completed this side mission, give me your theories! Make sure you use spoiler tags, though![/QUOTE]

I think it sets up the ending of the game perfectly. (Only know from the upset people complaining :D) I personally think it's somewhat a representative of God, Maybe a Guardian Angel? It was fairly interesting to follow it's movement across the game. The attempted shooting at the end sort of confirms the "Supernatural" theory for me.

It was a very good stranger mission in my eyes. Only one that topped it for me was the Deadalus & Son mission. Flying FTW!!!
[quote name='Law_Professor']What do you guys think of the "I Know You" Stranger Without a Name? If you've completed this side mission, give me your theories! Make sure you use spoiler tags, though![/QUOTE]

Ummm major spoilers so dont read unless you finish the game.

I thought the missions were odd, but i really didnt figure it out till i beat the game and read other posts talking about it. Apparently he is standing on your future grave site saying how its a nice spot. Someone also said that you can see him in the back when you walk out of the barn and go into dead eye with all those soldiers who shoot you. I didnt notice him though.
Is anyone else here still having problems with multiplayer? I am still having the same problem - either I can't join a game, or if I do get to join one I will be kicked off 1-10 mins later. Then it sticks on the loading page so I have to restart my 360 or go to the dashboard and restart the game.

Does anyone else having this problem still? My connection is fine Comcast cable and I have no problems with other games. You think it could be because I play on a "Xbox Core" and not an Elite Xbox? But that doesn't make sense as all other games play fine online.

Does anyone know a way to rectify this problem? It's been 10 days now since I've had the game and I still can't play online. :(
[quote name='kingofpittsburgh']Is anyone else here still having problems with multiplayer? I am still having the same problem - either I can't join a game, or if I do get to join one I will be kicked off 1-10 mins later. Then it sticks on the loading page so I have to restart my 360 or go to the dashboard and restart the game.

Does anyone else having this problem still? My connection is fine Comcast cable and I have no problems with other games. You think it could be because I play on a "Xbox Core" and not an Elite Xbox? But that doesn't make sense as all other games play fine online.

Does anyone know a way to rectify this problem? It's been 10 days now since I've had the game and I still can't play online. :([/QUOTE]

Perhaps this will help
MP has been working well the past few days for me. I'm not really big on MP in R* games but this one is surprisingly fun. Free roam is kind of lame, but I expected that. The competitive modes are what shine, IMO. Stuff like Grab the Bag and the team death match mode are pretty cool.
Got around to finishing the game. This might be the first title that I actually want to try to complete the achievements for.

Anyways, I found it kind of funny (and disappointing) that during the sequence towards the end of the game when
John returns to his family
and they play the vocal track meant to set an emotional mood, I get attacked and dismounted by two fucking cougars within 30 seconds of galloping towards the goal, promptly ending the track. :(
[quote name='BingoBrown']I swear that I had heard about some kind of horde-like mode where wild animals would attack your posse in waves in media previews of the game. But it appears that isn't the case. Real shame, because it could potentially add an extra dimension to the free roam.[/QUOTE]

They could have gone Treyarch's route and put zombie attacks in the game for no other reason other than it being fun!
[quote name='bloodandthunder']man. i just finished story mode and i'm legit sad.[/QUOTE]

Really? A buddy of mine is hurrying me along to finish because he said it was awesome.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Really? A buddy of mine is hurrying me along to finish because he said it was awesome.[/QUOTE]

I would recommend taking your time and enjoying the game. Once its over its over. Sure you can play it again but its never the same as the first time. I finished the story after playing for about 4 days, 16 hours. Yeah this game is excellent.
Hit my 100% about an hour ago. Got two single player achievements left (not counting 500 pistol/mounted kills). Gonna start focusing on MP now. This game is intense.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Really? A buddy of mine is hurrying me along to finish because he said it was awesome.[/QUOTE]

it was a really awesome ending, i'm pretty sad this game is over though. haha, i looked forward to it for so long.

[quote name='The 7th Number']I would recommend taking your time and enjoying the game. Once its over its over. Sure you can play it again but its never the same as the first time. I finished the story after playing for about 4 days, 16 hours. Yeah this game is excellent.[/QUOTE]

you pretty much summed it up right here.
Just want to say (I'm no longer reading this thread until I finish it btw). But you guys need to get a little better at spoiler tagging stuff.

If you are going to say anything about the ending, story elements, areas/secrets, unique scenarios, new weapons you get, your feelings/thoughts about the ending ect. just spoiler tag them please... Thanks! Just saying this for others.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']I would recommend taking your time and enjoying the game. Once its over its over. Sure you can play it again but its never the same as the first time. I finished the story after playing for about 4 days, 16 hours. Yeah this game is excellent.[/QUOTE]

Well my buddy didn't give up any details, but he told me I should hold off on doing the stranger missions because he said he was pretty pissed he had done them all.

And another thing about the "I know You" quest...
I did the 3rd mission where he says he's there doing accounts and shit and he doesn't tell you his name, so John shoots at him and nothing. He just disappears; What. The. fuck? Is that it for that mission set? I heard it was, and if so I don't have idea what is up with that.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Well my buddy didn't give up any details, but he told me I should hold off on doing the stranger missions because he said he was pretty pissed he had done them all.

And another thing about the "I know You" quest...
I did the 3rd mission where he says he's there doing accounts and shit and he doesn't tell you his name, so John shoots at him and nothing. He just disappears; What. The. fuck? Is that it for that mission set? I heard it was, and if so I don't have idea what is up with that.

Finish the game and you will understand.
I'm loving this game except I get weird graphical glitches once in a while (rainbow textures flashed on a cliff once) and the game locked up so bad the power button wouldn't even turn my 360 off. I had to pull the power chord. Hope it isn't my system (new in November last year after RROD out of warranty), but this is the only game I have ever had an issue with.

Do you get to keep playing after the story is over? I just got to Mexico after playing for almost a week so I think I am taking my time. Enjoying the random events and bounties or just wandering around. I don't think I would mind exploring after the story was over.
Crap. Tried to download the soundtrack from my LE Gamestop copy, and it says it has already been downloaded, even though it hasn't. I think it was a problem of clicking the link in my Gmail account, which Internet Explorer blocked, and thus the site somehow registered that as a download. Why the hell didn't Rockstar test that before using that method to track redemption? Dumb.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Crap. Tried to download the soundtrack from my LE Gamestop copy, and it says it has already been downloaded, even though it hasn't. I think it was a problem of clicking the link in my Gmail account, which Internet Explorer blocked, and thus the site somehow registered that as a download. Why the hell didn't Rockstar test that before using that method to track redemption? Dumb.[/QUOTE]

I can't imagine that the soundtrack won't get uploaded somewhere. I believe they're just MP3 tracks. When I redeemed mine it just gave me a link to a file archive which I downloaded. You might do a search. I'm not sure what the format is, but they played in iTunes fine after dragging them in.
[quote name='crunchewy']I can't imagine that the soundtrack won't get uploaded somewhere. I believe they're just MP3 tracks. When I redeemed mine it just gave me a link to a file archive which I downloaded. You might do a search. I'm not sure what the format is, but they played in iTunes fine after dragging them in.[/QUOTE]

I e-mailed Rockstar tech support about the problem, I'm just pissed that I have to deal with it. They screwed up, and it's a pain in my ass. I'd rather do it the legit way anyway.

On a side note, I'm still pissed at Gamestop for advertising it as a soundtrack that comes with the LE copy, but not mentioning that it is only a download. That should have been explicitly mentioned. I was expecting a nice CD with some cover art.
Strolled (well not really but...) into Mexico for the first time last night... the song that plays was really well placed with the perfect feeling. I just jumped on my horse and rode around listening to it... made me kinda of want more music in the game though I think ultimately they have sparsely placed it appropriately.
I was doing free roam lastnight on my brother's PS3... I was playing with one or two other random people. We were doing the hideout that requires you to push out a cart of money/gold/whatever, and I noticed atleast two enemies were stuck in the walls (while also shooting at us!). Hopefully not a common issue. :(

I had lots of fun being mean to horses, though. I rode those wagons hard!
[quote name='faceturd']Strolled (well not really but...) into Mexico for the first time last night... the song that plays was really well placed with the perfect feeling. I just jumped on my horse and rode around listening to it... made me kinda of want more music in the game though I think ultimately they have sparsely placed it appropriately.[/QUOTE]

that's jose gonzalez btw
[quote name='Rhett']I was doing free roam lastnight on my brother's PS3... I was playing with one or two other random people. We were doing the hideout that requires you to push out a cart of money/gold/whatever, and I noticed atleast two enemies were stuck in the walls (while also shooting at us!). Hopefully not a common issue. :(

I had lots of fun being mean to horses, though. I rode those wagons hard![/QUOTE]

I've run into that a couple times on the 360. Ended up getting lucky and hitting one guy in the arm when he was in the wall of a building, so he stumbled out and I could finish him off. One guy was a bit deep into one of the mine walls in the hideout you mentioned, though. Just had to run past him.

Come on, Rockstar. You're better than that. And while i'm bitching, give me more to do in Free Roam, will ya? Lawd.
[quote name='Rhett']I was doing free roam lastnight on my brother's PS3... I was playing with one or two other random people. We were doing the hideout that requires you to push out a cart of money/gold/whatever, and I noticed atleast two enemies were stuck in the walls (while also shooting at us!). Hopefully not a common issue. :(

I had lots of fun being mean to horses, though. I rode those wagons hard![/QUOTE]

Yeah I've done that mine one 4 times and there's a guy stuck in the wall or under the floor each time. He even killed me.
[quote name='reddjoey']I got different song when I got into Mexico. Still a good mood setter, but not as good. It was just an acoustic guitar number.[/QUOTE]

You didn't get this song? Seems strange.
I just finished the game today...pretty darn good. I didn't get that song when entering mexico also...I thought maybe I just missed it or didn't hear it but I did get a song near the end of the game which is pretty loud and in charge. If that mexico song is like the one near the end of the would be impossible to miss. :/
Has anyone else had the voices completely cut out during the cutscenes? It randomly happened to me during a mission, I get muffled voices so low you can't hear them, and now it's affected every save on every profile on my 360. Even older saves that happened pre-glitch.

I've tried deleting the install of the game, reloading, turning off the 360 and turning it back on... nothing. All the voices for the cutscenes are muffled and non-existent.
[quote name='reddjoey']Nope think I got.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... not to take away from your experience, but bit of a bummer. The Jose Gonzalez song was really well placed. I wonder what the reasons are for not getting the same tune? Did you get it later in the game?
[quote name='faceturd']Jose "One-of the best moments in a video game" Gonzalez... if I ever see that guy one day I'll give him a high-five.[/QUOTE]
Totally. Riding into Mexico was one of the best moments of gaming I've experienced this year. The ride into Blackwater wasn't bad either, with the menacing piano song.
[quote name='animalspinners']Has anyone else had the voices completely cut out during the cutscenes?[/QUOTE]
I've had the volume act a little weird, but I've turned on the subtitles so it doesn't bother me much when it happens.
[quote name='life.exe']You didn't get this song? Seems strange.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get it either - apparently if you dismount off the horse John gets on at the end of the mission, it ends the song. I got off to loot the bodies and call my actual horse, so I never heard the song either. I'm kind of bummed... something like that should really play regardless.

As for my sound problem, apparently it's a rare glitch that 5.1 muffles the voices to an almost quiet level during cutscenes... have to play it in Stereo now. Not really a fan of the constant glitches I keep running across... had to restart a mission too when the cart I was shotgunning on got stuck on another cart in the road (that I couldn't drive) and the driver wouldn't go around.
[quote name='animalspinners']I didn't get it either - apparently if you dismount off the horse John gets on at the end of the mission, it ends the song. I got off to loot the bodies and call my actual horse, so I never heard the song either. I'm kind of bummed... something like that should really play regardless.

As for my sound problem, apparently it's a rare glitch that 5.1 muffles the voices to an almost quiet level during cutscenes... have to play it in Stereo now. Not really a fan of the constant glitches I keep running across... had to restart a mission too when the cart I was shotgunning on got stuck on another cart in the road (that I couldn't drive) and the driver wouldn't go around.[/QUOTE]

I did the same thing. That's it! You have to stay on that horse to trigger it. Disappointed I missed it, but I heard it here and on the OST as well.

The more I play, the more problems I find. The game is great, but how did the reviewers look over some many bugs/glitches/flaws?
Hmm I had to turn up the volume today because we have fans going since it's warm now. I have 5.1 setup myself and I could tell the game's audio was loud but the voices weren't. Thanks for pointing that out.

I'm now a Rank 6 Survivalist haha. Sounds a lot more badass than Master Flower Gatherer.

The more I play, the more problems I find. The game is great, but how did the reviewers look over some many bugs/glitches/flaws?

Most of the time they look over them because they can be patched later but maybe they didn't get as many glitches as you have.
Right, but to be clear (and fair) I've only had a handful. Also, only one so far was a game breaker. Nothing to scream from the rooftops about, just frustrating.
I fell through the train and died during a cutscene and "Failed" a mission because I was too far away from the person I was traveling with. When I restarted from the checkpoint, we were at our destination so it wasn't gamebreaking as much as annoying. I could have pressed A to skip, but I wanted to enjoy the ride.
Ill have to remember that. Hope i dont forget, i have a bad habit of forgetting stuff. But isnt saturday at midnight technically sunday? LOL. I started to think i missed it if it was saturday at midnight. Just checking my local listings, fox out of chicago looks like it will air it at 11pm, and fox milwaukee shows it at around 11:35. Hopefully my air antenna will get one of these stations in good. Usually have no problem with the milwaukee station.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ill have to remember that. Hope i dont forget, i have a bad habit of forgetting stuff. But isnt saturday at midnight technically sunday? LOL. I started to think i missed it if it was saturday at midnight. Just checking my local listings, fox out of chicago looks like it will air it at 11pm, and fox milwaukee shows it at around 11:35. Hopefully my air antenna will get one of these stations in good. Usually have no problem with the milwaukee station.[/QUOTE]
Lmao, I have to admit I got confused for a minute as well. Midnight on Saturday should technically mean that it aired about three hours ago (at least here on the west coast).
bread's done