Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

Well if you look at the map it shows animals on it, im sure if you look in thos locations they will be around that area at some point. Ive also seen boars in the tall trees area.
Might have missed the tip, but is there any way to keep out your weapons like in multiplayer? (without having to mash the run button)

Lost count of how many times I have died because Marston felt like punching a Cougar in the nose so he put away his knife.

Just found out the other day about cutting hogtied peoples throats, horse thieves are are now on notice.
[quote name='KrizB']Just found out the other day about cutting hogtied peoples throats, horse thieves are are now on notice.[/QUOTE]

I remember hogtying a guy and then shooting him in the head and i lost honor. But it was a night watch job.
I just finished the game. I really liked the ending.
I thought John dying and Jack at the grave of both his parents was pretty sad. I was kind of shocked when John died. Also, that was one of the best fucking late title cards of recent memory after you kill Edgar Ross.

Hats off to R* San Diego. The last part of the story easily made this my GOTY thus far.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']So are there actual ghosts in Tumbleweed? Is it worth looking?[/QUOTE]

Brings back memories of the internet going crazy trying to find easter eggs in GTA: San Andreas. Hoaxes galore, both well-done and blatant.

Then again, R* DID put ghost cars into San Andreas. And they may have taken a note from how much people love easter eggs. I guess you never know.
yep, after about 34 hours in im at 93% completion and done with everything but a few named bounties, and a few challenges... but so far.. GOTY hands down.
So I got the game yesterday and played last night around 10 p.m. Eastern time. I was a little dissapointed though. THere were times were I walked, and walked, and walked, and there was no one else around. I saw other players every 5-10 minutes. Am I doing something wrong, or is this what I should expect of Free Roam? I was under the impression this would be like an MMO and I would be interacting with other players all over the place.
Brings back memories of the internet going crazy trying to find easter eggs in GTA: San Andreas. Hoaxes galore, both well-done and blatant.

Then again, R* DID put ghost cars into San Andreas. And they may have taken a note from how much people love easter eggs. I guess you never know.


so far im about 25% complete and cheapy was right, you can get rich quick plating liars dice. i played a few hands of blackjack and only walked away with 200 bucks.....but after 3 games of liars dice i walked away with over 1 thousand. this game is pretty awesome though, i keep finding myself just looking for flowers and animals to kill for the challenges or looking for bounties instead of story missions. i just did a few missions for Irish and i really like doing missions in this game way more than i did in GTA games (except for BOGT) right now im wearing the duster with the extra ammo clip wrapped over his shoulder....lookin bad ass!
There is a RDR thread you should of posted this in...

There is a max of 16 players per freeroam session. If you wanted to find people you should of just opened the map. It shows were everyone is located.
No CheapyD was only a little right. The first time you play Liars dice, it's generally for that quest Lights Camera Action. And it requires you to bet $200, you can keep doing that over and over (a bug perhaps). Once you leave that area, or finish the quest it goes back to $20... so it's not THAT great of a way.
find where the animal repeated spawn locations are for wolves, coyotes, and when you get there bears, then buffalo. about an hour of coyote and wolf farming i got my " More than a fistfull " acheivement for getting over $10,000. also if you memorize the sequence to five finger fillet you can pull in over $100 every like 30 seconds.
So anyone been playing online? Me and my buddy farmed 20 levels yesterday in like an hour by grinding the twinrocks hideout. You can get 1000+ XP a minute if you have good enough weapons and do it right.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']So anyone been playing online? Me and my buddy farmed 20 levels yesterday in like an hour by grinding the twinrocks hideout. You can get 1000+ XP a minute if you have good enough weapons and do it right.[/QUOTE]

Been playing online with a friend. Only so much hideout-completing I can do. Been having more fun traversing the land with him killing other players.

If you guys like to Free Roam, PLEASE, for the love of God, add me on Live. I need a group to play it with. Farming for XP, killing other players, competitive multi, whaaatever, but I need a reason to keep playing.

(Just please send me message after the request saying CAG so I know it's not another 9-year-old adding me based off of my YouTube video.)
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']So anyone been playing online? Me and my buddy farmed 20 levels yesterday in like an hour by grinding the twinrocks hideout. You can get 1000+ XP a minute if you have good enough weapons and do it right.[/QUOTE]

I got my level 50 today, when I got done the stats page said I had completed over 200 gang hideouts. I don't like grinding but I'm kind bored with the MP portion of the game, I still don't have my 10k kills achievement in GRAW because it takes so freaking long.
Shit, I haven't even done public free roam. I didn't need to either to know it would just turn into some bull shit free for all where you can't get anything done. I'll step in there when I hit level 50 or close to it.

Just some advice, you should never sit through a reload animation. Just click the right thumb stick twice real fast and BAM! instant reload!!!
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Shit, I haven't even done public free roam. I didn't need to either to know it would just turn into some bull shit free for all where you can't get anything done. I'll step in there when I hit level 50 or close to it.

Just some advice, you should never sit through a reload animation. Just click the right thumb stick twice real fast and BAM! instant reload!!![/QUOTE]

Oh fuuuuuuuuuuckkk.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']So anyone been playing online? Me and my buddy farmed 20 levels yesterday in like an hour by grinding the twinrocks hideout. You can get 1000+ XP a minute if you have good enough weapons and do it right.[/QUOTE]
I have. I really love playing the specific team-based gametypes. I haven't really spent much time in free roam, aside from the occasional gang hideout for some XP. I'm surprised so many people are putting time into FR, I thought it sounded kind of boring from the moment they announced it. Seems to mostly be roaming players shooting the first other person they come across. The team-based modes are where it's at for me.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Anyone get the Just Get Outta The Way title yet, or can I still flex my non-muscles?[/QUOTE]

I have a friend that has it so...maybe?

Why is it that EVERY free-roam I've been into has been a damn FFA? I need some people to play with that actually wanna do the other stuff it was intended for...or you know, just fuck around WITHOUT shooting each other.

So yeah, feel free to add me if you'd like.
Well guys, I just picked up the game.. I go into multiplayer, try to move my guy around for about 5 seconds, and then the screen freezes!! Has anybody else had this problem?? What the heck is going on?
[quote name='thehuskerfan']Well guys, I just picked up the game.. I go into multiplayer, try to move my guy around for about 5 seconds, and then the screen freezes!! Has anybody else had this problem?? What the heck is going on?[/QUOTE]

:whistle2:s Hasn't happened to me...yet. I know the game was pretty buggy when it first came out. People were becoming invisible and stuff like that. Might have just been the game.

Let's just hope it's not your Xbox causing it.
Any of you guys want to team up or party up in Xbox Live while we play the game/andor play freemode?

Would like to go on free mode to find glitches or cool stuff around the map. Loving this game.
Anyone know what level you first get a horse for free roam? I'm level 7, but I'm near worthless with my donkey :lol:
[quote name='thecobraholder']Any of you guys want to team up or party up in Xbox Live while we play the game/andor play freemode?

Would like to go on free mode to find glitches or cool stuff around the map. Loving this game.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good. Watching a Clint Eastwood movie right now, but I'll gladly play later/another day. Feel free to add me on Live. The more CAGs, the better, in my opinion.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Sounds good. Watching a Clint Eastwood movie right now, but I'll gladly play later/another day. Feel free to add me on Live. The more CAGs, the better, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? I saw that it was on TV.

Talk about a series of movies that needs a game. I would absolutely love a game along the lines of RDR featuring a character based on Clint Eastwood from the Dollars Trilogy.

All I can do is dawn the poncho and pretend for the time being though...:cry:
[quote name='Fjordson']Anyone know what level you first get a horse for free roam? I'm level 7, but I'm near worthless with my donkey :lol:[/QUOTE]

8, if I remember right.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? I saw that it was on TV.

Talk about a series of movies that needs a game. I would absolutely love a game along the lines of RDR featuring a character based on Clint Eastwood from the Dollars Trilogy.

All I can do is dawn the poncho and pretend for the time being though...:cry:[/QUOTE]

Heartbreak Ridge, actually. Haven't seen this one before.

...Actually, now that I think about it, I've never seen a Clint Eastwood movie. I need to catch up.

Isn't he like 400-somethin' years old now?
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Heartbreak Ridge, actually. Haven't seen this one before.

...Actually, now that I think about it, I've never seen a Clint Eastwood movie. I need to catch up.

Isn't he like 400-somethin' years old now?[/QUOTE]

I recently saw Gran Torino and he still looks badass.

On a side note, ever since I got RDR, one of the songs totally reminds me of the beginning notes to The Conductor by The Faint.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Heartbreak Ridge, actually. Haven't seen this one before.

...Actually, now that I think about it, I've never seen a Clint Eastwood movie. I need to catch up. And yeah, he's getting up there in years. He's around 80 I think.

Isn't he like 400-somethin' years old now?[/QUOTE]
Oh shit, definitely check out the Dollars Trilogy, Outlaw Josey Wales, Unforgiven, Pale Rider and High Plains Drifter. Great westerns all around.
[quote name='freshzen']I get like 2,300-2,500 XP in 7-8 minutes on Pike's Basin gang hideout, solo. Just sayin.[/QUOTE]
Ooh, sweet. Thanks!
Was playing FR with a brooski yesterday when we got ambushed by a team of 3 50s. They had some rifle...bolt-action rifle or something, and it took us out in 1-2 hits each. There was NOTHING we could do.

Free Roam's starting to suck now that everyone's way up in the levels.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Was playing FR with a brooski yesterday when we got ambushed by a team of 3 50s. They had some rifle...bolt-action rifle or something, and it took us out in 1-2 hits each. There was NOTHING we could do.

Free Roam's starting to suck now that everyone's way up in the levels.[/QUOTE]

So do a private free roam and stay away from the nerds who do not have lives.
yeah not to mention how easy it is to grind it out to that level, so it's basically all their weapons and no skill. :roll:

[quote name='AlphaPanda']Was playing FR with a brooski yesterday when we got ambushed by a team of 3 50s. They had some rifle...bolt-action rifle or something, and it took us out in 1-2 hits each. There was NOTHING we could do.

Free Roam's starting to suck now that everyone's way up in the levels.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='freshzen']I get like 2,300-2,500 XP in 7-8 minutes on Pike's Basin gang hideout, solo. Just sayin.[/QUOTE]

You're doing it wrong...

You can get anywhere from 700 - 2200 xp every minute if you do Twin Rocks correctly.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Do you need to get Gold on every mission to achieve 100% status? =/[/QUOTE]


Only need 1 gold to get the Achievement/Trophy. I did mine on Political Realities of Armadillo.

For 100%

57 Missions
9 Outfits
5 Rare Weapons
5 Jobs (Nightwatch & Horsebreaking)
7 Hideouts
20 Bounties
6 Mini Games (Arm Wrestling, Five Finger Fillet, Blackjack, Poker, Liar's Dice, Horseshoes)
18 Strangers
13 Houses
4 Level 10 Challenges
94 Locations (You can buy the maps from the store and activate them like you're bringing up your owned horse)
Paid a little visit to Tumbleweed and im convinced there are definitely somethings wandering around...

Specially at the mansion. Heard footsteps, doors closing, mumbling voices...

I'm right now reading all of the ghost stories at a rdr forum and exploring the town still. I ... am ... freaked ... out O_O
[quote name='thecobraholder']Paid a little visit to Tumbleweed and im convinced there are definitely somethings wandering around...

Specially at the mansion. Heard footsteps, doors closing, mumbling voices...

I'm right now reading all of the ghost stories at a rdr forum and exploring the town still. I ... am ... freaked ... out O_O[/QUOTE]

Wasn't sure if this was another 'bigfoot' hoax. About to check it out myself.
[quote name='Indignate']Wasn't sure if this was another 'bigfoot' hoax. About to check it out myself.[/QUOTE]

While you're at it, check this out:

and explore the general chatter sub forum... a lot of pretty cool stories and myths to keep you occupied for a while. I started like 2 hours ago and i'm still in Tumbleweed. I'm pulling an all nighter tonight to find all of these easter eggs and weird things in the game. :bouncy:
That mini-nuke is two dudes with rigged explosives at a little camp. I stumbled on them once and they were having a conversation about lighting a cigar and I thought "This should end nicely!" Next thing I know they are running off from a bear. Said bear then mauls me. I came back after a reload and they weren't there so I shot the explosives. Maybe I'll go back there again tomorrow.
[quote name='thecobraholder']While you're at it, check this out:

and explore the general chatter sub forum... a lot of pretty cool stories and myths to keep you occupied for a while. I started like 2 hours ago and i'm still in Tumbleweed. I'm pulling an all nighter tonight to find all of these easter eggs and weird things in the game. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Just a month, all these myths will be confirmed/busted, everyone will have completed the campaign, and nothing will be special.

Sucks ass.
I don't give it a month. I give it another 2 weeks. Can't games have mystery anymore, or does it really need to be spelled out for people. That is the whole point in playing games of this type, discovery
I dunno, I kind of like reading about people's random encounters with various things in the world. Shows how dynamic this game is.
bread's done