Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

[quote name='Fjordson']I dunno, I kind of like reading about people's random encounters with various things in the world. Shows how dynamic this game is.[/QUOTE]
That is true though, gets you excited to discover more. I just don't like cheats spelled out for me. Like to have the game at least 6 months or so before they spill them out. Gives you a sense of accomplishment when you do it on your own.
[quote name='xmbri']That is true though, gets you excited to discover more. I just don't like cheats spelled out for me. Like to have the game at least 6 months or so before they spill them out. Gives you a sense of accomplishment when you do it on your own.[/QUOTE]
Ah, yeah definitely, I can agree with that.
Has anyone noticed that Free Roam is always empty. It takes me 5-10 minutes to find another player. Am I doing something wrong, or is this what I should expect?
[quote name='xscorpionx']Has anyone noticed that Free Roam is always empty. It takes me 5-10 minutes to find another player. Am I doing something wrong, or is this what I should expect?[/QUOTE]

Everytime I go into free roam they are always full unless I'm playing in the morning.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? I saw that it was on TV.

Talk about a series of movies that needs a game. I would absolutely love a game along the lines of RDR featuring a character based on Clint Eastwood from the Dollars Trilogy.

All I can do is dawn the poncho and pretend for the time being though...:cry:[/QUOTE]IIRC, there were a few good Man with no name moments in Red Dead Revolver like blowing up the bridge. Capcom's influence was still really strong and there were a lot more Wild, Wild West (TV show and not the Will Smith movie version) type of moments like the armored train and the carnival people.

[quote name='AlphaPanda']Heartbreak Ridge, actually. Haven't seen this one before.

...Actually, now that I think about it, I've never seen a Clint Eastwood movie. I need to catch up.

Isn't he like 400-somethin' years old now?[/QUOTE]I still haven't seen the Godfathers so I don't have a lot of room to talk, but NO EASTWOOD MOVIES EVER? No Unforgiven or Man with No Name Trilogy or Dirty Harry or Pale Rider? Wow. No Line of Fire? Not even Million Dollar Baby? You've missed a lot of high quality flicks.

[quote name='xscorpionx']Has anyone noticed that Free Roam is always empty. It takes me 5-10 minutes to find another player. Am I doing something wrong, or is this what I should expect?[/QUOTE]I've almost exclusively played SP, but the three times I did free roam it was pretty empty at first. I haven't done much MP as I don't want some idiot to start talking about the SP and ruin something for me.
[quote name='xscorpionx']Has anyone noticed that Free Roam is always empty. It takes me 5-10 minutes to find another player. Am I doing something wrong, or is this what I should expect?[/QUOTE]

Do you have problems with other online multiplayer games? Every time I do free roam, plenty of people are in the "lobby." But then I don't have problems with other multiplayer games either.

You may need to follow an Xbox Live tutorial guide to make sure the NAT is open on your network router (assuming you use a router), that could be causing problems if it isn't set up correctly.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Do you have problems with other online multiplayer games? Every time I do free roam, plenty of people are in the "lobby." But then I don't have problems with other multiplayer games either.

You may need to follow an Xbox Live tutorial guide to make sure the NAT is open on your network router (assuming you use a router), that could be causing problems if it isn't set up correctly.[/QUOTE]

I can see the people in the lobby, I just mean when that when im roaming around, I barely have interactions with other players. SOmetimes 5-10 minutes will go buy and I wont even see another player. BTW, my NAT type is set to open. At least I know that it was for Halo and COD. I don't know if it changes from game to game. If it doesn't, then I do have it open.
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[quote name='xscorpionx']I can see the people in the lobby, I just mean when that when im roaming around, I barely have interactions with other players. SOmetimes 5-10 minutes will go buy and I wont even see another player.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I see. Well, yeah, that can happen. The free roam is the same, giant map as in single-player, so there's a lot of space. And the max number of players in a lobby is only 16. Depending on where you spawn, you could be far from other players, or you could be close. Use the transports (wagon wheels on the map) to cross a large part of the map instantaneously, that'll help you get to where the action is.
[quote name='jdawgg76']I've almost exclusively played SP, but the three times I did free roam it was pretty empty at first. I haven't done much MP as I don't want some idiot to start talking about the SP and ruin something for me.[/QUOTE]

Unplug the headset/don't use it? I don't think you get voice chat without the headset, but I could be wrong on that. If you do, plug in the headset, but turn the volume down on it and don't put it on your head. :)

I haven't played multiplayer yet either. I want to finish the single player first. Even when I do play online I won't be listening to strangers, coop be damned. I have yet to have voice chat with strangers be anything but irritating.
[quote name='jdawgg76']I haven't done much MP as I don't want some idiot to start talking about the SP and ruin something for me.[/QUOTE]

Voice chat is only engaged in free roam if you are close in proximity to another player, so there isn't much danger for spoilers.
[quote name='xmbri']I don't give it a month. I give it another 2 weeks. Can't games have mystery anymore, or does it really need to be spelled out for people. That is the whole point in playing games of this type, discovery[/QUOTE]

I think it's the mystery itself that makes people want to scurry to find it. Just the thought that R* is throwing creatures into the game they didn't tell the public about. It DOES bring the community together, though, you have to admit.

[quote name='jdawgg76']I still haven't seen the Godfathers so I don't have a lot of room to talk, but NO EASTWOOD MOVIES EVER? No Unforgiven or Man with No Name Trilogy or Dirty Harry or Pale Rider? Wow. No Line of Fire? Not even Million Dollar Baby? You've missed a lot of high quality flicks.[/QUOTE]

There have been many a time when I planned on seeing one, but it just never happened. Just one of those things, I guess. Lawd knows I'm going to watch em all now, though.

If anyone would like to go do hideouts/punch bears in the face/find us some-a dem werewolves, let me know. For what it's worth, my Skype name is Infinite0112, if you have it. I'm aaaaalways on it, just let me know that you're a CAG if you message me. That and [email protected] being my MSN Messenger, which i'm also always on.

Let's do this.
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I was just hunting in Tall Trees (SP) and I came across alot of very weird things... As well as a funny coincidence, hehe.

First off I'm just riding around and I hear this guy talking, so I go near him. Next thing I hear is "I shall rape you as my people have been raped." and he unloads what I can only think to be a repeater at close range, instantly killing me.

Then, I run into Bollard gang members hunting a fox in the middle of nowhere, so I kill the fox. One guy rides off, other guy starts shooting me...

Then I run through a pack of wolves, and end up using throwing knives on them. Accidentally, my second knife hits my horse's ass and makes it die for some reason, leaving me in the middle of a bunch of wolves. No problem though :p

I also lasso'd a guy off of a stolen horse, then lasso'd the horse and took it back... The thief, instead of continuing running, decides to shoot the horse instead of me, and kills it right before I turn it in....

Now I just need to see some of those hilarious glitches, like Cougar Man!
I watched 'Fistful of Dollars' and 'For a Few Dollars More' last week.

I'll be watching Good, Bad, Ugly this week for sure.

I've seen each film dozens of times, and I have to say 'For a Few Dollars More' is my favorite.
[quote name='Puffa469']I watched 'Fistful of Dollars' and 'For a Few Dollars More' last week.

I'll be watching Good, Bad, Ugly this week for sure.

I've seen each film dozens of times, and I have to say 'For a Few Dollars More' is my favorite.[/QUOTE]

When I start my Eastwood marathon sometime in the future, should I start out with that or save that for last?

I really need to start out on my RDR campaign. Paranoia of my Xbox RROD'ing from the storm that's rolling in right now is preventing me from that.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']When I start my Eastwood marathon sometime in the future, should I start out with that or save that for last?

I really need to start out on my RDR campaign. Paranoia of my Xbox RROD'ing from the storm that's rolling in right now is preventing me from that.[/QUOTE]

Heh, there's more chance of a dust storm in-game causing an RROD than a storm IRL. >_>
[quote name='Rhett']Heh, there's more chance of a dust storm in-game causing an RROD than a storm IRL. >_>[/QUOTE]

I chuckled.

So how long are you in Mexico for? I'm really getting tired of some of these characters.
Reyes is a huge dick and will probably turn out to be just as bad as Allende in the end
Luisa is the most selfish character in the game and doesn't know it.

Anyways, I just
picked up Javier
so I'm assuming/hoping I have a few missions left, one no doubt invovoing a raid on
Allende, cuz I've been wanting to kill this douche since the beginning.
[quote name='Rhett']Heh, there's more chance of a dust storm in-game causing an RROD than a storm IRL. >_>[/QUOTE]

Eh, happened at a friend's house 'bout a year ago. Were playing during a thunderstorm when the power went out. Power comes back on, he presses the power button, and RROD. Has made me weary since, especially considering I have a jet-engine-fan 360 from 2007 that already RROD'd on me once.
[quote name='Indignate']I chuckled.

So how long are you in Mexico for? I'm really getting tired of some of these characters.
Reyes is a huge dick and will probably turn out to be just as bad as Allende in the end
Luisa is the most selfish character in the game and doesn't know it.

Anyways, I just
picked up Javier
so I'm assuming/hoping I have a few missions left, one no doubt invovoing a raid on
Allende, cuz I've been wanting to kill this douche since the beginning.

You nailed it. I think one or two and then anything you want to mop up to get 100%, but you can always go back
[quote name='Indignate']So how long are you in Mexico for? I'm really getting tired of some of these characters.
Reyes is a huge dick and will probably turn out to be just as bad as Allende in the end
Luisa is the most selfish character in the game and doesn't know it.

Anyways, I just
picked up Javier
so I'm assuming/hoping I have a few missions left, one no doubt invovoing a raid on
Allende, cuz I've been wanting to kill this douche since the beginning.

Woah, you just described all my frustrations with mexico too. I only had one more Reyes mission after that... and its very satisfying.

[quote name='puffa469']I've seen each film dozens of times, and I have to say 'For a Few Dollars More' is my favorite. [/QUOTE]

Thanx... I actually didn't know that one, but I will next week.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']When I start my Eastwood marathon sometime in the future, should I start out with that or save that for last?[/QUOTE]
I'd start out with the trilogy in order: Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and then The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
[quote name='Fjordson']I'd start out with the trilogy in order: Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and then The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.[/QUOTE]

Oh, it's a trilogy?

Jeez, I never thought I'd need hand-holding when it comes to watching movies.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Oh, it's a trilogy?

Jeez, I never thought I'd need hand-holding when it comes to watching movies.[/QUOTE]
Well, trilogy in a somewhat loose sense. The narrative doesn't directly continue from one to the next, but I think the progression stylistically and of Clint Eastwood's character are best enjoyed in order.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Oh, it's a trilogy?

Jeez, I never thought I'd need hand-holding when it comes to watching movies.[/QUOTE]

Watch them in the order they were made/released

They are all directed by the same guy and star most of the same actors, but none of the stories are related and the actors don't play the same characters in each movie except Eastwood...kinda.

The films don't even take place in chronological order.

Watch em in order to see the development of the actors and the director.

But imo 'Indio' from 'A Few Dollars More' is one of the best movie badguys ever.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Eh, happened at a friend's house 'bout a year ago. Were playing during a thunderstorm when the power went out. Power comes back on, he presses the power button, and RROD. Has made me weary since, especially considering I have a jet-engine-fan 360 from 2007 that already RROD'd on me once.[/QUOTE]

Had that happen a few times.

Noticed it doesn't get the RROD when playing from the HDD, at least on my system.
Is the Legend of the West suit cool? I am thinking of stopping my game progression and just going for 10s to get it so I can wear it for the remainder of the game. Basically, I am not going to get all the suits, and I enjoy the duster, but am curious if there is one real cool bad ass suit people would recommend. And by ambient challenges it just means the Sharpshooter, treasure hunter, hunter, and survivalists... right?
[quote name='faceturd']Is the Legend of the West suit cool? I am thinking of stopping my game progression and just going for 10s to get it so I can wear it for the remainder of the game. Basically, I am not going to get all the suits, and I enjoy the duster, but am curious if there is one real cool bad ass suit people would recommend. And by ambient challenges it just means the Sharpshooter, treasure hunter, hunter, and survivalists... right?[/QUOTE]
Yep, it's those four. I stopped doing missions right after I got into the third area so I could get it. I think it looks awesome, definitely my favorite outfit in the game. The extra dead eye is great as well.
Any easy way to get the 500 mounted gun kills? I saw some strategies online, but I don't want to do it with other people. Prefer doing it by myself... like most things.
[quote name='GhostShark']So, uh, killed my first Bear in the Blackwater area. There really needs to be more Bears in the area.[/QUOTE]

Go through at night in the tall trees near tanner's ranch and there are tons. I ran into 6 within 1 minute or two if you catch the right hours in the night.
[quote name='GhostShark']So, uh, killed my first Bear in the Blackwater area. There really needs to be more Bears in the area.[/QUOTE]

You are joking right. I can't keep track of how many times I drop one bear and go to skin him and then two or three others ambush me.

Take the last posters tip and check the snowy mountain trails later in the day or early morning. Sometimes I seen them hunting elk.
This game is just amazing. It has been a long while since i've played a game that truly amazed me.

Have played out for an insane amount of time and still enjoying it as i did the first time i played it. It feels like there's so much to do and the world feels alive. From the great missions, to the exploring aspect, busy/interactive world, to the myths/legends... It's just so much fun. I've spent a week just exploring, doing side quests, creating chaos, fun with lasso.. etc etc - i've played only a few of the main missions. Just an incredible game.
[quote name='Puffa469']I watched 'Fistful of Dollars' and 'For a Few Dollars More' last week.

I'll be watching Good, Bad, Ugly this week for sure.

I've seen each film dozens of times, and I have to say 'For a Few Dollars More' is my favorite.[/QUOTE]For a Few Dollars More is the best. They're all good though.

[quote name='Puffa469']Watch them in the order they were made/released

They are all directed by the same guy and star most of the same actors, but none of the stories are related and the actors don't play the same characters in each movie except Eastwood...kinda.

The films don't even take place in chronological order.

Watch em in order to see the development of the actors and the director.

But imo 'Indio' from 'A Few Dollars More' is one of the best movie badguys ever.[/QUOTE]You know, I always thought that Lee Van Cleef played the same guy in the second and third movies, guess it's been a long time since I saw the first two. Watched GBU a month or so ago. If you like these movies, the director made a bunch more spaghetti westerns. Check out Once Upon a Time in the West. Really good. It was awesome that Red Dead Revolver's music was done by Morricone who did the music for a lot of the spaghetti westerns, not to mention The Untouchables, how awesome is the music in that?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Any easy way to get the 500 mounted gun kills? I saw some strategies online, but I don't want to do it with other people. Prefer doing it by myself... like most things.[/QUOTE]

Go to a Private Free Roam and head to El Presidio, you will see a castle type building. There are multiple cannons on it, just throw some dynamite or a fire bottle inside the castle and it will start your bounty. Now some people say to go to the cannon right above the transport wheel, but I used the one to the right of it that is up the steps and died a lot less. Just start killing people with the cannon and watch your mini map, when someone comes up the steps behind you just hop off the cannon, kill him, then get back on the cannon.
I must say, I am a bit disappointed in finishing out all the challenges. Besides the Legend of the West outfit, which is just a cleaner duster with increased dead-eye, there really wasn't much of a reward. But it was awesomely rewarding to take down that bear with my blade.
[quote name='GhostShark']So, uh, killed my first Bear in the Blackwater area. There really needs to be more Bears in the area.[/QUOTE]

There are too many bears!
[quote name='Law_Professor']There are too many bears![/QUOTE]What about the packs of wolves? I've been around Riley's Charge and a place in Mexico where as soon as you kill a pack of wolves and are about halfway done skinning them another pack attacks. I rode through and every random stranger was either running from wolves on foot or shooting at them from horseback. I just ran around picking off surviving wolves and looting bodies and skinning animals for awhile. By the way, that's a pretty easy way to get cash fast.
The other day I played and finally ran into one of those glaring glitches. In this case every stage coach (and their horses) was stuck too far down in the earth and couldn't move. Though they sure kept trying, though, looking like they were having seizures. I tried riding one to see if that would free it up, payed the money, but it didn't help. :)
[quote name='crunchewy']The other day I played and finally ran into one of those glaring glitches. In this case every stage coach (and their horses) was stuck too far down in the earth and couldn't move. Though they sure kept trying, though, looking like they were having seizures. I tried riding one to see if that would free it up, payed the money, but it didn't help. :)[/QUOTE]
I encountered this my first time Sunday morning with the stage coach in the ground. Then shortly after I saw a wolf who kept walking off a cliff and floating, then glitching back onto the cliff and walking off again. At first I thought it was one of those flying wolves. Perhaps it had something to do with playing for nearly 10 hours straight and the system getting too hot? I've only experienced the glitches like at the end of that one sitting.
I get that Stagecoach glitch a lot. And it ALWAYS happens right after I experience the Frame rate drop glitch. AND it's usually when I'm doing a bounty mission and am putting my bounty on my horse, the game drops to around 4 FPS for about 2 minutes and then goes back to normal. Then when I go to town all the stage coaches are stuck.
Ughhh can someone help me out?

I'm at 99.8% and HAD 8 BH missions in New Austin, 6 in Nuevo Paraiso and 4 in West Elizabeth which = 18. So I had 2 more left... today I did one in Nuevo afterwards checked and it said I have 6 still. So I did another and it still said I had 6... so I went to Elizabeth and did 1 says I have 4 still...

But my Bounties Alive and Dead count is now at: 15alive and 6dead = 21. Why are the other numbers NOT going up!?!? Ughhhh

I restarted and did two El Prisidio bounties and it worked... so thank god 100% finally.
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[quote name='DarkNessBear']I get that Stagecoach glitch a lot. And it ALWAYS happens right after I experience the Frame rate drop glitch. AND it's usually when I'm doing a bounty mission and am putting my bounty on my horse, the game drops to around 4 FPS for about 2 minutes and then goes back to normal. Then when I go to town all the stage coaches are stuck.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... yep, I think that's when it happened for me too - I had only just gotten the lasso and I did get that frame rate drop, though I'm not sure exactly when.
My Thoughts now that I have finished...
I personally don't understand the reviews for sites. I wouldn't rate it that high for me. It's as if the reviewers only played into Act 1 and based their reviews only on it.

Let's start.
The positives
- Act 1
- start of Act 3
- Hunting
The negatives
- Act 2 - the mexico missions were terrible (outside the Abraham rescue mission). I personally thought you playing both sides was terrible. After the first mission, it was easy to decipher that the Mexican Army was going to screw you over. The plotline down there just felt forced as if they were just trying to extend the game.
- End of Act 3 (the Home section) - you get off the high of what you thought was the end of the game only to find out you are going to regress back to tutorial like missions (such as hunting elk) and chore like missions (such as herding cattle all over). When all that was done, then the game goes all cliche on you by having John die.
[quote name='lordopus99']My Thoughts now that I have finished...
I personally don't understand the reviews for sites. I wouldn't rate it that high for me. It's as if the reviewers only played into Act 1 and based their reviews only on it.

Let's start.
The positives
- Act 1
- start of Act 3
- Hunting
The negatives
- Act 2 - the mexico missions were terrible (outside the Abraham rescue mission). I personally thought you playing both sides was terrible. After the first mission, it was easy to decipher that the Mexican Army was going to screw you over. The plotline down there just felt forced as if they were just trying to extend the game.
- End of Act 3 (the Home section) - you get off the high of what you thought was the end of the game only to find out you are going to regress back to tutorial like missions (such as hunting elk) and chore like missions (such as herding cattle all over). When all that was done, then the game goes all cliche on you by having John die.

If you thought John dying was the end then you haven't beaten it yet.

I was completely satisfied with the game and in the genre that is sandbox it was one of the best! Of course it had its moments, but what game in the genre doesn't?
I just can't fathom what a next gen RDR would be like... do you guys think they'll ever make another RD? I mean after the company basically imploded near the end, I don't have much faith... but I hope hope hope!
So it appears the 'Always Drunk' (read: Hic!) cheat code has been discovered.

It is...


exactly like that.

It is HILARIOUS. Try walking backwards! You cannot open doors while like this, though.
Does anyone have a link to the trading/selling Red Dead Redemption thread? I can't find it for the life of me >.<

Thanks in advance.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I just can't fathom what a next gen RDR would be like... do you guys think they'll ever make another RD? I mean after the company basically imploded near the end, I don't have much faith... but I hope hope hope![/QUOTE]
If it does well then I don't see why not. I could see them giving it the GTA treatment: delve further into the Wild West by setting it in an earlier time period, but keeping it in the same universe as RDR 1 (complete with cameos from key characters). Basically what Vice City was to GTA III. Then again, this is R* San Diego not R* North, so I'm not sure if they'd rather move on to something new or not. Either way, I'm excited to see what they do next.
bread's done