Reduced Price Guide Thread-Lucky Number XIII(FAQ in 2nd post)

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The Reduced Price Guide FAQ/OP has been moved to the SECOND post.

Below is SIX MONTHS or so(counting January 2010) of guide drop info. If you want to see the full list, please refer to the second post of the Reduced Price Guide Thread X that can be found HERE .

Red=Gamestop drop
Blue=Best Buy drop

Recent Drops(listed newest to oldest):

>>>Dropped on 3.07.12

Gamestop 1

Battlefield 3 CE

>>>Dropped on 1.25.12>>Dropped on 10.19.11Dropped on 10.13.11Dropped on 10.13.11Dropped on 10.6.11Dropped on 10.6.11Dropped on 9.15.11Dropped on 9.15.11Dropped on 9.7.11Dropped on 9.7.11Dropped on 8.17.11Dropped on 8.17.11Dropped on 8.8.11>>Dropped on 4.27.11Dropped on 4.13.11Dropped on 4.13.11Dropped on 3.30.11>>Dropped on 2.21.11Dropped on 1.26.11>>Dropped on 06.25.10Dropped on 06.07.10>>Dropped on 03.18.10Dropped on 03.04.10Dropped on 03.04.10Dropped on 02.22.10Dropped on 02.22.10Dropped on 01.27.10Dropped on 01.27.10
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That kinda sucks. Can you install the game files from the actual disc after using the one month trial code? If so, then that would be the best option for me, since otherwise it'll take forever on my connection to download it.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']The regular version is pennied out, too.[/QUOTE]

Verified this. Talked to a friend who works at the GS that shot me down earlier today. He said the little punk who denied me went in the back after I left and snagged the last PS3 CE for himself. But my buddy said the regular edition also pennied so he'll give me one. :)
so this game has pennied out on all systems or pc and ps3? Didn't know games can penny, just only thought guides? Thats what I've gotten outta this anyways, but if games penny too, just pc games I'm assuming for the most part, and occasional online only games? Will FFXI ultimate for 360 penny out at all?
You guys are bumping this thread for something that isn't a guide, yet at times people have bitched about whether reduced prices had to be a penny.
You just have to take a wait and see approach. Mostly it's PC games though. Like for example a bunch of those Ubisoft cardboard sleeve PC games(Assassin's Creed, etc) pennied a while ago.

Sometimes it's not just PC games but items that penny. People have reported wallets, action figures, the God Of War Ultimate Edition(Pandora's Box only was junked out, games were moved to used status) and a bunch of other random stuff has been reported as pennied/trashed.

There's a list of it in one of the first 5-6 posts on the first page of the thread if you wanna go take a look.

But yeah, it pennied on PC and PS3(not sure if it was ever on 360).

EDIT: The pages are GONE from Gamestop's website, so now there's no way to check stock for either version. That is, unless you can find a cached version of the page somewhere.
Just tried to get a PS3 CE. Kid looked it up and said no. I only wanted the statue and he said they were being used to promote Arkham City and then they are to be destroyed. Waste.
[quote name='Zippon']Verified this. Talked to a friend who works at the GS that shot me down earlier today. He said the little punk who denied me went in the back after I left and snagged the last PS3 CE for himself. But my buddy said the regular edition also pennied so he'll give me one. :)[/QUOTE]
Got a copy of the regular edition myself while trying to find a CE.
Might be a nice option for those concerned about trophies when DCUO goes F2P.
showed up at another game stop which has the PS3 collector version in stock. Gamestop employee laughed at me and said I was too late. He alraedy took the game and statue. wtf? :lol:
[quote name='WeaponX2099']The Medal of Honor guide did drop too.[/QUOTE]

Gamestop or everywhere? there was a few at best buy last time...
Tried two stores for the DCUO CE. Really only want the figure(haven't seen it, is it even worth looking for?). First store said they were out. 2nd store said they gave them away. The guy proceeded to tell me how he got one and how it took forever to install, and about the character he made. I said i had to go and left...
[quote name='Pookymeister']Tried two stores for the DCUO CE. Really only want the figure(haven't seen it, is it even worth looking for?). First store said they were out. 2nd store said they gave them away. The guy proceeded to tell me how he got one and how it took forever to install, and about the character he made. I said i had to go and left...[/QUOTE]

Not as bad as my experience. Went to my local GS at lunch and asked if they had the PS3 normal or CE version. Luckily they had the normal version! However, the employee told me they weren't selling it. After I browsed some more, he walked by me and whispered to me that he would sell it to me for 10 bucks.

Of course I said no thanks. He then proceeded to tell me that he bought all the CEs for a penny each yesterday and asked his friend to sell them on eBay for him. I guess that's the perk of working for GS...
[quote name='jling84']Not as bad as my experience. Went to my local GS at lunch and asked if they had the PS3 normal or CE version. Luckily they had the normal version! However, the employee told me they weren't selling it. After I browsed some more, he walked by me and whispered to me that he would sell it to me for 10 bucks.

Of course I said no thanks. He then proceeded to tell me that he bought all the CEs for a penny each yesterday and asked his friend to sell them on eBay for him. I guess that's the perk of working for GS...[/QUOTE]

I'd get that prick fired.
[quote name='Lightning War']I'd get that prick fired.[/QUOTE]

It annoyed me, but I don't want to get anyone fired especially in this economic climate. Who knows he might have kids to feed or something.
[quote name='jling84']It annoyed me, but I don't want to get anyone fired especially in this economic climate. Who knows he might have kids to feed or something.[/QUOTE]

It's one thing to do that to make some extra cash - it's another to tell that to a customer who wanted it.
Things went better than expected for me. All the Gamestops in my area have been quick to pull pennied items lately and are very stingy with them. I wasn't expecting to have any luck with this, but I figured I'd try since I had nothing better to do this afternoon. I hit the closest store and they said they were all out, but the guy checked other stores' inventory on his computer. It showed that a couple still had some, so he called to see if they'd hold one for me. The first two places said they didn't have any more copies. The third said they had one left and they'd be happy to hold it for me. A 15-minute drive later, I had the game in my hands. I love it when things like this work out without much hassle on my part. :lol:

[quote name='jling84']It annoyed me, but I don't want to get anyone fired especially in this economic climate. Who knows he might have kids to feed or something.[/QUOTE]

fuck him. shitty people do not deserve jobs.
[quote name='jling84']It annoyed me, but I don't want to get anyone fired especially in this economic climate. Who knows he might have kids to feed or something.[/QUOTE]

I am all for trying to make some side-money, but that is unacceptable man.

Look at it this way, he is abusing his job. There is someone else out there who also needs to job that will actually perform the job properly and is not able get it because that ass of an employee has it.

Not only did he try to take advantage of you by saying "$10 for it" while he walked past you, because he KNOWS what he is doing is wrong, but he even gloated about buying them all and selling them. I would not hesitate to contact the DM about him at all.

Also, not only is that NOT a perk of working for GS but he is going against the rules he should be following as an employee at GS. He is basically stealing and gloating about it to customers.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Tried two stores for the DCUO CE. Really only want the figure(haven't seen it, is it even worth looking for?). First store said they were out. 2nd store said they gave them away. The guy proceeded to tell me how he got one and how it took forever to install, and about the character he made. I said i had to go and left...[/QUOTE]
Here's an unboxing video of the PS3 CE from I believe IGN from almost a year ago.

What's funniest is if you stop the video at 1:26, you can clearly make out the activation code from that copy of DCUO CE.:lol:
[quote name='WeaponX2099']The Medal of Honor guide did drop too.[/QUOTE]
Can we confirm if any other guides dropped this week or maybe it's one we missed from last week's drop? I think I'm gonna add it into last week's drop since it seems kinda weird they'd only drop one guide.

EDIT: I added in the MOH guide to the second post and the wiki post. If someone can get a SKU # then I'll add that into the SKU wiki.
Picked up the last Metroid: Other M guide at the best buy near me. Super mario galaxy rang up for $19.99 unfortunately. It was pretty funny how it went down.

Me: I was wondering how much these were?

Employee 1: Sure, This one(SMG) is $19.99 and This (Metroid) is... a penny.

*He scans metroid a good five or six times then, Employee 2 walks up.

Employee 1: Hey is this supposed to be a penny?

Employee 2: yea, they penny out and go on clearance

Employee 1: Here's your change man. I shouldve waited for final fantasy to drop then.

Has anyone checked lbp 2?
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[quote name='Cysquatch']Picked up the last Metroid: Other M guide at the best buy near me. Super mario galaxy rang up for $19.99 unfortunately. It was pretty funny how it went down.

Me: I was wondering how much these were?

Employee 1: Sure, This one(SMG) is $19.99 and This (Metroid) is... a penny.

*He scans metroid a good five or six times then, Employee 2 walks up.

Employee 1: Hey is this supposed to be a penny?

Employee 2: yea, the penny out and go on clearance

Employee 1: Here's your change man. I shouldve waited for final fantasy to drop then.

Has anyone checked lbp 2?[/QUOTE]

If you mean Littlebigplanet 2 it dropped in the last drop at Gamestop.
[quote name='Ultragamer']If you mean Littlebigplanet 2 it dropped in the last drop at Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

I think he meant at Best Buy. In that case I don't think it dropped, nobody has said anything.
[quote name='Ultragamer']If you mean Littlebigplanet 2 it dropped in the last drop at Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Lightning War']I think he meant at Best Buy. In that case I don't think it dropped, nobody has said anything.[/QUOTE]

I did mean at best buy and I did mean little big planet 2. If no ones checked or reported anything, I'm more than willing to do it when I pick up RAGE tuesday.

I'm also willing to check up on any other guide like MoH, homefront, homefront CE, 3rd birthday, la noire, etc. Just let me know
[quote name='Cysquatch']I did mean at best buy and I did mean little big planet 2. If no ones checked or reported anything, I'm more than willing to do it when I pick up RAGE tuesday.

I'm also willing to check up on any other guide like MoH, homefront, homefront CE, 3rd birthday, la noire, etc. Just let me know[/QUOTE]

I'd appreciate it if you checked up on the 3rd Birthday. I've been wanting to pick that one up, but I missed the GS clearance because I avoided this topic after a monumental fail pickup :whistle2:#
[quote name='RabbitSuit']I'd appreciate it if you checked up on the 3rd Birthday. I've been wanting to pick that one up, but I missed the GS clearance because I avoided this topic after a monumental fail pickup :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

No problem! I'll check 3rd birthday. What is this "monumental fail pickup" you speak of
[quote name='Cysquatch']No problem! I'll check 3rd birthday. What is this "monumental fail pickup" you speak of[/QUOTE]

I made two managers at the store start shouting at one another on the sales floor.
Well I guess i don't know much about the FTP set up. My assumption was that people would still need to buy the original disc but would no longer have to pay a monthly fee. Is that not the case? I'm guessing not since they are trashing disc copies.
yay, got my first guide at Best Buy yesterday. I grabbed ME2, DR2, and Force unleased II. ME2 was ringing up as starcraft II CE guide o_O for like 25 bucks for some reason. Dunno what was wrong with that. The guy peeled the sticker off the back and got hte barcode itself and it rang up as $20... so im not sure what the deal is with that. They seem to be mislabeled, and im not sure if it was the one that was supposed to be .01 out.

Star wars II was 20 bucks.. just noiced that its the CE thats supposed to be dropped though so no biggie there.

Yay to DR2 i guess though. I'll use it if i ever get around to playing the game
[quote name='Yeahman']Well I guess i don't know much about the FTP set up. My assumption was that people would still need to buy the original disc but would no longer have to pay a monthly fee. Is that not the case? I'm guessing not since they are trashing disc copies.[/QUOTE]

From what I've read the DD version if it on PSN is going to be free to download as well, so you don't need the disc, but you will need a good bit of HDD space.
[quote name='Cysquatch']I did mean at best buy and I did mean little big planet 2. If no ones checked or reported anything, I'm more than willing to do it when I pick up RAGE tuesday.

I'm also willing to check up on any other guide like MoH, homefront, homefront CE, 3rd birthday, la noire, etc. Just let me know[/QUOTE]

Well Monday IS the first Monday of the month, maybe they'll be a drop.

never thought id get lucky but ....went to gamestop one dc ps3 ce new denied was told dm is personally taking all of them for himself. went to gamestop 2 they had two copies and the guy at register ive known for years...
him: hey buddy how are you
me: im here to pick up dcuo ps3 ce (they had 2 on wall sealed new)
him: grabs and rings up oh man its a penny dude i cant sell this but you know what it was displayed and its my managers fault for not doing his job here you go dude
me: smiling cause this is going to my sister whose a HUGE batman fan

having the gf check two more gamestops today who supposedly have a few copies so i can get one myself.
[quote name='Lightning War']Well Monday IS the first Monday of the month, maybe they'll be a drop.


Oh man, Hyperbole and a Half is now meme-material? AWESOME. My friends and I use "all the things" constantly and no one ever gets the reference. I'm rather excited about this!

...Sorry about the tangent.

...Um, to bring it back on topic: Went to a Gamestop that's a little out of the way and found quite a few penny guides. To my dismay, when I tried to buy them the guy working was a manager and said there's no way he could let me take them. That's the first time I've been denied. Knowing those guides will be getting destroyed because of my hurts my heart a little. :(
dude i doubt they are getting destroyed hes prolly just going to pawn them himself LOL. theres a manager by me that does that at one of the 7 gamestops by me.
[quote name='Luuc'] Went to a Gamestop that's a little out of the way and found quite a few penny guides. To my dismay, when I tried to buy them the guy working was a manager and said there's no way he could let me take them. That's the first time I've been denied. Knowing those guides will be getting destroyed because of my hurts my heart a little. :([/QUOTE]

Bring up the guide you want most. If they let you buy it joke around and ask if anything else is a penny. It usually works.

Sometimes they will empty their drawer of old preorder bonuses. I got like 10 or 15 things from one store. Demon's Souls book Cd, some JRPG book, Conan hardcover, Devil May Cry 4 hardcover, Chaotic cards, FF postcards, etc.

I also picked up the Medal of Honor Guide for .01 @ GS. I believe it was the only guide drop.
I had an odd experience at a gamestop today they had a sealed final fantasy 12 l.e. Guide for 15. I thought this had to pennied as its 6-7 years old. I checked it out and it was 15. Has that guide never dropped at gs?
[quote name='tbassett']I had an odd experience at a gamestop today they had a sealed final fantasy 12 l.e. Guide for 15. I thought this had to pennied as its 6-7 years old. I checked it out and it was 15. Has that guide never dropped at gs?[/QUOTE]

I found the same guide at a Gamestop a few weeks ago and it came up as $29.99. (same price as what sticker showed)
[quote name='tbassett']I had an odd experience at a gamestop today they had a sealed final fantasy 12 l.e. Guide for 15. I thought this had to pennied as its 6-7 years old. I checked it out and it was 15. Has that guide never dropped at gs?[/QUOTE]
This guide is legendary. IATCG could probably post about it for the 12th or 13th time:D.
[quote name='PapaSmerf']This guide is legendary. IATCG could probably post about it for the 12th or 13th time:D.[/QUOTE]

he probably bought a couple extra copies to give to some woman he's trying to get with. he's soft
Got a guide today while doing a re preorder of a game. I preordered the LOZ Skyward special version at a gs near me where I tried to get a guide, the manager or store clerk working there is a dick and yells at me whenever I try to bring up guides I think are pennied, which possibly they could be but he doesn't ring them up correctly. But anyways, I switched and preordered at a different one where I found Fear 3, so now I just need to go to the original gs and get my money back for the game and I'll make sure to mention the guys name if they ask why I am switching.

Hard to get to me, but that guy does, so hopefully something gets done, if not oh well I guess
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Was there a CAG at the Hickory, North Carolina Best Buy earlier this evening? I was trading in a few games and the guy in front of me was checking some guides to see if they had pennied. The Best Buy employee told me that the guy always buys a lot of the penny guides, and finds out which guides penny before the BB employees know from a website.
[quote name='UNC5052']Was there a CAG at the Hickory, North Carolina Best Buy earlier this evening? I was trading in a few games and the guy in front of me was checking some guides to see if they had pennied. The Best Buy employee told me that the guy always buys a lot of the penny guides, and finds out which guides penny before the BB employees know from a website.[/QUOTE]

There's some asshole prick who gets all of the penny guides at my Best Buy then sells them at a huge mark-up at a flea market.
[quote name='Romeo']There's some asshole prick who gets all of the penny guides at my Best Buy then sells them at a huge mark-up at a flea market.[/QUOTE]
I gotta wonder if you're in my area, since there's some fuckwad who opened up a stand in this flea market type thing they made out of an old non 24 hour WalMart store around here. More than half of the guides/items along the back wall of their stand have BB stickers on them that have been covered up with marker/Sharpie.

I thought it was hilarious when I first saw it, but since I've missed out on the last 2-3 drops at BB only to see those items end up there I'm not laughing anymore.

Only good part about that stand was that they used to only price CE guides at $1.99 and I would buy up their stock to put up on Amazon and sell for 10x that without having to run all over creation looking for those CE guides.;):)
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Got a Medal of Honor guide today from Gamestop. I wish Best Buy would drop some of the guides from Gamestops most recent drop. My Best Buy has a couple copies of almost all of them. Also, tomorrow's the first Monday of the month. Possible drop?
No luck on DCUO near me. Pretty sure all the employees are keeping them. If anyone happens to get a copy of the CE, (either system is fine, PC preferred) Please PM me, I'll gladly toss you shipping and a small finders fee.
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