Screwed out of a Rebate? (*cough* Paper Mario/Hot Shots/SF: OS) Tip inside...

Its not hindsight that matters. The purchases were made when the price was at $20.

1. There was no indication of a sale of any kind.
2. EB has done 'games for free with voucher' deals in the past.
3. The ambigious 'price drop' 'conveniently' coincided with said 'price drop'.

All 3 factors leads to more sales because people assume rebate will be honored, and some people(myself included) only purchased the game because it would be free after voucher.
[quote name='punqsux']how would one distinguish a sale at eb if it is not an advertised sale?[/QUOTE]

Also, that their sales reps, until corrected, were saying it was "free" after $20 GV rebate. They were perpetuating the problem until they found out.

That's one of the real issues, plus the fact that they have done "free" after GV rebate games in the past.
[quote name='electrictroy']Here's an idea.... work 2 extra hours this week, and that will pay for your $20 game.

ah but youre defeating the whole purpose of this website, to get games as cheap as possible. i mean obviously we can work and make money to spend on games, the point of this site is to spend less money per game, not more.
[quote name='electrictroy']Here's an idea.... work 2 extra hours this week, and that will pay for your $20 game.


You must turn in your CAG card immediately that's sacreligious speak :D
[quote name='punqsux']ah but youre defeating the whole purpose of this website, to get games as cheap as possible. i mean obviously we can work and make money to spend on games, the point of this site is to spend less money per game, not more.[/QUOTE]

Like troy said, rebates are meant not to be redeemed (by the company). So ya'll go to small claims court all you want to, it's just speed up the process of the rebates not being offered anymore.

Either way, I'm not out time or money.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Like troy said, rebates are meant not to be redeemed (by the company). So ya'll go to small claims court all you want to, it's just speed up the process of the rebates not being offered anymore.

Either way, I'm not out time or money.[/QUOTE]

Whether or not a company expects customers to follow through with rebates doesn't matter. Once they offer the gift vouchers they're obligated to honor them. Some people will forget about the rebate, in those situations EB wins. However, those of us who do send in everything necessary to receive the advertised rebate should not be turned away. If EB wants to avoid future controversey and unhappy buyers they should be more specific as to what price a game must be purchased at in order to qualify for a voucher. If specifics are not mentioned and a mistake has been made then EB should take responsibility, not wish it away or give bullshit excuses.

Doing away with rebates would be fine by me, but that really makes no sense from the business POV of EB or BB. Many of those who buy products with an offered rebate don't bother with it, though they likely would have never considered the purchase if not for the potential rebate. By taking away such offers you lose sales. Regardless, you're wrong if you think it's ok for a business to advertise money/credit back and then refuse to follow through. Those corporations that would find no problem in deceiving consumers should be taken to court and held responsible.
EB Games gave out a notice to all stores saying they would not honor Paper Mario's rebate when it went on sale for $19.99. That, and the fact that it was pretty obivious that it was a sale price will protect them from any actions you guys take.
[quote name='electrictroy']I still don't understand why you guys think you deserve a PM rebate? The coupon specifically excludes games that are "on sale", and therefore PM is not eligible.


Sorry, the words "on sale" do not appear on the form. Perhaps, if they did, there wouldn't be so much confusion.

"Let's almost, but not quite, as bad as stealing."

Deception is close to stealing. It's what EB did. They have a history of not honoring rebates (Syphon Filter, Hot Shots, now Black Monday and Capcom Fighting Evolution).

If I wrote a check at EB, and then canceled it, (deceiding not to 'honor' it) they'd take me to court. Why should a customer act ANY different. It's business, nothing personal.
Just received my "Phantom Dust" voucher yesterday, that is, after I inquired about it via email a few days ago. Most likely would have never received it otherwise. That's the rebate game for you, but I'm willing to play knowing the pitfalls going in.

"Figures vary depending on the amount, but a small percentage of rebates ever get redeemed, as low as 2 percent for values of less than $5."

Wonder what the figures are for $20 rebates?
[quote name='Scahom1']EB Games gave out a notice to all stores saying they would not honor Paper Mario's rebate when it went on sale for $19.99. That, and the fact that it was pretty obivious that it was a sale price, will protect them from any actions you guys take.[/QUOTE]

I agree.

I'm all for getting stuff for cheap. I've been known to stack coupon on top of coupon until I pay $5 for a $100 pair of shoes. Or more recently, thanks to pricegrabber rebates, negative 5 dollars for Paper Mario 2.

But when the coupon reads, "Can not be combined with other offers or price incentives," I follow that restriction. I don't throw a tantrum or break the rules.

I got off the phone with them... they said they won't honor any rebate... with any receipt with a $19.99 paper mario...

Still I'll be calling agian tomo... I'll be asking for the manager
I said this in another thread but it bears repeating. The voucher is the ONLY reason I bought Paper Mario now instead of waiting until it is Player's Choice and getting it for $15 after GGC at Best Buy. Also I could have waited for one of Target's 2 for $25 Player's choice/greatest hits/platinum hits. EB thinks they suckered us into cleaning out their stock of a game they could not sell at $50.
[quote name='electrictroy']I agree.

I'm all for getting stuff for cheap. I've been known to stack coupon on top of coupon until I pay $5 for a $100 pair of shoes. Or more recently, thanks to pricegrabber rebates, negative 5 dollars for Paper Mario 2.

But when the coupon reads, "Can not be combined with other offers or price incentives," I follow that restriction. I don't throw a tantrum or break the rules.


If you allow a company to insert any sort of vast technicality, you allow them to wiggle out of ever having to follow through on any deal. Consequently, any vague wording can be used to fit a number of situations. In this case, there is nothing to stop EB or any company from ever having to deliver on a rebate. They can always say that whatever price the item was purchased at was at a "sale" price, whether or not there was anything to indicate that.
I just had to chime in on the history of rebates. They first started as a way for manufacturing companies to clearance out merchandise. Whether it was for a new model or just dropping the item or getting rid of extra stock. The rebate was supposed to guarantee the savings to the customer (driving sales!) whereas dropping the wholesale cost and/or MSRP may not translate to the lower price the manufacturer had expected. I learned this from my marketing research classes in college. I had one class just on coupons and rebates (imagine how boring that could be!!!!)

Today, those types of rebates still exist, but marketing people have realized they serve other purposes. Rebates not only come from the manufacturer but from stores themselves to act as a promotional tool as well. Store marketing people learned that they could effectively drive a full price sale by offerring a rebate that was appealing enough. They also learned that some people will forget or file the informaiton incorrectly. Rebates, like coupons, are items that some people just don't bother with as well. Some estimates show that rebate fulfillment can be as low as 20% for lower-dollar rebates (and as high as 80%). Running a rebate would almost always end up with more dollars in sales versus putting the item on sale for that price. The worst 'tweaking' of the rebate world as of late has been to make the rebate not worth the effort but advertise the after-rebate price to drive sales.

Even with these new ways to use/abuse the rebate, none of them involve refusing to fulfill the rebate. That may be more dishonest than anything with these new ways to trick the consumer. I don't like those methods, but they are not illegal.

I do believe there are some comapnies who are purposefully trying to not fulfill rebates, and that is illegal. If they can get away with it, then they'll continue to cheat the consumer. I agree with the OP about going after those companies. With rebates, filling out correctly and sending in the proper requirements for a rebate DOES result in a legal contract for a refund. Companies that get the right information from you are required to give you your rebate - everyone who has correctly sent in their rebates has a right to get their money back.

I believe the only other fishy way of dealing with the rebates are the 'lost' rebates. I would still look for ways to file a complaint about a lost rebate - if enough are 'lost' then an investigation could ensue. Definitely make copies of all documents sent in (and filled out completely, not the blank forms!) I would absolutely send in a rebate with Delivery Confirmation if the dollar value is high enough (especially if the rebate address is New Rochelle, NY!!!!). They can't claim it was lost in the mail if you have proof they received it! Of course, that doesn't work well to pay for DC if the rebate is 2$.

Sorry for the long soapbox, but my belief in marketing is appealing to the consumer to buy your goods. Rebates are very much a great marketing tool, but I hate to see when it is abused to screw the consumer over.
As a customer, I'd prefer they just kock $20 off the price. Then there's no risk of "lost mail" and not getting the sale price.

The gift voucher I used on PM2 was like that... knocked $20 off the price immediately... no risk of rejection.

[quote name='Scahom1']EB Games gave out a notice to all stores saying they would not honor Paper Mario's rebate when it went on sale for $19.99. That, and the fact that it was pretty obivious that it was a sale price will protect them from any actions you guys take.[/QUOTE]

It took them multiple days to do that, and all the while, the reps in-store were happily saying it was "free" after GV. And in some cases, more than a week's time to get the info to all the reps in-store.

They didn't plan ahead for this one, and in the window of time it took them to inform their people on that issue, they should honor it. Outside that window of time, or if a rep didn't specifically say that it was "free" after GV, then I can see them passing on it.

Just because they don't have their act together doesn't mean I should get stiffed in the process.
Just called about Paper Mario and got the "not valid on items on sale". I told him I wasn't aware it was on sale and he simply said "it was". Maybe I'll try again tomorrow as I bought that game because it was free after rebate. Not to mention that it's not a cash rebate but has to be used at EBgames. I wish they weren't being so bastardly about this.
[quote name='electrictroy']
But when the coupon reads, "Can not be combined with other offers or price incentives," I follow that restriction. I don't throw a tantrum or break the rules.

You know what's funny, is that I remember a thread where you photoshopped a receipt to add Gran Turismo 4 and a wheel you bought onto the same receipt in order to get a rebate, and then threw a tantrum when people called you on it and that "the rules were stupid".
I think I said this on the other thread, but demand that they return your receipt and/or pay for postage that it took you to send it. You followed all their rules. Now you want to return the game and be compensated for postage. See what they say.
[quote name='dhrez']Just called about Paper Mario and got the "not valid on items on sale". I told him I wasn't aware it was on sale and he simply said "it was". Maybe I'll try again tomorrow as I bought that game because it was free after rebate. Not to mention that it's not a cash rebate but has to be used at EBgames. I wish they weren't being so bastardly about this.[/QUOTE]

They never had a flyer that listed PM as being on sale for 19.99$ as far as I remember. The web site, incidentally, only showed 19.99$ as the price with no mention of "Sale" or "Temporary Price Drop". For all we know, it could have been a permanent price drop. Add the rebate, and they can get rid of their PM stock quickly for other inventory (again, the ORIGINAL reason for rebates!). That does not interfere with the terms of the rebate.

I think this is one where EB made a mistake by lowering the price temporarily for PM during a promotional period with the rebate. That is very shady to not honour the rebate because they never mentioned this was a promotional price nor was a sale in any advertisement. Our CAG community just happened upon the game at that price online without them bringing our attention to it.

I know other deals are someitmes taking advantage of system error (such as the CC issue with those games ringing up wrong). Some people talk about suing when they couldn't get the deal - well, they caught it and corrected it. I don't feel this is the case here - lowering your price and offerring a rebate to make it "free" essentially is a common practice. No Sale or Promotion was ever mentioned about that price. I think if enough people are shafted by this, it might be worth persuing with the court system. Also, have some people received the rebate even at the 19.99$ price? If so, there is some precedent and should honour all requests. F- for EBgames on this one :(
[quote name='Roufuss']you photoshopped a receipt to add Gran Turismo 4 and a wheel you bought onto the same receipt in order to get a rebate, and that "the rules were stupid".[/QUOTE]
No. The rules were fine.

But they HID the "must buy at the same store" in fine print, n the middle of a large paragraph, where the customer could not see it. i.e. Deliberately mis-leading. Similar to Ebay's deceptive sales.

I know people are making the same "misleading" claim about EBgames listing PM2 = $19.99 w/o designating it as a sale. - But imho it is best characterized as an "omission", not deliberately misleading. Also imho, it was obviously a sale, since no other retailers had dropped the price, and PM2 was still a brand-new game. Nintendo wouldn't price-drop their #1 most popular after only 6 months.

BTW if you want to make your point stronger, ask them to send you an ad from that time period, which matches the date on your receipt, and says "sale" on it. Put the burden-of-proof on THEM - ask them to prove to you that it was a sale.

[quote name='electrictroy'] it was obviously a sale, since no other retailers had dropped the price, and PM2 was still a brand-new game.[/QUOTE]

yeah ebgames never drops prices on games for short amounts of times :roll: it was 6 months old, sales have to be advertised to be sales, you cannot count a changed price as a sale, it could be a temp price cut, a normal price cut, or even a clearance.
[quote name='electrictroy']

BTW if you want to make your point stronger, ask them to send you an ad from that time period, which says "sale" on it. Put the burden-of-proof on THEM - ask them to prove to you that it was a sale.

exactly my point
[quote name='electrictroy']So... have you done that? Have you asked them to show you an ad with the word "sale"?

How did they respond?


Good suggestion. Another point - why would ebgames have the vouchers sitting at the checkout if you couldn't use it anyway?
Just called again. Mentioned that the sale was unadvertised, that I was told in store that it would be free after rebate, small claims court, and false advertising. All that got me was a review by higher ups. Didn't sound too hopeful but maybe hassling them will work.

I was told that the reason for a review was because I bought the game for the rebate which I said as well.
After emailing ebgames back and forth, they asked me to formally place a complaint about the store and that I would be contacted by a District Manager within the next two days. I got a call this afternoon from one, who was actually extremely nice, and is sending me a $20 eb gift card. He said corporate cannot do anything, and that it has to be dealt with on a local level, so there's still hope.

Oh, and this was for the Paper Mario rebate.
[quote name='electrictroy']So... have you done that? Have you asked them to show you an ad with the word "sale"?

How did they respond?

no i havent, i didnt do the paper mario thing, i hate gift vouchers.
[quote name='dayglo']After emailing ebgames back and forth, they asked me to formally place a complaint about the store and that I would be contacted by a District Manager within the next two days. I got a call this afternoon from one, who was actually extremely nice, and is sending me a $20 eb gift card. He said corporate cannot do anything, and that it has to be dealt with on a local level, so there's still hope.

Oh, and this was for the Paper Mario rebate.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping I get the same result. I was told to expect a call from a District Manager, but I've yet to get one.
People are forgetting that a company doesn't have to sell you anything at any price, even if it's marked in-store at a price. No one is 'entitled' to anything. Even if you took them to court, they will argue sale, because guess what the current price is boys and girls? I saw someone post that 'it isn't a sale because it doesn't say sale.' Big steaming pile is what that is. The only chance you'll have is having a screenshot of PM2 at $20 with the voucher listed on the website, or saying an employee told you. But that's not going to work either, because they'll just claim that a) you forged the screenshot or b) the employee was not acting under orders from corporate (which might even be true).

I'm sorry, but those threatening a civil suit don't really have much to stand on. They may have been wrong by doing it, but trust me: it's not going to make you right in court.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']People are forgetting that a company doesn't have to sell you anything at any price, even if it's marked in-store at a price. [/QUOTE]

In most states, that's not true. My store JCPenney was recently fined by Texas for advertising one price on the floor, and charging a different price at the register.

Most states have price-guarantee laws that require stores sell products at the advertised price.

[quote name='electrictroy']In most states, that's not true. My store JCPenney was recently fined by Texas for advertising one price on the floor, and charging a different price at the register.

Most states have price-guarantee laws that require stores sell products at the advertised price.


I think it really depends on the state. NY, for example, has none:
Geismar v. Abraham & Strauss,
439 N.Y.S.2d 1005 (N.Y.Dist. Ct.)

(invitation to negotiate)
Can anyone ask a lawyer-friend/family-member of theirs about this? I know a lot of people are claiming fact when it is just opinion. Any lawyers here could chime in, too! :)

When I worked in marketing for a retail company (5 years), we used rebates and all of our items had to get scrutinized for loopholes. The context of the rebate had to be signed-off before going forward to keep our tails from getting burned. There were inevitable issues still, but I guess the company I worked for was more about pleasing the customer up front. I'm sure EB has a process like this as well although pleasing the customer may be less important to them.

Anyone burned by this may want to try their local TV consumer watchdog as well. If there are a few of you in the same area, that may raise an eyebrow to them. Bad press sometimes is more effective than legal action to companies. If someone champions this, I could see the comapny taking notice quickly. It'll only cost time to make a phone call.
[quote name='jlkeeton']Can anyone ask a lawyer-friend/family-member of theirs about this? I know a lot of people are claiming fact when it is just opinion. Any lawyers here could chime in, too! :)

When I worked in marketing for a retail company (5 years), we used rebates and all of our items had to get scrutinized for loopholes. The context of the rebate had to be signed-off before going forward to keep our tails from getting burned. There were inevitable issues still, but I guess the company I worked for was more about pleasing the customer up front. I'm sure EB has a process like this as well although pleasing the customer may be less important to them.

Anyone burned by this may want to try their local TV consumer watchdog as well. If there are a few of you in the same area, that may raise an eyebrow to them. Bad press sometimes is more effective than legal action to companies. If someone champions this, I could see the comapny taking notice quickly. It'll only cost time to make a phone call.[/QUOTE]

Here's your facts:

However, check this out:
From EB:
The content on this Site is only for the purpose of shopping on this Site or placing an order and for no other purpose. Any other use, including, modification, reproduction, uploading, posting, transmission, or distribution in any form or by any means without EB Games' prior written permission, is strictly prohibited


While shady, I think they covered their ass sufficiently. Since PM is back at $49.99, EB can successfully argue it was a sale price, and the rebate does not apply. And to those who say you had to buy it within a certain time frame?

In the event a product price is listed incorrectly due to typographical error or error in pricing information received from our vendors, EB Games shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product listed at the incorrect price, regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is canceled, EB Games will immediately credit your credit card account in the amount of the incorrect price

I'm not neccessarily discouraging you from trying to get your $20 from this, but I am telling that you probably are not going to get it. Hate me if you want to, but I do have a small level of experience with this, and I'm not trying to tell you anything but the truth.
I'm not one of those burned by this, so my interest is only in making sure others aren't. I've already sent some people my receipt that was for 19.99$ (minus address/CC info). It's sad they did fulfill some people's rebate while others did not get the gift voucher :(.

Did anyone call 1-877-FTC-HELP for their input? If they say drop it or there's no chance of this, then it's not worth the effort. However, making your voice count is all worth the while. Silence definitely is the consumer's biggest enemy - it allows companies to get away with things as well as does not alert others to possible problems with that company.

I do believe EBGames made a mistake in dropping the price during the rebate promotion. You'd never want to have competing promotions at the same time - it confuses the consumer or will make them irate when both don't apply. I would have had my @$$ chewed out if I had helped with a promotion and made another that stacked at the same time but negated the other. Maybe someone in their marketing department is having trouble sitting down as we speak...

I wish anyone luck who is left in the lurch here.
Well, I called my local store and got the B&M phone number for their customer service (800-800-5166). I got the same crap - that they would not honor the paper mario rebates. I argued with the rep, then the manager. I told him the store had the rebates sitting on the counter, and the clerk said I could use it on this game. I told him the sale was not advertised, nor was their a price tag to say it was on sale. I said I wouldn't have bought the game otherwise, and that I followed all the terms & conditions. His reply: the store made an error, go fuck yourself. So when I demanded my receipt back to return the game, he said I missed the window of opportunity anyway, so go fuck yourself. I got his name (Ray, x4066) and said I would file a complaint with the better business bureau:

Here's my complaint that I listed on their website:

I was Informed by the clerk that if I purchased Paper Mario for $21.19 (including tax), that I could send in a rebate that they had sitting on their counter to get a $20 gift voucher towards any future game. I bought the game only because of this gift voucher. I would not have bought it otherwise. I followed all the terms and conditions of the voucher and mailed it in. I called 8 weeks later at 800-800-5166 to inquire about my rebate status. They said they were not honoring the rebates because they were having an unadvertised sale on the game, thus you could not use the rebate in conjunction with the sale. I had no idea the game was on sale - there were no signs, nor a price tag on the game saying it was on sale. I asked for my receipt back so that I could return the game, but they said I could only return the game after two weeks anyway, so they would not send my receipt back to me. I find this quite deceptive since the rebates were sitting at their counter, and told me that I could use the rebate when I purchased the game. I want my $20 back that I am owed.

So either it will take divine intervention from CheapyD to get our rebates, or enough people to call up EB Games and file complaints with the BBB to ever see our gift vouchers.

And for those of you who want to reply to me about bitching over a rebate, go fuck yourself in advance.
FWIW, I had the situation that occured with Syphon Filter. I got one 10.00 rebate, then after Cheapy did his thing, another 10. But I had already reported it to the BBB. Today I got a 20.00 gift code. I haven't used my other 10-ones yet, so I don't know if they've been deactivated, but you might get something from your BBB complaint.
After being denied my voucher I filled out a complaint from the Better Business Bureau. I think if enough of us raise hell we will get them to just give us our vouchers.
[quote name='neudog']That person seriously needs to get a life. Who lives their lives around rebates anyways. I mean I take advantage of the occasional rebate, but to be that anal maybe you shouldn't have bought the item to begin with. Impatience is what really plagues this individual, everything drops in price eventually. Also you should always ask yourself before any purchase, "Is this a need or a want?". Hopefully this lunatic and others just alike don't screw the mass populous.[/QUOTE]

And you call yourself a Cheap Ass Gamer...
Got my 20.00

Heres how I got it

Called 18008005166 denied several times. Called corporate they were how did you get this number ¿?!¡ and transferred me back to customer service.

Anyways after a couple of times calling 8008005166 and explaining the situation I asked to file a complaint and he filled it out for me and said it would be forwarded to the local district manager 7-28-05. on 7-29-05 he left a message with my wife saying once he talked to me he would send me a general 20 dollar gift card. I happened to be in the store about 5 mins later trying a different avenue to resolve this. The local manager called her district manager and he said that he just left a message for me at home. longer story short they let me use a discount in store there and I picked up harvest moon another wonderful life for 10 (30-20) as I coulnd't get the upc dealy thingy to work anywhere local.


hopefully you all have some understanding district managers as mine was able to help me.

Good luck
I haven't had problem with getting money from my rebates so far... I follow the fine print and instructions and always get them... Never had to file a complaint or anything like that. But I probably jinxed myself by saying that.

I definitely support people who fight to get their rebates... it's important to fight for the principle sometimes.
[quote name='Purkeynator']After being denied my voucher I filled out a complaint from the Better Business Bureau. I think if enough of us raise hell we will get them to just give us our vouchers.[/QUOTE]

I plan to do the same. To those of you who have already done so, which EB location did you list in the complaint?
here is the corporate address if you want to file bbb under this one (they are also listed as, eb, eb games, ebx, shop n save... all at the same address and phone number)
Electronics Boutique of America Inc.

931 South Matlack Street
West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 430-8100
[quote name='cyberlian']here is the corporate address if you want to file bbb under this one (they are also listed as, eb, eb games, ebx, shop n save... all at the same address and phone number)
Electronics Boutique of America Inc.

931 South Matlack Street
West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 430-8100[/QUOTE]

Good idea. I'll file a complaint with that site, too. (tomorrow)
bread's done