Screwed out of a Rebate? (*cough* Paper Mario/Hot Shots/SF: OS) Tip inside...

I'm still waiting for my $20 rebate for Syhpon Filter, already have been told it would get sent out in the next 1-2 weeks when I called last or the week before last.
After filing a BBB complaint I got the voucher for $20 just a day or two ago.

It was funny; no letter or anything, just:

"Thank you for participating in our gift voucher offer for: Customer service. We hope that you are enjoying your purchase."

Well, actually customer service isn't working correctly. Can I return it and get a refund?
[quote name='WolfPac_Ite']I'm still waiting for my $20 rebate for Syhpon Filter, already have been told it would get sent out in the next 1-2 weeks when I called last or the week before last.[/QUOTE]
My rebate was sent to me via E-mail the minute after I finished my argument with the EBgames rep. Why are they sending yours in the mail?
Alright, I initially filed complaints with the BBB and FTC against the EB Games Las Vegas Rebate Center. Since those are going nowhere, I've filed separate complaints against their corporate office in PA. I may not get my $20 rebate, but I've enjoyed lodging multiple complaints against them. :D
I know that McAfee isnt a game company, but I bought a new version of McAfee for my computer that had a $40 upgrade rebate. I sent everything in and made a copy of everything. In a few weeks the website showed they had not recieved my proof of purchase. But it showed they got the rebate form. My proof of purchase was stapled to the rebate form. I then called them, told them I would fax them something to prove my purchase again, because they have the real proof. I also told them I didnt play, I would get my money. Sure enough. $40.00 in the bank. And to Mr.Richass, dont worry about rebates. I'm a college student who makes $6.50 an hour. After taxes that $40 turns into like 7.33 hours. A whole days of work, I'll fight for that.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']I got a letter from the BBB , with attachment response from EB. They went on about the temporary price match crap - but then at the end said they would send me the $20 gift card for my trouble. w00t.[/QUOTE]

Just got mine, too.

See? If enough people voice themselves, something can be done.
With all these letters being received I bet I will also have one waiting at home for me this weekend. It looks like a few people can make a difference.
[quote name='onikage']With all these letters being received I bet I will also have one waiting at home for me this weekend. It looks like a few people can make a difference.[/QUOTE]

OMFG, I really don't believe it, but I actually received my $20 Paper Mario gift voucher in the mail today! :D I'm really shocked at what this community helped me to accomplish. Many thanks go out to everyone here!
[quote name='bmarquardt']Just google it. They have an online Ohio Consumer Complaint Form you can fill won't guarentee anything, but it will get you mediation. If you choose this route, I don't know if you forfeit your chance to take them to Small Claims court.

Here's the thing about the Ohio Small Claims Ohio, you may receive up to 3 times the amount of your claim plus court fees if you win. So, if you're owed $20, you could win $60 back plus court fees.

It's funny, people use to love EBgames and their vouchers (including me) as they were very easy to aquire and they didn't make you feel like you were trying to pull teeth for them. However, they took a turn for the worse this past April/May/beyond and became scammers. What the hell were they thinking?[/QUOTE]

Here is the online Ohio complaint form , I just filled it out myself. I'll take EB to small claims court if need be -they can kiss my ass with their piss-poor "unadvertised sale" excuse/cop-out.
Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. The whole point of a sale is to make it known, "Hey, our prices are lower temporarily, come buy this now!" An 'unadvertised sale' is inane.

It's not just 'a few people', however. A 'few people' called and wrote emails repeatedly, and just as repeatedly got a big FU. It's a few people willing to work for what's right, and involve higher authorities, be it Cheapy, local BBB, state consumer boards, etc., to call a vendor on what was promised.
I wish I would have made copies of my receipt for my Paper Mario purchase at EB because it's been about 2 1/2 months now and I still haven't gotten my rebate back. Otherwise I would take EB Games to small claims court and sue their asses and get my $20 rebate!
I just registered my BBB complaint. I gave Ebgames several chances to make good on their rebate but the didn't. So off goes the BBB complaint. They asked for it, all they had to do was send the voucher 3 months late and I would have been ok with that. Anyway, I don't care if I get it, I'm satisfied with having it on record at the BBB that Ebgames is not making good on their rebates.
Here we go! I sent a letter to EB, which in a nutshell explained that an "unadvertised sale" (no sign in store, no "sale" sticker on game, no mention of "sale" price on receipt) -their rep's words not mine, does not constitute a "sale price" which is one of the disqualifiers mentioned in the rebate.

I also sent a copy of the letter to the Ohio State Attorney's office, the BBB and submitted a complaint to the FTC on their website. Here's the response I've received from the FTC! I'll keep you posted on what happens.


Thank you for visiting the FTC's web page and for using our NEW electronic Talk To Us form. Here's what happened to your information after you sent it to us:
One of our consumer counselors reviewed the information you sent us. If it was related to the FTC's law enforcement responsibilities, we entered it into our shared law enforcement data system. We share this data system with law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and Canada. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at www.FTC.GOV under the News Releases, Publications, Speeches option.

Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation.

Thank you for using our Talk To Us form, and please continue to use the FTC's web page,, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems.

(Here is the attached electronic response:)

August 30, 2005

my name
my street address
my city, state and zip
Re: FTC Ref. No. xxxxxxx

Dear [me]:

Thank you for your correspondence to the Federal Trade Commission regarding rebates offered by companies. Rebate offers and coupons are, among other things, a form of price competition. While some manufacturers or sellers may conclude that simple price discounts will attract customers, others may believe that a rebate or coupon program will be a more effective means of advertising substantial savings to consumers. In general, no statute enforced by the Commission addresses the decision to adopt a rebate or coupon program. Thus, promoters of rebate or coupon plans use their independent business judgment in offering such plans to distributors or to the public. However, if a company decides to offer a rebate or coupon plan, it must fully disclose the material terms and conditions of the offer and must provide the promised rebate. If a company systematically fails to do so, it may be engaging in deceptive or unfair practices in violation of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

Finally, you may wish to raise your concerns with the manufacturers or companies who offer rebates or coupons, since many companies appreciate comments from the public about their products and how they are marketed. You should also note that many companies hire independent companies to administer their rebate or coupon programs and are eager to hear about their performance.

The Federal Trade Commission acts in the public interest to stop business practices that violate the laws it enforces. Letters from consumers and businesses are very important to the work of the Commission. They are often the first indication of a problem in the marketplace and may provide the initial evidence to begin an investigation. The Commission does not resolve individual complaints. The Commission does, however, act when it sees a pattern of possible violations developing. The decision to open up an investigative action depends on how widespread the practice is, how many consumers are hurt, how much harm is done, and how much evidence we have. We must also determine how much staff time and effort we can put into each case, and we must concentrate on the most urgent.

We appreciate your taking the time to write. We hope the above information has been useful to your situation.

Sincerely yours,

Consumer Response Center

1. Best Sellers for Consumers & Businesses (GEN-01)
Well, I submitted my complaint today too...

I am unsure of the exact date this item was purchased, but it was approximately 8-12 weeks ago. I purchased this item at 19.99 (20.99 after tax), it was not on sale, and there was a Mail In Rebate located in the EBGames catalog sitting on the counter for a 20.00 Mail In Rebate with purchase. I waited plenty of time for the voucher to come back, so I called EBGames (1-800-800-5166) today, where an employee/customer service phone operator informed that I could not recieve the voucher because the game was on sale. If it was on sale, it was unadvertised, because there was nothing stating this in-store nor was the person I spoke to on the phone able to show me an official sale paper/flyer with this in it.

I am owed this gift voucher, and I am very upset that I have been denied it for, and I hope that this can be resolved. I have done my part of purchasing the game, and giving them my buisness, all I ask is they follow through with theirs.
I read this thread, and followed-up with EB via email.

Sun. 8/21, I emailed EB, and requested resolution in 5 business days.
Sun. 8/21, EB replied, standard email about PM:TTYD being a sale.
Fri. 8/26, I responded, accepted their offer for escalation with the local DM.
Sun. 8/28, No response or call from DM.
Mon. 8/29, EB sends out Gift Voucher.
Fri. 9/2, GV received.
Sat. 9/3, GV spent. I'm happy, and EB kept another customer.
How long does it usually take for the BBB to get something done and have EB contact you?

I am not giving up, I have before, but not this time. I will call every day if I have to! I SWEAR!
While I'm glad you finally got what you were owed, are you a 'happy' customer, pleased to continue dealing with EB? Mistakes happen, no one's perfect, but this was a snafu and purposeful from start to finish. Though I got my codes [in fact, I got 3 of them, totalling 40 bucks instead of 20], I'm still pissed, and the whole experience will be in my mind whenever I consider dealing with again. I'm not saying I won't deal with them again, but it's definitely tainted my opinions about them.
Then it's not a 'sale' its a 'price drop'. The whole point of a sale is for the retailer to say at some point 'Hey, our prices are lower, buy now!' As such, they need to be advertised somewhere, even if it's only on one of those shelf stickers at the point-of-sale [like at grocery stores].
If a sale doesn't have to be advertised, then EBGames can pull this trick on every single rebate and say "Oh yeah, that was our unadvertised sale price, sorry, no rebate for you." Even if the 'sale price' happened to be the same as the 'regular' price.
[quote name='dtcarson']Then it's not a 'sale' its a 'price drop'. The whole point of a sale is for the retailer to say at some point 'Hey, our prices are lower, buy now!' As such, they need to be advertised somewhere, even if it's only on one of those shelf stickers at the point-of-sale [like at grocery stores].
If a sale doesn't have to be advertised, then EBGames can pull this trick on every single rebate and say "Oh yeah, that was our unadvertised sale price, sorry, no rebate for you." Even if the 'sale price' happened to be the same as the 'regular' price.[/QUOTE]


At my store, we lower prices all the time, but we don't have a "SALE" until we put up big signs that say "SALE" on them.
[quote name='dtcarson']Then it's not a 'sale' its a 'price drop'. The whole point of a sale is for the retailer to say at some point 'Hey, our prices are lower, buy now!' As such, they need to be advertised somewhere, even if it's only on one of those shelf stickers at the point-of-sale [like at grocery stores].
If a sale doesn't have to be advertised, then EBGames can pull this trick on every single rebate and say "Oh yeah, that was our unadvertised sale price, sorry, no rebate for you." Even if the 'sale price' happened to be the same as the 'regular' price.[/QUOTE]

Still incorrect.

on sale

At a reduced price, as in These rugs have been on sale for a month. The use of sale for disposing of goods at lowered prices dates from about 1860.
At $19.99, it was at a reduced price than $50.00. It doesn't even matter what other retailers have it for, it only matters what the retailer at hand does.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Still incorrect.

Well, you've convinced me there with your concise and powerful argument.

So it's okay? EBGames can make any price changes, oh, I'm sorry, 'unadvertised sales' they want, and thus not have to comply with any of their rebates?

And I agree, it doesn't really matter what Vendor B charges, Vendor A can charge what they want, higher or lower; but if they drop their price, it's a price drop. Happens all the time. Ever see those annoying WalMart commercials? Those aren't 'sales' they're 'price drops'. WM does advertise them; most stores advertise sales, many stores don't advertise 'price drops'.

Are those items on 'sale' or are they 'price drops'? And regardless of what you think, since I obviously think you're wrong, what would most consumers think?
We hear 'price drop' all the time with regard to videogames; you're the first person I've ever seen claim that those are actually 'sales'.
[quote name='dtcarson']Well, you've convinced me there with your concise and powerful argument.

So it's okay? EBGames can make any price changes, oh, I'm sorry, 'unadvertised sales' they want, and thus not have to comply with any of their rebates?

And I agree, it doesn't really matter what Vendor B charges, Vendor A can charge what they want, higher or lower; but if they drop their price, it's a price drop. Happens all the time. Ever see those annoying WalMart commercials? Those aren't 'sales' they're 'price drops'. WM does advertise them; most stores advertise sales, many stores don't advertise 'price drops'.

Are those items on 'sale' or are they 'price drops'? And regardless of what you think, since I obviously think you're wrong, what would most consumers think?
We hear 'price drop' all the time with regard to videogames; you're the first person I've ever seen claim that those are actually 'sales'.[/QUOTE]

I posted the definition of the term, if you still want to think differently that's your own bag. Something that would get any lawsuit summarily dismissed. A sale does not have to be advertised. Something that is advertised does not have to be on sale. End of story.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I posted the definition of the term, if you still want to think differently that's your own bag. Something that would get any lawsuit summarily dismissed. A sale does not have to be advertised. Something that is advertised does not have to be on sale. End of story.[/QUOTE]

I recommend that you never fill out a rebate again with that philosophy.
I actually had this happen to me, I did one of the Rebates for some CD-R's, and I sent the rebate, and waited, nothing came. So I sent it again (because I copied everything), once again nothing came. It was also from Officemax and it was $20, so it probably wouldn't have bene worth it to go through all of that for one rebate, but it gives me something to consider the next time I have a problem like this.
[quote name='E-Z-B']I recommend that you never fill out a rebate again with that philosophy.[/QUOTE]

I've never filled one out to begin with. I know that it's not guaranteed, so why bother? If it's not an instant rebate=no reason to buy.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I posted the definition of the term, if you still want to think differently that's your own bag. Something that would get any lawsuit summarily dismissed. A sale does not have to be advertised. Something that is advertised does not have to be on sale. End of story.[/QUOTE]

Well, if we are going on technicalities - 'on sale' really applies to everything in the store.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I've never filled one out to begin with. I know that it's not guaranteed, so why bother? If it's not an instant rebate=no reason to buy.[/QUOTE]

How is a rebate not a guarantee, assuming the buyer sends the proper paperwork in on time?

And why bother? Because you'll be receiving a check in the mail, reducing the cost of the item you bought.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']Well, if we are going on technicalities - 'on sale' really applies to everything in the store.[/QUOTE]

Read the definition above.
[quote name='onikage']How is a rebate not a guarantee, assuming the buyer sends the proper paperwork in on time?

And why bother? Because you'll be receiving a check in the mail, reducing the cost of the item you bought.[/QUOTE]

Rebates are not guaranteed. Stuff gets lost, offers 'may expire without notice,' there are so many legal ways of getting out of rebates it's not funny. Ask anyone who's dealt with Tigerdirect.

And if you do receive that check, it's nearly two or three months later. By that time, the item that I want is usually to the after-rebate price anyways, and I've made interest. Rebates aren't worth it, period. This thread is just another example.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']

And if you do receive that check, it's nearly two or three months later. By that time, the item that I want is usually to the after-rebate price anyways, and I've made interest. [/QUOTE]

Yea, but have you had said item for two or three months already? No.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']Yea, but have you had said item for two or three months already? No.[/QUOTE]

Nothing is really that important. Woohoo, I had it two months earlier. So? I had Paper Mario for two months before the rebate came about for $22. So in reality, I got it for virtually the same price, and two months earlier than the rebate (I say that, because not everyone is going to get that rebate for the $20 price point honored.)
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Nothing is really that important.[/QUOTE]

Its really a person to person thing, so your opinion isn't valid here.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']Its really a person to person thing, so your opinion isn't valid here.[/QUOTE]

Just an off-topic q' about your sig's free ipod/xbox360 links: Aren't you afraid that you'll be getting more spam than usual in your emails/mailbox? Also wouldn't the people who got reffered hate you for pulling them in the firing-squad of spam?

For short is it worth the extra frequencies of the phone ringing after a hard day's work.
[quote name='adrianchan56']Just an off-topic q' about your sig's free ipod/xbox360 links: Aren't you afraid that you'll be getting more spam than usual in your emails/mailbox? Also wouldn't the people who got reffered hate you for pulling them in the firing-squad of spam?

For short is it worth the extra frequencies of the phone ringing after a hard day's work.[/QUOTE]

0 spam.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']Its really a person to person thing, so your opinion isn't valid here.[/QUOTE]

Whatever. You can't educate those who don't want to learn.

I have to move, so you'll excuse me if I don't respond to any pithy remarks.
I got my $20 coupon code via email a couple weeks ago, finally after over 9 weeks. Whoever is arguing about why bother with a rebate, my thoughts: If you have extra time then mail out a darn rebate, because if you ever buy HDDs at a retail store, you will see you always have to send in a couple of rebates to get the killer deal, otherwise it becomes over priced.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Rebates are not guaranteed. Stuff gets lost, offers 'may expire without notice,' there are so many legal ways of getting out of rebates it's not funny. Ask anyone who's dealt with Tigerdirect.

And if you do receive that check, it's nearly two or three months later. By that time, the item that I want is usually to the after-rebate price anyways, and I've made interest. Rebates aren't worth it, period. This thread is just another example.[/QUOTE]

Then do you support stores advertising for a "final price after rebate" if that final price is never guaranteed anyway?
Just wanted to let people know that after filing with the FTC and BBB, I got an email today from EB, which detailed that I'll be receiving my rebate in the mail. Like others, it was a gift voucher for "Customer Service".
[quote name='heffaji']Like others, it was a gift voucher for "Customer Service".[/QUOTE]

It almost seems fitting that you finally receive your voucher several months later as a testament to their less-than-stellar customer service. Hurray for EB Games customer service. :D
Well, I just filed with the FTC as well, after waiting a week for them to contact me off of the BBB claim.

Lets hope we get this!
Glad I found this thread. I just filed a complaint with the BBB regarding the Paper Mario voucher. We'll see what happens. . . .
I saw the new EB catalog and guess which Gamecube title has another $20 gift voucher offer?

lol, it would be hilarious if it dropped to $20 (or less) again.
[quote name='stolazi']Glad I found this thread. I just filed a complaint with the BBB regarding the Paper Mario voucher. We'll see what happens. . . .[/QUOTE]

I filed a little less then a month back & just got an email two days ago:

Hello from EB Games!

Thank you for participating in our gift voucher offer for: Customer Service.
We are writing you today to inform you that your gift voucher has been mailed.
You should expect to receive it within five to seven business days.

Your gift voucher has been sent to:


The value of your voucher will be $20.

If you have any questions regarding your gift voucher, or if you wish to find a
store location near you, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-800-5166. Our
associates will be happy to assist you.

You can find the store nearest you online at by following
the Store Locator link located in the left hand column.

Best Regards,
EB Games Gift Voucher Department

Hey, I just got that e-mail too, two weeks after filing that BBB complaint. Got my $20 rebate, thanks to all here that posted the BBB info and sent in similar complaints. I guess from now on we won't be seeing the "free" games after rebate for now on though.
bread's done