Screwed out of a Rebate? (*cough* Paper Mario/Hot Shots/SF: OS) Tip inside...

Update: I just got my Paper Mario Voucher in the mail yesterday. I guess the grief I gave them by filing the BBB complaint made them send me my $20 voucher. The funny thing is that I've been exchanging emails with them, threatening that I'm going to file a complaint to the BBB, and EB was like, yeah right, you go and do that. I even ask for a EB contact person that I could use for the BBB complaint and EB provided me with a name. After about two weeks, EB finally gave me my voucher.
I just got off the phone with someone named Ray in the EBGames customer service who refused to give me the $20 rebate for Syphon Filter. I know a lot of people in this group had a similar situation where they received $10 and then got another $10 after CheapyD talked with them. This guy denied that anyone had ever received the $20 if they had bought the game for only $10. The guy was pretty much an asshole about this stating that since the $9.99 was in the 'hot deals' section then it was considered a sale. Does anyone have an order number of a deal that received $20 for the $10 game? Maybe if I have this, they will give it to me. I'm really disappointed. I've bought tons of stuff from EBGames and I don't think I will buy anything from them again if this is not resolved.
[quote name='MadFlava']Update: I just got my Paper Mario Voucher in the mail yesterday. I guess the grief I gave them by filing the BBB complaint made them send me my $20 voucher. The funny thing is that I've been exchanging emails with them, threatening that I'm going to file a complaint to the BBB, and EB was like, yeah right, you go and do that. I even ask for a EB contact person that I could use for the BBB complaint and EB provided me with a name. After about two weeks, EB finally gave me my voucher.[/QUOTE]

See, most of the time they are just empty threats from people not willing to work for their certificates.

Anyway, it paid off for me too! Cause I got my certificate yesterday in the mail! :D Oh it feels so good to stick it to "The Man", and I'm gonna pre-order myself something nice and tasty for all my troubles.

My letter I recieved from them had a HUGE glaring error on it, I don't have a scanner so I'm gonna type it out (It was printed and sent in the mail, despite the fact that it says "email" on it"...

"This email is in regards to the $20 EBGames mail-in gift voucher for the purchase of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. As stated on the Gift Voucher form, rebate offers may not be combined with any other offer or discount. This includes any temporary sales price reduction. At the time the rebate was valid the retail price point for this product was $49.99. During this time there was a temporary sales price reduction to $19.99. However, the mail in rebate offer is only applicable if the product was purchased at $49.99, which nets down to $29.99 as seen on page 39 of the May catalog. If you purchased the product at a price other than $49.99 then the rebate would not be valid for that price point.

In order for the rebate to be valid it had to be purchased at the $19.99 price point.. However we understand that the customer feels inconvenienced by this so along with our apology we are fulfilling the request for a $20.00 EBGames Voucher which we have sent to the address supplied."

Nice, there customer service supervisor is an idiot! Who knew?
[quote name='Cmosfm']See, most of the time they are just empty threats from people not willing to work for their certificates.

Anyway, it paid off for me too! Cause I got my certificate yesterday in the mail! :D Oh it feels so good to stick it to "The Man", and I'm gonna pre-order myself something nice and tasty for all my troubles.

My letter I recieved from them had a HUGE glaring error on it, I don't have a scanner so I'm gonna type it out (It was printed and sent in the mail, despite the fact that it says "email" on it"...

"This email is in regards to the $20 EBGames mail-in gift voucher for the purchase of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. As stated on the Gift Voucher form, rebate offers may not be combined with any other offer or discount. This includes any temporary sales price reduction. At the time the rebate was valid the retail price point for this product was $49.99. During this time there was a temporary sales price reduction to $19.99. However, the mail in rebate offer is only applicable if the product was purchased at $49.99, which nets down to $29.99 as seen on page 39 of the May catalog. If you purchased the product at a price other than $49.99 then the rebate would not be valid for that price point.

In order for the rebate to be valid it had to be purchased at the $19.99 price point.. However we understand that the customer feels inconvenienced by this so along with our apology we are fulfilling the request for a $20.00 EBGames Voucher which we have sent to the address supplied."

Nice, there customer service supervisor is an idiot! Who knew?[/QUOTE]

Ha, yea mine had the same error.

BTW, anyone get their Rumble Roses voucher yet?
In addition to the complaint I filed with the FTC, I sent EB corporate a letter and CCed my state attourney general, the BBB and a local Fox affiliate -still haven't heard a peep about my Paper Mario rebate though... except from the FTC who said they will investigate and forward this information to local, state and federal law enforcement agencies :)
This isn't directly relevant as it is regards to the original discussion of rebate law. A company is legally responsible for upholding its rebate offers by law. A rebate is considered a contract with the consumer, so not following through with it is a breech of course. The official FTC stance is the following:

But the Federal Trade Commission cautions consumers against being "baited" by rebates that never arrive or arrive far later than promised. By law,companies are required to send rebates within the time frame promised, or if no time is specified, within a "reasonable" time. "Reasonable" in this case often is interpreted as within 30 days.
Hmm, I wonder if there are any limits to the timeframe where one can sue for a rebate (50 dollars for Verbatim CD-RW at Bestbuy). Bought two years ago, and don't remember if it was a manufactor or best buy rebate. Turns out the drive was a rebranded lite-on. IF anyone remembers this rebate...
Emailing the Better Business Bureau seems to be the best means of reaching a resolution. A few weeks have passed since I sent the Paper Mario complaint...and just today I received an email saying that the voucher is on its way. We shall see. Thanks for the information in these posts and the persistance of fellow CAGers.
Fight the power! After filing with the BBB a few weeks ago, I, too, got an e-mail today saying the voucher is on its way. Good stuff. Thanks!
[quote name='lurknomore']Emailing the Better Business Bureau seems to be the best means of reaching a resolution. A few weeks have passed since I sent the Paper Mario complaint...and just today I received an email saying that the voucher is on its way. We shall see. Thanks for the information in these posts and the persistance of fellow CAGers.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='stolazi']Fight the power! After filing with the BBB a few weeks ago, I, too, got an e-mail today saying the voucher is on its way. Good stuff. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Ditto as I also figured I'd send a complaint about two weeks ago & also got the same e-mail last night thanks for the tips everyone about this matter :)

My e-mail also said that I would have a GV being sent in the mail within the next 5 business days. I'm thinking it's because I bought the game in store as IIRC some people that complained were getting GV codes e-mailed to them.

I skipped dealing with customer service at on this matter myself as it's just a waste of time IMO. They seem to know less about what's going on with how the site works then CAGs do as customers. I have a hell of a time calling & getting 'saver' fixed with CS when it dosen't work right on an order for me. They always ask me if I used any other coupons to which I say yes then they tell me that I can't use saver with those coupons and that's why it didn't which I say is wrong & they end up finding just that out & fixing it for me after checking into it :D
Well, I finally got around to asking them about my Paper Mario voucher (figure three months was enough time). I emailed rather than called, and actually didn't get shut down immediately as I expected. They just asked for all the relevant info (address, when mailed, receipt ID, etc), so I'm guessing once they find out I paid $20 for it, they'll tell me I don't qualify. At which time the BBB will be my best friend. You'd think by now they would have given up making everyone complain to the BBB and at least send out the ones to people who ask about it. They'd still be screwing plenty of people who didn't bother following up.
so is it a no go for my 19.99 Capcom Fighting Evolution? its a 20 bucks voucher i should received. but i still didnt get it yet. its been like 2-3 months maybe?
I just got mine today from Rumble Roses(voucher said thanks for buying capcom/rumble/black monday) , so it is just taking a long time.
[quote name='botticus']Well, I finally got around to asking them about my Paper Mario voucher (figure three months was enough time). I emailed rather than called, and actually didn't get shut down immediately as I expected. They just asked for all the relevant info (address, when mailed, receipt ID, etc), so I'm guessing once they find out I paid $20 for it, they'll tell me I don't qualify. At which time the BBB will be my best friend. You'd think by now they would have given up making everyone complain to the BBB and at least send out the ones to people who ask about it. They'd still be screwing plenty of people who didn't bother following up.[/QUOTE]
And there's the standard response that they apparently have available to cut and paste. Temporary sales price reduction my ass.
bread's done