So Contact is out right now!

[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Yay. Amazing.

I really could do without the beeping though.[/quote]

Ok, so it said it connected, then it disconnected me, saved info. to the card, and then...nothing???

Thats it. It will unlock WifiIsland in your game. And there will be a NPC version of me ready to give you something like an item or stat bonus.

Thanks for the Tuna Sushi =oP

P.S. Don't tell anyone my secret...shhhhh....
[quote name='Hollow Man']Tybee, I'm around if you want to give this a shot.

EDIT: Ok, I think I connected w/Sporophyte - thanks!


Hang on...I'll try...
If you guys are still around I'm on now - don't see any one. I probably need to add Tybee. I'll do that and get back on...

OK, did it and am back on.

So, apparently the friend's list is very limited - it is just that first page you see. I had to delete someone to add you in Tybee. Don't know who it was as it was "????????????".

Now I see THREE people online - holy fuck!

Edit - OK, got H-man, now getting Lan, and I see Steven on there...
Final Edit - looks like I'm getting Steven now. So I've added about 5 people today and haven't visited the island yet. I've been there once when I added the first person a few days ago. It should be pretty busy now!
Got H-Man. io or sporo, if you guys get on I can add you.

EDIT: Gotcha both.

So is there any reason to connect to the same person more than once? Once you contact someone, should you clear them from your roster or no?
Here's the new list:



3694 4943 2561

Hollow Man

Tybee (Steven)

5068 8824 3958



If you guys would provide your "Contact" names that would be helpful in figuring out who we have and who we don't. Botticus and I both used our CAG names (and H-man I suppose), but some of the rest of you are pretty random (rancor, Steven, etc).

So, apparently the only two slots I have left and have numbers in them are for Z-Saber and Justin (jfunkdpg). Whenever you guys want to do the contact thing let me know. I'd be very interested to see what happens when the roster is full.

Tybee - I don't know about deleting, I wonder if the characters would disappear from the island? But then maybe you could get MORE stat boosts by adding more people... I dunno... I guess someone is going to have to try it. But I want to get a full roster first to see if there is any bonus for that.

So do you really see people's secrets? The first guy I added all I saw was his "wish" from the wishing well. I didn't see his secret or his food. Or is the wishing well a replacement for the wish. My wish was something stupid about cats (I was on the spot when I started the game and couldn't think of anything better :lol:), and my wish (that I added when I visited Wifi island the first time) was about Mars. So let me know what you see, if anything.
[quote name='io']Botticus and I both used our CAG names (and H-man I suppose)...[/quote]

I would've used my full handle if damned Nintendo would give me a few more chars to work with...

Apparently, you still love cats. =oP

I dont remember being asked a wish in the beginning of the game. I was asked for a secret though, and I revealed my heroic alter ego.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Apparantly, you still love cats. =oP

I dont rember being asked a wish in the beginning of the game. I was asked for a secret though, and I revealed my heroic alter ego.[/QUOTE]

The wish is at the wishing well on WiFi island, so you don't do that until you first contact someone. I wonder when and where that shows up. Damn, my wish would be that I picked a different secret :oops:. Oh well, cats are on my mind these days (got a critically ill one that takes up tons of my time).

My question, still, is where do you see other people's secrets? Is it on the little signs by the wishing well? I guess I thought that was the guys wish and not a secret (since it was "to be admired", which doesn't sound like a secret but a wish).
sorry about the name, i forgot what my ds system name was. It used to be rancor, but i've adjusted it accordingly to Sporophyte now.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']I know my secret is posted on the sign in my friends game.

What does mine say in your game?[/QUOTE]

I'll look later when I play for real... If I had know it would be posted on a sign on everyone's island I would have come up with a clever witticism :D.
I'm gone the next few days, but I'd like to try and connect with a few people next week.

I forget what my secret was, but I hope I didn't type something like "I like dicks" in's entirely possible. :(
[quote name='Blind the Thief']I'm gone the next few days, but I'd like to try and connect with a few people next week.

I forget what my secret was, but I hope I didn't type something like "I like dicks" in's entirely possible. :([/QUOTE]

:rofl: I guess mine could have been worse.
OK, so I visited everyone on Wi-Fi island.

Botticus was first - in the first room with the bed and bath. I got the intelligence boost just like he did. He misses Mayfield and likes pizza.
Botticus was wearing some kind of spiky Viking helmet.

Then I went around to the upper right and downstairs and H-Man was standing at the bottom of the stairs. He also likes pizza and is "leet". I got boxing gloves from him, interesting... He can't find a place to live and wants make "Castle H-Man". He was wearing a purple number with a matching hat :D.

Next I saw Rancor, the emperor of Phoenix in one of the other furnished room. He gave me Tuna Sushi. Said something about Olives. He has long red hair.

Then I went to the far upper left, at the end of that very long vertical corridor and saw a PURPLE RABBIT that was Lan from Gunstar9, who likes mango. he then attacked me and killed me (like 123 HP each hit). Sent me back to the fucking ship!

OK, then I went back in and found another furnished room with what appeared to be a baby in a highchair that was Steven. Something about "pho". He gave me an Agility boost. On second thought (after I pushed him out from behind the table) it seems he is sitting in one of the robot missile tank thingies. Or a baby in a high chair with tank treads :lol:.

Ok, back to the Lan-Rabbit. He is really pissed that I "look down on him for being less than human". This is hilarious. Looks like he is going to attack again. One minor glitch - he called my character Terry, which is not what I named him (all the others call him by the name I gave him which is Milo).
Dammit! Killed me again, in two hits before I could even select the screen for a potion. I'll have to work on this one...
[quote name='io']Then I went around to the upper right and downstairs and H-Man was standing at the bottom of the stairs. He also likes pizza and is "leet".[/quote]

I restarted the game once and was pretty boring with my answers to the questions. Except for the l33t thing, heh.

Going to go around and visit everyone's avatars sometime today. Was up WAY too late last night doing this wi-fi stuff...

pete - no, you do not have to be anywhere as far as I know.

I was able to beat the Lan-rabbit. All I got for it was a stupid rose, which you can farm off the bubble slime things (along with the other flowers). Then I talked to him again and he wanted to fight again.

RF - I finished Aegis and was also one statue piece short. Maybe the last one is in the 10,000 pyramid? Actually, you get a lot of money in that pyramid, especially if you beat on the golden bats - they often drop gold, which you can sell for 200. Plus I noticed if I Power Strike creatures they often either drop an item (like the gold) or a big coin, which is over 100. I have 6500 or so - so I might just go back there and open up that pyramid, though I sailed off to the next place before I stopped tonight (this morning?).

I was also able to figure out what glove guy wants -
boxing gloves - I got them from the WiFi connect, haven't seen them yet in the game. But he just disappeared with them and said he was going to his next fight or something - didn't give me anything either

Now I have a few more mysteries - the flying red bird on the top of the pyramid (go there with Fly Boy outfit on?), the person that wants to open a shop, the 10,000 pyramid, the girls who collect things (gave all the flowers to the one, nothing happened), and there's a few other unsolved things too. It is these little touches that make the game that much better IMO.
i dont have a way to hook into the net yet (might pick up on those DS things that hooks into the USB port )

right now im not playing anything besides hot shot golf PSP mostly trying to save my Handheld games off till i go to the dentist. so i have something to play while im lying on the couch recoviing. i probally going to have to get at least 2 to 4 teeth pulled very soon. one tooth has a crack in it (had a cavity around 10 years ) and few others ones are starting to bug me.

i hate the dentist and that is why i havent went in almost 20 years. trying to hold off going till after the hoildays so i can get the wii (i dont think i feel like standing in line missing 4 teeth waiting for the wii or any of the games)
[quote name='io']OK, then I went back in and found another furnished room with what appeared to be a baby in a highchair that was Steven. Something about "pho". He gave me an Agility boost. On second thought (after I pushed him out from behind the table) it seems he is sitting in one of the robot missile tank thingies. Or a baby in a high chair with tank treads :lol:.[/QUOTE]

That sounds very accurate. And I do love me some pho.

[quote name='Z-Saber']My name in Contact is Steve. I guess we'll have to take over the CAG chat room and get all connected like.[/QUOTE]

Good thing I've got the 'n' on the end. ;) I usually use my real name for first person characters in video games. I'm boring that way. Kept it as Terry, too, for the sake of consistency.

I think it goes back to the original Legend of Zelda when you could rename Link. I thought that was so wrong.
[quote name='io']pete - no, you do not have to be anywhere as far as I know.

I was able to beat the Lan-rabbit. All I got for it was a stupid rose, which you can farm off the bubble slime things (along with the other flowers). Then I talked to him again and he wanted to fight again.

RF - I finished Aegis and was also one statue piece short. Maybe the last one is in the 10,000 pyramid? Actually, you get a lot of money in that pyramid, especially if you beat on the golden bats - they often drop gold, which you can sell for 200. Plus I noticed if I Power Strike creatures they often either drop an item (like the gold) or a big coin, which is over 100. I have 6500 or so - so I might just go back there and open up that pyramid, though I sailed off to the next place before I stopped tonight (this morning?).

I was also able to figure out what glove guy wants -
boxing gloves - I got them from the WiFi connect, haven't seen them yet in the game. But he just disappeared with them and said he was going to his next fight or something - didn't give me anything either

Now I have a few more mysteries - the flying red bird on the top of the pyramid (go there with Fly Boy outfit on?), the person that wants to open a shop, the 10,000 pyramid, the girls who collect things (gave all the flowers to the one, nothing happened), and there's a few other unsolved things too. It is these little touches that make the game that much better IMO.[/QUOTE]

You want a tip on how to get 10,000 REALLY easy without grinding? That Sushi you got from your Wifi visit? Take it to the mayoe of the Caldoxa ruins. He says he'll give you a l"little reward". After that, check how much money you have.

I haven't gotten the Sushi, cuz of the no WiFis(maybe I can cook it or something), and I also haven't had a chance to go through the rest of the Aegis pyramid. I'll do it tonight, and I'll check ou that bird too.

HEre's a question; where the hell is the Official Strategy guide for this game? I'm hboping that (if they're writing one), they're trying to make it relatively entertaining (like the Earthbound guide). Holy shit, that'd be sweet.
[quote name='Tybee']Good thing I've got the 'n' on the end. ;) I usually use my real name for first person characters in video games. I'm boring that way. Kept it as Terry, too, for the sake of consistency.

I think it goes back to the original Legend of Zelda when you could rename Link. I thought that was so wrong.[/quote]Same on all levels.
My name in Contact should be AK, didn't feel that I had to put the numbers in there. I made "contact" with another CAG last night and got a spell that I didn't have.
[quote name='io']

I was able to beat the Lan-rabbit. All I got for it was a stupid rose, which you can farm off the bubble slime things (along with the other flowers). Then I talked to him again and he wanted to fight again.
Yes, my rabbit form is quite powerful.

Just finished Habara. Man, is that a good area. You all will understand why it rocks when you get there.

Also, I've been trying to woo the Japanese girl in the store in Habara to stay with me on my boat, but no luck. My karma is rediculously low (-50) and she says she loves me (by giving videogames) , but still doesnt leave for the boat. Do I just keep pumping games into her?
i added everyone on that list on page 14 to my roster. my name should be chris phan and my friend key is 3995 1423 8777. hope to contact you guys!
Reality's Fringe;2313906 said:
You want a tip on how to get 10,000 REALLY easy without grinding? That Sushi you got from your Wifi visit? Take it to the mayoe of the Caldoxa ruins. He says he'll give you a l"little reward". After that, check how much money you have.

I haven't gotten the Sushi, cuz of the no WiFis(maybe I can cook it or something), and I also haven't had a chance to go through the rest of the Aegis pyramid. I'll do it tonight, and I'll check ou that bird too.

HEre's a question; where the hell is the Official Strategy guide for this game? I'm hboping that (if they're writing one), they're trying to make it relatively entertaining (like the Earthbound guide). Holy shit, that'd be sweet.

Now that you mention it, I do remember someone babbling about sushi to me earlier in the game - must have been him. But I guess that makes sense - otherwise the sushi is a pretty stupid reward (you can eat it but it doesn't give you much in terms of health, etc).

The red bird is down a secret passageway near one of the save points pretty deep in. The final boss in there is pretty bizarre. I'm not sure how I won but I did it the second time (after making some potions which I didn't have the first time through).
Man, you guys are gonna be way beyond me pretty soon. Haven't had much time or energy to devote to it lately, so I pretty much made a short incursion into Aegis (got the archeologist to his spot in the pyramid), and wandered around for a while. No clue where you guys are getting all this stuff about statues and whatnot.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Yes, my rabbit form is quite powerful.

Just finished Habara. Man, is that a good area. You all will understand why it rocks when you get there.

Also, I've been trying to woo the Japanese girl in the store in Habara to stay with me on my boat, but no luck. My karma is rediculously low (-50) and she says she loves me (by giving videogames) , but still doesnt leave for the boat. Do I just keep pumping games into her?

I don't know about any of that - I think you are ahead of the rest of us. Is this girl just like the other 2 that I saw - the one that wants flowers and the one that wants bugs? I gave the flower one at least 1 of every flower (and 2-3 of some) and nothing happened except the heart that appeared over her head got bigger. I haven't found all the bugs yet for the other girl and I've never seen any of the items you are giving to that 3rd one :D.

Botticus - you'll find out soon enough, though it doesn't seem to be a critical thing as I was missing one piece of the statue and have moved on to the next area.
[quote name='botticus']Man, you guys are gonna be way beyond me pretty soon. Haven't had much time or energy to devote to it lately, so I pretty much made a short incursion into Aegis (got the archeologist to his spot in the pyramid), and wandered around for a while. No clue where you guys are getting all this stuff about statues and whatnot.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel bad. You're still ahead of me. I just started the Caldoxa ruins and haven't even gotten to check out the WiFi island to reap the rewards of connecting with so many folks last night.

I dread the bunny.
[quote name='io']Now that you mention it, I do remember someone babbling about sushi to me earlier in the game - must have been him. But I guess that makes sense - otherwise the sushi is a pretty stupid reward (you can eat it but it doesn't give you much in terms of health, etc).

The red bird is down a secret passageway near one of the save points pretty deep in. The final boss in there is pretty bizarre. I'm not sure how I won but I did it the second time (after making some potions which I didn't have the first time through).[/QUOTE]

I found der Red bird. You want a nice prize? Tap that red bird with your stylus. Trust me.
Reality's Fringe;2314763 said:
I found der Red bird. You want a nice prize? Tap that red bird with your stylus. Trust me.

D'oh! I guess I could have tried that. It just 'paused' (couldn't move Terry) while it flew by so I thought it was like a cut scene. Damn, now I have to trek all the way back there ;).
[quote name='Tybee']

I dread the bunny.[/QUOTE]

After all, he is the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
[quote name='christopher']can someone tell me exactly how to connect to others in this game? i'm kind of lost. i'd like to contact you guys.[/QUOTE]

The other person has to have your code entered AND be on wifi at the same time. I'll enter your code (I'll have to boot someone else who hasn't contacted me yet) and get on wifi in a minute.

I'm on now with your code entered - just connect to the Wifi connection (make sure you aren't doing the "wireless" connection which is just local wireless). I don't see anyone there now. I'll leave it on for a while though. To be more specific - choose "Contact", then your save file, then "F1 - Wi-Fi Connect", then you should see a list of your friends - if no one is on it is all "----------------" which is what I see now ;).
Ah figured it out. You need to give the girl one of every item she wants, and I needed to open a chest to get the last one she wanted. Yay, now Terry gets a bed companion (for real).
...and no sooner then putting everyone's codes in and my stupid router craps out!! You pile of garbage!! Arrgh!!

Guess I'm offline for a while as far as the friends codes go.

Edit: Well, it's working sometimes. I really need a new router....sigh....

Anyone on right now?
Hopefully sometime in the evening.

I got everyone from page 14 added, but I'm full, so christopher and keithp aren't on my list. Once I Contact everyone currently listed, I'll free up some spots.
bread's done