So Contact is out right now!

I must be really terrible at finding secret passages or something cause i've searched this stupid pyramid top to bottom 4 times now and i can find any sign of this red birds you guys speak of. I found a read lizard like thing that fights me in one of the side corridors but nothing even vaguely resembling a bird.
[quote name='Sporophyte']I must be really terrible at finding secret passages or something cause i've searched this stupid pyramid top to bottom 4 times now and i can find any sign of this red birds you guys speak of. I found a read lizard like thing that fights me in one of the side corridors but nothing even vaguely resembling a bird.[/QUOTE]

There is a passage that leads south (ie, down) from one of the "save" rooms. I think it is the second to last save room before the boss. It's kind of an off-the-beaten path save room though, so you need to find that first. There's a room with a few of the mummy caskets that fight you and a hole or water in the middle. On the right side is a path down that is hard to see - that leads to the save. Then the path to the overlook with the bird is out the bottom of that room. I am going to play in a bit and see what the bonus is.
OK, I put quite a bit of time into Contact tonight, and the more I play the more I like this game. As Lan_Zero says, the Habara section is great - no challenging boss but the atmosphere and humor are great. I don't know where he found all the video games, I was only able to find "Jumpman".
You get to fight household appliances and play in a couple of retro arcade games - very nicely done

So far I've found 3 girls that are looking to collect things - and there seems to be 5 of each thing. The girl in Caldoaxa wants flowers, the one in the forest at Fort Eagle wants bugs, and the one in Habara wants video games. There is also a set of 5 precious stones, so I'm figuring there might be one who wants those?? Lan says he got the one in Habara to join him on the ship. I've given the one in Caldoaxa many of each flower and I get nothing - the heart breaks every time I see her again and maybe that means I have to start over. It could be that you need to give all 5 during the same visit. Did you do that Lan? Or then again, those other 2 girls could be different than the one in Habara. I'd like to get them all on board :D.

I did the 10,000 coin pyramid. It isn't really all that great of a reward:
It has the last statue piece in it - when you bring this back to the archaeologist you get the Royal Sword, which isn't all that special

I want to emphasize what RF said - YOU MUST CLICK ON THE RED BIRD in the Aegis pyramid. This is for a very important thing, though I'm sure it is not necessary for beating the game:
He gives you a map to an island where the Shadow Thief lives - he wants to train you. I'm stuck on the very first task he gave - to find some clove-like spice in Caldoaxa. I went there and looked everywhere, found nothing (it is not the normal spice you can buy there).

Edit - it is on the shelves where you save the spice guy early on. I just never went back there because at the time the bugs were tough. I just had to push the guy out of the way to get past him (or I could have killed him I suppose).

I also finally found the Fishing outfit, and have been trying to catch stuff. It took me 20 minutes to train myself OFF of the Animal Crossing fishing method. In AC you have to click as SOON as the float moves. In this game you have to wait for it to go underwater, and it will try to trick you (by going half way, moving around, etc). Then you have to tap or push A like mad until a little bar fills up. Depending on the fish this is easier or harder. All I've caught so far is one killifish, a bunch of carp, one catfish, and several precious stones (??). There are clearly certain fish I'm not close to catching though.

And you can fish in the bathtubs on WiFi island. Now I don't know if this is exclusive to there or not, but I did catch a thing called "Map Piece 3" there which says it is part of a treasure map. For all I know this is just a random fishing item, but maybe it only shows up in the bathtubs on Wi-Fi island. I also caught the catfish in the tub :lol:.
OK, since there is no FAQ for this game I waded into the Gamefaqs message boards .

Here's what I found about the girlfriends:
Good news - you CAN get all 4 to live with you on the boat (and according to the gamefaqers it gets slightly kinky too). The 4th is the girl with the car, who apparently shows up back at Le Chef Beach - she's the one who wants the precious stones. In addition to giving one of each special item to the girls, you need to have certain stat boosts. The hardest is the girl in Habara, as she wants your Karma to be -50. That's right, MINUS 50. Mine is at +90 right now. She does say she likes bad boys, so that makes sense. I guess you kill all the people in the store and this gets you video games plus lowers your karma. Hopefully, then, you can build it back up. Lan, did you know that or were you just going around killing everyone anyway? :D
Man, I don't know if this is worth it:
It takes killing 7 innocents to make the Karma go down a level and I was at 75. I got it down to 70 after 10 minutes of playing or so. Getting it to -50 is going to be a pain :cry: I am getting all kinds of cool stuff from them though - HUGE coins (400+, plasma blades, weapons I've never heard of, etc...)
[quote name='io']There is a passage that leads south (ie, down) from one of the "save" rooms. I think it is the second to last save room before the boss. It's kind of an off-the-beaten path save room though, so you need to find that first. There's a room with a few of the mummy caskets that fight you and a hole or water in the middle. On the right side is a path down that is hard to see - that leads to the save. Then the path to the overlook with the bird is out the bottom of that room. I am going to play in a bit and see what the bonus is.[/quote]

Wait, are you saying you can save in other places besides the ship? Where?

[quote name='io']Man, I don't know if this is worth it:
It takes killing 7 innocents to make the Karma go down a level and I was at 75. I got it down to 70 after 10 minutes of playing or so. Getting it to -50 is going to be a pain :cry: I am getting all kinds of cool stuff from them though - HUGE coins (400+, plasma blades, weapons I've never heard of, etc...)

I guess nice guys really do finish last.

Well shoot, I'm still in Caldoxa. Maybe I should just start my killing spree now and save time later. I have noticed the advantages of killing indiscriminately (as mentioned, huge ass coins, interesting items). How do you get your karma up?
Ok, now I need some help.

I just fixed the girls car in the desert and got that suit. I have been everyhwere twice and double checked everyspot. What Am I missing? The only thing I can tell I might be missing id I can't dig in th epyramid because I do not have a digging suit? Do I need to go back and find it? Any help? Thanx guys!
Well, if you don't have the Knuckle Mole suit already, you should go back to get it.
Caldoaxa ruins
Not sure if that's the requirement for moving on in Aegis (I'm just at that point myself), but I could probably tell you soon. If it's not, then I'll need to go back to RF and io's spoilers from earlier.
So how does online work exactly? Do you just pick it and sit there?

I'm adding the rest of the codes I didn't have right now... and I guess I'm just gonna wait for others to get online. So GET ONLINE FOOLS! MASSIVE CONTACT is upon us!

EDIT: Which should I pick? Invite or recieve? I guess for the time being, I'll sit on recieve and see what happens.

EDIT #2: Whoops, that was for wireless, not WiFi. Alright, I'm waiting!

EDIT #3: Screw the infernal beeping noise. I'm just gonna play it until you freaks get on.
[quote name='botticus']Well, if you don't have the Knuckle Mole suit already, you should go back to get it.
Caldoaxa ruins
Not sure if that's the requirement for moving on in Aegis (I'm just at that point myself), but I could probably tell you soon. If it's not, then I'll need to go back to RF and io's spoilers from earlier.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe you need to dig in order to move on, however, there are a couple of things you will want to dig up in the pyramids, so yes, Tyvan, you better get it.

Oh wait, you DO need all the suits to open a door and proceed (but you don't actually have to do the digging). So, yes, go and get that suit. You also need the Fly Boy suit, the Aqua Suit, and, of course, the Nitro Suit.

Tybee - you can save anywhere there is a bed and bath combo. They are all over the place. I'm not sure exactly what makes your karma go up, but mine was around 90 when I was in Habara. I think it goes up when you kill monsters. What is wierd about Habara is that your karma drops 5 LEVELS or so every time you open a chest in the store (and, I guess, "steal" stuff). Yet it takes killing 7 people for ONE level of karma drop. That's the warped morality of a software maker I guess - stealing video games is 35x worse than killing :rofl:. (They also have funny comments about warez and roms in this section). My karma is down to 55 or so now, mostly due to opening the chests in Habara. I really don't think I'll have the patience to get it to -50, then back up again (I hear some of the shops will shun you if it is negative).
Alright, I'm gonna be on, Z-Saber.

Took care of Aegis, though I didn't find all the pieces I need to dig up, I think. Anyone find all of those? I think I have four.
[quote name='Z-Saber']I'll be waiting. I'm already on the screen with the beeping. :bomb:

EDIT: That's it? What happens now?[/quote]Go to your globe in the ship, find WiFisland, and find my avatar. You get stuff.

It's unfortunate you only get 8 spots. I'm guessing deleting someone will remove them from your island.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Alright, heading there now to see "wut up?"[/QUOTE]
OK, I'll get on now too.
[quote name='io']OK, since there is no FAQ for this game I waded into the Gamefaqs message boards .

Here's what I found about the girlfriends:
Good news - you CAN get all 4 to live with you on the boat (and according to the gamefaqers it gets slightly kinky too). The 4th is the girl with the car, who apparently shows up back at Le Chef Beach - she's the one who wants the precious stones. In addition to giving one of each special item to the girls, you need to have certain stat boosts. The hardest is the girl in Habara, as she wants your Karma to be -50. That's right, MINUS 50. Mine is at +90 right now. She does say she likes bad boys, so that makes sense. I guess you kill all the people in the store and this gets you video games plus lowers your karma. Hopefully, then, you can build it back up. Lan, did you know that or were you just going around killing everyone anyway? :D
I too had to brave the wilds of the gamefaqs message boards. Notice how that particular thread degrades into everyone calling eachother perverted. Classic.

But, if you want to get Ayaka (the videogame girl), I would do it ASAP. Then you can work on get that karma back up the rest of the game. I was at 50 before I started my killing spree and it took a good while. But, on the plus side it made be over 45,000 gold.

Alright, I'm sitting online now. Anyone?
[quote name='botticus']Alright, I'm gonna be on, Z-Saber.

Took care of Aegis, though I didn't find all the pieces I need to dig up, I think. Anyone find all of those? I think I have four.[/QUOTE]

I found them all (and posted it earlier). It is not necessarily worth it unless you feel the need to collect every weapon.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Alright, heading there now to see "wut up?"[/QUOTE]

Cool - now I just have one more slot to fill. Wonder if you get anything for having all of 'em filled?
Also, has anyone determined if you get anything for doing Contact a second time with the same person? I can see people (like Lan) when they are on again, but haven't tried it a second time with anyone.
Yay, I got one of the elemental attacks boosted. Whoopee.

I'll hop on to contact you, Lan. This will be four for me, I think there are ten codes out on the thread, so I'll be missing two.

Anyone else around, or should I head back to WiFisland again?
Woo, contact. Lets go see what you two gave me.

New skill "Flame On" from Z-Saber, and increase in earth from botticus. Thanks!
I also found a room now full of cats.
Lan looked like an eskimo... so I guess kinda like the guy with the hat from South Park.

He also spouted some nice gibberish.

And I'm totally freaking lost in this cave/castle area.
[quote name='botticus']Z-Saber looks like Kenny from South Park. :D

Tuna Sushi from Lan, yum![/QUOTE]

Make sure you give that to the mayor of Caldoaxa.
botticus gave me a book and looked like a blue cow. io had a skull head/face/mask and increased my Anti-water stat.

Lan gave me boxing gloves.
[quote name='Z-Saber']botticus gave me a book and looked like a blue cow. io had a skull head/face/mask and increased my Anti-water stat.

Lan gave me boxing gloves.[/QUOTE]

Botticus has the skull thing on my island. Haven't seen a cow yet. Just wait till you get the killer bunny.

The gloves can go to a person in Aegis, though for what purpose I haven't figured out yet - he just left with 'em and didn't give me anything in return.
Here's another reason you will want to dig around in Aegis with the Knuckle Mole suit. This isn't a huge spoiler, but I'll tag it anyway:

You find a worm that will lead to getting the fishing outfit (take it where it makes sense to take it - a place before Aegis)
Give me a minute to save it and I'll get right on there with you. My code is a couple pages back.

EDIT: Adding code... connecting...
Just connected with "Matt." Just reconnect, Giygas, so io can get you. His code is also a couple pages back, and in his sig.
WHAT THE SHIT?! I finally find Giygas/Matt. He's a little, pink bunny. The music changes when I initiate a conversation with him. He says he's from Chicago, and asks/reflects "Remember when you used to like Pokemon?" Followed by a page or two of ellipses. He kinda stumbles on his words a bit.

Then he kicks my ass in one hit.
Well crap.... I deleted Rancor to add Matt, and Matt does not appear on the island. Or at least, Rancor is still there, and I can't find Matt.

So maybe you can only have 8 and the first 8 you add? That would be somewhat broken.

I'll hop on, AK.
I got a wind boost, a fire spell, and stamina up.... and I found the room full of cats?

Should I kill them?
Some of my friend codes turned to ????????, so I am having to go back and put them back in, so it will just be a sec
bread's done