So Contact is out right now!

[quote name='jfunkdpg']Headin on now, you guys still there?[/quote]

Yeah I will still be here for a sec, but I don't think I have your friend code
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Alright, one more friend to go. Thanks AK.[/quote]

No problem, I will post again when I find out what kind of stuff each one of you gave me.

Thanks to everyone.
[quote name='jfunkdpg']I posted it earlier in this thread, it's: 4982-9847-4923[/quote]
Sorry I must have skipped over it, but thanks for making contact.

2 more spots left, I have to go help my dad put some stuff in the attic, but I will be back after that, if anyone who I haven't made contact with wants to
[quote name='jfunkdpg']I posted it earlier in this thread, it's: 4982-9847-4923[/quote]I'm Steve, by the way. I must have seen it earlier and added it. I don't think yours is in the list a couple pages back though.

EDIT: One spelling error and two misplaced words in the last sentence.
AK had long hair/an afro and gave me the ability "Rock." J-Funk (might be a chick) with short, red hair is kinda depressing. She/he gave me Tuna Sushi. Someone mentioned that it should be given to the mayor of Caldoaxa? I guess I haven't gotten that far.

EDIT: I'll Contact you, Sporophyte, but we all need your Friend Code.
[quote name='Z-Saber']AK had long hair/an afro and gave me the ability "Rock." J-Funk (might be a chick) with short, red hair is kinda depressing. She/he gave me Tuna Sushi. Someone mentioned that it should be given to the mayor of Caldoaxa? I guess I haven't gotten that far.[/quote]

lol I suck.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Alright, full on friends now. Haha, the rabbit ran away from me the moment we started to fight. Good source of roses though.[/quote]What are Roses used for? I beat him by using the "?" sticker, but rematched him, died, and didn't save it. Are they rare, expensive, or something else?
[quote name='Z-Saber']What are Roses used for? I beat him by using the "?" sticker, but rematched him, died, and didn't save it. Are they rare, expensive, or something else?[/quote]
Roses you can give to a girl is Ft. Eagle to become one of your girlfriends. I'm not sure if there is any other use for it. I know there was another guy in Ft. Eagle that wanted to buy one for 400g.
[quote name='Z-Saber']What are Roses used for? I beat him by using the "?" sticker, but rematched him, died, and didn't save it. Are they rare, expensive, or something else?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and you can get roses from the bubble slime thingies in the Fort Eagle forest. I've gotten tons.
io I don't think I have contacted you, do have a little bit of time to get on and contact, or is your list full already?
Jfunk, if you're still around, I'll contact you.

Huh... I'll have to figure out what the deal is with my friend list later. For some reason, AK shows up twice. I'll have to figure out whose code was in one of those places.

I wonder if everyone gets the same things if all 8 spots are filled or not.
[quote name='botticus']Jfunk, if you're still around, I'll contact you.

Huh... I'll have to figure out what the deal is with my friend list later. For some reason, AK shows up twice. I'll have to figure out whose code was in one of those places.[/quote]

K, headin to wifi menu now.
[quote name='Giygas']boxing gloves, blue eyes 14, tuna sushi[/quote]I also got those three. Maybe it's some sort of calculated thing then, not just random.
So far I've learned "Rock" from Steve and "Cutter" from AK but then I got killed by the rabbit (Rancor). Gotta head back to get the rest of my stuff.
Steve - gave me the "Rock" spell
Lan - increased my Wind stat
botticus - gave me some Boxing Gloves
Matt - Tuna Sushi
J-Funk (who was a cow) - "Blue Eyes" #14

Thanks again to everyone
Got the rose after killing J-Funk the rabbit.

Looks like I'm just waiting on Hollow Man and Tybee to fill up my roster. Some of the stuff has to be different, since I got an intelligence boost from io, and with only two spots left, there's more than two other things that others have gotten that I haven't. Though I already learned Rock and Cutter, which others have gotten, so I may have gotten other things in place of them.
[quote name='pete5883']Anyone still on, to make opening the game and starting right now worth it?[/quote]

I could get on if you want to open it
I'm not going to have a DS for the rest of the night in a few minutes, so if any more contacting is to be done, it must be done immediately.

EDIT: Tybee, I'm on right now and don't have a ton of time left to do this.

I literally have eight more minutes.

Last chance.

Opportunity missed. :cry:
Sounds like the Massive Contacting was a hit! I'm still not able to get online.

Anyone want a Linksys router before I smash it up into a million bits? :bomb:
Alright, found the red bird in Aegis, got my fishing costume. As an FYI, there's a guy on Ft. Eagle buying roses for 400 a pop.

Anyone found a Masamune/katana yet?
I have a feeling that's going to be the way to complete the Shadow Thief's first mission, unless io's found the solution already.
[quote name='botticus']
Anyone found a Masamune/katana yet? [/quote]

Masamune isn't too hard to find. Just keep checking for hidden passages and you should find it.
bread's done