Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Yea, as a Lucio player... can I be honest and say one of the few things I LIKE about him IS the shields... and even this it's not that great. That being said, the best part is when you hear "Rain from Above!" and firing off the shields and surviving. SOOOOO nice. Mercy, the Ultimate is very very situation dependent. I've done it and hit 4 people.. and then they were all slaughtered because they weren't expecting it or the enemy was RIGHT THERE to pounce. BUT, Mercy dies fast. Lucio goes squish too. Especially when I get yanked into a Roadhog. Even if I immediately fire my gun to push away.
Yeah i actually figured out by accident but Roadhog's stun and I believe Mcree's both last the same amount of time. Was a great play as he launched his flash bang and I launched my hook at the same time....funny. I think only Mei's ult and Zarya's Ult's are hard to dodge. I know whenever I hear Mei's ultimate I just jump as far away as I can. I also usually play a tank so I jump, boost, or charge away a lot.

I kind of wish each map had different layouts, like say Route 66 payload, and also has a control point and possibly a control point where both go at the same time. They could use different parts of Map. I just know if it's King's Row or something it will be payload and others. I think I just played too much (I did say I was going to go crazy Memorial Day weekend), and am not sure of the longevity of the game. It's a quality game for sure, but i'm not convinced it's a great game....maybe just a good one.

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Terraria's new patch is out with like wiring updates and shit.  Terraria > Battlestillborn > Overwatch > paintdrying > The Divison

Terraria's new patch is out with like wiring updates and shit. Terraria > Battlestillborn > Overwatch > paintdrying > The Divison

Terraria's new patch is out with like wiring updates and shit. Terraria > Battlestillborn > Overwatch > paintdrying > The Divison
I was going to link you to the Steam page of "Watch Paint Dry" but learned that it was put on Steam without Valve's consent and thus removed.

I'm really regretting not buying that stupid Tax Year Bundle now. (Assuming they even got Steam keys.)

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I was going to link you to the Steam page of "Watch Paint Dry" but learned that it was put on Steam without Valve's consent and thus removed.

I'm really regretting not buying that stupid Tax Year Bundle now. (Assuming they even got Steam keys.)
Some people got keys but you had to spend over a certain amount and it wasn't guaranteed you'd get one

Then the dev sold them with the humble widget for like 20 dollars. I made it my 5k game.
I still go back to The Division from time to time and am not done with the base game i guess.  Still around level 10 I think.  I still like it.  I guess once I max out my char and have to just do the PvP stuff or grind I might get bored eventually.  

I was just being an ass and haven't even played the Division but now that I look, the the Steam reviews for the game really are something.  

Think GTAV will be 50% off in the Summer Sale? . Seems like I rarely see it more than 33% off on any platform. Been wanting to try it out on my new rig and it's tempting at $40

Think GTAV will be 50% off in the Summer Sale? . Seems like I rarely see it more than 33% off on any platform. Been wanting to try it out on my new rig and it's tempting at $40
Rockstar's been donglords about putting the game on sale via Steam. You can get it cheaper from other places but then you have to download it through Rockstar Social Club which is about as much fun as passing kidney stones. I got it from... uhhh... some place or another (D2D?) for $20 and it took like two days to download because RSC kept failing.

Rockstar's been donglords about putting the game on sale via Steam. You can get it cheaper from other places but then you have to download it through Rockstar Social Club which is about as much fun as passing kidney stones. I got it from... uhhh... some place or another (D2D?) for $20 and it took like two days to download because RSC kept failing.
Should've bought a steam wallet code from Blade!

Rockstar's been donglords about putting the game on sale via Steam. You can get it cheaper from other places but then you have to download it through Rockstar Social Club which is about as much fun as passing kidney stones. I got it from... uhhh... some place or another (D2D?) for $20 and it took like two days to download because RSC kept failing.

I wouldn't even pay $5 for it with the Rockstar DRM. Maybe $1 I'd think about it. You know you're just going to buy it again on Steam someday. priceisrightlosinghorn.avi

So... This is happening:


And before you ask, I already own Woodle tree, Bad Rats, and already got all the Digital Homicide poop for free.  Looking for something legit to make my 4000th game.  Otherwise, it will be unremarkable bundle fodder.

since we are back on hardware talk...

I'm torn between waiting for the 1070, $379 version, or just picking up a cheap 970 to go with the 6700k i upgraded to a little while ago. I dont plan on changing my monitor anytime soon and it seems the 1070 is overkill for 1080p. Plus I can pickup a brand new 970 for about $110 cheaper than the 1070 and a used one for even cheaper.

any thoughts from you CAGs?
970 vs 1070? For not too much difference in money, I'd go with 1070 card.

You have a bad-ass 6700K Skylake, so why skimp on the video card?

Also, on the VRAM buffer for doing higher-textures, the 970's 4GB 3.5GB VRAM just ain't in the world of that 8GB VRAM on the 1070. This alone is a blow-out - plus, the 1070's pulling better benchmarks than a $1000+ Titan X for crying out loud.

At higher settings, some games already eat over 3.5GB of VRAM very easily at 1080p (such as Batman AK & Far Cry 4). With 8GB VRAM on the 1070, you just ain't gotta worry about the 3.5GB VRAM bullcrap factor that the 970 has.

Some games, it's known that they recommend over 4GB for VRAM in certain Ultra settings, anyways - i.e. SoM + DOOM 2016.

While a 1070 might be overkill for 1080p (but you are likely getting 60FPS at 1080p on anything), but also you'll be ready for 1440p for sure if you move to that kind of monitor - since benchmarks at 1440p are very strong also.

And, GTX 1070 might be decent enough at 2160p (4K) for around 30FPS or a little better (depends on the game), if you ever go to 4K-Land.

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You know you're just going to buy it again on Steam someday. priceisrightlosinghorn.avi
Not at the rate they've been discounting it on Steam. "Hey,it's on sale for full price but you get some 'free' online currency!"

Also, Dehon Monster Challenge Circus is the only legitimate choice for 4k. It's the game "Bad Rats" people wish they'd say if they had any experience with truly shitty games.

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Not at the rate they've been discounting it on Steam. "Hey,it's on sale for full price but you get some 'free' online currency!"
It's been on sale a few times at $36. Pretty sure most people here can afford it with card money, if they actually want to play it. $36 card money is better than spending $20 real money. I got over $40 in the last month alone just from selling cards..

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So... This is happening:


And before you ask, I already own Woodle tree, Bad Rats, and already got all the Digital Homicide poop for free. Looking for something legit to make my 4000th game. Otherwise, it will be unremarkable bundle fodder.
Update: Thanks to a VERY generous Madjoki, I just hit 4k. Thanks Madjoki!!!

Also, on the VRAM buffer for doing higher-textures, the 970's 4GB 3.5GB VRAM just ain't in the world of that 8GB VRAM on the 1070. This alone is a blow-out - plus, the 1070's pulling better benchmarks than a $1000+ Titan X for crying out loud
nothing better than the toaster talking about vram!

and I was going to suggest Battleborn for #4000!

Gal Civ III
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Dat's cuz u spent $70 on shitty bundle gaems 2 idle 4 cardz
Quiet you! Working for $20 is way harder than buying a bundle game for .20 and then idling for four hours, and then spending 5-10 minutes listing the cards and authenticating them. You get like a profit if like .05 sometimes. You only have to repeat that 400 times to make $20. So keep working like the sucker you are.
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bread's done