Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Google didn't tell me anything about it. Yes, I know it was worth $200 in '09, however, consider this. That information is a tad... useless to me, who is in '16. Newegg carried it, and doesn't anymore. Amazon doesn't have it. eBay only has one seller selling it, and that seller might have Chinese knockoffs.
I don't think anyone collects old outdated motherboards.. not really worth buying to profit from

Google didn't tell me anything about it. Yes, I know it was worth $200 in '09, however, consider this. That information is a tad... useless to me, who is in '16. Newegg carried it, and doesn't anymore. Amazon doesn't have it. eBay only has one seller selling it, and that seller might have Chinese knockoffs.
You bought a 7 year old PC part for 16 dollars... I don't know what you want me to tell you information wise but lets analyze this... You bought PC parts that are 7 years old and in this industry year old parts are sort of viewed as out of date. You also don't know if it works... That's going to cost ya a CPU to find out... and likely a 7 year old one. :) (maybe RAM too.)

Another console exclusive game comes to Steam tomorrow.

And nude mods next week!

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Well, he only spent $16 on it.... [shrug]

If he can get old parts (old RAM, old CPU, etc) + find 'em cheap that actually go with it, he might be able to create a cool old-school pet project. 

Is that a Foxconn Flaming Blade a 1366 mobo?

I have an Asus 1366 X58 mobo & that took a Bloomfield i7 950 CPU.

Of course, that was in 2011 when I built this PC.

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Patch 1.20 released for Witcher 3 on GOG.

Not sure if it's been released on Steam yet - but maybe a Steam-version owner here can speak on that.

Patch 1.20 [click here for changelog in PDF format] looks to have UI overhauls, quick-menu overhauls, difficulty / ememy upscaling toggle, book to help you find Gwent cards, and more.
The changes are mostly cosmetic, I think. They've completely overhauled the inventory UI, somewhat for the better. Herbs that are sitting around in the world are now labelled before you pick them up; I'm not sure how helpful that really is. Loot from dead enemies is in a much bigger box/font now, which is good if you were having trouble seeing the text previously. I read about the Gwent card book in previews for the patch, but I haven't gone to whatever merchant is supposed to have it for sale (it seems like CD Projekt RED made that harder than they needed to--I'm assuming they just could have added this to your inventory unless that would break something else). You can also do kind-of pointless things like preview what armor looks like on Geralt that you're currently unable to equip.

Scanning "Sold" listings on eBay, 1366 x58 motherboards in general are going for $40-$200.  But that would assume a working board.  If you don't know if it's working, you'd need to sell it As Is and would probably get $20-$30 for it -- hardly seems worth the effort to me.

Well, he only spent $16 on it.... [shrug]

If he can get old parts (old RAM, old CPU, etc) + find 'em cheap that actually go with it, he might be able to create a cool old-school pet project.

Is that a Foxconn Flaming Blade a 1366 mobo?

I have an Asus 1366 X58 mobo & that took a Bloomfield i7 950 CPU.

Of course, that was in 2011 when I built this PC.
Some project maybe worth checking out if it got to do with few years old Xeon processors. The only problem is finding a motherboard in good condition and for a good price. Still get some decent mileage example in this video.

A couple years ago, I had an old i3-530 I wanted to make into a computer for my wife and the biggest pain in the ass was definitely finding a 1156 motherboard for it.  They were at a bad place where they weren't being made so they were "rare" but still usable enough to not be garbage.  As a result, prices were stupid high and, since the idea was to make a cheap box out of spare parts, I almost ditched the idea.  Eventually found an Intel board for $40 which worked.  That was sort of a special case though and I wouldn't have bought a board without a guarantee that it worked.  Also, it was a few years ago meaning all that stuff (including the 1366 x58 board) are that much more obsolete and thus less useful.

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Scanning "Sold" listings on eBay, 1366 x58 motherboards in general are going for $40-$200. But that would assume a working board. If you don't know if it's working, you'd need to sell it As Is and would probably get $20-$30 for it -- hardly seems worth the effort to me.
He's a console person. They put more effort into flipping shit than we do into getting some shitty +1 from Gleam.

Also adding to my Overwatch rant....I think one of my biggest turn offs of the game is the ultimates actually. It feels you can be playing well and all and then some ult  just comes out of nowhere and respawn time. A lot of those you just do them and forget. I'm starting to not be a big fan of some like Mercy's and the big team wipe ones. Likely the worst is torj as it makes him extremely powerful, gives him armor and health I believe and upgrades his turrents. It esp hurts with ultimate after ultimate you're trying to defend against. I think I just see the luster wearing off and I think i'm ready to play some other games like the Valkyria Chronicles for the niche backloggers thread.

Also adding to my Overwatch rant....I think one of my biggest turn offs of the game is the ultimates actually. It feels you can be playing well and all and then some ult just comes out of nowhere and respawn time. A lot of those you just do them and forget. I'm starting to not be a big fan of some like Mercy's and the big team wipe ones. Likely the worst is torj as it makes him extremely powerful, gives him armor and health I believe and upgrades his turrents. It esp hurts with ultimate after ultimate you're trying to defend against. I think I just see the luster wearing off and I think i'm ready to play some other games like the Valkyria Chronicles for the niche backloggers thread.
There is some jerk off looking to play battleborn if you're interested
CAGs love very cheap more than free. If there's a free game on Steam no one messes with it but if that game suddenly got sold for 9 cents everyone'd be all over that shiz.

whatever happened to everyone playing the division?
People actually played their penny copies?

CAGs love very cheap more than free. If there's a free game on Steam no one messes with it but if that game suddenly got sold for 9 cents everyone'd be all over that shiz.
It depends what was involved in that free. If I had to sit in a stream and watch for a code drop, there's a decent chance I'll try it out since I devoted the time to obtaining it. If it's something on gleam? Meh.

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1)  Before you ask for a price for a motherboard, you have to know (and this is critical) DOES IT WORK.

2)  Overwatch Ultimates, block them.  For real.  Most of them are easy to block and most have counters.  For example, Phyra (or whatever her name is) the one that shoots a kajillion missiles.  Shoot her out of the air.  Or Block them with a shield.  I suck at the game but there are some real HUGE intricacies in this game that is wrapped in such easy interface.

3)  Division sucks.  MP is a bot/aimbot play place and no one likes having their characters wiped every other week.  Pretty sure I installed and booted up my copy before closing and backlogging it.

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I know how to counter most of the ults  but some just are had to defend against like lucio's shields or mercy's ressurect. I rarely die to hanzo, d'va, mai, or some of the other kill all ults. I actually am talking more about the support ults other than the teleport one. Also Torj is hard to counter since he becomes a massacre, tanking machine in his ult even away from his turrents. At least some like Winston he gains a lot of health and such, but his damage isn't so amazing during it. Widowmaker's is also impossible to counter since you don't know you're visible on the opponent's screen. It's more of an annoyance than some, and I feel sometimes takes away from the skill of play of the game.

since we are back on hardware talk...

I'm torn between waiting for the 1070, $379 version, or just picking up a cheap 970 to go with the 6700k i upgraded to a little while ago.  I dont plan on changing my monitor anytime soon and it seems the 1070 is overkill for 1080p.  Plus I can pickup a brand new 970 for about $110 cheaper than the 1070 and a used one for even cheaper.  

any thoughts from you CAGs?

since we are back on hardware talk...

I'm torn between waiting for the 1070, $379 version, or just picking up a cheap 970 to go with the 6700k i upgraded to a little while ago. I dont plan on changing my monitor anytime soon and it seems the 1070 is overkill for 1080p. Plus I can pickup a brand new 970 for about $110 cheaper than the 1070 and a used one for even cheaper.

any thoughts from you CAGs?
+1 on the 1070

It will last you much longer than the 970 will just for the sheer hardware of 4(or 3.5)gb vs 8gb memory

Also all the reviews saying its overkill for 1080p I dont particularly buy that. Give it 6months-1year and devs/nvidia will have figured out some super ultra settings that will bring you right back to 60fps at 1080p output on a 1070. Also just think of the price vs. performance your getting on a 1070. For 110$ more your getting something that beats/matches a 980ti/titan, with a 970 your buying something that is already starting to lag behind

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since we are back on hardware talk...

I'm torn between waiting for the 1070, $379 version, or just picking up a cheap 970 to go with the 6700k i upgraded to a little while ago. I dont plan on changing my monitor anytime soon and it seems the 1070 is overkill for 1080p. Plus I can pickup a brand new 970 for about $110 cheaper than the 1070 and a used one for even cheaper.

any thoughts from you CAGs?
That's easy, I'd get the 1070. I'd never spend 2/3 the money on an older gpu. Would also never buy a used card.

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tbh this is the first time I'm going to spring for the brand new $600 card.  I always go with the $320-370 second tier models. They have historically seemed to be the best value vs performance.

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tbh this is the first time I'm going to spring for the brand new $600 card. I always go with the $320-370 second tier models. It has historically seemed to be the best value vs performance.
same here, i usually spring for the mid-tier models, but having just done a 6700k upgrade myself Im also going for the 1080. Just waiting for the AIB cards that start coming out saturday

That being said, if someones looking for a used 970 ;)

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Google didn't tell me anything about it. Yes, I know it was worth $200 in '09, however, consider this. That information is a tad... useless to me, who is in '16. Newegg carried it, and doesn't anymore. Amazon doesn't have it. eBay only has one seller selling it, and that seller might have Chinese knockoffs.
Fox buys used hard drives, he would be all over this like {insert random cag's} mom

Hey guys, I found this gaming motherboard thing at my local thrift store. Anybody know how much it's worth? And/or if it's broken/bootleg/? I don't know how to tell. It was $16.

Oh boy. I looked up this thing. It only supports up to 12 GB of RAM, so that limits your future-proofing quite a bit. It supports LGA 1366 CPU models but the page doesn't say which ones except for one that sells for a grand; the CPUs were discontinued back in 2012. And my god, it has PCI slots! And IDE connectors!

Honestly, I wouldn't use this for a modern system. But it would be awesome for a Windows XP setup, if you managed to get the parts. Hell, I'd buy this if I had access to a cheap CPU, I already have spare video cards and compatible RAM...

sit in a stream and watch for a code drop

Oh boy. I looked up this thing. It only supports up to 12 GB of RAM, so that limits your future-proofing quite a bit. I
Future proofing? Really? It's from 2009. It's only future proofing if you're Doctor Who and go back and buy it when it when people actually, you know, sort of wanted to buy it 6 or 7 years ago.

Past proofing isn't a thing.
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Oh boy. I looked up this thing. It only supports up to 12 GB of RAM, so that limits your future-proofing quite a bit. It supports LGA 1366 CPU models but the page doesn't say which ones except for one that sells for a grand; the CPUs were discontinued back in 2012. And my god, it has PCI slots! And IDE connectors!
To be fair, the only reason anyone would want this is if they already own the processor, memory, etc and just needed a new board. Sort of like my hunt for an 1156 board to put my existing i3-530, memory sticks, old video card, etc into. You wouldn't buy one to start building a system with.

Yippie-skippy, Gabe is tweeting. Maybe now he can tell us his plans to make the marketplace shittier and more annoying in real time.

Also, "Flaming Blade" has to rank among the most hilariously pretentious names for a motherboard.

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To be fair, the only reason anyone would want this is if they already own the processor, memory, etc and just needed a new board. Sort of like my hunt for an 1156 board to put my existing i3-530, memory sticks, old video card, etc into. You wouldn't buy one to start building a system with.

Yippie-skippy, Gabe is tweeting. Maybe now he can tell us his plans to make the marketplace shittier and more annoying in real time.

Also, "Flaming Blade" has to rank among the most hilariously pretentious names for a motherboard.
GabeN's first tweet:

Donut, git in mah belly!
I know how to counter most of the ults but some just are had to defend against like lucio's shields or mercy's ressurect.
Yea, as a Lucio player... can I be honest and say one of the few things I LIKE about him IS the shields... and even this it's not that great. That being said, the best part is when you hear "Rain from Above!" and firing off the shields and surviving. SOOOOO nice. Mercy, the Ultimate is very very situation dependent. I've done it and hit 4 people.. and then they were all slaughtered because they weren't expecting it or the enemy was RIGHT THERE to pounce. BUT, Mercy dies fast. Lucio goes squish too. Especially when I get yanked into a Roadhog. Even if I immediately fire my gun to push away.

tbh this is the first time I'm going to spring for the brand new $600 card. I always go with the $320-370 second tier models. It has historically seemed to be the best value vs performance.
what $600 card and which game that demands such beast of a card?

I hope it's not IdleMaster :D/

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bread's done