Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Yes, let's make the Steam deals work for all of us again. We must break up these nonsense political discussions. I am fighting for you, zenii!

(Please send me a $1 contribution to support my cause)

1 x 1 = 2, that's why 2 is just as sad as 1, since it's the loneliest number since the number 1.

How do you explain 1 x 1 = 1 if I'm one person, but I have two hands and choke myself to death with them?

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If we're trying to raise money for CAG, Bernie Sanders would be a good person to hire for that.  He had 8 Million donations at an average of $27 each for his campaign.  

Oh, and if you ever wanted to know what it's like cleaning up after a night with Bah and Weiler's Moms, we're playing Viscera Cleanup Detail tonight with the bros.  Lots of mops and blood and ragrets!  

If we're trying to raise money for CAG, Bernie Sanders would be a good person to hire for that. He had 8 Million donations at an average of $27 each for his campaign.
Best money scheme in the history of money schemes given they already pre-chose their candidate. :p

Even G2A doesn't have any super deals right now.. maybe I'm just Steam-picky at this point.

Yep. I don't know why, but it seems like space operas in general just became terrible after 2001.

Eh well ya know.

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Um, yeah, that's exactly what "it takes two to tango" means. It doesn't matter who brought it up, if you responding to it, it's gonna keep the conversation going, and you're noy "letting it go".

I said this as a joke last time, but can we please get back to talking about shoes and food? Even the time/date stuff was better.

Just anything but this.
Because I'm tired of their shit. The Bernie people are loud and never shut up and think their opinion is the only one. The fling around wild accusations with no substantiation to any it of beyond a few snarky emails. They took over Facebook and Twitter and just about everywhere else. I don't need to see it here too. Ignoring them doesn't make it stop, it just makes it one sided.

Tebow and Agenghost get a free pass for being 'special' but not the rest.

If you guys keep bitching I'm just going to start reporting the political talk myself because no one else seems to have the balls to do it. Have fun getting the last 8 pages nuked just like have fun when president Trump appoints ultra conservative justices who serve for 30 years because the Bernie people couldn't get the fuck over it and settle down.

Of course that will all fit into Blade's persecution complex but whatever.

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But the emails do show the primary was rigged against Bernie.  That's not a lie. That's the truth.  Now, it's a stupid reason to vote for Trump out of spite, but if it takes something drastic to break up our stupid two party system then maybe they are on to something.

Motoki's feelin' the Bern.
Yeah the Bangalore Burn from all the rude know it all smug loudmouth naive Bernie Sanders assholes who have been trying to jam their shit down everyone's throats for months and months. I swear that old fart managed to turn half of Facebook into mad ranting and raving Tebows.

At this point I'd rather listen to the Republicans' shit. At least I expect that from them.

And sorry I don't want to watch the world burn enough to break up two parties being dominant. I'm not sure how Trump winning would do that anyway. If anything it would just reinforce that the Republican opposition have to unite under one banner. Bernie even knew that that's why he became a fake Democrat conveniently just before the presidential race.
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Yeah the Bangalore Burn from all the rude know it all smug loudmouth naive Bernie Sanders assholes who have been trying to jam their shit down everyone's throats for months and months. I swear that old fart managed to turn half of Facebook into mad ranting and raving Tebows.

At this point I'd rather listen to the Republicans' shit. At least I expect that from them.

And sorry I don't want to watch the world burn enough to break up two parties being dominant. I'm not sure how Trump winning would do that anyway. If anything it would just reinforce that the Republican opposition have to unite under one banner. Bernie even knew that that's why he became a fake Democrat conveniently just before the presidential race.
And yet, you want to watch the thread bern.

I have an idea. Let's talk about religion

Jesus is a ______ fill in the blank

Jesus is just another guy who's been in Bah and Weiler's moms.

Let's forget all of this and start talking about something that makes sense. 

Like Card Games on Motorcycles.

Because I'm tired of their shit. The Bernie people are loud and never shut up and think their opinion is the only one. The fling around wild accusations with no substantiation to any it of beyond a few snarky emails. They took over Facebook and Twitter and just about everywhere else. I don't need to see it here too. Ignoring them doesn't make it stop, it just makes it one sided.

Tebow and Agenghost get a free pass for being 'special' but not the rest.

If you guys keep bitching I'm just going to start reporting the political talk myself because no one else seems to have the balls to do it. Have fun getting the last 8 pages nuked just like have fun when president Trump appoints ultra conservative justices who serve for 30 years because the Bernie people couldn't get the fuck over it and settle down.

Of course that will all fit into Blade's persecution complex but whatever.
This is pretty much anything but letting it go. You're either letting it go or you're not. Can't be all "yo im done but everybody else keeps bringing it up" then go on multiple rants about how annoying different people's supporters are and all

that being said i would like to remind everybody i am running for president

Hightlights of a pasports31 presidency:

- outlaw drm

- outlaw drm-free speech

- free peanut butter and jelly for everybody

- wall to keep out the lurkers

- we will go to war, if that's what it takes, to get half life 3 made

- a coup will be held to overthrow poopees

- executive order will be made to make steam sales stop being pieces of dung

- pizza will be made the national food

- free healthcare for all dogs

- Hot Dog v. Sandwich will be held in the Supreme Court to put that matter to rest

- Mullets will be outlawed

That's just the beginning. There will be a suggestion box outside my house in case people have ideas about other stuff

Only took me another couple of hours to finish Starbound.  Last two bosses... arguably easier/more tedious than the rest.  Don't waste money on this game.  Maybe if it's in a BTA tier of a Humble with some other stuff you like.  All you're getting is a mediocre to poor 15-20 hour platformer with crap in the way of character progression/itemization.

But if you're REALLY into building stuff just for the sake of building stuff (like a virtual ant farm) then you might get more than 15 hours out of it.  My Steam hours played is deceptive because I played around 40 hours back in early access when my PC broken and it was one of the few interesting Mac titles I had and there's a lot of AFK showering/pooping/playing Hearthstone time in there, too.

I honestly cannot comprehend why it took them two+ years to arguably make the game worse than it was when I played it shortly after it first hit Steam.  Torchlight 1 had a better narrative.  And better bosses, too.

I said this as a joke last time, but can we please get back to talking about shoes and food? Even the time/date stuff was better.
I had an important decision today, had to decide between a meatball sub (with peppers, olives, onions, and mayo) or a hot beef. Went with the beef as some beef as a messy sandwich and fries sounded slightly better but damn it took probably a good 20 minutes to decide. Helped the beef would be good, while the meatball was going to be from subway (cheap and I have a coupon need to use up) but still.

Only mention what was on the sub as, if I recall, last time I brought up getting mayo on a meatball sub at Subway it grossed out a lot of people (aka created pages of crap)

Oh and some deep dish sounds really good right now. At the very least some chicken (or sausage) and artichoke heat pizza.

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Only took me another couple of hours to finish Starbound. Last two bosses... arguably easier/more tedious than the rest. Don't waste money on this game.

I honestly cannot comprehend why it took them two+ years to arguably make the game worse than it was when I played it shortly after it first hit Steam. Torchlight 1 had a better narrative. And better bosses, too.
Too late. Most owners of Terraria already own Starbound.

I remember the beta was at least going to be done by that same year. The only issues I see them having was on the performance side of things from what I recall back then. They kept the game in EA this long just to milk it and patch things up slowly.

Only took me another couple of hours to finish Starbound. Last two bosses... arguably easier/more tedious than the rest. Don't waste money on this game. Maybe if it's in a BTA tier of a Humble with some other stuff you like. All you're getting is a mediocre to poor 15-20 hour platformer with crap in the way of character progression/itemization.

But if you're REALLY into building stuff just for the sake of building stuff (like a virtual ant farm) then you might get more than 15 hours out of it. My Steam hours played is deceptive because I played around 40 hours back in early access when my PC broken and it was one of the few interesting Mac titles I had and there's a lot of AFK showering/pooping/playing Hearthstone time in there, too.

I honestly cannot comprehend why it took them two+ years to arguably make the game worse than it was when I played it shortly after it first hit Steam. Torchlight 1 had a better narrative. And better bosses, too.
I'm just glad I got it when it was part of a humble bundle. I think I'd be just as disappointed.
I could never get into it while it wasn't finished, and it doesn't look (based on what you're saying) that it got any better.

Random, but is anybody gambling with the humble bundle monthly? Im tempted to try it but its tough knowing that the headliner is a complete throw away. Last month I could at least sell Hurt World, I'm not sure who would be willing to buy the crap they have headlining this month

Random, but is anybody gambling with the humble bundle monthly? Im tempted to try it but its tough knowing that the headliner is a complete throw away. Last month I could at least sell Hurt World, I'm not sure who would be willing to buy the crap they have headlining this month
I've bought every Monthly since they started but decided not to gamble on the upcoming Humble Monthly. Instead I "paused" my subscription (I didn't even know that was an option beyond cancelling, but it's basically like cancelling anyway with automatic reactivation for September). There's no way I'm going to accept the headliner for August, even if that means I'll miss out on one, maybe two, of the possible hidden gems. BO3 startup seems like a complete throwaway addition, and for the fuck-ing headliner? :nottalking:

EDIT: Also, thanks to everyone's DC suggestions.

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Hey, just remember, the courts will save us!

actual transcript from a Georgia court

Jesus is a racist and a terrorist.

Are we still doing this?
Yes. No. I don't know.

I'm letting it go, but apparently I don't know how to do that.

Just to please everyone here somethingsomething food somethingsomething hardware somethingsomething somebody's mom

There, we're back on topic.
There's no way I'm going to accept the headliner for August, even if that means I'll miss out on one, maybe two, of the possible hidden gems. BO3 startup seems like a complete throwaway addition, and for the fuck-ing headliner? :nottalking:
I felt the same way, but at the time the monthly was revealed you could actually upgrade to the full BO3 for a decent price during the Steam summer "sale". Wasn't such a bad deal if you took advantage, provided that you like shooting robots and watching its pieces fall off in showers of sparks. Which I like!

Blops 3 is pretty fun. So is Battleborn.

Blops 3 is pretty fun. So is Battleborn.

People like you are the reason blops3 was the headliner.

#throwhimoverthewall #makehumblegreatagain #Cappuccino'16


postpost Q&A: Was Cyanic always a sane-looking Tebow? Wasn't there a chick before? Why does Informatics look like he wants to kill me while Christian wants to diddle my corpse? The funk, poopees?

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In other shit that you guys will be happier for me to post about and less salty over for 5 minutes until someone stirs the pot again

What the actual fuck?

There's a thread of console people losing their shit saying AN NES will be the hottest item this Christmas and ZOMG better pre-order it's running out OMG. What kind of hipster shit is this?

We only liked them the first time around because that was the best technology we had. You think we actually played that shit to be cool?

When I was a kid nobody ever said 'Oh yeah well I have this Atari 2600 Pong game and it's so retro and so much cooler than your new fangled NES'.

I also saw another thread with people losing their poopy over a portable sega genesis.  And I'm like, can't your phone do all that and more?

Anyway, the bros just spent two hours playing janitor and apparently sucking at it as we got demoted twice.  Was expecting to come back to a thread nuke and disappointed there is none.  I guess we know Trump isn't in charge of CAG otherwise everything would be nuked and you'd have to prove you were Christian to enter. 

I also saw another thread with people losing their poopy over a portable sega genesis. And I'm like, can't your phone do all that and more?

Anyway, the bros just spent two hours playing janitor and apparently sucking at it as we got demoted twice. Was expecting to come back to a thread nuke and disappointed there is none. I guess we know Trump isn't in charge of CAG otherwise everything would be nuked and you'd have to prove you were Christian to enter.
I feel like the nuke-u-lar option never happens on shit that it probably should. But then some noob comes along and gets butthurt over something stupid and suddenly 50 pages are gone.

Random, but is anybody gambling with the humble bundle monthly? Im tempted to try it but its tough knowing that the headliner is a complete throw away. Last month I could at least sell Hurt World, I'm not sure who would be willing to buy the crap they have headlining this month
July's bundle was my first, and I purchased August's bundle right off the bat. I was able to toss out the COD MP code for a few dollars to help alleviate the cost, but I figured previous months had decent enough draws I would gamble on it. Will probably do September as well, and then decide if I want to move forward or call it quits.

Random, but is anybody gambling with the humble bundle monthly? Im tempted to try it but its tough knowing that the headliner is a complete throw away. Last month I could at least sell Hurt World, I'm not sure who would be willing to buy the crap they have headlining this month
I keep gambling with those. CoD starter pack is the weakest headliner so far, but also the cheapest one. That means the price of the rest of games will be higher to get the total MRSP around $135. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean anything about quality and real value of the games. It's enough for me to justify another purchase and feel relatively good after moraning it.

To be homest, I'd buy a SNES one with the right load out of Square RPGs.
You can get them all on your fridge for free.

And yeah, that NES looks to be some stupid proprietary version of a Pi or Chip or one of those other mini board PCs that you can do so much more than play 8-bit junk on. Who the hell is buying that garbage for $60? No doubt they've monetized those Virtual Console NES games Nintendo has been selling on all their systems for the past 10 years, too, by putting them in six-game themed packs.

It's like Super Smash Bros DLC that costs $20 for some skins, characters, and levels. Or Badge Arcade, where you spend $1 to have 5 chances to get some useless badges to add to your home menu (ahem sound familiar Steam?). And Yokai Watch and Amiibos and QR cards, etc. Nintendo is great at making dumb people and children's parents spend lots of money for shit they don't need.

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Random, but is anybody gambling with the humble bundle monthly? Im tempted to try it but its tough knowing that the headliner is a complete throw away. Last month I could at least sell Hurt World, I'm not sure who would be willing to buy the crap they have headlining this month
Going to, so far the non-headliners I've been happy with (even if last month I owned a couple of them) so rolling the dice again.

ive been decently happy with the last couple of monthlies so im sticking around for this one even though yeah, it sucks that i cant sell this headiner. im holding out for a surprise jrpg bundle lmao. if this ends up a stinker though ill probably cancel, i dont really need to buy a bunch of new games every month thatll be cheaper by the time i actually get around to playing them

IJACY-YPPT9-LKMKXWorld War II Panzer Claws 1+2
Z3Q5G-R2Q5R-AT28XCommander - Conquest Of The Americas
on a related note you guys should check your accounts if you haven't in a while, might find some new steam keys in there.
bread's done