Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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No, Steam looks shitty because their sales don't match the sales on the half-assed physical release which is just a fucking Steam code. The whole point was do a physical release or don't. A code in a box is fucking retarded.
You're complaining about something that is not going to change and going around in circles. You're in the minority. Adapt or continue to be angry and continue to be left behind. You have options, they're not fun and take a little legwork, but thats the issue shitty internet brings to you when you're wanting to play PC games in 2016. Hell, even console games get large patches released digitally and digital only releases these days.

Steam has absolutely 0 to do with what you're complaining about. If 2K or any other publisher decides to put a code in a box and not transfer the entire game to a disc that was their choice. There's more games on Steam where the game is only distributed digitally these days than those that even have a box with a code in it, much less manufactured in full. Thats just the way of the PC gaming world and words on the internet isnt going to change it, especially as internet connections only get more advanced. There are also many more of us who shop for PC games digitally than those that shop for boxed copies. You're getting left behind through no fault of your own, so you either adapt to your situation or continue being salty.

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As much as I do like DRM-FREE games, retail boxes, games on DVD's, and games in full on disc - whoever thought someone would be much further behind MysterD in adopting Steam + digital distribution.


if you reply to the tweet they're sending out Battle Royale keys.

Same guys who made Arma 2/3 and H1Z1 Battle Royale mode

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You think I'd be using fucking 3mb DSL if I had a choice in the matter? Nothing else available here. Also, they could easily use USB sticks. It'd probably cost them $4 or less to make a 32GB stick, and it would let them justify keeping the physical price even with the digital instead of the physical being cheaper than Steam sales and making Steam look shitty.
$4 of manufacturing cost vs 0? You must be nuts if you think some company is going to be all about that... Especially when they can do a dual layer blu ray for a dime or two and thats what you should be rallying for. (Not that its going to happen... I cannot remember what PC magazine it was a few years ago but they went to a Blu Ray demo disk and got nothing but hate mail for moving away from DVD because the bulk of people still haven't adapted.)

Honestly, the only way to look at retail boxes on new PC games now days is just to consider them as another avenue of a possible sale... Like GMG, Humble, etc.

Shit! I missed free Luke Cage!

If Motoki would do his damn job, this would never have happened.
Synnarc posted about it twice... Not sure what more Motoki could have done.

(They also had 2 hours of maintenance on the same day... Which undoubtedly kept some people from getting it... I know I had to reschedule my day to get him. That said you've not missed much... He's in a pretty shitty place right now... Also the new event sucks something awful too.)

$4 of manufacturing cost vs 0? You must be nuts if you think some company is going to be all about that... Especially when they can do a dual layer blu ray for a dime or two and thats what you should be rallying for. (Not that its going to happen... I cannot remember what PC magazine it was a few years ago but they went to a Blu Ray demo disk and got nothing but hate mail for moving away from DVD because the bulk of people still haven't adapted.)

Honestly, the only way to look at retail boxes on new PC games now days is just to consider them as another avenue of a possible sale... Like GMG, Humble, etc.
I'm all about Blu Ray movies if I'm going to buy one, but I don't have any idea when I'll actually put a Blu Ray drive in my PC. I just download everything, and I don't watch movies on my computer. So I'm not surprised many don't have one in their PC yet.

Wait was it just yesterday? I missed it too.
I unlocked him at 11:57 PM PST, I almost missed it.

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I'm all about Blu Ray movies if I'm going to buy one, but I don't have any idea when I'll actually put a Blu Ray drive in my PC. I just download everything, and I don't watch movies on my computer
Oh, I don't blame you... Its certainly a luxury and not needed. As I noted previously its a technology that never really found its place on PC due to fast Internet.

(Hell, I only have one because it was cheaper to convert blu rays to VUDU that way.)
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Wait was it just yesterday? I missed it too.
Yeah just yesterday.
Synnarc posted about it twice... Not sure what more Motoki could have done.

(They also had 2 hours of maintenance on the same day... Which undoubtedly kept some people from getting it... I know I had to reschedule my day to get him. That said you've not missed much... He's in a pretty shitty place right now... Also the new event sucks something awful too.)

Just a joke mang. I missed it because of an extra long work day.
Just a joke mang. I missed it because of an extra long work day.
I hear ya... Hopefully because of the maintenance they do it again. Not sure of their fascination with one day only promos when its not something super epic like pick any character for free.

I'm usually only around in the mornings but if you (or anyone else for that matter) let me know I have no issues logging people in for this stuff... All I ask is you change your password to: freeGOK4inmate (all joking aside I don't mind... I've done it in the past for Bobby.)

I haven't bought a blu-ray drive or burner and rarely use my DVD burner nowadays.  I barely use blu-ray.  I either watch movies on demand, netflix, or buy a vudu code from the trading thread here.  Music is mostly spotify now even though I own 1000s of CDs.  I have spindles and spindles of unburnt DVDs and CDs from back when I used to use them.  Don't really see the purpose of Blu Ray other to say I have one.  Back ups I find HDDs cheaper and One Drive.  Even with Blu Ray burners as cheap as $50 now, I don't see the purpose.  

Fired up Forza Horizon for the first time and I think if the game's first impressions hold, it may end up my favorite "glitch grab" ever. Its gorgeous and the map is at least as large as The Crew.


- Technologically, I found the game fine for me (FX-8350, GTX 970, 12 GB RAM). There have been some people stating that its optimized poorly, but I ran into none of that and I dunno if those comments are related to it at first launch last week. I set the FPS to 60 (defaults at 30) before playing it. I didn't put the in game FPS counter on but it passed the eye/feel test with flying colors.

- I was playing with an XBone controller and I think its the first PC game to have the haptic feedback in the triggers activated.

- All of your opponents in game are your friends. What I mean by this is in races the game gives the AI opponents the names of your Xbox friends i.e. my first race was against GeorgeBot, although it was AI. I am not sure if these act like their real life counterparts in game, but I thought that was kinda cool.

- I've been to Byron Bay in Australia (where the game starts) and the areas that Ive been to are represented in the game extremely well. The environments are also really diverse. I drove along the beach, jungles, and open road all within my 45 mins or so of playtime.


- Right off the bat the game gave me a nag screen about drivers (Nvidia). I had not updated to the latest ones, so I did that. You may want to upgrade to the latest (372.90) before starting.

- No custom playlist options that Ive found so far. They (MS) want you to use their streaming service (Groove Music) to be able to create custom playlists. fuck that shit. The in-game stations are all licensed and I found one that was tolerable for my tastes, but no custom playlists on PC is a crime. You can create your own playlists by adding MP3 files to OneDrive and then opening the Groove Music app in Windows 10 and creating the playlist from there.

- Dunno how to take screenshots in these W10 games other than with old fashioned Print Screen. I took an awesome one while riding along a beach but I overwrote it when I took a different one at dusk which is below. Used to Steam with screenshots.

There is an option called "Dynamic Optimazation" and with that enabled it does what it says, but you cant edit the advanced options with it enabled. I fiddled with a few once I figured out why I couldn't access the Advanced menu from the start, but not enough time played to really tell what effects what.

Definitely looking forward to playing this more.
The beginning area I had amazing performance also... It drops off in Surfers Paradise (it use to lock up till I did that one thing the other day) so I highly recommend when you do your second area to go to the Outback. Hell, truth be told the Outback has been the best area in my opinion.

Driveatars (Opponents) I think their just names, and maybe their favorite cars... I'm sure its more than that but I'm not seeing people wreck like I did on Forza 6 Apex.

Screeenshots: No fucking idea either... Which is a shame as its a really pretty game worth showing off.

Drivers: Its sort of understandable as its the first set of drivers optimized by nvidia for FH3.

Music: Good tip on the custom sounds. I'm not a big fan of any of the radio stations but Timeless is the one I'm most likely to listen too.. Its annoying that entering a bucket list changes the station AND restarts the damn song. (Some of those challenges are not easy not fun... I've had to that truly sucked.)

A map of all points of interest... Apparently, if you create an account it will save your progress. (Note: the Barn FInds will not be active till you get that rumor.)

Re: Forza Horizon

If you're planning on bro nighting or just want to know in general it takes a bit of play to unlock online. Online seems pretty damn cool/deep too. It took me 1-2 hours of play to get it open. Im at level 3, so that's a barometer. However, I have the VIP pass so Im accruing XP quicker, so thats another thing to take into account.
Pretty sure you don't get bonus xp for VIP... Just credits and cars.

Add me on xbox if you need more friends who play Forza games for your lineup bonus: INMATEofARKHAM

I've been a fan of the Forza Horizon series since the original but FH3 is even better than I expected. I'm still having some weird performance issues, but it's not as bad as when I first started playing last week. I hope I can make it for the event. One weird thing is that for the life of me I can't figure out how to adjust the brightness settings on the PC version. It's pretty much the only video option on the Xbone but I'm just not seeing it in Win10 and the game feels a bit too dark. I don't want to adjust my system settings for just one game so hopefully I can stop being a dingus and figure it out.
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I have spindles and spindles of unburnt DVDs and CDs from back when I used to use them.
Yeah, I came across a spindle of maybe 100-150 DVD-R discs while cleaning and hate to throw them out but can't say when I'd use them. Anything I want to watch these days I just stream either via Netflix/Prime or Kodi shadiness and my music is on a flash drive plugged into my car's stereo.

The humble Jumbo 7 bonus games are back in stock on Tremor.

Supplies are limited, and it's only a matter of time until one of the douchbags grabs 25 copies of each game, so get your ass over there ASAP if you're still looking for one of them.

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Saw this on steamgifts - free Anno 2070 on uplay if you use the code JCQ8-LBQC-GA9A-JUUB.

It gives you an unplayable uplay +1.

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The humble Jumbo 7 bonus games are back in stock on Tremor.

Supplies are limited, and it's only a matter of time until one of the douchbags grabs 25 copies of each game, so get your ass over there ASAP if you're still looking for one of them.
I grabbed Agatha Christie. And the code for Anno 2070 worked fine. It may be possibly the next Ubisoft Club giveaway game, but thanks Mallkan.

I am strongly considering creating a uplay account. I'm gonna put together a blue ribbon panel to study the issue first. Wouldn't want to rush into anything.

Saw this on steamgifts - free Anno 2070 on uplay if you use the code JCQ8-LBQC-GA9A-JUUB.
Thanks I now own a game on Uplay that is completely unplayable.

The game requires an activation in game and this key does not work to activate it.

Yeah, I came across a spindle of maybe 100-150 DVD-R discs while cleaning and hate to throw them out but can't say when I'd use them. Anything I want to watch these days I just stream either via Netflix/Prime or Kodi shadiness and my music is on a flash drive plugged into my car's stereo.
Like yourself, I have a probably that amount for each CD's and DVD's just laying around. Once game started basically getting on numerous multiple discs, I pretty much threw in the towel w/ this burning game back-ups to CD or DVD thing and just began using big external HDD's to store my games on - you know, so I don't have to redownload entire games (especially if they're huge in size).

I got a free copy of The Division when I bought my PC and when I saw it was a Uplay code I nearly abandoned my family, my job, and my life as I know it to live out the rest of my tainted existence in the wilderness of Alaska. Instead, I installed Uplay and started actively posting in this thread. Which fate is worse?

U tell me.
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Thanks I now own a game on Uplay that is completely unplayable.

The game requires an activation in game and this key does not work to activate it.
I was about to call BS since nobody installs games on uplay, but I tried it myself and yeah it won't work. Of course half of my steam library could be the same way and I'd never know the difference.

Now ya all miss Anno 2070 ubiclub giveaway. muahahah.

I have anno 2070 unplayable version from yeears ago, nice to know it still "works".

is this a joke? I have anno 2070 and it works just fine.  You just need to manually update it in order to boot since uPlay server for that particular game is mesed up.

Anno 2070 uses tages (limited activations), so I doubt there'd be any way to get it to work. The activations for that key were probably used up long ago if it ever worked.
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I got a free copy of The Division when I bought my PC and when I saw it was a Uplay code I nearly abandoned my family, my job, and my life as I know it to live out the rest of my tainted existence in the wilderness of Alaska. Instead, I installed Uplay and started actively posting in this thread. Which fate is worse?

U tell me.
For you? Or us?

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17.36 - M̱̱᷉i̱̱͚̱̚s̱̞̱ṯ̱̓e̱͏̱ṟ̫̱Glitch: #11777 » [Steam Prices] Price Changed: McDROID - 1,24 € at -75% - Previously 4,99 € at -75% -
17.36 - M̱̱᷉i̱̱͚̱̚s̱̞̱ṯ̱̓e̱͏̱ṟ̫̱Glitch: #11778 » [Steam Prices] Price Changed: McDROID 4 Pack - 3,74 € at -75% - Previously 13,74 € at -75% -

Price glitch, I guess

I got a free copy of The Division when I bought my PC and when I saw it was a Uplay code I nearly abandoned my family, my job, and my life as I know it to live out the rest of my tainted existence in the wilderness of Alaska. Instead, I installed Uplay and started actively posting in this thread. Which fate is worse?

U tell me.
Dont forget lying to your soon to be ex wife about your virtual identity.

it is a slippery slope

Digital Homicide looking to drop lawsuit against Steam users

Steam users can rest easy knowing they won't have to appear in an Arizona courtroom anytime soon. Members of the Digital Homicide Steam group found paperwork filed last week with the district court of Arizona asking for a dismissal of Digital Homicide's case against 100 Steam users without prejudice. According to the motion, Digital Homicide was "destroyed completely financially disabling The Plaintiff [James Romine Jr.], destroying usability of all current work effort, and other untold damages."

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So I finished the story mode in FH3... and they finally dispointed me. The last showcase race was the tames of the game... and the least challenging the series. (Granted I've not played FH2.)

Also played around with screenshots in FH3... You can do them w I the Xbox app but after uploading them you still can't get a url for it.... So your still off to load it up on some other service. (Within Xbox you can send as a message, post on your feed, etc. You can also send it out via a tweet... I'm too lazy right now to set that up.)
So I finished the story mode in FH3... and they finally dispointed me. The last showcase race was the tames of the game... and the least challenging the series. (Granted I've not played FH2.)

Also played around with screenshots in FH3... You can do them w I the Xbox app but after uploading them you still can't get a url for it.... So your still off to load it up on some other service. (Within Xbox you can send as a message, post on your feed, etc. You can also send it out via a tweet... I'm too lazy right now to set that up.)
Yeah I agree about that last showcase. I never really cared about them anyways so it wasn't a big deal, but it was kind of lame. At least it wasn't the cliche race around the entire map and have the a.i rubberband the shit out of you at the end when you clip one thing the entire race.

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Yeah I agree about that last showcase. I never really cared about them anyways so it wasn't a big deal, but it was kind of lame. At least it was the cliche race around the entire map and have the a.i rubberband the shit out of you at the end when you clip one thing the entire race.
If I remember correctly forza horizon had one of those.... but it wasn't a showcase. (It's what I would consider the midnight run street races in FH3... I've not done all of those so it might still be in it.)

You have any luck on getting the rare cars? (I got a Nissan GT-R Black from a spin this morning.)
bread's done