Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Sorry Johnny5, that isn't a thing.

Unless you have capped Internet (majority of ISP in US are uncapped though I understand other countries have capped Internet sometimes) or are installing games on your SSD, why does this matter?
When your running a 386sx and you only have a 20mb hard drive, you're kind of fucked.
Unless you have capped Internet (majority of ISP in US are uncapped though I understand other countries have capped Internet sometimes) or are installing games on your SSD, why does this matter?
You've already hit a few reasons why this'll matter to some. Thanks for saving me some trouble on those concerns.

Some might be screwed - if they have slow Internet in their area, lack of fast Internet options, and the usual problems of that sort.

Also, there's the "I need to open up at least 80GB of space" factor that some will have.

While this all just ain't going to be an issue for me, it could be an issue for others.

Secrets of Raetikon 
Velocity Ultra 
PixelJunk Shooter 
Pixel Piracy 
Wasteland 3 Figstarter is live. $25 Early Bird + a key for Underrail or Stasis (first 48 hours) and check your emails for a bonus $5 discount if you previously backed other inXile games.

Estimated delivery in 2019... :oldman:

edit: just over 1000 early bird slots left at the moment, going fast
I received an email from kickstarter about this; project update #73 (from Wasteland 2). I did not get an email (unless in my spam folder) for the $5 off for backing WL2. Nevertheless, I checked once I got home and the $25 early bird is sold out. Nice additional bonus of underrail or stasis.I would have bit for $20, but not for $33.

I was also a bit perplexed why they did not have options to buy with Torment and/or Bard's Tale as it would have helped to promote the other projects as well.

The goal for the project is $2.75 million. No "stretch" goals with fig compared to Kickstarter. Currently at 68% of funding within the first day. This project should reach its goal. I just hope that they can release the game with the proposed time or sooner.

I would just get the XBone version, I have it and it runs great.
If bought digitally, one gets both versions on XB1 + PC.

It's an XBox Anywhere Game.

Most who bought it during the Target glitch here, they own it on both platforms.


Yup it seems to stutter way more now, man this Windows Store experiment has been a complete failure on their games
I just wanna know when G4WL Version 3.0 is coming.

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I just challenged Bah to our 1v1 match up and he said he was too frightened to play me and refused.  Everyone on Discord was witness.  Baby Bah deflects like Mike Pence in a debate.  

Even with all the issues I can still get FH3 to run smoother and look better than the Xbone version, but it's frustrating because the performance is still much worse than it should be. It will be interesting to see how Gears 4 turns out on Win10.
I received an email from kickstarter about this; project update #73 (from Wasteland 2). I did not get an email (unless in my spam folder) for the $5 off for backing WL2. Nevertheless, I checked once I got home and the $25 early bird is sold out. Nice additional bonus of underrail or stasis.I would have bit for $20, but not for $33.

I was also a bit perplexed why they did not have options to buy with Torment and/or Bard's Tale as it would have helped to promote the other projects as well.

The goal for the project is $2.75 million. No "stretch" goals with fig compared to Kickstarter. Currently at 68% of funding within the first day. This project should reach its goal. I just hope that they can release the game with the proposed time or sooner.
They did have "add-on" items you could also purchase after selecting your tier...extra key, console version, Bards Tale, Torment, some stuffed toy, but i'm pretty sure the other games were regular price.


We played Contagion tonight and the event was on the verge of falling apart when Reds, the host, ragequit, but we finally found a mode we enjoyed and made it all the way to round 10 where the difficulty jumped from 160 zombies in Round 9 to 660 in round 10.  So yeah, we all died and no one got to the choppa :(  Had fun though dying and roaching it up. 

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We played Contagion tonight and the event was on the verge of falling apart when Reds, the host, ragequit, but we finally found a mode we enjoyed and made it all the way to round 10 where the difficulty jumped from 160 zombies in Round 9 to 660 in round 10. So yeah, we all died and no one got to the choppa :( Had fun though dying and roaching it up.
Contagion was so terrible that Fox is ashamed to admit he scheduled it. Proof that it was a bad game.

I didn't finish DLing till after Reds left but the mode we played with 10 rounds was good. Not great, but good. The difficulty scaling between rounds was kinda bad. 1-9 seemed super easy while 10 jumps to super hard. Perhaps it wouldn't have been super hard had I not been carrying you bads on my shoulders though. 

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I didn't finish DLing till after Reds left but the mode we played with 10 rounds was good. Not great, but good. The difficulty scaling between rounds was kinda bad. 1-9 seemed super easy while 10 jumps to super hard. Perhaps it wouldn't have been super hard had I not been carrying you bads on my shoulders though.
You and Playa definitely were carrying us. I sucked more than usual last night. I'm usually at least okay in zombie games, but for whatever reason Contagion is always harder. I think it's because you really have to headshot to kill zombies or else waste ammo with bodyshots. That jump in difficulty was ridiculous though.

Game Platform Beats Suit Over Teenage Gambling

Pedro can you explain it to me in plain english, please?
I can't really say without reading the full article. It said that losing a bet wasn't enough of a loss for the suit to continue so it would depend on what theory/law they were trying to sue upon. I could guess the reasoning was that the gambling was voluntary so the subsequent loss was foreseeable.

I assume that if they were trying to focus on the teenage gambling part they would have been better served trying to push for some sort of either criminal or administrative sanctions, but again, Valve isn't the one running the gambling sites so I doubt they would be held accountable.

I haven't watched the video bit FH3 did get allot of coverage for its PC performance. ( had a number of articles out about PC preformance the day of release.)
I finally started FH3 last night after bro night. It took forever to do the optimization thing, but it supports ultrawide and looks amazing. The optimization thing has it locked at 30 FPS for me and probably lower end settings.

The most annoying thing so far for me about it and the Windows 10 Store is that it never properly installs updates. In fact, the first time I tried to install it I had to turn off my computer halfway in and after that it never finished installing. Kept giving me an error so I had to look it up and delete a folder to force the download to restart and leave my computer on the entire time to DL. Now every time there is an update it is the same issue. Update never installs, I get an error during DL, so I have to go into the Windows directory, find and delete the same folder, and that makes it work after a restart where it will DL the latest update and allow me to run the game. If the game didn't look so nice, I might not be bothered.

Quick FH3 tip: if you reach an endless loading screen just hit your Windows key and it should solve the problem. Happened to me a few times and I thought I'd have to reboot but hitting the Win key worked each time.
I would just get the XBone version, I have it and it runs great.
I have it on X1 also and have played it a fair bit. The issue is I don't pay for gold so to play multiplayer I need to be on my PC. Which leads me to this next part

Yup it seems to stutter way more now, man this Windows Store experiment has been a complete failure on their games
Oddly enough I played multiplayer last night and with the same exact settings I used in single player (which stuttered like hell) had literally not a single dropped frame (capped at 30, no vsync *notes below*) in the 2 hours I played. I have never seen performance that is so random in my gaming lifetime.

*performance note* So I have messed with the settings extensively in FH3 with varying degrees of success since launch. I just wanted to make note of my findings for anyone who may want to try them.

[email protected] : 980Ti : 16 gigs DDR3 : Samsung 840 SSD

  • Capped at 30fps with Vsync off offers smoothest performance
  • VSYNC does not seem to be working correctly, feels like it has double application at 30 fps cap
  • Auto optimization set to High with frame smoothing on has been the best return on performance to visuals ratio
  • When waking PC from sleep and playing I get worse performance than from fresh boot
I finally started FH3 last night after bro night. It took forever to do the optimization thing, but it supports ultrawide and looks amazing. The optimization thing has it locked at 30 FPS for me and probably lower end settings.

The most annoying thing so far for me about it and the Windows 10 Store is that it never properly installs updates. In fact, the first time I tried to install it I had to turn off my computer halfway in and after that it never finished installing. Kept giving me an error so I had to look it up and delete a folder to force the download to restart and leave my computer on the entire time to DL. Now every time there is an update it is the same issue. Update never installs, I get an error during DL, so I have to go into the Windows directory, find and delete the same folder, and that makes it work after a restart where it will DL the latest update and allow me to run the game. If the game didn't look so nice, I might not be bothered.
I've not had an issue with the Windows 10 Store download... Other than the oddity of it wanting to download everything at once. It might say queue but what it really means is "Everything gets downloaded at the same time... If you don't like that wait till its done downloading and then add something else to the queue."

Its down the above when I decided I should get Halo Forge and Killer Instinct installed on my PC and it did it again yesterday when I had three updates to download (FH3 and two other things OS related.)

Oh, yeah, it also really wants to download Gears 4... I cannot seem to get rid of the option and it errors out at the license every time. (Well played, MS. I might buy it just to get the error to go away.)

I imagine Ultra Wide at 30 FPS is pretty damn taxing...

I'll try running a race in the rain and see if I have issues.... I literally had none yesterday (and my optimization went really quick) but I don't think I saw any rain... I also was in the Outback and forestry section of Byron Bay... Not Surfer's Paradise.

BTW Fox, I would go to the outback first when giving the option to expand... The city is where I've had most of my issues.

They did have "add-on" items you could also purchase after selecting your tier...extra key, console version, Bards Tale, Torment, some stuffed toy, but i'm pretty sure the other games were regular price.
Actually, I'm kind-of in the same boat as waabulo; I actually did get a $5 off link, but I dicked around and waited too long before snagging an EB copy of the game, and I kind-of want the $45 tier but that 's a bit too rich for my blood at this juncture, so I'll probably just wait and get the game on sale in 2020.

I think that's basically what I did with Wasteland 2--got it on sale for $20 not too long after it came out. All of this Wasteland talk is reminding me that I need to go back and play the director's cut.

The BT add-on is $30, but Torment is $45, which is a bit crazy. If you have any interest in Bard's Tale IV and you want Torment, it makes more sense to go the BTIV site and get that $55 tier that includes both of them. Personally, I played a bit of the Bard's Tale games on Apple II back in the day, and they're a little too much like fancy versions of Eye of the Beholder for me (or Legend of Grimrock for you youngsters who were still a gamete swimming in your future parent's urogenital region when SSI was a thing).

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I'll try running a race in the rain and see if I have issues.... I literally had none yesterday (and my optimization went really quick) but I don't think I saw any rain... I also was in the Outback and forestry section of Byron Bay... Not Surfer's Paradise.
Alright my promised update...

There's a race on the beach in Byron Bay after a few upgrades thats about 13 minutes long and is a big f---ing circle of the map. Its 29 miles long. I had 2 hiccups during the race, one right before. I dropped down into the 40s but rebounded about as quickly as they came.

I also ran a four race championship and the first race of another championship with a hiccup here and there but nothing close to what I would consider unplayable.

I think my performance is better than what it was. I have an i7-4770K, 970, 16 GB RAM... Nothing overclocked. etc. (Running at 1080P) Running the game off of an old normal HD.

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I remember seeing tons of used copies at GameStop in the early aughts and never bothering to pick it up. If I had known that 3D platformers would be a dead genre within a few years I might have reconsidered. And since I've become a father my brain has essentially retarded to the functional capacity of a 5-year old so I get pretty excited about these types of games right now.
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A few notes:

Haunted Hell's Reach is getting DLC and a sequel after essentially being abandoned for a few years.  Not sure why the recent resurgence, but it also dropped in MSRP from $19.99 to $8.99.

I discovered there is a whole subreddit dedicated to douchebags like myself who have converted to ultrawide monitors and like to rub it in people's faces.  Was really good for some wallpapers though!  

A few notes:

Haunted Hell's Reach is getting DLC and a sequel after essentially being abandoned for a few years. Not sure why the recent resurgence, but it also dropped in MSRP from $19.99 to $8.99.

I discovered there is a whole subreddit dedicated to douchebags like myself who have converted to ultrawide monitors and like to rub it in people's faces. Was really good for some wallpapers though!
Getting a good ultrawide wallpaper really is more challenging than you would think.

I discovered there is a whole subreddit dedicated to douchebags like myself who have converted to ultrawide monitors and like to rub it in people's faces.
Is it called something else so non-widescreen people will go there and read it?

"AnimeHypnoMomUpskirts subreddit"... this sounds interestin--- Make fun of MY standard sized monitor, will you?! Why, I NEVER...

Is it called something else so non-widescreen people will go there and read it?

"AnimeHypnoMomUpskirts subreddit"... this sounds interestin--- Make fun of MY standard sized monitor, will you?! Why, I NEVER...
No, these are douchebags after all, subtlety or nuance is not their forte. It's called UltrawideMasterRace.

bread's done