Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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British pound is taking a tumble as the GamesPlanet email spam comes in. Mafia III is $39 and Crew Season Pass is $9.28 if you're enjoying the free Ubisoft base game.

Prices converted via -- your own bank's conversion may differ and for God's sake don't use Paypal's rates.
Be careful with Mafia III, it's locked for muricans but not for canadians.

Thanks Master Spoder for the updated information.

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Yeah, says region locked to Europe, Africa and the Middle East.  I wasn't buying it anyway and I'm used to UK games being cool in NA so never checked.  Good call.

Yeah, says region locked to Europe, Africa and the Middle East. I wasn't buying it anyway and I'm used to UK games being cool in NA so never checked. Good call.
It's all rather random. I bought H:TR from Humble last week and it was an EU version.

I'd say that the end of days is upon us, but we already know about Brexit.
For Canadians, assuming the information is correct is about 27,19 [background=#000000]£[/background] on Gamesbillet + voucher applied inclusive (GBITADUK20)
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SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam? Check here: (hit that "END" key if you have alot of games like most CAGs will)


I purchased this from Circuit City when they had a huge PC sale and CAGs were posting what was in each store or making huge list of all available games and even buying games for other CAGs and shipping it to them at cost. Those were the days if that happened today people would charge double in the cesspool (I'm looking at you Forza) or flipping or selling on Ebay for profit.

British pound is taking a tumble as the GamesPlanet email spam comes in. Mafia III is $39 (Europe, Africa, ME region locked) and Crew Season Pass is $9.28 if you're enjoying the free Ubisoft base game.

Prices converted via -- your own bank's conversion may differ and for God's sake don't use Paypal's rates.
ITAD says The Crew season pass has been $5 multiple times at Amazon.

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SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam?
I don't need to check nothin'. First thing I bought on Steam was a City of Heroes edition (Architect, I believe) 'cause it was $5 and came with the usual free month of game time ($15) and expansion bonuses. So I essentially bought it just to save $10 on my sub that month and some in-game items. I wouldn't use Steam again for years after that.

Are you trying to hax our accounts?

Current Account:

30 Nov, 2008 Grand Theft Auto IV + Vice City (preorder EU) Steam Store

So bad game it broke my GPU :(

Previous Account:

4 Mar, 2007 Prey Retail Retail
SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam? Check here: (hit that "END" key if you have alot of games like most CAGs will)


I purchased this from Circuit City when they had a huge PC sale and CAGs were posting what was in each store or making huge list of all available games and even buying games for other CAGs and shipping it to them at cost. Those were the days if that happened today people would charge double in the cesspool (I'm looking at you Forza) or flipping or selling on Ebay for profit.
We doing this again? It was the Orange Box or SiN Episodes: Emergence. Over a decade later and neither of those series is finished and probably never will be. . . .

SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam? Check here: (hit that "END" key if you have alot of games like most CAGs will)
Arma II Combined full price lol

I played it for a total of 8 minutes and didn't come back to it. I didn't come back to Steam for 6 months after that.

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We doing this again? It was the Orange Box or SiN Episodes: Emergence. Over a decade later and neither of those series is finished and probably never will be. . . .
y u copy me. My first activation was SiN Episodes: Emergence that I got from Big Lots, and yes I finished it (not that hard to do considering it was short, I think it was meant to be a trilogy but never panned out). My first steam purchased game was Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

The Triforce:

Aug 10, 2012 Star Wars: KOTOR Steam Store
May 15, 2011 Portal 2 PS3 - PC Retail Retail
May 12, 2010 Portal - Complimentary (Mac) Complimentary
I never finished HL2 either.  I got to the second vehicle sequence (the dune buggies or whatever) and say "fuck this shit" after that tedious boat part.  And the rest of the game wasn't impressing me much either.  It wasn't terrible but it was pretty poorly plotted, was a slog in places and just wasn't all that great.  Throwing junk at monsters with the gravity gun was moderately amusing but not enough to hang a game on.  I started a thread elsewhere once asking about it and most people just gave a "Well, it was revolutionary when it came out but most of what it did has been done better since".

And that's fair, there's a lot of classic media like that.  But if you weren't there for it when it was new, it's hard to appreciate it after the fact.


So I just beat Star Control II for the second time, but without consulting a walkthrough this go around. The atmosphere and writing are as wonderful as ever. It's an amazing game that still holds up. However, it certainly takes non-linear game design to an extreme. It's a bit grueling if you're like me and easily get tired of feeling lost.

Very close to the end, I ended up having to look up the location of one planet after spending close to four hours wandering around talking to the same aliens again and again. Somehow, even with my extensive pen-and-paper notes, I must have glossed over that bit of dialogue. A little frustrating that there was no other way to discover that information besides randomly landing on planets until you get lucky. Oh well.

9/10, highly recommended for the patient.

Yeah! Star Control II is an all-time great. One of my greatest Xmas disappointments was when my parents bought me a 3DO towards the end of its lifespan (so about 3 months post-launch) but discovering SCII alone made it worth owning. Melee mode was one of the best PvP modes ever.

I'm ashamed that I don't have it installed. Where's the best place to grab it?
Yeah! Star Control II is an all-time great. One of my greatest Xmas disappointments was when my parents bought me a 3DO towards the end of its lifespan (so about 3 months post-launch) but discovering SCII alone made it worth owning. Melee mode was one of the best PvP modes ever.

I'm ashamed that I don't have it installed. Where's the best place to grab it?
You have nice parents! Even towards the end of its life that bad boy must not have been cheap.

After the source code was released 10 or 15 years back, fans made "The Ur-Quan Masters" which brings the 3DO improvements to PC. It's a free download, officially sanctioned by the original developers.

Seems alot of games are going euro locked these days. Civ6 pre-orders just went euro locked at various sites as well as COD/MW, so its not even a 2k only thing

First steam purchase: TF2. (y i no wen free)

Unrelated, the [REDACTED] alpha is [REDACTED].  Definitely going to fakey it.

First steam is HL Platinum from a few months before HL2 release.

Remember when everyone hated having to install steam just to play a game?  Those were the days.

You have nice parents! Even towards the end of its life that bad boy must not have been cheap.

After the source code was released 10 or 15 years back, fans made "The Ur-Quan Masters" which brings the 3DO improvements to PC. It's a free download, officially sanctioned by the original developers.
I never did play through the 3do port. I played through the PC version twice and the second time I must have somehow lucked into finding all the right planets because I found it almost too easy. I also spent endless hours playing melee.

SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam? Check here: (hit that "END" key if you have alot of games like most CAGs will)


I purchased this from Circuit City when they had a huge PC sale and CAGs were posting what was in each store or making huge list of all available games and even buying games for other CAGs and shipping it to them at cost. Those were the days if that happened today people would charge double in the cesspool (I'm looking at you Forza) or flipping or selling on Ebay for profit.
2004, half life 2

SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam? Check here: (hit that "END" key if you have alot of games like most CAGs will)
Dec 15, 2008 - The Orange Box - Retail

I initially picked it up on Xbox 360, but this was right around the time I was starting to realize that my computer blew the poor 360 out of the water.

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So I just beat Star Control II for the second time, but without consulting a walkthrough this go around. The atmosphere and writing are as wonderful as ever. It's an amazing game that still holds up. However, it certainly takes non-linear game design to an extreme. It's a bit grueling if you're like me and easily get tired of feeling lost.

Very close to the end, I ended up having to look up the location of one planet after spending close to four hours wandering around talking to the same aliens again and again. Somehow, even with my extensive pen-and-paper notes, I must have glossed over that bit of dialogue. A little frustrating that there was no other way to discover that information besides randomly landing on planets until you get lucky. Oh well.

9/10, highly recommended for the patient.
Shall we all agree to not discuss starcon 3?

Starcon 2 was so cool. fwiffo 4 lyfe!

I remember a friend of a friend had a birthday party and was talking starcon2 3do trash, wasting everyone. Had to give him his first lessons from the master race, even using the shitty controller.

y u copy me. My first activation was SiN Episodes: Emergence that I got from Big Lots, and yes I finished it (not that hard to do considering it was short, I think it was meant to be a trilogy but never panned out). My first steam purchased game was Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Oh, no, you misunderstood me. I finished SiN too, and I wish they had made more, but now that Ritual is a subsidiary of Mumbo Jumbo, I don't think that will ever happen.

I meant that they never finished making the games (SiN Episodes and Half-Life).

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I was pretty sure that my first game on Steam was TW: Shogun 2, but I had bought L4D2 earlier.

btw, HL1 >>> HL2

episodes were good tho

SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam?
Nov 30, 2004 Half-Life Platinum Pack

So I just beat Star Control II for the second time, but without consulting a walkthrough this go around. The atmosphere and writing are as wonderful as ever. It's an amazing game that still holds up.
Every time someone mentions SC II, I just have to say: :D/ This game needs a remake desperately. So many have tried and failed.

SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam? Check here: (hit that "END" key if you have alot of games like most CAGs will)


I purchased this from Circuit City when they had a huge PC sale and CAGs were posting what was in each store or making huge list of all available games and even buying games for other CAGs and shipping it to them at cost. Those were the days if that happened today people would charge double in the cesspool (I'm looking at you Forza) or flipping or selling on Ebay for profit.
Add me to the list of Sin buyers disappointed they never finished it. I think I was working at a gamestop at the time and I probably didn't actually pay for it.

May 12, 2006

SiN Episodes Emergence

SeasonalCAG Question of the Day:

What was your first activated/bought game on Steam? Check here: (hit that "END" key if you have alot of games like most CAGs will)


I purchased this from Circuit City when they had a huge PC sale and CAGs were posting what was in each store or making huge list of all available games and even buying games for other CAGs and shipping it to them at cost. Those were the days if that happened today people would charge double in the cesspool (I'm looking at you Forza) or flipping or selling on Ebay for profit.
First few purchases: (Didn't paste well) Puzzle Quest 2 was my first Steam purchase. Feb 1. 2011

Dec 25, 2011 Hamilton's Great Adventure - Retro Fever DLC Steam Store Dec 23, 2011 Railworks 3: TS2012 + Horseshoe Curve Steam Store Nov 27, 2011 Puzzler World 1 and 2 Steam Store Nov 27, 2011 Hamiltons Great Adventure Steam Store Nov 27, 2011 TrackMania United Forever Steam Store Oct 26, 2011 Grid Steam Store Jul 22, 2011 Runespell: Overture Steam Store Jul 14, 2011 Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack Steam Store Jul 10, 2011 Magicka Complete Pack (June 2011) Steam Store Jul 10, 2011 Terraria Steam Store Jul 10, 2011 Trine Steam Store Mar 3, 2011 Ubisoft Weekend Deal Pack Steam Store Mar 2, 2011 Braid Steam Store Feb 25, 2011 Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Steam Store Feb 9, 2011 You Don't Know Jack Steam Store Feb 1, 2011 Puzzle Quest 2 Steam Store

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bread's done