Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Sadly, I came in after Team Bah-Dfg-Parallacks got their two wins and must have weighed them down.  We did well in the next two games and finished in the top tiers but no poultry supper.  I did get several shotgun kills though so that's all I need.  Dubblebarralz4lyfe

Has anyone seen or used one of these?  It's a nunchuck-like device for your WASD hand allowing you to move around in a controller-like fashion while leaving the other hand free on the mouse for sweet-PC-Master aiming and all that jazz.  I'm not actually interested in buying one but someone elsewhere was asking about alternative input devices due to a permanently injured left hand and trying to keep the reflexes of mouse aiming in shooters.  Anyway, it just made me curious.

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I'm surprised the bros haven't bragged about it yet, but last night we played PUBG, officially, as the event of the night as opposed to after we quit the scheduled game. We had enough for two groups and the other group rudely interrupted my group's channel to loudly proclaim how they won #1 and then how they won #1 again, twice in a row. That's pretty amazing.

I was hoping the smoldering jealousy would propel us to victory, but it didn't happen. Keeper, who I expected to carry us to victory, quit shortly there after and we ran one last game as a trio. We got to #2. No lie. Oh well, I guess Bah is happy I kicked him from our squad when we started.
So close. I shouldn't have shot that guy that was already down but I actually thought he was alive. I gave away our position at that point. :bomb:

Sweet as ****. In other Weaboo news The Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy Collection dropped on Steam Today.

If you are a jackass like me and already bought the previous Naruto games on Steam as well as the DLC then the first and second games can be had for $20.38. They also took the time to update Naruto Storm 3 to have 60 fps as well as updated graphics options.
Wait, so it's not a separate game? They released it as a bundle? Well, allright then.

Ahh thanks! Don't know how I missed that!
Back to Guild Wars 2, I highly recommend trying it out (why not, it's free to play). My wife and I have gotten back into it in a big way over the past few months and really enjoyed it. Hopefully the 1st expansion will go on sale once we get to the end game, especially since the 2nd expansion releases in September.

Several really good titles on the list that have yet to be bundled i.e. Rogue Legacy, Axiom Verge and Stories: The path of destinies. They will be cheaper without the physical steelbook, but great find for those that want the steelbook edition. Nice post. Thank you

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Several really good titles on the list that have yet to be bundled i.e. Rogue Legacy, Axiom Verge and Stories: The path of destinies. They will be cheaper without the physical steelbook, but great find for those that want the steelbook edition. Nice post. Thank you
Unsurprisingly, my local GS is out of stock. The jerk manager probably sold 'em off on eBay already.

I would love to get one for Stories. All I want is the physical stuff, I don't need the game code. Cough.

Sweet to see that Naruto Trilogy released.  I played the original one on PS3 and it was my most played fighting game.  The mechanic was awesome and ahead of its time.

Has anyone seen or used one of these? It's a nunchuck-like device for your WASD hand allowing you to move around in a controller-like fashion while leaving the other hand free on the mouse for sweet-PC-Master aiming and all that jazz. I'm not actually interested in buying one but someone elsewhere was asking about alternative input devices due to a permanently injured left hand and trying to keep the reflexes of mouse aiming in shooters. Anyway, it just made me curious.
Never tried anything like it... I do think for "complicated" games like PUBG it might be what they want... I have an Orbweaver and I still use over half of the buttons on it. (Built in gamepad support is what the game really needs... I guess with MS publishing on the XBone it should be getting it sooner rather than later.)

PC Gamer - More on PC version of FF XV.

-- PC version will be found on either Steam or Origin
-- Steam version will have Steam WorkShop support to allow for modding
-- PC version won't be locked to 30FPS
-- PC version should run fine on most systems from the last few years
-- PC version should run fine on systems similar to the consoles FFXV is already on (Playstation 4 & X Box One)
-- It will be very hard to max the game out with 60FPS at native 4K with HDR
-- So far, the GTX 1080 Ti with 11 GB (around $700-800 for this card) is not enough to get a consistent 60FPS with the game maxed-out at 4K with HDR.

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PC Gamer - More on PC version of FF XV.

-- PC version will be found on either Steam or Origin
-- Steam version will have Steam WorkShop support to allow for modding
-- PC version won't be locked to 30FPS
-- PC version should run fine on most systems from the last few years
-- PC version should run fine on systems similar to the consoles FFXV is already on (Playstation 4 & X Box One)
-- It will be very hard to max the game out with 60FPS at native 4K with HDR
-- So far, the GTX 1080 Ti with 11 GB (around $700-800 for this card) is not enough to get a consistent 60FPS with the game maxed-out at 4K with HDR.
Interesting. I have mixed feelings about this.. mainly because I played the title on PS4 Pro. The characters, plot, and dlc were shallow and disappointing. No amount of PC improvements can fix these. However since I'm still something of a SE fanboy I will probably pick it up eventually when it's <$10. The open world exploration on my 1080 will probably be fun.

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PC Gamer - More on PC version of FF XV.

-- PC version will be found on either Steam or Origin
-- Steam version will have Steam WorkShop support to allow for modding
-- PC version won't be locked to 30FPS
-- PC version should run fine on most systems from the last few years
-- PC version should run fine on systems similar to the consoles FFXV is already on (Playstation 4 & X Box One)
-- It will be very hard to max the game out with 60FPS at native 4K with HDR
-- So far, the GTX 1080 Ti with 11 GB (around $700-800 for this card) is not enough to get a consistent 60FPS with the game maxed-out at 4K with HDR.

Interesting. I have mixed feelings about this.. mainly because I played the title on PS4 Pro. The characters, plot, and dlc were shallow and disappointing. No amount of PC improvements can fix these. However since I'm still something of a SE fanboy I will probably pick it up eventually when it's >$10. The open world exploration on my 1080 will probably be fun.
There is also going to be an Assassin's Creed DLC.

Bundlestars has a $1 bundle with 33 games in it.

Allot of them I actually recognize so it seems like a solid bundle... Though I imagine allot of repeats for most.

Edit: Forgot the link:
If you gonna post a dollar bundle like this, you gotta give the card count.

Apparently none have cards.

Seems like a good source of CV at steamgifts though, if you're into that. $1 for about $50 CV according to the thread over there.

So I am looking into trying an Xbox 360 controller for Guild Wars 2, heard it works pretty well if you set up your mapper correctly. What do you all recommend for keymapper options? I know next to nothing about them but would like to try since I play from the couch often and I think my wife may enjoy the controller more than kb/m.
So I am looking into trying an Xbox 360 controller for Guild Wars 2, heard it works pretty well if you set up your mapper correctly. What do you all recommend for keymapper options? I know next to nothing about them but would like to try since I play from the couch often and I think my wife may enjoy the controller more than kb/m.
I tend to use Antimicro myself.

It's a free open source program so no need to pay for a license key like some other mappers.

It's pretty easy to use as well.

I know nobody cares, but I managed to buy Fallout 3 base, then get the Bethesda Classic Bundle, then I refunded Fallout 3 saying that I already owned the game as the Game of the Year version. The refund is pending, but it worked.

Spoder said madjoki thought it would work so I took a chance.

Bundlestars has a $1 bundle with 33 games in it.

Allot of them I actually recognize so it seems like a solid bundle... Though I imagine allot of repeats for most.

Edit: Forgot the link:
That bundle is currently not available because they had issues with the keys. That's a great selection of games, though. It's basically:

Luxor Collection (8 games);

7 Wonders Collection (5 games);

Midnight Mysteries Collection (4 games) + the 5th game not in the bundle;

Samantha Swift Combo Pack (2 games);

A bunch of games from the big Mumbo Jumbo pack (Angelica Weaver, Discovery!, Gardens 1+2, Pickers, Reaxxion)

Robinson Crusoe and The Cursed Pirates;

and The Fool (apparently never bundled before according to ITAD).

Not bad for a buck. I'm sure motoki would pay it.

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That bundle is currently not available because they had issues with the keys.

That's a great selection of games, though. It's basically:Not bad for a buck. I'm sure motoki would pay it.
I had issues with two games... The Fool (It says the key isn't for my area even though its labled as ROW) and Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch. (which is telling me to redeem the original first and coming back to it after redeeming the other Samantha Swift title did nothing for me)

Anyhow, I was only interested in the Luxor games and a little bit interested in the 7 wonders so I'm happy.

PC MMO with a
Have you played Guild Wars 2? It has very few keys for actual movement and combat (at most 15 combat buttons and most of those can be altered for shift + button) and I plan on trying to use the triggers as a "shift" key similar to action beat-em-ups like Marvel Ultimate alliance to toggle through abilities. I've seen demos of a controller in use and it seems to work great, especially since it's more of a 3rd person action game than a tab-targeting MMO like WoW or SWTOR.

Maybe don't laugh at someone wanting to play a game in a different way than you think is "ideal". Isn't that what the PCMR is all about: options and freedom of choice? Especially if it gets my wife to play more games with me.
Have you played Guild Wars 2? It has very few keys for actual movement and combat (at most 15 combat buttons and most of those can be altered for shift + button) and I plan on trying to use the triggers as a "shift" key similar to action beat-em-ups like Marvel Ultimate alliance to toggle through abilities. I've seen demos of a controller in use and it seems to work great, especially since it's more of a 3rd person action game than a tab-targeting MMO like WoW or SWTOR.

Maybe don't laugh at someone wanting to play a game in a different way than you think is "ideal". Isn't that what the PCMR is all about: options and freedom of choice? Especially if it gets my wife to play more games with me.
Taking what people say on the internet so seriously...
Isn't that what the PCMR is all about: options and freedom of choice?
No it's about SUPERIORITY!!!


So I am looking into trying an Xbox 360 controller for Guild Wars 2, heard it works pretty well if you set up your mapper correctly. What do you all recommend for keymapper options? I know next to nothing about them but would like to try since I play from the couch often and I think my wife may enjoy the controller more than kb/m.
If you already have an Xbox 360 controller ready for use, I recommend checking out Controller Companion if you haven't already:

There's several pre-mapped profiles for Guild Wars 2 on the Workshop.

If you're feeling more adventurous, and I'm sure you've heard this before, but get a Steam Controller. My PC is an HTPC hooked up to my TV, so 100% of my PC gaming is done with a controller, and the Steam Controller makes nearly any PC game instantly playable. It has a steep learning curve and you'll hate it at first, but I rarely use my XB1 controller anymore now unless I need to use a mic, since I'm too lazy to invest in a wireless headset.

Daily PUBG Story:

So I've been trying to get AFKers all day, only to discover that AFKers are a myth.  Every time it looked like there were 8 AFKers and we all turned out to be people pretending to be AFKers and just started punching each other when we landed.  I FINALLY get two AFKers and... we land in the water.  Some jackass is shooting from the shore, so I swim for like 5 minutes to get on a boat (near Georgepol), see the circle is on military island, so I spend 5 more minutes navigating there.  I finally get to military island like 10 minutes into the game, naked and afraid, with no weapons, wondering why I wasted my time.  I loot some houses, actually get some decent loot, and lo and behold, two kills later I am 1 of 2 people left.  The final circle is on the edge of the military base and me and him are on either side of the fence with concrete barriers between us.  We do the usual grenade lobbing, then take turns trying to shoot at each other, finally, I get the jump on the guy and start spraying my M16 into him... only to realize I forgot to reload it.  I run out of ammo, he shoots and kills me, and I get #2.  

Despite my frustration, I consider it my best round of PUBG, even better than the one time I won solo.  

So, yeah - I bought Mass Effect: Andromeda (PC) during the $20 Origin sale. I'm now some 19 hours into this - 10 hours from the PC demo/trial (when they launched it in Mid-July); and approx. another 9 hours from just yesterday & today.

I'm enjoying this quite a lot actually, so far. 

It feels like the story & characters lack depth and personality here. More so than anything, it feels like many characters are just....straight-forward in their style, words, language, and all of that stuff. It's not terrible, mind you - but it's all just doing enough to keep the player invested in doing the next quest & exploring the open-world...which is similar to actually how a lot of open-world games including Skyrim, do this kind of game. Dialogue isn't great, but it ain't terrible either; it's certainly often better than often what Bethesda puts together for dialogue & voice-acting. Sure, it can be spotty, once in a while - whether it's the voice-acting, or writing of the dialogue, or both - but it ain't terrible, for the most part.

Just like DA:I, when you hit a big huge open-area/open-world/open-planet - you can just get really addicted to doing quests, whether side or main; especially side stuff. A lot of the side-quests on the planets (not hubs) have to do w/ the overall building of the game-world & gathering resources from it (since you're a Pathfinder and trying to colonize planets). They feel really connected to your job, as Pathfinder - and often, I seem to be doing these. They might be resource grabbing or fetch quests, but they're actually connected to your Pathfinder role.

That's, of course, not talking about other Loyalty side-quests and other side-quests that have to do w/ doing other things - whether short fetch quests, morality quests, quests w/ their own short story, and/or things of that sort.

Combat's great, for the most part. You will be constantly zipping in and out of cover or forced to move out of cover, as they will flank you out of it if you sit there in cover too long. You have a jet-pack, so you can use that to zip in all kinds of directions. You can place your teammates to move to certain spots that you're aiming at (like ME1+2+3) - but there's no BioWare Strategic Pause (unlike ME1+2+3). Without this BW Pause, you can't tell them to use their skills and have them do combos along with you to have a synergy of attacks & skills going - so that part kind of stinks. Though, you'll likely be more invested in what you're doing in combat than what they're doing anyways, unless they get knocked-down. Then, if they go down, you'll have to get them back up.

Regardless, so far...really digging Mass Effect: Andromeda, despite my issues with both its lack of story & character depth and personality.

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God I love Twin Peaks.  Also Rick and Morty.

I resubbed WoW.  It is better than it has been in ages.  Tons of non-DLC-Content to do and some DLC-Non-Content if you want to give Blizzard money for a shiny mount that is maybe a bit shinier than the mounts already in game.  Why did I resub?  I dunno.    Secret of Mana remake looks worse in a way than the original.  Or my nostalgia says so.  

The way it is just wobbling around creating havoc Harvey should have been Scrambles the Death Dealer.  Hi.

Many, many people are saying that a hurricane will hit the Texas coast at the end of the week.

Is anyone going to watch the Mayweather vs MacGregor fight this weekend? Should be a good one.

I'm also thinking about pardoning SheriffCat Arpawo, he was just doing his job. Anyone else think I should do this?

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Speaking of Brodating, it's board game week in the land of Bro-Play!  We take some time off killing people for sport to be our better selves around the virtual dining room table. Tonight's game is Ticket to Ride.  Later this week is Armello, Mysterium and Town of Salem.

Many, many people are saying that a hurricane will hit the Texas coast at the end of the week.

Is anyone going to watch the Mayweather vs MacGregor fight this weekend? Should be a good one.

I'm also thinking about pardoning SheriffCat Arpawo, he was just doing his job. Anyone else think I should do this?
You hear about that eclipse that's coming?

Gonna be crazy.

Many, many people are saying that a hurricane will hit the Texas coast at the end of the week.

Is anyone going to watch the Mayweather vs MacGregor fight this weekend? Should be a good one.

I'm also thinking about pardoning SheriffCat Arpawo, he was just doing his job. Anyone else think I should do this?
When is the memorial taking place for your wall? Dat niño Harvey really seems to disapprove.

bread's done