Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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what do you mean? the mastermind for almost everything in this series gets rolled in one 10 minute scene. Totally weak. This season had some nice set pieces but mostly blew ass.
Season 5 will always be the lowest of the low. Pillage, rape, torture, backstabbing, more rape. I've enjoyed all the lame fan service this season has had to offer so far. There were a couple of bad episodes, mostly 5 & 6 because there is no rationality to their plans. But my main gripe has been all the obvious teleportation implausibilities, characters seemingly showing up on the opposite side of Westeros overnight, that stew up narrative dissonance. It's obvious that the showrunners are in a hurry. I don't really care how cliche or tropey things have become; I'm all about some resolution at this point. It's fun to watch all the characters finally meet with each other for the first time, or interact with each other after being away for a long time. GoT has always been about the dialogue, relationships, personal conflicts, and personal growth. I loved this episode in spite of the final scene that kind of ruined the atmosphere, which we all knew was coming.

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what do you mean? the mastermind for almost everything in this series gets rolled in one 10 minute scene. Totally weak. This season had some nice set pieces but mostly blew ass.
I can't go this far, but I do think they took way too many shortcuts this season. The travel alone was at warp speed and they didnt let enough marinate. The scene last night between Cersei and Tyrion was marvelous though. They made a big mistake trimming the season down. Littlefinger as a character deserved a more drawn out end at least in terms of the intrigue and how it got there. They went for the "twist" rather than the drama. I still enjoyed the season highly though.

Vader is Luke's father.

Plot twist: Luke fabricated the paternity myth so that Vader would save Luke's life and kill the Emperor & the Empire.

Luke cared not for the Republic hippy or the Empire dominion.  

Luke just wants CHAOS

Be like Luke.


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I didn't like FO4. I liked Vegas better. FO4 was disappointing to me.
I prefer FO:NV's story-telling; narrative; writing; dialogue; and amount of actual role-playing/decisions/choices. It puts Bethesda to shame on these elements, TBH - especially over FO4.

FO4 just has basically much better ARPG elements (crafting of weapons & breaking weapons down); and much better combat. As usual, Bethesda is great for basically letting you explore the open-world however you want & see fit; not many (if any, TBH) do that better than them in their open-world RPG's.

Both are great games and I've sunk over 100 hours in, but albeit for much different reasons - FO:NV's just a much better RPG, while FO4's the better ARPG/shooter mixture.

If you asked me which one of those two that I prefer, I'd still always take FO:NV.

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so u broke your 75% rule and bought this disappointment of the year instead of brodating.. why? :speaktothehand:
I test-drove the PC Demo last month and thought it was in good shape. The animation issues & performance issues are gone; it's been around 6 months, you know. They've been patching a lot of that out.

The game runs great, looks great, and the action in the open-world especially & in main quests are awesome. This is easily the best action in a ME game period. Despite losing the BW Strategic Pause & ability to combo attacks w/ your team (which sucks, BTW) - everything else about the combat here is superb for an ME game. It's fast; frantic; kinetic, you can't always sit in cover; you're constantly moving (there's the jet-pack movement where you can zip in different directions & the dodge move); and lots of fun. I also like the open-class style system here, as well.

The open-world stuff is very similar to DA:I in its approach, where the side stuff here in ME:A seems more in line with what you're doing as Pathfinder - i.e. exploring worlds, colonizing worlds, grabbing resources in the world, etc etc.

My only complaint: ME:A's story & character stuff just ain't spectacular and of the BioWare Edmonton quality; that stuff lacks depth & personality here, for the most part. Not many game companies can do the story & character depth thing in the same league as BioWare Edmonton, CD Projekt, and Obsidian - so, it ain't the end of the world. I've played plenty of action games where the story & character stuff really ain't anything special - i.e. think say the underrated & under-appreciated Dambuster's Homefront: The Revolution or say plenty of RPG's where the story & character stuff ain't spectacular either, such as Elder Scrolls game since Morrowind & any Fallout game since FO3 from Bethesda. I think ME:A falls more in line w/ Bethesda's stuff here (w/ the open-world exploration & not so great story + character stuff), TBH.

ME:A might not have the best story & character stuff in a ME game by far - but I'll be damned, gameplay-wise and all, I'm having a blast so far w/ this one.


I can see people who dropped $60 MSRP upon release might be pissed that ME:A don't have the BioWare Edmonton qualities (of storytelling, writing, narrative, personality, etc) & w/ all the technical issues it had out-the-box (i.e. performance issues & the animation issues). But, that's why I don't normally buy stuff upon release, bc issues out-the-box for a brand new game in an Alpha state is ridiculous. So, why buy then? Wait a bit, let some issues get fixed, test a demo (if there is one), and drop some $ on it in a sale. At $20, I've already got 19 hours w/ this and am quite enjoying this one.

Dragon Age 2 went through similar issues as ME:A - at $60 MSRP, I could see people pissed b.c of how it was originally release. But when I dropped $30 on it a few months after release, a lot of performance issues & whatnot were already stomped out. I got at least 60 hours out of that one easy. I think DA2's story & character stuff (as one would expect from BioWare Edmonton) were actually way more interesting than what ME:A (from BioWare Montreal) has going on here though. Though, DA2's action-y combat lost a lot of the important strategy elements from DA:O (especially the overhead tac-cam) & is just nowhere as great as DAO's strategic combat. DA2's world was WAY more closed-off (i.e. it's in Kirkwall, one city for most of it) and way too many recycled environments really hurt that game - so that stuff was nowhere as interesting as what ME:A is doing both game-play wise & world-wise.

I think both DA2 and ME:A are flawed gems in some ways, despite their litany of issues - but they just can't compare to the other masterpieces in the franchise (i.e. ME1-3 and both DAO & DA:I), so people are just going to knock it at every turn they can get.

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Not Steam related, but the Destiny 2 beta on PC is very very good.
It runs above and beyond my expectations on my old PC (i5-3570K w/ a R9 390) at a consistent +60 FPS on 1080p with Med/High settings. It's so crispy, pretty, buttery, and smooth on the master race. My goodness. I am disappointed the PC release is two months away, but if it runs this well and optimized then I don't mind the delay to work out any other bugs. My excitement levels cannot be contained.  :whee:  
I still kind of want to do a big PC build later this year, but I'm very happy my old system can chug along with these newer games.
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The Destiny 2 Beta finally motivated me to install my new cpu (7600k) and motherboard (msi z170a m5).  Just finished.. lets see how much I can max this puppy with a 1080.

If any regular cag wants early access to the Destiny 2 Beta today, send me a pm.  I have one extra code.

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I can use a destiny beta key if someone has it (and if beta runs some more days, my bandwidth is not the best one precisely). Want to test it on my old i3 PC to check if it can run it
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I can use a destiny beta key if someone has it (and if beta runs some more days, my bandwidth is not the best one precisely). Want to test it on my old i3 PC to check if it can run it
If you can wait the Open beta starts tomorrow at 10 AM PDT. No code needed and the download is roughly 14 GBs.

so they've given up on X: Stillbirth? Great I'll pick that up in a bundle and then wait a few years for X4..
Given the history of how broken EgoSoft's X space-sim games are upon release & how much better they normally are after patches, revamps, additions, and DLC's are released - that actually normally is a good idea w/ their stuff.

It often takes a year or 2 before they get their crap together on their games - i.e. go see especially X3: Reunion & X Rebirth. Usually, when Version 2.0 of their X game comes out, that's when it's usually a worthwhile point to jump in.

Also, since they do have a modding community - yeah, mods really can help shortcomings in their games, as well.

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I wouldn't expect anything out of the Destiny beta.  The last two were highly limited, just a tiny horizontal slice of gameplay, and not even close to a good example of the finished game.  Do so at your own peril but save your thoughts and reviews, they'll pretty much be meaningless. It is not an example of what the game will be like. 

As an avid Destiny player have absolutely zero interest in trying the beta.

All they really did last time was test players for proper damage scaling.  People complained about underpowered guns and unsatisfying shooting.

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Good price but I'm still not sure I can make myself care enough to buy it.
Problem is: Season Pass hasn't even been below $15, if you ask ITAD:

M3 Season Pass is necessary, IMHO. The DLC's do add new mission types & mechanics - which break up a lot of the repetition found in the base-game. For example, Faster Baby DLC (which you can access after you get through some of the base-game) adds new vehicular mechanics & vehicle mission types.

Problem is: Season Pass hasn't even been below $15, if you ask ITAD:

M3 Season Pass is necessary, IMHO. The DLC's do add new mission types & mechanics - which break up a lot of the repetition found in the base-game. For example, Faster Baby DLC (which you can access after you get through some of the base-game) adds new vehicular mechanics & vehicle mission types.
The digital deluxe version has been fairly cheap and the season pass content is well worth it so far.

EDIT: Just 100%'d Doctor Who: The Adventure Games; woo-hoo!

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The digital deluxe version has been fairly cheap and the season pass content is well worth it so far.
Yeah, I got the M3 Digital Deluxe for $20 (before promo code) a few months back from WinGameStore. So glad I went that route instead of buying M3 base-game, since Faster Baby DLC was quite good & very necessary.

I really should get back to M3 and it DLC's, at some point.

I think both DA2 and ME:A are flawed gems in some ways, despite their litany of issues - but they just can't compare to the other masterpieces in the franchise (i.e. ME1-3 and both DAO & DA:I), so people are just going to knock it at every turn they can get.
Comparing to the last entry of ME, ME:A was and still is a disappointment. Yea, it is NOW a functional game. Yea, the animation is MOSTLY fixed. But so are the other mediocre RPGs in recent years. Where is its soul? Where is its story-telling? etc. EA and Bioware have dropped the balls on this one. I will wait for 75% (which will come soon)

Not Steam related, but the Destiny 2 beta on PC is very very good.

It runs above and beyond my expectations on my old PC (i5-3570K w/ a R9 390) at a consistent +60 FPS on 1080p with Med/High settings. It's so crispy, pretty, buttery, and smooth on the master race. My goodness. I am disappointed the PC release is two months away, but if it runs this well and optimized then I don't mind the delay to work out any other bugs. My excitement levels cannot be contained. :whee:

I still kind of want to do a big PC build later this year, but I'm very happy my old system can chug along with these newer games.
Good enough so that we can brodate Destiny 2 instead of PeanutButter?

Tried out Destiny 2 PC Beta. Just got past the Homecoming level.

My God...this game looks great both technically & artistically (yes, I so love the art direction here); runs wonderful here; and the combat is absolutely outstanding here. Combat looks great, feels intense and is visceral as can be. At 1440p with most stuff on High here and V-Sync On: running often at 60 FPS; sometime took some hits down to 40FPS when a lot was happening on-screen. Turning V Sync off - boom, no more framerate drops & game just sticks around 60. Brilliant.

Story & character stuff don't seem to really be anything special here. Maybe it's too early for that, given it was only 2 levels or so here - but, I don't expect the moon for that stuff in this time of MMO-lite online-only looter-shooter. But, My God...those cut-scenes videos also just look glorious.

This Beta is awesome.

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I enjoyed the Destiny 2 beta, it was a lot better then what I expected.

Most of the time the beta just ruins the game for me but I am looking to pick it up sometime during or after the Destiny's 2 release date.

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Looks like if Bungie doesn't get rid of Aim Assist with controllers in PC Destiny 2 it will not be a popular "eSport" like they were hoping x.x

People are using a XIM to get Aim Assist with their Keyboard/Mouse 

Looks like if Bungie doesn't get rid of Aim Assist with controllers in PC Destiny 2 it will not be a popular "eSport" like they were hoping x.x

People are using a XIM to get Aim Assist with their Keyboard/Mouse
Certainly needs to be fixed but what makes you think the esport platform would be PC? (They have that deal with Sony so I suspect it will be their preferred platform in all ways.)

pfft, you guys are playing Destiny wrong. it's all about da phat loot!

(actually i've barely played Destiny on console cuz, console. i'm downloading the beta now to see if it will run fine on my shitty computer before i buy)

Certainly needs to be fixed but what makes you think the esport platform would be PC? (They have that deal with Sony so I suspect it will be their preferred platform in all ways.)
Makes sense, I just figure PCMASTERRACE :D

But alas, I'm getting Destiny 2 on PS4 anyways next week since I refuse to wait a month! If they refuse to fix their issues, I'd hate to have waited for nothing.

bread's done