Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I feel better about sitting on my ~$180 now.  Only reason it's that high is because I only made an alt and activated all my bundle keys/sold the resulting cards this past year.

When is Madjoki gonna show up and say how he was at $500 on six of his alts?

What do people use for listing marketplace stuff now? Whatever add-on I had for it seems to be gone. Either it asked for some stupid persmissions/info or maybe I just got rid of it because I wasn't really using it.

For the whopping two other people in here who might care, GamersGate has the .hack remaster that was recently released on sale for 19% off. If you pay with Razer zGold funnybucks, you can get the price down to $30 thanks to the additional discount and the top-up sale Razer is running right now. Not a horrible deal from a content/price ratio if you're into games like this.
Speaking as somebody who likes animu faux-edgy pubescent nonsense, .hack//G.U. is too damn animu faux-edgy pubescent nonsensical for me.

The original games were great, though, remaster for those when?
SeasonalCAG Late 2 Da Party Destiny 2 PC Broh:

So just started playing #D2butnotTHATD2 (© Travathian) because didn't have my stuff due to a move and but hot damn this game is one of the best optimized new releases I have played in awhile and it is fun for now until I hit that light level cap everyone is crying about.

So where is the PC Destiny 2 clan for CAG the one FissFiss posted (can't find your clan either) is a bunch of wimpy console brohs.

So if you need a low level warlock I'm your broh:


Don't be blue I can join your clan if your on PC:


PS Also now on Comcast Xfinity fastest speeds I have ever had:

PPS They had gigabit speeds but wanted a $90 service install and $40 more a month but I said fuck that cause I had my own router and could do a self install for free.
hot damn this game is one of the best optimized new releases I have played in awhile and it is fun for now until I hit that light level cap everyone is crying about.
Enjoy it. I ran out of reasons to keep playing but it's definitely a quality experience for a while. Might return on pc if compelling new content is out.

It's because the game is almost out so they've charged cards, and once a charge has occurred you have to call to cancel and get a refund.

I mean, look, Battlefront 2 is a goddamn mess, but this isn't some sort of insidious trick. Everything else about the game is.
Their return policy.

Refund requests can be made within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first.
It's been this way since before steam's policy went into affect.

The only reason to make people jump through hoops is to hopefully tire out some of them so you can keep some of the cash you otherwise would lose.
Speaking as somebody who likes animu faux-edgy pubescent nonsense, .hack//G.U. is too damn animu faux-edgy pubescent nonsensical for me.

The original games were great, though, remaster for those when?
Really hoping that this is successful enough that we get a remaster of the original games myself.

SeasonalCAG Late 2 Da Party Destiny 2 PC Broh:

So just started playing #D2butnotTHATD2 (© Travathian) because didn't have my stuff due to a move and but hot damn this game is one of the best optimized new releases I have played in awhile and it is fun for now until I hit that light level cap everyone is crying about.

So where is the PC Destiny 2 clan for CAG the one FissFiss posted (can't find your clan either) is a bunch of wimpy console brohs.

So if you need a low level warlock I'm your broh:


Don't be blue I can join your clan if your on PC:


PS Also now on Comcast Xfinity fastest speeds I have ever had:

PPS They had gigabit speeds but wanted a $90 service install and $40 more a month but I said fuck that cause I had my own router and could do a self install for free.
I joined a buddies. Can join us, but the name is lame.

Their return policy.

It's been this way since before steam's policy went into affect.

The only reason to make people jump through hoops is to hopefully tire out some of them so you can keep some of the cash you otherwise would lose.
yes, I mentioned that.

that post reminds me that Origin does have a refund policy, and had it before Steam did. So really that handwringing is extra moot because you could just refund it immediately upon release. And you should.
Finished Wolfenstein: TNC last night.  Killed 2,045 Nazis and Nazi-related dudes & robots according to my stats.  It was fun, I liked it, I'm looking forward to the DLC and I have no regrets about having picked it up (albeit for cheap via an AMD promo)
Legitimate Criticisms:
-- Same ole, same ole as TNO.  Largely the same game play.  You can consider this a feature or a bug
-- Few boss fights.  Almost none really if you're comparing against the giant walker thing from TNO or the ending fight(s).  There's some big robots along the way that aren't too hard to take down and a couple new enemies towards the very end but if you love taking down huge bosses, you won't do it here.
-- Uneven plotting.  Especially in the beginning the game is rather exposition/cutscene heavy.  Gets better later on and you have the option of doing Ubercommander assassination side missions to add more Nazi killin' to your evening.
-- Missed setting opportunities.  The trip to Small Town USA you see in the promos is the only real good look you get at Reich Occupied USA.  The other exterior fights mainly take place in ruins or dilapidated towns.  Hopefully the DLC shows us more
-- Somewhat abrupt ending.  You're starting a revolution, not ending a war and the game's end is clearly set for a sequel (far unlike TNO)

-- Flaky Stealth Mechanics.  Granted, you're supposed to be shooting Nazis, not avoiding them, but the game does offer stealth options and they're not exceptionally well done.  Enemies' arc of vision can be frustrating and being spotted behind cover felt a bit arbitrary.  I love those sweet hatchet kills though.
-- Technical issues.  I had very few (there was a bug towards the end that was fixed by changing my Antialiasing settings and I had to update my drivers when I first started the game).  Seems to mainly affect Nvidia users which is good because us AMD people need to feel smug now and then.
Dumb Criticisms:
-- Too short.  You could no doubt blaze through the story in 9-10 hours if you turn the difficulty low (see below) and skip anything not story objective related.  That's a meaningless metric to me.  I played it like a normal person, did the side stuff, killed all the Ubercommanders, located the weapon upgrades (but did not bother seeking out all the collectibles) and got 30 hours out of it.  I have 19 hours in The New Order.
-- Too hard.  People complain that the enemies do too much damage or you don't get enough health.  Duh, turn the difficulty down if you can't git gud.  That's what the settings are there for.  Whining that you can't breeze through hard settings is pretty silly stuff.
-- Story dumb/Writing bad.  Yeah, sorta sometimes.  Blazkowicz's inner monologue has already been mocked.  Luckily, he drops that shit about halfway through.  It's a B-Story for a pulpy action game about shootin' Nazis
-- OMG SJW LIBERAL WHITE GUILT!!!  Hysterical and overwrought.  I guess if you get your feelings hurt by seeing Nazis get shot, you should avoid it.  Unsurprisingly, all the "examples" of the game's terrible agenda are cherry-picked and left incomplete.  You make contact with a resistance group run by a Communist -- and Blazkowicz calls him a coward.  You recruit a woman running a Black Panthers style resistance group -- and she gets a strong lesson later about not treating others as lesser people because of their ethnicity.  Your father is a near cartoonishly evil guy but he's not set up as an archetypal white guy -- turns out everyone thinks he's an asshole and the sort to blame his failings on anyone but himself.

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That's keeping me from buying it. Strange decision to remaster the latest games but not the originals.
100% agree. Only thing I can figure is that these were easier to port/update than the original tetralogy, which really show their age at this point, along with a desire on to expand on the GU story. I'm not super bothered by this because I completed the original 4 back in the PS2 days but never played the GU series, so this worked out in my specific case. But they aren't doing much to make this attractive to new fans if they're hoping to make some $$$ by roping a new generation into the series, that's for sure.

On the plus side, at least it doesn't have loot crates, so it has that going for it...

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Unlocking Everything in Battlefront II Requires 4,528 hours or $2100

Man, EA sucks!

Train Simulator had that amount beat years ago.



So I don't spam the thread with this...

Has a chart of the unlocks by category with the time/money requirements to unlock them.

Also says the guy that originally did the math said

"I’m assuming that all cards are already possessed, are at level 3, and that the player has 0 credits and crafting parts left over. I’m also assuming that all one time rewards (challenges and level rewards) were used while getting the cards to level 3, so they are not factored in.

    This estimate ignores the time required to get all cards to level 3, the time required to unlock all heroes, and daily crates."

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About EA and the Darth Vader drama...

EA reduced the amount Hero-paywall points around a 75% less. But what they did not tell was that they also reduced the amount of earning credits used to unlock the superior Darth Vader. So, in other words, same  dog's shit with different collar.

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"Unlocking everything in Battlefront 2 is a sure fire way to get rid of that pesky wife/girlfriend problem you've been having!"

They also did this with the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 & Andromeda. I played about 750 hours of ME3 multi and never had everything maxed out due to their RNG loot box system.

But I can't entirely blame EA for this, society in general needs to look at its addiction to gambling. Last week, I went Christmas shopping and was astounded at the amount of "mystery" toys clearly designed for young children. Get 'em hooked young so when they grow up they can buy my PUBG crates for $20 a piece.

About EA and the Darth Vader drama...

EA reduced the amount Hero-paywall points around a 75% less. But what they did not tell was that they also reduced the amount of earning credits used to unlock the superior Darth Vader. So, in other words, same dog's shit with different collar.
If I remember correctly they drop the cost by 66% and dropped the amount of credits earned by finishing the campaign by 75%.

(And they seem so hurt and surprised when they win Worst Company in America of the Year awards)

Personally, I still think Activision is worse... but neither is the worst in America.
They also did this with the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 & Andromeda. I played about 750 hours of ME3 multi and never had everything maxed out due to their RNG loot box system.
Still a shitty practice, no doubt, but it doesn't offend me quite like Battlefront does because it's just PvE and not PvP.
Last week, I went Christmas shopping and was astounded at the amount of "mystery" toys clearly designed for young children.
Oh, like you never spent $2 in quarters on Superballs, miniature playing cards and novelty rings, never to get those sweet magnetic Scottie dogs that chase each other.

Or visited the Chuck E Cheese children's casino so you could trade in your 575 tickets for two rubber cockroaches and a some plastic bird call you fill with water.

But I can't entirely blame EA for this, society in general needs to look at its addiction to gambling. Last week, I went Christmas shopping and was astounded at the amount of "mystery" toys clearly designed for young children. Get 'em hooked young so when they grow up they can buy my PUBG crates for $20 a piece.
More suckers to buy gamescom crates


They also did this with the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 & Andromeda. I played about 750 hours of ME3 multi and never had everything maxed out due to their RNG loot box system.

But I can't entirely blame EA for this, society in general needs to look at its addiction to gambling. Last week, I went Christmas shopping and was astounded at the amount of "mystery" toys clearly designed for young children. Get 'em hooked young so when they grow up they can buy my PUBG crates for $20 a piece.
"LOL surprise" has to be the worst name for a grab bag type item I've seen

They do, and they also stated that if they feel it's "hostile" they'll back off. So that'll probably happen pretty damn fast, if they don't just take the softballs.

By the way, now the reddit dummies seem to think this Dennis guy will save the game, because he's their "friend" and got promoted. Nobody in EA is your friend, guys. Jeez. This kind of stuff is determined at a higher level than a goon working on the actual game. Loot boxes are mandated by assholes in suits who haven't played a game since Pong.


They do, and they also stated that if they feel it's "hostile" they'll back off. So that'll probably happen pretty damn fast, if they don't just take the softballs.
Yeah, I suspect they see record negative karma soon after it starts... I don't see softball questions being answered as crowd pleasing.
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I can't even follow the AMA thread which is here

The overall drumbeat seems to be: 

"We don't have actual numbers yet...We will be looking at data continually and make adjustments to make things as fun and balanced as possible."

Seems hard to believe they don't have "actual numbers" yet....

Also seems like "fun" and "maximize profit" would be completely at odds with each other so it rings hollow to say we are going to forgo maximizing profit for the sake of fun....

Yeah, I suspect they see record negative karma soon after it starts... I don't see softball questions being answered as crowd pleasing.
Downvoting has been disabled.

I can't even follow the AMA thread which is here.

The overall drumbeat seems to be:

"We don't have actual numbers yet...We will be looking at data continually and make adjustments to make things as fun and balanced as possible."

Seems hard to believe they don't have "actual numbers" yet....

Also seems like "fun" and "maximize profit" would be completely at odds with each other so it rings hollow to say we are going to forgo maximizing profit for the sake of fun....
Yeah, they're just sidestepping everything.

by the way, to actually find any responses, just go to the developers' profiles here, here, and here, because reddit is a goddamn mess

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"Would you eat the moon if it were made of cheese?

It's a simple question, just say yes and we'll move on."
"We don't have the actual numbers on the percentage of cheese in the moon so it's hard to say at this point....As long as eating a cheesy moon is fun and balanced, we're all for it!!!!

See you in game,

Darth Sidious"

i had the quote wrong, it was ribs, now i have to throw myself into the lava pits of mustafar

holy hell, this response is amazing:

I think this concern has come through loud and clear. We're going to continue adjusting the crate systems, content, and progression mechanics to hit a point that gives players a great, balanced experience at all skill levels. We're working on expanding the number of ways that players can progress, putting more control in their hands and providing more options and choice in the way people play. There's not much in the game that we wouldn't revisit to improve the game for as many players as possible.
Some PR dipshit is clearly writing the responses.

A reply from SAVIOUR OF BATTLEFRONT, DENNIS (whatever):

We take into account not only your gameplay skills, but also inventory and time played, when we match players together in multiplayer. You should not ever be matchmade together with players who are much better than you are. Ultimately your effectiveness is going to come down to skill, not the Star Cards that you have. If it doesn't feel that way, we'll see it on our side, too. Our data will tell that story and we'll make adjustments.
Yeah, those 30% increases in damage don't matter, it's all about skill.

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i had the quote wrong, it was ribs, now i have to throw myself into the lava pits of mustafar

holy hell, this response is amazing:

Some PR dipshit is clearly writing the responses.

A reply from SAVIOUR OF BATTLEFRONT, DENNIS (whatever):

Yeah, those 30% increases in damage don't matter, it's all about skill.
EA New PR Dipshit Robot Person:


They also did this with the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 & Andromeda. I played about 750 hours of ME3 multi and never had everything maxed out due to their RNG loot box system.

But I can't entirely blame EA for this, society in general needs to look at its addiction to gambling. Last week, I went Christmas shopping and was astounded at the amount of "mystery" toys clearly designed for young children. Get 'em hooked young so when they grow up they can buy my PUBG crates for $20 a piece.
Yeah, the mystery things are annoying. I haven't gotten into them too much save for some collectible Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Kidrobot figurines, but found a place locally that had them mispriced so I was able to get the 10 I wanted at a decent price. Screw the other 2 that are like uber rare.

That does bring me to the question of...DO YOU HAVE TO UNLOCK ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING?

Is the concept of picking and choosing what you want to unlock foreign to everyone?

Let's put this in terms of KF2. I'm like 130 hours into that game and don't even have all my perks to level 15. To get them all to level 25 will probably take another 100+ hours for me. I'm also NEVER going to have all the cool cosmetics for it unless I want to spend probably like $100 or more on it just for the ones I want. At least one of the characters you have to pay extra for (DJ Scully) and I just paid $5 for a chicken suit. I've been playing every 4 hours for a few weeks now to unlock some damn jack o lantern masks.

Rainbow Six Siege is similar. You can grind away to get almost anything in the cosmetic shop, but it would take 1000s of hours and you'd have to get good at some point.

I'm not saying it's "right" or we should be happy to be in this situation, but to make it seem like EA is like the worst of the bunch is just silly.

That does bring me to the question of...DO YOU HAVE TO UNLOCK ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING?

Is the concept of picking and choosing what you want to unlock foreign to everyone?
You can't. Almost everything is unlocked via random boxes. That's the point.

The boxes also give currency sometimes (crafting parts) that are required to upgrade cards, which drop at a pitifully low rate. Same with credits, used to unlock heroes AND the aforementioned boxes.

So if you do spend the creds on the overpriced heroes, you're not advancing any of the basic classes as a result.

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You can't. Almost everything is unlocked via random boxes. That's the point.

The boxes also give currency sometimes (crafting parts) that are required to upgrade cards, which drop at a pitifully low rate. Same with credits, used to unlock heroes AND the aforementioned boxes.

So if you do spend the creds on the overpriced heroes, you're not advancing any of the basic classes as a result.
Sure, but what I'm saying is you can say "I am going to use my points for Spock" or whatever and not obsess over getting enough credits to unlock every single hero.

bread's done