Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Took the plunge on the Division Gold thanks to all the recommendations. When my kid in college and I actually get to play it, I'll let you know if it was worth it.

Also, Humble Ubisoft bundle incoming thanks to my sacrifice.
Plot twist. Your kid will be 40 years old living at home and you'll be on Dr. Phil, Jr. complaining about how you never got to play The Division.

Plot twist. Your kid will be 40 years old living at home and you'll be on Dr. Phil, Jr. complaining about how you never got to play The Division.
Maybe Dr. Phil Jr. because Dr. Phil will be long since deceased. More likely, since my kid will obviously be a loser in your scenario, she'll be a gamer and we'll be playing the game co-op together, wasting away both of our lives.

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Maybe Dr. Phil Jr. because Dr. Phil will be long since deceased. More likely, since my kid will obviously be a loser in your scenario, she'll be a gamer and we'll be playing the game co-op together, wasting away both of our lives.
What about Zombie Dr. Phil? That will get FoxAss to watch.....

Maybe Dr. Phil Jr. because Dr. Phil will be long since deceased. More likely, since my kid will obviously be a loser in your scenario, she'll be a gamer and we'll be playing the game co-op together, wasting away both of our lives.
Wow, man. I said your kid was living at home, not a loser. You should be nicer to your kid. And gamers are not all losers either. Way to offend everyone in this thread.

Wow, man. I said your kid was living at home, not a loser. You should be nicer to your kid. And gamers are not all losers either. Way to offend everyone in this thread.
Do I need to lay it all out for you? If my kid is living in my basement at 40, playing video games, and un-ironically taking the bait every time someone mentions VRAMs or console exclusives not coming to the PC on gaming deal forums, then my kid is a loser.

But I don't think that will be MY kid.

Wow, man. I said your kid was living at home, not a loser. You should be nicer to your kid. And gamers are not all losers either. Way to offend everyone in this thread.

I guess if you load up a cart full of stuff you have been watching on eBay to save 20%, it is a good idea to go ahead and finish the transaction while you are thinking about so you don't remember fifteen minutes after the coupon expired.

just a quick reminder, you can get 1 month of xbox gamepass right now for $1. you can still get a 2 week trial for free. but ya know, i like to live a little. gonna try State of Decay 2 and some Gears 4.

Just get free one month trial, enable auto renewal when it asks for extra month, and then pay $1 for a month and cancel auto renew. That's 3 months for $1.

So...  It was called to my attention that a post I made yesterday crossed a line, and posting it was a poor judgment call on my part.  I feel like an ass.  So I want to apologize for any offense or anger it may have caused.  The post has been deleted.  This community is one I value highly and I would prefer to contribute to it being inviting and friendly; my post was the opposite of this.  So yeah, I'm really sorry.  If you were personally offended by my post, please send me a PM and I'd be happy to discuss with you.

So... It was called to my attention that a post I made yesterday crossed a line, and posting it was a poor judgment call on my part. I feel like an ass. So I want to apologize for any offense or anger it may have caused. The post has been deleted. This community is one I value highly and I would prefer to contribute to it being inviting and friendly; my post was the opposite of this. So yeah, I'm really sorry. If you were personally offended by my post, please send me a PM and I'd be happy to discuss with you.
I accept your apology.


Let's get this thread back on track:

Witcher 2 is on sale at Steam for 0% off. By the way, I can't get into the second Witcher any more than the first. Maybe I'm defective. Anyway, off to find a substitute....Risen maybe? Don't know if I have the intestinal fortitude to try to pick up my 30hrs into Morrowind save game.....Maybe Faerie Solitaire is more my speed....

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I accept your apology.


Let's get this thread back on track:

Witcher 2 is on sale at Steam for 0% off. By the way, I can't get into the second Witcher any more than the first. Maybe I'm defective. Anyway, off to find a substitute....Risen maybe? Don't know if I have the intestinal fortitude to try to pick up my 30hrs into Morrowind save game.....Maybe Faerie Solitaire is more my speed....
Pillars of Eternity maybe?


So... It was called to my attention that a post I made yesterday crossed a line, and posting it was a poor judgment call on my part. I feel like an ass. So I want to apologize for any offense or anger it may have caused. The post has been deleted. This community is one I value highly and I would prefer to contribute to it being inviting and friendly; my post was the opposite of this. So yeah, I'm really sorry. If you were personally offended by my post, please send me a PM and I'd be happy to discuss with you.
I accept your apology.

Good suggestion, but I'm looking less for "Bioware-like isometric control-a-whole-party RPG" and more "3rd person lone-wolf over-the-shoulder run around and loot NPCs down to their skivvies RPG".
That almost sounds like you need a trip to New York.
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Wolfenstein 2, Hitman 2

Do these guys know how to count?

The crazier thing is, I'm pretty sure Wolfenstein 2009 and Hitman Absolution are still canon within these games

but correct me if I'm wrong, isn't Hitman a sequel to Hitman Absolution?
I don't know for sure about Hitman, but I know Wolfenstein 2009 is canon in the newer games
I think Hitman was set up as an Origin/Reboot type of thing. It didn't take place or really reference anything from Absolution. They just looked a like like each other visually.

I think Hitman was set up as an Origin/Reboot type of thing. It didn't take place or really reference anything from Absolution. They just looked a like like each other visually.
Yeah I think there's a mention of 47's faked death in Blood Money but nothing from Absolution.

not that I really care about the Hitman Lore, but my point is they are at least new titles. Just like how there's Wolfenstein 3D, Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein: The New Order, and Wolfenstein: The New Colossus. (Wolfenstein is definitely canon to the newer games too)

it's not like New Doom and New God of War where it's just the exact same title. THAT is really stupid.

Dead or Alive 6 was just announced and it looks like it'll be coming to PC at the same time as the PS4 and X1 versions:

Took the plunge on the Division Gold thanks to all the recommendations.
If you or anyone else is going to start playing this I am happy to help people out. Just be through the intro section and to the main base already. Also have discord, you don't need a mic, but you'll definitely need to be able to hear my cries of anguish as you repeatedly do stupid shit that will prompt me to ragequit and never do MP again. Same name on Ubi, feel free to add me.

With all of the content updates I think the game is really solid, and in a group setting, a ton of fun value to be had. The shooting mechanics are solid, the graphics are fantastic, most of the punishing gameplay mechanics have been removed, and there are plenty of different kinds of activities for most types of players. The big dig I have with the game is the UI for inventory is a hot mess due to being designed for consoles. There is a Division subreddit, the sidebar has tons of good info both for new people and for people coming back after the disastrous launch.

Dead or Alive 6 was just announced and it looks like it'll be coming to PC at the same time as the PS4 and X1 versions:
I always enjoyed this series as a newbie-friendly fighter, but hated what they did with the last game making it free to play and having ridiculously expensive DLC outfit packs.

What’s the difference between the dying light season pass and the following? I have the base game
Season Pass includes The Following and the other gameplay DLC's.

There are some cosmetics, weapons, and vehicles that require purchasing individually, or the Enhanced Edition.

Hey, anyone have a Guild Wars 2 Heroic key they don't care about from that Winter Yogscast humble bundle thing?  My wife and I are trying it out since the expansions are on sale (until tonight, 30% off with "WelcomeToGW2" code) and I've just got the one key.  Don't want her to be jealous of my fancy-pants mithril box or whatever it is those keys are supposed to do for you.  All I know is the key might be useless if you already own a version of the game or expansions, which seems like it would make for a lot of unwanted keys.

I know, I know, we should have gotten around to trying it back when the keys were going around.  We're a little behind the curve on these newfanlged MMO whatsits.  It's a little weird even looking around in an MMO, but I hear the combat is more action-y and has some versatility/synergy to play with.

Edit: Found a raw code on random web page that somehow had never been used.  It's a frikkin yogscast cag miracle.

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Extremely sad news on the brofront.  I'm sure some had noticed that Bah hadn't posted in a while.  After being a constant bronight presence for a few years, we realized in December that Bah hadn't been around for a few days, which we found odd, but figured he might be busy with the holidays or on vacation.  After those days turned into weeks we became worried and when they turned into months we feared the worst.  We honestly hoped Bah just became busy with life or maybe decided he didn't want to be a gamer anymore, but today we received news that confirmed the worse. Bah passed away on December 10, 2017.  

He will be missed dearly.  If you've ever joined a bronight, you've witnessed the mix of jokes and insults that leads to somebody getting angry and somebody apologizing and maybe somebody teamkilling someone else when a joke went too far.  Bah was usually that last guy and I was usually on the receiving end, and deservedly so.  Although our interactions when we play rarely get too personal (let's face it, most of us game to escape from life for a few hours) you get to know a person a pretty well when you voice chat with them for hours every week.  I consider the bros my good friends and losing one is tough.  

In his memory, here is a clip of one of our PUBG Chicken Dinners we got together.  He's the first guy talking.  He's starts out complaining about my loud mechanical keyboard.  Classic Bah.  Rest in Peace.

Extremely sad news on the brofront. I'm sure some had noticed that Bah hadn't posted in a while. After being a constant bronight presence for a few years, we realized in December that Bah hadn't been around for a few days, which we found odd, but figured he might be busy with the holidays or on vacation. After those days turned into weeks we became worried and when they turned into months we feared the worst. We honestly hoped Bah just became busy with life or maybe decided he didn't want to be a gamer anymore, but today we received news that confirmed the worse. Bah passed away on December 10, 2017.

He will be missed dearly. If you've ever joined a bronight, you've witnessed the mix of jokes and insults that leads to somebody getting angry and somebody apologizing and maybe somebody teamkilling someone else when a joke went too far. Bah was usually that last guy and I was usually on the receiving end, and deservedly so. Although our interactions when we play rarely get too personal (let's face it, most of us game to escape from life for a few hours) you get to know a person a pretty well when you voice chat with them for hours every week. I consider the bros my good friends and losing one is tough.

In his memory, here is a clip of one of our PUBG Chicken Dinners we got together. He's the first guy talking. He's starts out complaining about my loud mechanical keyboard. Classic Bah. Rest in Peace.
I shall miss Bahhhhhhhhhh

Rip brother.
Extremely sad news on the brofront. I'm sure some had noticed that Bah hadn't posted in a while. After being a constant bronight presence for a few years, we realized in December that Bah hadn't been around for a few days, which we found odd, but figured he might be busy with the holidays or on vacation. After those days turned into weeks we became worried and when they turned into months we feared the worst. We honestly hoped Bah just became busy with life or maybe decided he didn't want to be a gamer anymore, but today we received news that confirmed the worse. Bah passed away on December 10, 2017.

He will be missed dearly. If you've ever joined a bronight, you've witnessed the mix of jokes and insults that leads to somebody getting angry and somebody apologizing and maybe somebody teamkilling someone else when a joke went too far. Bah was usually that last guy and I was usually on the receiving end, and deservedly so. Although our interactions when we play rarely get too personal (let's face it, most of us game to escape from life for a few hours) you get to know a person a pretty well when you voice chat with them for hours every week. I consider the bros my good friends and losing one is tough.

In his memory, here is a clip of one of our PUBG Chicken Dinners we got together. He's the first guy talking. He's starts out complaining about my loud mechanical keyboard. Classic Bah. Rest in Peace.
He went here by Archbishopdoge or in the end as archbishopbah. Even though I didnt know what bah looked like until I saw a picture of him today. The bros have scheduled games 3 to 4 days a week consistently for a couple of years. All with voice chat.

BF1 is not the same for me without his "colorful" commentary of the opponents or his teammates. I did not consider it a proper game night unless he told me to F--- off at least once. Classic Bah.

bread's done