Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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By all means, have the conversation. Public discourse is free. But don't expect everyone else to care or agree. It's not the rest of the world's job to cater to a person's emotional needs.

As long as you're not hurting anyone or infringing on anyone else's rights then people can say and do what they want.
[trigger warning="post contains thoughts, and even three-syllable words that appear multiple times in the same paragraph (some might find this very intimidating)"]

Yeah, this completely misses the point. This libertarian "build your own", "everyone can say and do what they want" sentiment that pervades so many people in the gaming community is profoundly naive. There are real institutional structures that serve as gatekeepers to opportunity and access to the market.

We don't live in some pre-agrarian Rousseauian natural utopia where everyone can do whatever they will freely of their own personal volition. Everyone relies on a functioning system of distributors, marketing, a labor force, even political and social acceptance/tolerance.

This mushrooming cultural movement we're experiencing fully understands this. They have roots within serious sociology, and study networks of institutional power very carefully. They know where to apply pressure to key components of the system to control what opportunities other people have and rig the system for their own self-promotion, and the stifling of any other thoughts or ideas. They can target marketing platforms, content distributors, key advertisers, and other key institutional choke-points in the market.

When they start setting implicit or explicit standards, they aren't "participating in an open dialogue" that people are free to disagree with. They are setting up real actionable rules, by fiat, that are going to set the playfield for what kind of content can be released or can be produced, who can participate in the culture etc.

When whole networks of people on Twitter start accusing Cyberpunk 2077 of being "transphobic", that sentiment might not catch on right now, but something like that absolutely could: they could pressure CDN's and payment systems to sever relationships with CD Projekt Red to take down GOG, they could push a pervading sentiment within the professional class that people who work for CD Projekt Red are tainted and problematic so that they are unable to find and hire new developers. They could push that narrative into the gated institutions like The Game Awards to ensure that Cyberpunk 2077 gets left out of any of the promotion or awards, etc.

I don't think that's going to happen to Cyberpunk 2077, because that game is already so hyped and popular the ship has sailed. But when people start engaging in "cancel culture", or whatever you want to call it, they aren't just exercising free speech and playing by common rules the way a libertarian believes the world works, they are pursuing a coercive strategy of institutional capture.

The very real threat of cancellation is designed so that, at the very least, the threat forces CD Project Red to accommodate the demands, bring people into their organization who are friendly and representative of this new coercive movement, and this is one way the social movement captures more and more institutions and expands its coercive reach and control.

If the best we can come up to counter that is "oh well, everyone is entitled to free speech", we're doomed to an increasingly stringent, hostile, puritanical, and creatively suffocating culture.

[/trigger warning]

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It's 2020.  If you want to make an indie game full of "omg my freeze peach liberties!" stuff, ain't no one going to stop you from bringing it to market in this age of digital distribution.  People do it all the time.  Hell, people use it as a marketing gimmick to separate folks from their money on Kickstarter.  I guess, when it sucks and people don't buy it, you can always blame the social justice warriors as is usually the case.

It's 2020. If you want to make an indie game full of "omg my freeze peach liberties!" stuff, ain't no one going to stop you from bringing it to market in this age of digital distribution. People do it all the time. Hell, people use it as a marketing gimmick to separate folks from their money on Kickstarter. I guess, when it sucks and people don't buy it, you can always blame the social justice warriors as is usually the case.
Ooh wow, an indie game. Freedum! Who is John Galt? That's some real liberty right there.

Man, the phrases "free speech" and "social justice warriors". Are there any other phrases that indicate more clearly that someone is totally disconnected from reality?

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Nah.  I wouldn't want to gatekeep your free speeches in the marketplace of ideers!!!!

Plus the ignore function on this board sucks with its nags that ignored users have posted but we won't show you but if we were going to show you, the post would be right here where we put this reminder that an ignored user has posted.

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Nah. I wouldn't want to gatekeep your free speeches in the marketplace of ideers!!!!

Plus the ignore function on this board sucks with its nags that ignored users have posted but we won't show you but if we were going to show you, the post would be right here where we put this reminder that an ignored user has posted.
I love how you think I believe in a marketplace of ideas when my entire post was literally a takedown of people who believe in a "marketplace of ideas". It's like I'm talking to some sort of very confused keyword-based AI.

It's actually amusing. I'll definitely be expanding your ignored posts from now on. Cheers, friend.

So... This just popped in my discovery queue... It's not what you'd think... I don't think...


Since the forum software abbreviated the text...

Game name is "Defense of the Ass"
Your mom loves to play that game.

She never wins. :D/


Now for the deals!

Fanatical BYO Holiday Bundle is pretty solid. 6 games for $2.99 or 10 for $4.99.

I picked up these titles - about 7 or 8 of them were on the wish list.

  • Elden: Path of the Forgotten
  • Mana Spark
  • Pinstripe
  • Rain of Reflections: Set Free
  • System Crash
  • The Slater
  • The Spectrum Retreat
  • The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
  • Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
  • XIII - Classic
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Your mom loves to play that game.

She never wins. :D/


Now for the deals!

Fanatical BYO Holiday Bundle is pretty solid. 6 games for $2.99 or 10 for $4.99.

I picked up these titles - about 7 or 8 of them were on the wish list.

  • Elden: Path of the Forgotten
  • Mana Spark
  • Pinstripe
  • Rain of Reflections: Set Free
  • System Crash
  • The Slater
  • The Spectrum Retreat
  • The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
  • Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
  • XIII - Classic
I feel insulted that this fanatical post was posted here instead of BundleSharts thread... RIPORTED!

I'm also insulted by Softrear's post calling my mom, who is deceased, a whore. Therefore calling her a DEAD WHORE!! RIPORTED!!!

I'm also insulted by the paucity of insults in this thread! RIPORTED!!!
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Marvel's Avengers is 50% off at GMG!  You don't want to miss out on this amazing price on this recent AAA release!  Pricing like that might even be a glitch that they emailed me about.

Ok, don't say I never posted you all no deals.

I heard your mom plays Far Cry Blood Dragon. If she wasn't such a dumbass then she could play both Far Cry Blood Dragon AND Far Cry Instincts: Predator (if she just multiplied one game times another like any smart person would so she could enjoy two mediocre, dated games instead of just one). But that really blows my mind mathematically - if you multiply Far Cry Blood Dragon (one game) times another game Far Cry Instincts Predator (which is a compilation of TWO Far Cry games in one), what do you really get?

Who can solve the equation?

Multiply FarCry Blood Dragon x Far Cry Instincts Predator (which includes both Far Cry Instincts AND Evolution), how many games do you really get?

Winner gets a free Ubi steam code of your choice (code will be provided by rcsample).
2? Is it 2? Is this the real life, or is it just fantasy?
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I heard your mom plays Far Cry Blood Dragon. If she wasn't such a dumbass then she could play both Far Cry Blood Dragon AND Far Cry Instincts: Predator (if she just multiplied one game times another like any smart person would so she could enjoy two mediocre, dated games instead of just one). But that really blows my mind mathematically - if you multiply Far Cry Blood Dragon (one game) times another game Far Cry Instincts Predator (which is a compilation of TWO Far Cry games in one), what do you really get?

Who can solve the equation?

Multiply FarCry Blood Dragon x Far Cry Instincts Predator (which includes both Far Cry Instincts AND Evolution), how many games do you really get?

Winner gets a free Ubi steam code of your choice (code will be provided by rcsample).
Before ITACG gets banned again...

The answer for that equation was 2 because it is a set of 1 objects being added to another set of 1 objects. There was no multiplication involved, unless you want to write out that each game was a set of itself, which would be (1 x 1) + (1 x 1). Or by writing "2 x 1" because it was 2 objects.

Multiplication is just short-form addition, where the second number denotes the number of instances of the first number. So 1 x 1 is just 1 repeated 1 time. It will always be 1 since it is the SAME OBJECT BEING REPRESENTED ONE TIME, no matter how many times or how often some trash tier shitposting moron tries to fool you into thinking it's 2 with a brain-dead word problem.

You can't take 1 IATCG and multiply it by itself to get 2 IATCGs. And while you can take 1 IATCG and multiply it by a bomb sent in the mail to get pieces of IATCG splattered all over the walls, each piece of IATCG wouldn't be in the same unit of measure, thus you wouldn't have more IATCGs.

To get back on topic:

The Ass game looks like something I expect to see in a DIG Weekly Bundle soon.

There were two DIG Weekly Bundles added today, full of low budget asset flips:

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Marvel's Avengers is 50% off at GMG! You don't want to miss out on this amazing price on this recent AAA release! Pricing like that might even be a glitch that they emailed me about.

Ok, don't say I never posted you all no deals.
The way this one is going, I could smell Squeenix doing their hyper-aggressive discounting soon on it and/or tossing this in a Humble Choice.

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Has a mod entered the Steam thread in the last 5 years?
I've had two completely normal Steam thread fodder posts deleted today, and I've noticed several others have gone missing in the same time frame. I think I caught the posts that must have set whatever happened off before they disappeared, but not the actual shitstorm assuming there even was one and somebody wasn't just reporting everyone to Playfire for shits and giggles.
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I saw the shitstorm... but I can't say what it was about because I stop reading posts once I determine it's not about pizza and/or mom jokes.

Marvel's Avengers is 50% off at GMG! You don't want to miss out on this amazing price on this recent AAA release! Pricing like that might even be a glitch that they emailed me about.

Ok, don't say I never posted you all no deals.
This is at least the 3rd time its been on-sale at 50% off... Actually, it's on sale on Steam for 50%.

In all honesty... I think 29.99 might be it's unofficial price now.
I've had two completely normal Steam thread fodder posts deleted today, and I've noticed several others have gone missing in the same time frame. I think I caught the posts that must have set whatever happened off before they disappeared, but not the actual shitstorm assuming there even was one and somebody wasn't just reporting everyone to Playfire for shits and giggles.
To summarize: The dread summoning equation was invoked and out pooped a richgamer, rarely seen in the wild...and then tears in the rain...
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Got my 3060 ti yesterday and it's a very nice card indeed, though I'm no fan of the weird ass placement of the power connector and the need for the adapter.


Some dangus bought my 5700xt for nearly the same price I paid for this card so it was a nice, low cost upgrade. It really does compete and in some cases exceed the 2080 Super so if you're in the market for a 1440p card this is the one to get.
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Nice pics!

Congrats on the awesome new card & getting your hands actually on one of those! Enjoy the games and can't wait to hear how awesome your games look and how damn good your performance is.



Got my 3060 ti yesterday and it's a very nice card indeed, though I'm no fan of the weird ass placement of the power connector and the need for the adapter.


Some dangus bought my 5700x for nearly the same price I paid for this card so it was a nice, low cost upgrade. It really does compete and in some cases exceed the 2080 Super so if you're in the market for a 1440p card this is the one to get.


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I prefer to think of myself as more of a flopper.

And MysterD, so far things are looking good. Haven't had a chance to test it much but I did play some Control at 1440p with just about everything maxed out (including ray-tracing) and it stayed between 60-70fps. The temps maxed out at 72 degrees and the card itself was quiet as can be. It had no problem playing Doom Eternal maxed out and the FPS stayed well above my monitor's 144hz refresh rate. I have it paired with a first gen Ryzen 1600x so that will slow things down a bit, but it's still holding its own.


I prefer to think of myself as more of a flopper.

And MysterD, so far things are looking good. Haven't had a chance to test it much but I did play some Control at 1440p with just about everything maxed out (including ray-tracing) and it stayed between 60-70fps. The temps maxed out at 72 degrees and the card itself was quiet as can be. It had no problem playing Doom Eternal maxed out and the FPS stayed well above my monitor's 144hz refresh rate. I have it paired with a first gen Ryzen 1600x so that will slow things down a bit, but it's still holding its own.
How's the ray tracing on it compared to the 3080?

I prefer to think of myself as more of a flopper.

And MysterD, so far things are looking good. Haven't had a chance to test it much but I did play some Control at 1440p with just about everything maxed out (including ray-tracing) and it stayed between 60-70fps. The temps maxed out at 72 degrees and the card itself was quiet as can be.

It had no problem playing Doom Eternal maxed out and the FPS stayed well above my monitor's 144hz refresh rate. I have it paired with a first gen Ryzen 1600x so that will slow things down a bit, but it's still holding its own.
Hell yeah! Sounds like that has worked-out awesome!!!


If I ever figure out what ray tracing is and does I will let you know.
That's the lighting technique where it traces light & constantly follows it way more realistically.

Lights and shadows reflect everything and everywhere constantly.

Nothing's baked-in static-style here. It's constantly calculated and simulated.

This has been around forever, PC just didn't really have the power to use these algorithms properly...until recently. It's super-taxing & expensive on systems (both performance-wise and $-wise), and the most accurate at simulating lighting realistically.

This has been what a lot of CG-made films have been using forever w/ Super-computers or farms-worth of these computers. We are finally at a point where games can render these on-the-fly while playing games.

Pretty much, many consider this the "Holy Grail" of lighting techniques.

Before this, "rasterization" was used for lighting, which was mostly static and baked-in by dev's and using all kinds of tricks to try to simulate lighting properly.


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That's the lighting technique where it traces light & constantly follows it way more realistically.

Lights and shadows reflect everything and everywhere constantly.

Nothing's baked-in static-style here. It's constantly calculated and simulated.

This has been around forever, PC just didn't really have the power to use these algorithms properly...until recently. It's super-taxing & expensive on systems (both performance-wise and $-wise), and the most accurate at simulating lighting realistically.

This has been what a lot of CG-made films have been using forever w/ Super-computers or farms-worth of these computers. We are finally at a point where games can render these on-the-fly while playing games.

Pretty much, many consider this the "Holy Grail" of lighting techniques.

Before this, "rasterization" was used for lighting, which was mostly static and baked-in by dev's and using all kinds of tricks to try to simulate lighting properly.

Goddammit MysterD.

bread's done