Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Microsoft kills all the garbage from 8, brings out a new, lightweight browser and gives it all away free?  Who are those people and what did they do with the old Micro$oft? :)  There was no way I was ever going to touch 8 with a ten foot pole, so I'm glad their next offering has a chance at being a winner.

Pffffttt.. if that Indian yoga girl every comes back from being out of town... I'd be all in that.  As is... looking like the porn star will be keeping me warm tonight ;)

This is a couple of weeks old actually but just popped up on my Steam feed. Dysfunctional Systems sequel's development was, well, dysfunctional. :p It's dead

[customspoiler=Kickstart FAIL]
The End of Dysfunctional Systems


by Jeremy
on Friday, January 2nd, 2015
There are two parts to this post. The important stuff and the rest.

The Important Stuff
We are halting full-time development on the Dysfunctional Systems series. We will be offering partial refunds to backers who pledged over $5 and who ask for a refund. Backers in the $5 tier received the product they paid for, so they will not be refunded. If you would like a refund, let us know via Kickstarter. Please be considerate when asking for a refund as most of the money is gone so I will be using my personal funds to make up the difference. Please note that refunds may take some time to arrive, first of all because bulk refunds are difficult on Kickstarter, and secondly because once our current funds run out I will only be able to refund backers as I earn the money to do so.

The Rest
There’s a lot to say about this decision, but the short version is just that we made too many mistakes. I’ll write a post later analyzing these mistakes, but I don’t think I should get into them in this post. For now I’ll just answer some of the obvious questions that are sure to be on your mind.

Isn’t episode 0 basically finished? Is that going to be released?

Yes, episode 0 is basically finished. It’s part of the reason for this decision. To put it simply: it’s average. It’s not good and it’s not bad: it’s average. Playing through it makes me feel like releasing the game would only disappoint the people who expect more from us. Therefore, we will not be releasing it.

What’s going to happen now?

We’re not sure. We may still work on Dysfunctional Systems when we can, but we will definitely not be working on it full time. It’s slightly more likely that we’ll clean up the prologue to the point where it could be released, but we can’t guarantee anything.

We’re most likely going to start working on small projects on a volunteer basis. Things we can finish without relying on the support of any third party or requiring months of development time.

I just bought episode 1, can I get a refund?

It’s unfortunate, but no. We cannot afford to give refunds to the people who bought episode 1. We have a large enough debt to pay off already.

I’m angry and I want to send you hate mail. Can I?

You can. Please note however that one or more real human beings will read your message and feel like crap.

In closing, we’re sorry.
I don’t mind failure. I personally believe that if you aren’t doing something with a chance of failure then you’re not doing anything worth doing. However, in this case what bothers me is that we let so many people who believed in us down. I’d like to offer my sincerest apologies to all of you on behalf of myself, Dischan, and the team.

Thank you for your understanding, and we’re sorry we couldn’t fulfill our obligations to you.

#Dysfunctional Systems, #The End
Dysfunctional Systems: What Went Wrong


by Jeremy
on Friday, January 2nd, 2015
In the post announcing the halting of full-time development on the Dysfunctional Systems series I mentioned that I would write another post detailing what exactly went wrong. This is that post. In no particular order, I’m going to list and analyze the mistakes that were made during development.

Lack of Process
Before the Kickstater, Dischan operated as a group of volunteers and there was very little process. We each had our jobs and we did them at our own pace. I thought we could continue working this way, but it proved not to be the case. Work was completed very slowly and while that would have previously been fine, now it was causing us to lose money.

A few months ago I realized something had to be done, and so I began breaking down the work and creating schedules which I got the team to commit to. Things starting moving a lot more quickly after that, but it caused another problem, which I’ll discuss next.

Lack of Quality Control
The problem was that the team started rushing. Mistakes were ignored for the sake of meeting deadlines. The result is that episode 0 neared completion, but still did not qualify as “good”. We needed to strike a balance between speed and quality, but we didn’t have the time to do it.

We also didn’t have any kind of process to guarantee quality. People completed their assigned work and then a box was ticked. We should have implemented a peer review system to ensure that work met our standards before considering it “done”. When you’re working on your own, it’s easy to miss mistakes, after all.

Feature Creep
Our original budget and planning was based on episode 1, but this turned out to be a bad idea, since what we were trying to create ended up being significantly more complex than episode 1. We had a more complicated codex, a travel system, an interactables system, and an overall larger scope. Altogether things ended up requiring more time than we thought. We should have tightened the scope and made the sequels less ambitious.

I really value the work people do and I wanted to properly compensate them for it, especially after having had people work as volunteers for so long. However, I should have been more shrewd and practical. I paid people too much, or at least incorrectly. Dischan employees were paid a salary when they should have been paid hourly. An hourly wage would have ensured that money was only spent when work was completed.

Sixty thousand dollars seems like a lot of money, but it disappears quickly if you try to pay four/five people decently over nine months.

I hired a designer and I should not have. That’s not to say he wasn’t extremely talented and a good worker, it’s just that we didn’t have enough work for him and in the end his work wasn’t as crucial to the end product as writing, art, and implementation. I should have hired him on a contract basis.

We promised 2 full games and a third smaller game in the Kickstarter. That’s a lot, and it’s an obligation that puts a lot of pressure on you. The stress of that weight made it difficult to focus. We should have only promised a single episode, which we would have been able to handle much better.

Loss of Motivation
It pains me to admit this, but to some degree I lost my passion for Dysfunctional Systems. I wasn’t the only one either. This was a massive problem, not just because it made it difficult to work, but also because it caused a drop in quality of work.

I think the root of the problem was the overpromising in the Kickstarter. When something you love doing becomes an obligation, it begins causing stress instead of joy. I failed to realize this would happen.

In Conclusion
The Dysfunctional Systems Kickstarter taught us some amazingly valuable lessons that we might not have otherwise learned, but it came at a high price. If we had learned these lessons before launching the Kickstarter campaign, I’m sure it would have turned out better. It’s very unfortunate that we lacked the experience and foresight required to avoid these problems.

#Dysfunctional Systems, #Explanation

Pretty much reads like a what not to do on a Kickstarter list.
Microsoft kills all the garbage from 8, brings out a new, lightweight browser and gives it all away free? Who are those people and what did they do with the old Micro$oft? :) There was no way I was ever going to touch 8 with a ten foot pole, so I'm glad their next offering has a chance at being a winner.
Thats typically how Windows works.

XP was great, Vista sucked, 7 is pretty close to great, 8 sucked, but I will give them that Ive grown to like 8.1. Its still a bit clunky and I dont like not having the traditional Start button (I refuse to mod it in), but 8.1 has grown on me. I've not had any issues with it whatsoever and everything I throw at it has worked in respect to both programs and peripherals. I definitely dont hate 8.1 whereas Vista was Satan's OS.

If we go by this, Windows 10 stands to be good at least.

Thats typically how Windows works.

XP was great, Vista sucked, 7 is pretty close to great, 8 sucked, but I will give them that Ive grown to like 8.1. Its still a bit clunky and I dont like not having the traditional Start button (I refuse to mod it in), but 8.1 has grown on me. I've not had any issues with it whatsoever and everything I throw at it has worked in respect to both programs and peripherals. I definitely dont hate 8.1 whereas Vista was Satan's OS.

If we go by this, Windows 10 stands to be good at least.
I didn't have any obvious (non-trivial) problems with Windows 8, and tbh, the one that sticks in my head the most is the way that the title bar text colour cannot be changed.
Bought the mahjong game.

Word of warning: It's very beginner unfriendly.

If I didn't already know how to play, I probably would have closed it after 5 minutes. There isn't a tutorial of any sort, at all. Not even a list of hands like almost any other mahjong games I have played.

A lot of text aren't translated. If you play, learn to read "ron" "tsumo" "ri-chi" "pon" "chi" etc. Or else you're going to be lost bout what your opponents are doing.

The buttons and tiles themselves have romaji. How understandable they are, I'm not sure. I can read the actual tiles anyways.

If you're actually interested in playing, and not for the nearly non-existent boobies, Android has a much better mahjong game for cheaper. It was even free a couple of times on Amazon.

If you're interested in ecchi mahjong, there's tons of them out there. The couple I've played have a better base game than this one.

And if you're just interested in watching ecchi mahjong, there's always Saki (anime/manga).

Five dolla saki saki.


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Pretty much reads like a what not to do on a Kickstarter list.
"Sixty thousand dollars seems like a lot of money, but it disappears quickly if you try to pay four/five people decently over nine months."

I don't know what kind of work schedule they had going but a salary of $60k divided between four people for nine months comes out to $20k a year per person. I suppose that's "overpayment" if you have no money to give them but it hardly seems like an overly charitable salary. I'm assuming this was their full time job though.

Luckily, I never Kickstart anything ever.

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There's a certain dev handing out copies of a certain game on Gamefaqs. I politely directed him this way and told him if he gave some here that some of us would be willing to possibly do some reviews and input on it. So if he comes around and slaps us all in the face with keys you know who to thank.

No not me the developer. Dumbass.

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From what I gathered from the demo was it relies on its own built in CPU, GPU and HPU (Holographic Processor Unit).

It will be running Windows 10 (which will be a free upgrade to all windows 7 and 8 users for 1 year after release) so it will integrate somehow into the whole Windows 10 device universe they appear to be trying to create.

While it all sounds promising, even coming from one of the worst public speakers I've listened to, we can only see where it goes.

I'm sure we all remember Milo...


And speaking of public speakers .. did anyone watch the conference? Was that guy introducing the Hololens going through puberty? His voice kept changing octaves ... :p
Yea it has those 3 processing units in it, just coming from an embedded dev background (working with various A/V uC's) I find it hard to believe they would really want the majority of the actual application processing to be handled by its onboard cpu besides whats just needed for the glasses to function. Their 'hpu' probably handles the video and tracking and such, but a cpu that fits in a set of glasses and doesnt burn your face off wont be that powerful even if it is a custom job. I would hope its just there to handle communication with other devices, networking and such, and all the massive amounts of data transfer that have to be going on.

So that has me hopeful it will have integration with your pc/phone/tablet/xbox to offload everything else its doing. Stuff they have shown like integration with pc modeling apps and showing live tv also gives me hope its not too isolated of a system. Guess we'll find out more in the april timeframe since thats when they said they wanted to have some official build labels ready.

"Sixty thousand dollars seems like a lot of money, but it disappears quickly if you try to pay four/five people decently over nine months."

I don't know what kind of work schedule they had going but a salary of $60k divided between four people for nine months comes out to $20k a year per person. I suppose that's "overpayment" if you have no money to give them but it hardly seems like an overly charitable salary. I'm assuming this was their full time job though.

Luckily, I never Kickstart anything ever.

That entirely depends on how much "work" was done. They can say they worked on it for 9 months but who can say they were working on it everyday of that time or even how many hours each day of work went on for. I have that game and it never looked like the kind of project that would take much effort. I like visual novels but there isn't much to them other than draw some pictures, write some words and then throw them together in a blender.

I'm probably being too much of a jackass at this point but even at a leisurely pace in nine months they could have easily put together enough art assets and written enough plot to slap together something that could have been sold. Even if it meant a shorter game experience or having to part it out further and end on another cliffhanger the money made on whatever they released would allow them more time to complete the work as a whole. Sure making it into a 3 or 4 part series would piss some people off but stopping the story midway would probably make people hate you way more. I speak from experience here. There are several games that I would have accepted even a slap dash sequel to instead of a dead cliffhanger.

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I have yet to Kickstart anything because I never trust anybody to deliver on what they promise but I must admit that Exploding Kittens card game tempted me.  

There's a certain dev handing out copies of a certain game on Gamefaqs. I politely directed him this way and told him if he gave some here that some of us would be willing to possibly do some reviews and input on it and that it. So if he comes around and slaps us all in the face with keys you know who to thank.
Squirreltopia, right?

I got a working key from the first batch the developer dropped in that thread. It's not bad and I think there's a good number of users here who might enjoy it as well.

Squirreltopia, right?

I got a working key from the first batch the developer dropped in that thread. It's not bad and I think there's a good number of users here who might enjoy it as well.
Thanks for actually name dropping the game. Grabbed a key from the last post he made, it looks pretty fun.

Microsoft kills all the garbage from 8, brings out a new, lightweight browser and gives it all away free? Who are those people and what did they do with the old Micro$oft? :) There was no way I was ever going to touch 8 with a ten foot pole, so I'm glad their next offering has a chance at being a winner.
The Finnish invaded.

But nah, it's probably (depending how far you go back) Ballmer resigning and/or a bit of a shakeup.

i think that pic got lost with Tony's old thread. I was about to dig it up for ya.. but I tend to get emotional when I read old Tony's thread :cry:
Is this the pic you are searching for?


Edit: I kept it on my HDD since I saw it. It was Idiotekque who made it, if I recall correctly.

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Man, I'm tired. So is there anything to do in this game after you get with all the girls including the 3 hidden ones?  Or is that it?  I say this after having not slept lastnight because the completionist in me wanted to get it done.  I knew I should have waited and backlogged this one.

Also, is there a difference in the pics you earn between a male and female playthrough?  Anyone know?

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Man, I'm tired. So is there anything to do in this game after you get with all the girls including the 3 hidden ones? Or is that it? I say this after having not slept lastnight because the completionist in me wanted to get it done. I knew I should have waited and backlogged this one.

Also, is there a difference in the pics you earn between a male and female playthrough? Anyone know?
I'm not sure. I would think that the loads all over their faces wouldn't be present if you played as a girl. Try it and let us know
The Finnish invaded.

But nah, it's probably (depending how far you go back) Ballmer resigning and/or a bit of a shakeup.
I think Ballmer didn't get fired but the equivalent of leave now and go peacefully or you will be gone in 2 years. Whoever this new CEO is, he is doing radical changes to Microsoft which is good. It's nice to feel like yes, I can upgrade my OS now to use Direct X12 without feeling like I am hating myself for doing so.

That entirely depends on how much "work" was done. They can say they worked on it for 9 months but who can say they were working on it everyday of that time or even how many hours each day of work went on for. I have that game and it never looked like the kind of project that would take much effort.
I'll take your word on quality of the product and, like I said, I have no idea what they actually DID for nine months. I'm just saying in general terms that if you're paying full time employees $15k-$20k a year (depending on four or five employees), then the issue is less "I was too generous in my salary" and more "I vastly underestimated my start-up costs".

I'm just assuming they're full time if they were being paid a salary.

"Sixty thousand dollars seems like a lot of money, but it disappears quickly if you try to pay four/five people decently over nine months."

I don't know what kind of work schedule they had going but a salary of $60k divided between four people for nine months comes out to $20k a year per person. I suppose that's "overpayment" if you have no money to give them but it hardly seems like an overly charitable salary. I'm assuming this was their full time job though.

Luckily, I never Kickstart anything ever.
Well if you gave someone 20K before they did any work and were basically just like 'Hi I'm random dude on the internet and I draw Anime and stuff' which it sounds like he did then yeah it is overpaying by quite a bit. Also I doubt anyone is quitting their day job over a Kickstarter unless they're a one man operation or working for Tim Schafer, who he needs lots and lots and of employees because he's a serious game studio!

I'll take your word on quality of the product and, like I said, I have no idea what they actually DID for nine months. I'm just saying in general terms that if you're paying full time employees $15k-$20k a year (depending on four or five employees), then the issue is less "I was too generous in my salary" and more "I vastly underestimated my start-up costs".

I'm just assuming they're full time if they were being paid a salary.
He basically says in the TL;DRy ass blog posts that he just paid people and didn't have any organization or plan at all and just told them to go do stuff. Or something.

Then 11th hour he tried to crack the whip but everyone was LOLWTF and just sort of half assed everything and they were all boohoo this is a job now and an obligation and I'm SOOO burned out and it sucked so he canned it.

I really doubt there was some huge HR screening process either. Some of the 'employees' could have been 15 for all we, or he, knew.

Oh producer Zrinka. We know you always loved RPGs on the PC but are not completely satisfied with the ones that are available today, which the Croatian dudes in the office totally didn't tell you to say, how could you let us down so?

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Guild Wars 2 is good fun and extremely well presented. For $9.99 and no subs that's great value.
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Well if you gave someone 20K before they did any work and were basically just like 'Hi I'm random dude on the internet and I draw Anime and stuff' which it sounds like he did then yeah it is overpaying by quite a bit.
True enough. I was just amused by him trying to make that part sound like "I was too generous!" when the real answer seems to be "I had no idea what I was doing".

Is this the pic you are searching for?


Edit: I kept it on my HDD since I saw it. It was Idiotekque who made it, if I recall correctly.
And here I was hoping to never see this nightmare of a picture again in my life. Looks like I'm going back to therapy.

I didn't know this was a thing!
Yeah, it's a "spin-off" in the Beyond Earth universe. Which is worrying because it implies that they might stop focusing on Beyond Earth already when there's still a number of bugs to fix, because it didn't sell well enough or they got their money for the Civ V reskin and ran or whatever. I know that sounds cynical but compare the amount of DLC Civ V had gotten by this point post-release with the amount Civ: BE has gotten (6 vs. just 1).

According to Gamersgate, Disney is bringing more LEGO/Other games as Steamworks.

You can check it here:

LEGO® Indiana Jones™ 2: The Adventure Continues is one of the few missing yet.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 is on Steam though (at least in America). The only more recent LEGO games that weren't immediately on Steam are LEGO Pirates, LEGO City Undercover and LEGO Rock Band, and LEGO Pirates just got put on there by Disney last year (as well as a bunch of other Disney PC games).

Would be cool if they brought LEGO City Undercover or some older LEGO games though.

Yeah, it's a "spin-off" in the Beyond Earth universe. Which is worrying because it implies that they might stop focusing on Beyond Earth already when there's still a number of bugs to fix, because it didn't sell well enough or they got their money for the Civ V reskin
Let's be honest, they stopped "focusing" on BE before it even launched. That game launched like crap and has only gotten moderately better. I wouldn't recommend it to any of you in it's current state. As for the ship thing.. I think they could be interesting but I don't need yet another half-arsed clone. Just give me my MOOOOOOOO. :)

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I don't think it's worth it.. especially with them making you pay for the back stories just to catch up

When that story was written it was 200 gems per event
For $10 it's easily worth it for the stuff in the base game. If you're that hung up about missing past living story, you also would have missed all of season 1 by now and have to look that up anyway. So it's not a big deal to look up what's happened in season 2 stuff as well then instead of buying it.

bread's done