Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I played 107 hours of DA2 over the holidays. I'm in the early stages of what will likely be a 200+ hour DA:I playthrough. I thought I may have been done with it, but I've already decided my next gameplay will be returning to Skyrim thanks to recently discovering PerMa. I'm also gonna nuke my current install and re-mod it with all the nude mods I can find the graphics mods I previously couldn't run with my old GPU.
thanks for posting this, good way to breathe new life into the game after having beaten it three times. i'll have to install this in preparation for whenever i play it next. Dragon Age series might actually be next for me, I've played Origins a few times, but never DA2. Might run through both of them for whenever i get DAI

Which one is the good one? :)
Well I can't very well talk about the one that's not out yet.

Speaking of which, you might as well save yourself the trouble of doing it later and just add Corona to your removal list.

Why waste time waiting until indie and beloved classic games get released on Steam and activated, bought or gifted to your account before you remove them? Be proactive!

So I bought Elder Scrolls online from the Nazi's over at order is still processing with an estimated arrival time of 5-15 minutes and I purchased it over 24 hours ago.

They even had some shitty phone verification after I ordered it that I completed, got an email that said I was verified...

Maybe they run on nazi time, or they are warming up some sausage
But, but, Europe is so advanced! I mean Germany respects its pedophile's privacy. That's so progressive.

And Flowette says he's rubber and you're glue so NYAHHH!!

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Well, it's probably going to happen...


I... intend to play through the game, while taking screenshots, and trying to figure out what the hell was going through the developer's mind when he came up with the idea for the game and the uh... writing. I'm not even remotely close to being the target audience for this game, and I'm not someone who'd hate it just for its content either, so this might be one of the very few unbiased review things I ever do.

And no, I'm not going to play through the game in uncensored mode. I think. There's other people in the house, I don't want them to pass by the computer and see ... this.

Well, it's probably going to happen...


I... intend to play through the game, while taking screenshots, and trying to figure out what the hell was going through the developer's mind when he came up with the idea for the game and the uh... writing. I'm not even remotely close to being the target audience for this game, and I'm not someone who'd hate it just for its content either, so this might be one of the very few unbiased review things I ever do.

And no, I'm not going to play through the game in uncensored mode. I think. There's other people in the house, I don't want them to pass by the computer and see ... this.
if they were all wearing dog costumes with just their red rockets showing would that be ok?

You could also, you know, maybe act the least bit grateful since someone spent $8 of their money to give you a game you said you wanted.

I don't know, maybe this whole Foxhack plays thing is your backhanded way of trying to be grateful but a thank you, and maybe not going on about the fact that you didn't want it because it's yours now, might be nice.

You could also, you know, maybe act the least bit grateful since someone spent $8 of their money to give you a game you said you wanted.

I don't know, maybe this whole Foxhack plays thing is your backhanded way of trying to be grateful but a thank you, and maybe not going on about the fact that you didn't want it because it's yours now, might be nice.
Deviants are ungrateful, this is a known fact.

Aww yeah, this got Greenlit today

Also Social Justice Warriors.

If I stream that and HuniePop maybe I can get everyone to hate me at the same time.

Hey, it's not his fault, I mean, it's not like he could have simply not activated the key and let someone else use it. He must have been forced to add it. He definitely didn't want the game though. He totally didn't want it.

Aww yeah, this got Greenlit today

Also Social Justice Warriors.

If I stream that and HuniePop maybe I can get everyone to hate me at the same time.
I played huniepop for close to 10 hours and nobody requested to watch....probably too ashamed or they thought i was idling like usual

You could also, you know, maybe act the least bit grateful since someone spent $8 of their money to give you a game you said you wanted.

I don't know, maybe this whole Foxhack plays thing is your backhanded way of trying to be grateful but a thank you, and maybe not going on about the fact that you didn't want it because it's yours now, might be nice.
I AM grateful. I did say thank you. Well, I said "Thanks. Really.", but I really did mean it.

And no, this is not a "backhanded way of trying to be grateful." If I'm going to play this, then I better try to entertain others while I'm at it. Also: The image is a jab at myself. Self-deprecating humor, y'see.

If you don't want me to do this... well I'm still doing it anyhow. Will this suck? Maybe. But I'm still going to try it out, even if you don't like it.

Whoa, careful. Words like that mean you obviously have a SJW agenda against the game and all its virtues.
I'm wondering if I'll be labeled as one if I end up criticizing it.

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I AM grateful. I did say thank you. Well, I said "Thanks. Really.", but I really did mean it.

And no, this is not a "backhanded way of trying to be grateful." If I'm going to play this, then I better try to entertain others while I'm at it. Also: The image is a jab at myself. Self-deprecating humor, y'see.

If you don't want me to do this... well I'm still doing it anyhow. Will this suck? Maybe. But I'm still going to try it out, even if you don't like it.
Um hello I own it and actually don't think it's that bad really for what it is.

And I don't really give a hot fuck if you stream or not. I'm not going to be watching. But I seriously don't get how you have room to be up on a high horse about how deviant that game is when you're a god damned furry, but whatever floats your weirdo boat.

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Go ahead - keep imitating me, mocking me, repeating MysterD catch-phrases, etc etc...and soon enough, you'll be just like me.

And that - that I certainly really don't wish that upon anyone else in this world.
Don't be silly.

He'll turn into a toaster oven.

Um hello I own it and actually don't think it's that bad really for what it is.

And I don't really give a hot fuck if you stream or not. I'm not going to be watching. But I seriously don't get how you have room to be up on a high horse about how deviant that game is when you're a god damned furry, but whatever floats your weirdo boat.

You're taking this way too seriously.

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You're taking this way too seriously.
Yes my whore feelings are very, very hurt. Don't make me cut your nasty ass fur.

*Edit to add: Whore is too terrible to type but animal sex is a-okay? Got it.

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I'm sure the game that says you can impress a latina be giving her maracas really cares about using the proper feminine form of the Spanish word for crazy when coming out of the mouth of some dumbass mallrat white chick.

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In non furry / ;) news, there's currently a 48 hour game time trial now for Sims 4 at Origin.

IIRC from the past ones, you could grab the trial and the 48 hours doesn't actually start until you play the game even if the game time deal has expired. You have to grab it while the deal is running but you can then play it whenever. So basically, it's like a free weekend you can start whenever you want. 

I just finished this SR: Gat out of Hell game, after about 10 hours of goofing around in the game-world.

I really wish there was rating b/t Recommend and Don't Recommend on Steam. I'm more Neutral on this.

It's certainly not worth $20 since there is hardly any main quests here; no customization; and no real licensed music here...

...but it's certainly worth $5 (plus 30 cents tax here) for the hilarious humor (which I wish there was more of); flying is awesome (especially when you actually level-up your character); & the nice new sandbox of Hell to explore.

I wish it had more than mostly just Activities (side-quests) + MMO type of stuff, more or less.

I'm amused by how much conversation Huniepop has created.  Not just here but elsewhere across the Steam-related internet.  It's an amusing game if you just embrace it for what it is but it's probably not worth as many keystrokes as it has generated.

Except for "Whore feelings" jokes.  Those should go on forever.

I dunno, I keep finding some pretty cool games through my queues.

My wishlist is pretty happy, but my wallet keeps crying for some strange reason. 

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So this Latino furry (no, not that one) is whining that his game isn't getting Greenlit even though he promised a very generous 200 keys for thousands of votes.

Rebooting Greenlight soon, dont know when.


This is an anouncement im not happy with, however i think its necessary. Greenlight behaviour is weird and sometimes frustrating, the reason is the lack of transparency on this process, the game reached top 90 about dec with no giveaway strategies, however, by personal reasons i do not want to explain i accepted a giveaway strategy. i promised less than 200 copies total in a variety of groups where most of them was on a thankful way for helping me to promote the game. 

i have seen now about 200+ games get greenlit since we were on top 100, (congrats to everyone who got greenlight during that timelapse!) but seems like rules suddently changed and i think that staff at valve thinks that most of our votes come from that way, it is not the case, and if you are wondering, giving copies to get exposure (at least for me) is not something that "feels good" as a developer. Even with the new rules, some games were greenlight with giveaways but again, i think somehow this project is banned or blocked making me think of an immminent reboot on this greenlight page. 

i did wrote to valve to ask for any kind of feedback and have not got any reply email, i dont know if i will do this right now, or in some minutes or within a week, but while i think in what to do i want to thank everyone for your kind comments! this has motivated me a lot to go on. 

thank you again! and thanks for voting. comenting and following the project.


Feline Arts 

command you request really thank you very much = 3

[Thatha] Sewaz 

It seems perfect, I will be attentive to the page then! regards

Feline Arts 

thank you very much, anyway as I mention, I really think that this project is already banned, so I do not know if the votes they get them useful or not, maybe wait for this weekend to restart the page and there if agradeceria your help! = 3

Digital_CHE leaders DRMFREE revolution.

[Thatha] Sewaz  

Ohh I see, well I hope everything goes well with Valve, anyway I'll see if I publish your project on a site of speaking that I manage, if I ask for votes to support a Latino developer surely dare, I see to be Valve break any rule or anything similar.

Feline Arts  

what is GOG?


Release it on GOG and problem solved.

Feline Arts 

D = I have many votes, and that is the problem for steam not think are legitimate, precisely because such practices.

[Thatha] Sewaz 

You're from Argentina, right? Well, I speak in Spanish anyway: you happen to have an estimate of how many votes would need to be approved? I have an idea and would love to help you (free of course), but I'm not sure if it's enough. Add me and talk if you're interested;)

bread's done