Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Google felt they need to put the Codex's interview with Brent Knowles formerly with Bioware on my Google Now page. Thanks Obama Google.

Brent Knowles Interview: An Insider's Look at BioWare, 2000-2009

Christ, biased much? All these leading questions. I feel like I was watching a Fox News interview.

Don't you think there's this console vs PC separattion at Bioware.

Not intentionally.

But there was a separation.

Well it just happened and it's not a big deal.

Don't you think EA made Dragon Age Origins suck because they hated it?

No, they didn't have much to do with it at all.

But really, didn't EA ruin Dragon Age Origins?


Doesn't Bioware suck now because all they care about is romance and romance sucks?

It wasn't planned. That aspect just sort of got popular and was expanded on.

But really don't you think all the romance stuff sucks and isn't like real RPGs?


Isn't it great that Kickstarter exists now and we old curmudgeons who think Today Sucks can throw lots of money at people who sort of had a name 15 or 20 years ago so they can make long drawn out tedious ass combat games for us to trudge through again? You should make a Kickstarter because you're like a name and stuff and people will give you money.


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In non furry / ;) news, there's currently a 48 hour game time trial now for Sims 4 at Origin.

IIRC from the past ones, you could grab the trial and the 48 hours doesn't actually start until you play the game even if the game time deal has expired. You have to grab it while the deal is running but you can then play it whenever. So basically, it's like a free weekend you can start whenever you want.
I feel like this would be more appealing if everybody and their dog weren't saying The Sims 3 was better and if I didn't already own The Sims 3 and several expansions.
I also liked the caption underneath the DAO picture "Dragon Age: Origins - next-gen mediocrity, or last of a dying breed? Probably a little bit of both.​"implying that 1) It wasn't a good game and that 2) These games are dead, despite the old school RPG renaissance (Pillars of Eternity, Torment, Baldurs Gate/Icewind Enhanced, etc) that's being experienced right now. Gotta love the Codex.

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In non furry / ;) news, there's currently a 48 hour game time trial now for Sims 4 at Origin.

IIRC from the past ones, you could grab the trial and the 48 hours doesn't actually start until you play the game even if the game time deal has expired. You have to grab it while the deal is running but you can then play it whenever. So basically, it's like a free weekend you can start whenever you want.
Sweet. I'm going to have to give Sims 4 a look and see how it turned out for myself some time.

so, anyone interested in those 960's? the 970/980 are a tad out of my price range so this seems more appealing to me. hopefully this will be a significant upgrade to my pos 650 and let me do some real gaming now!

so, anyone interested in those 960's? the 970/980 are a tad out of my price range so this seems more appealing to me. hopefully this will be a significant upgrade to my pos 650 and let me do some real gaming now!
Ignore the lowballers. I'll pay for shipping + $1 if you send me one

Well, after the Funstock Drama, I don't know if you guys will like this, but in case someone is interested -

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst - 79% off - $5.03 (Steam) 

Switch to dollars on the top, and apply this discount code #FUNISHOT to get the price above.

Edit. I was hoping for Bobby to post this but he just ....doesn't reply me...sad times.

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Google felt they need to put the Codex's interview with Brent Knowles formerly with Bioware on my Google Now page. Thanks Obama Google.

Brent Knowles Interview: An Insider's Look at BioWare, 2000-2009

Christ, biased much? All these leading questions. I feel like I was watching a Fox News interview.

Don't you think there's this console vs PC separattion at Bioware.

Not intentionally.

But there was a separation.

Well it just happened and it's not a big deal.

Don't you think EA made Dragon Age Origins suck because they hated it?

No, they didn't have much to do with it at all.

But really, didn't EA ruin Dragon Age Origins?


Doesn't Bioware suck now because all they care about is romance and romance sucks?

It wasn't planned. That aspect just sort of got popular and was expanded on.

But really don't you think all the romance stuff sucks and isn't like real RPGs?


Isn't it great that Kickstarter exists now and we old curmudgeons who think Today Sucks can throw lots of money at people who sort of had a name 15 or 20 years ago so they can make long drawn out tedious ass combat games for us to trudge through again? You should make a Kickstarter because you're like a name and stuff and people will give you money.

I wouldn't have even pasted that kodex link, it only gives them hits. The kodex is now filled with and run by euro hipsters. It's not even a vague shadow of itself (Fallout 3 was the death of the kodex). It's a circle jerk where people make edgy comments for the "look at me guys!" effect. There's a 5000+ post thread on how much Mass Effect sucks. Seriously, 5000+ posts about how they hate Mass Effect. It's like a bunch of gay homophobes in a support group trying to convince everyone they aren't gay by saying stupid shit.

There's a very simple kodex formula to whether or not the hive mind will like a game:

IF game X = popular

THEN game X = shit

ELSE game X = fantastic, underrated gem that normal people can't appreciate

I wouldn't have even pasted that kodex link, it only gives them hits. The kodex is now filled with and run by euro hipsters. It's not even a vague shadow of itself (Fallout 3 was the death of the kodex). It's a circle jerk where people make edgy comments for the "look at me guys!" effect. There's a 5000+ post thread on how much Mass Effect sucks. Seriously, 5000+ posts about how they hate Mass Effect. It's like a bunch of gay homophobes in a support group trying to convince everyone they aren't gay by saying stupid shit.

There's a very simple kodex formula to whether or not the hive mind will like a game:

IF game X = popular

THEN game X = shit

ELSE game X = fantastic, underrated gem that normal people can't appreciate
The fact that Divinity: Origin Sin, a game that they all basically bukkake over, actually sold very well on Steam in spite of the fact that it's a niche game that had very little promotion must make their heads explode.

Then again, they probably despise Steam and ignore it while hugging their retail boxes.

Nevermind the fact that the game and developer that they support and want to see more from in the future wouldn't be possible without Steam because nobody buys PC games in a box outside of their little Germanavian knitting circle.

And no, the GOG sales alone would not have been enough to continue to support development of games of that sort of budget. Even CD Projekt knows that which is why they sell their own games elsewhere.

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I don't think I'd know wtf kodex is if it weren't for Bruticis/Mooby. I'm too afraid to go there, I'm afraid they might hurt my whore feelings.

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WTF... all I read about was failed steamlights.  

Fox for going to play a game you can beat in a single night but complaining about it and then saying he's going to play the censored version so it doesn't hurt anyones feelings.  Listen, just mute your computer.  There's a handful of pics that pop up that you X out of.... and voila.  No stupid questions from people around the house. 

Sims 4 having a demo. 

Is that little really going on right now?  This is gunna be a long weekend.

Nevermind the fact that the game and developer that they support and want to see more from in the future wouldn't be possible without Steam because nobody buys PC games in a box outside of their little Germanavian knitting circle.
I buy PC games in boxes still.  I'm not from Germanavian?

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so, anyone interested in those 960's? the 970/980 are a tad out of my price range so this seems more appealing to me. hopefully this will be a significant upgrade to my pos 650 and let me do some real gaming now!
Absolutely not interested. After the way the 970s blew everything apart at launch, yesterday's 960s felt like a big letdown. Perhaps we expectes too much.

I'm told there's a 960 Ti and 965 on the way (I think?) which might bridge the gap better. But at this price point, and R9 280 or 280x is just better value.

Ooh get me.

so, anyone interested in those 960's? the 970/980 are a tad out of my price range so this seems more appealing to me. hopefully this will be a significant upgrade to my pos 650 and let me do some real gaming now!
I'm interested, mostly because I have a hard time spending significantly more than $200 on any one computer component. Frankly, most of the cards currently priced much higher than that are way overpowered for my uses. Not going to be in the market for a 4K display until they get drastically cheaper, and i'm never going to be powering multiple displays either.

I'm interested, mostly because I have a hard time spending significantly more than $200 on any one computer component. Frankly, most of the cards currently priced much higher than that are way overpowered for my uses. Not going to be in the market for a 4K display until they get drastically cheaper, and i'm never going to be powering multiple displays either.
Well here is the thing about going cheap on a video card. sure you can stay at that $200 range but then you will be upgrading more often than if you were to blow $400 or more. To me it always works out about the same.

But what do I know I've been rocking a 6970 and 965 BE for years and still dont have much trouble running everything out there. I wish neweggJeff would bring us some good deals so I can upgrade this year.

Well here is the thing about going cheap on a video card. sure you can stay at that $200 range but then you will be upgrading more often than if you were to blow $400 or more. To me it always works out about the same.

But what do I know I've been rocking a 6970 and 965 BE for years and still dont have much trouble running everything out there. I wish neweggJeff would bring us some good deals so I can upgrade this year.
Stop trying to make me spend more money, jerk. I'm not an enthusiast, i'm a cheapass.

My last video card purchase was an openbox 460 for $120 around 3 years ago...and I would still be happily using it if I took better care of my computers.

Can somebody give me a quick bit of advice on steam gems vs steam credit.

If you can sell a card for $.10 or sell it for 20 gems, which is the better option?

Is there a gems to credit working limit thingy somewhere?

I have 1,000 gems and I'm still not sure what to do with the bloody things.... 

Can somebody give me a quick bit of advice on steam gems vs steam credit.

If you can sell a card for $.10 or sell it for 20 gems, which is the better option?

Is there a gems to credit working limit thingy somewhere?

I have 1,000 gems and I'm still not sure what to do with the bloody things....
Cards aren't worth converting into gems. Backgrounds/emotes used to be, but not sure if they are anymore

Selling cards is how I bought the Hunie game. And then THOSE cards are selling for like .40 each right now.. so I sold those and made some money back.
Since I've made a fair amount of money off of the game, I'll let you guys in on my Hunie secret.

You can make Huniepop boosters for 750 gems, and sacks of gems cost $0.50-$0.55. The booster consistently sells for $1.

Every 3 sacks of gems you buy, you'll have 750 gems left over to make another booster. Keep doing this and Huniepop will eventually be free. It does take time though, as Steam limits you to making 1 booster per game per day.

And you guys thought we were crazy for fakeybroing it..

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Since I've made a fair amount of money off of the game, I'll let you guys in on my Hunie secret.

You can make Huniepop boosters for 750 gems, and sacks of gems cost $0.50-$0.55. The booster consistently sells for $1.

Every 3 sacks of gems you buy, you'll have 750 gems left over to make another booster. Keep doing this and Huniepop will eventually be free. It does take time though, as Steam limits you to making 1 booster per game per day.
Market crash imminent.

People have been doing it since the game's been released, I think the demand is high enough so that the market hasn't crashed
I mean the market will crash now that you've let out the secret and everyone and their mothers (and lostnumber's dad's cousin's half-sister's dog's uncle's boss's neice) is going to try to get in on it.

I mean the market will crash now that you've let out the secret and everyone and their mothers (and lostnumber's dad's cousin's half-sister's dog's uncle's boss's neice) is going to try to get in on it.
Maybe that was my plan all along, everyone will own Huniepop ;)

People have been doing it since the game's been released, I think the demand is high enough so that the market hasn't crashed
Someone on my friends list already crafted his hp booster for the day and asked me to craft another one if he sent me a sack o gems so I was nice and lazy and didn't do it myself so I did it for him.
Someone on my friends list already crafted his hp booster for the day and asked me to craft another one if he sent me a sack o gems so I was nice and lazy and didn't do it myself so I did it for him.
I asked Foxhack to do that for me the last 2 days.. lmao. I guess I'm not the only CAG doing it.

Well I can't very well talk about the one that's not out yet.

Speaking of which, you might as well save yourself the trouble of doing it later and just add Corona to your removal list.

Why waste time waiting until indie and beloved classic games get released on Steam and activated, bought or gifted to your account before you remove them? Be proactive!
I told you, I'm only activating quality games from now on. Out with Baldurs Gate and in with I Am Bread :D

Can somebody give me a quick bit of advice on steam gems vs steam credit.

If you can sell a card for $.10 or sell it for 20 gems, which is the better option?

Is there a gems to credit working limit thingy somewhere?

I have 1,000 gems and I'm still not sure what to do with the bloody things....
Last I checked, a sack of gems was selling for about $.50. 5 * $.10 cards could get you 1000 gems on the market. Converting 5 * $.10 cards only gets you 100 gems.

Use the gems to craft booster packs for more cards. Otherwise, bag the 1000 gems and sell them for $.50 on the market.

I still haven't decided if I want Hunie Pop in my library.
I'm sure you have worse games in your library. I "finished" it with about 7-8 hours of actual playtime (and equal time idling; Steam says I have ~15hrs in it) which is 7-8 hours more enjoyment than I got out of most of the games I played earlier this month.

"Finish" being in quotes since there's no actual fanfare ending, you just run out of photos to collect and new girls to score with.

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bread's done