Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Yea, I'm confused. 14 hours is a pretty good amount of time for a couple of days...
I know that if a big-huge open-world game is "too much more of the same", not sure after a while I'll stick w/ it.

Might just break it up here + there and play in chunks, maybe 10 hours here + there - i.e. like I did w/ Skyrim, FC3, FC4, TDU2, etc.

Some games can just get repetitive after a while.

Not sure if FO4 would wind-up being "too much FO3 or FO:NV" for me - since I played the living hell out of those.

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Yea, I'm confused. 14 hours is a pretty good amount of time for a couple of days...
I think by saying he's played 14 hours he was trying to give a basis for his opinion on telling you to wait.

I agree with him though. It's good, but it's not something that's OH MY GAWD I GOTTA PLAY THIS NOW. Wait for a better price.

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Unless you were craving another bethesda open world game...wait. I'm really enjoying the game and am pretty thoroughly addicted, but bethesda open world games are games that I've always really enjoyed. This game doesn't really do anything all that new or innovative, it's a lot like Skyrim in that it dumbs down the leveling system, but puts more polish on the gameplay and presentation. Gunplay is actually decent now as opposed to being the horrid abomination that made the game unplayable outside of VATS in FO3/NV. The big addition to the game, the crafting component, is pretty decently well done and I can see somebody who really enjoys that type of thing getting sucked in. It's good, and might be my favorite game I've played this year, but unless you absolutely love these games it's not going to blow you's FO3 with a fresh coat of paint. 

yea it sounds like its crafting/building system is great. Friend of mine has put in probably 40-50hrs and Id say 2/3 of that was just in building bases

Did you stop cold at 14 hours?

Or are you still going at it + playing?
Still playing...while I install TR and play BO3 on the side

Yea, I'm confused. 14 hours is a pretty good amount of time for a couple of days...
Never played a FO game before but I'm enjoying myself...I have done like 4 main quests...I get sidetracked too easily.

Def worth it if you want something engrossing to play and are bored with other options.

You could wait for a sale though if you have played FO3 and NV; from what I've heard from buddies, it's the same ole...just a reskin with small tweaks here and there. Could always wait for bug fixes and mods too.

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Never played a FO game before but I'm enjoying myself...I have done like 4 main quests...I get sidetracked too easily.
That happens in all the Bethesda sandbox games. You're pretty much supposed to get sidetracked. The main quests are almost obligatory at this point rather than something you're meant to stay focused on.

Never played a FO game before but I'm enjoying myself...I have done like 4 main quests...I get sidetracked too easily.
That's typical of all Bethesda RPG's. Usually, many of the world-exploring elements + side quests are often much better than the game's main-story.

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The main stuff I'd say is wait for sales and don't just check Steam for sales but other stores, though make sure you are getting the game as a Steam key if you buy it elsewhere (most stores will tell you this on the page). is a great resource. It compiles sale prices and history from multiple stores for pretty much any game. It also lets you import you Steam wishlist and will let send you notifications when a game on your list goes on sale if you so choose (Steam does this as well but only for their store; ITAD can do it for all stores).

To go along with that, I highly recommend the Enhanced Steam web browser plugin created by fellow CAG Neogaffer :p Jshackles.

It will grab price history from isthereanydeal to tell you what the current lowest price and historical lowest price of a game is as well as if it has been in any bundles.

If you're interested in Indie Games you can also check out the CAG Steam etc Buy/Sell/Trade Thread (aka The Cess Pool). It's mostly people selling off extra keys from Indie Bundles but if you're completely new to Steam you probably don't have any of those games and may be able to get them really cheap there.

This place is a good place to hang out and chat but if you're in a hurry and want a really quick at a glance for mostly PC game deals (with a tiny smattering of some console deals thrown in; sort of the reverse of CAG) then is a good place to just quickly browse.

Sorry guys the people at the place annoy me too but just keepin it real that if you just want to check quickly for deals it's an easier format and you don't have to go into the comments and read their inane nonsense anyway.
Shockingly large an amazing reference, thank you.

FO4 is FO3 with better shooting mechanics/gun customization but worse everything else.  The writing/quests/factions are obviously worse than Obsidian developed New Vegas.  Also has Minecraft stuff if you're into that...

As a Fallout game... even a nu-Fallout game it's fairly disappointing.  As a generic open-world shooter it's not bad.  Better than Dying Light, imo.

And, yes, as Motoki says the whole point is to wander around exploring/doing stuff.  The main quest/story is laughably bad.

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Admittedly though writing was never Bethesda's strong suit even way back in the Arena and Daggerfall days. They're good at world creation and getting you immersed on the macro level feeling like you're plopped into an existing world instead of on the rails, but not so much on the micro level with dialogue and characterization. You know what you're getting into though so it's not really a surprise.

New Vegas was an anomaly because of Obsidian. I don't think anybody should be expecting that again until and unless they loan one of their properties and engine (well they're fork of it anyhow) out to someone else again.

Even with Bethesda's questionable writing I still think FO4 is worse than FO3.  A lot cheesier and the Brotherhood of Steel is particularly derpy in this one.  But... no one plays this stuff for the story.

Admittedly though writing was never Bethesda's strong suit even way back in the Arena and Daggerfall days period.

They're good at world creation and getting you immersed on the macro level feeling like you're plopped into an existing world instead of on the rails, but not so much on the micro level with dialogue and characterization. You know what you're getting into though so it's not really a surprise.

New Vegas was an anomaly because of Obsidian. I don't think anybody should be expecting that again until and unless they loan one of their properties and engine (well they're fork of it anyhow) out to someone else again.
Agreed at Obsidian. At some point, I'd love to see them do another Fallout. Hell, I'd even love to see them even be contracted to so some FO4 DLC's, if Bethesda would let them.

When it comes to story-telling, narrative, and character development - I'd say BioWare, Obsidian & CD Projekt Red are some of the better companies with that stuff for RPG's.

New Vegas was fantastic, IMHO. It took everything I loved about FO3 (the evolution of the FO3 franchise + gameplay for the modern era); much improved narrative + character development; brought back the older Fallout games' humor (that felt lacking in FO3); and gave players often more options/choices in decision-making often based on your stats, skills, and Perks more so than Fallout 3 ever dared.

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Leftovers from the earlier giveaway, have at 'em lurkers!

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All this talk makes me glad I've waited on FO4 and am instead playing Witcher 3.  Which is fantastic, BTW.

Also reminds me that at some point I actually need to play FO:NV past the first little town....

What I will say about FO4 is that whoever placed the skeletons around the world did an awesome job. In one building I came across two different skeletons in the same bathroom, one was keeled over with its head in the toilet and a bottle of booze by its side and the other was sitting on the toilet reading a paper. 

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So did your [insert matriarchal figure here] last night.


All this FO4 talk has me tempted to pick it up at the winter sale since I loved the other Fallout games. I promised myself I'd wait until at least the summer sale next year to try it but I haven't really bought anything worthwhile lately.

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FO4 is FO3 with better shooting mechanics/gun customization but worse everything else. The writing/quests/factions are obviously worse than Obsidian developed New Vegas. Also has Minecraft stuff if you're into that...

As a Fallout game... even a nu-Fallout game it's fairly disappointing. As a generic open-world shooter it's not bad. Better than Dying Light, imo.

And, yes, as Motoki says the whole point is to wander around exploring/doing stuff. The main quest/story is laughably bad.
While I can't help but feel that one cannot simply take a Mooby review at face value, this nevertheless makes me feel like I can/should wait for FO4 to drop to about $5. I loved New Vegas, couldn't get into 3 because of game- and PC-breaking bugs, so I can't imagine I'd get a lot out of this installment. Disappointing as the major game media sites are hyping this as the best possible Fallout game.

While I can't help but feel that one cannot simply take a Mooby review at face value, this nevertheless makes me feel like I can/should wait for FO4 to drop to about $5. I loved New Vegas, couldn't get into 3 because of game- and PC-breaking bugs, so I can't imagine I'd get a lot out of this installment. Disappointing as the major game media sites are hyping this as the best possible Fallout game.
You'll really like FO4 depending on what it is you liked about New Vegas. Gameplay is extremely similar, but the game is overall evolved from a presentation and quality of gameplay stand if you liked the atmosphere and running around exploring that's still there. But as Mooby said, New Vegas was an Obsidian game and this is Bethesda...if you're going into this looking for good writing and a faction system like NV had you're going to be disappointed. FO4 is basically Skyrim with guns, like how FO3 was Oblivion with guns.

bread's done