Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Tonight the bros played Freestyle2: Street Basketball.  It's a basketball MMO and really good for something F2P (or in general really).  Weiler, Bobby, YCAG, and I showed up and played a few hours of 2 vs 2 with some pretty awesome moments.  I won a game with a 3 pointer as time expired.  Another game went to 4 overtimes.  Then we did some competitive 3 vs 3 and won once, lost once, and absolutely got our asses handed to us once.  YCAG was a gracious host because it was the equivalent of him playing with little kids with how much more experienced he is.  

If you like basketball, the game plays pretty well.  Think the NBA street series and it supports controllers.  Will likely keep it installed and try to keep leveling up my character.  

Thursday is Morans Night for the Bros with Lethal League.  Come get your official Morans Club Card.  

You still should. It executes everything EXTREMELY well up to that last chapter. I think that last chapter is meant to be the supar hardcore ultra roguelike manly mans chapter where shit gets real but it just bypasses hard (The first three chapters are pretty easy up to tricky.) and goes straight over the cliff into tedious, like the one in twenty BoI runs where you don't get an OP build and spend thirty minutes fighting bosses in each room because that game is stupid, only in Galak-Z you die fast rather than the death of 1000 cuts in BoI on a weak run.

Far be it for me to interrupt a good round of shit posting but was there even one game released this year that does not qualify as hollow and shallow? I thought not.
The only 2 I can think of? Bloodborne (yea, shallow story, but great gameplay) and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

SWBF is a let down. How can you go from BF4 to BF, seems like regression. Like someone else posted on another site. It feels like a lobotomized battlefield

[font=comic sans ms']Oooh, more Cards!!![/font]
[font=comic sans ms']I wonder how much those cards can be sold for on the Steam Card Market.[/font]


One can be Hollow quite a bit in Dark Souls.
Though, Dark Souls ain't Shallow, though.
Can't make puns until you beat the game ;)
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Dead Money could have been some awesome heist/caper thing instead of the beepbeepbeepbeep mess that it was. Wasted opportunity.

Played a mess of Fallout 4 today. It is, in fact, more Fallout (3/NV Style). I'm enjoying it in a standard Fallout sort of way I guess although it seems odd that they couldn't have done "more" in the years since New Vegas. Parts of it are shallower or easier though I suppose I don't actually miss equipment degradation.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but does FO4 still have the mode introduced in NV where your character gets hungry/tired/thirsty and you have to keep on top of that? It would be a bit disappointing if they took that away. I have to say I'm a little bummed they took out equipment degradation myself.

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Wait... I thought I already had a Moran Club Card from groupees. 

Now I'm hearing about a Moran Club that involves Humble's pathetic poopees clone.

Sorry if this has been asked before, but does FO4 still have the mode introduced in NV where your character gets hungry/tired/thirsty and you have to keep on top of that? It would be a bit disappointing if they took that away. I have to say I'm a little bummed they took out equipment degradation myself.
No more Ammo Crafting, Equipment Degradation, or Hunger,thirst,tiredness

I just started playing grandma games and the kitty in Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride is the best thing in a game ever.

I don't know what's more embarrassing, admitting to playing grandma games, or admitting to playing games.

I just started playing grandma games and the kitty in Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride is the best thing in a game ever.

I don't know what's more embarrassing, admitting to playing grandma games, or admitting to playing games.

they need butthole pictures

every time you omit it and pretend to send them balloon knot pictures they are just deleting your email.
Update: My email last night got a response!

"Dear Customer,

We are really sorry for the late answer. That is a fine, healthy looking butthole. Please do not hurt our children or womenfolk. Here are the new Steam Activation numbers for the Darksiders 2 Derpfinitive Edition."

Thanks all for you help and fantastic advice.

I have to say I'm a little bummed they took out equipment degradation myself.
If you'd told me before I played that they removed degradation, I would have harrumphed at "watered down console games" or something. In practice, not having to carry six hunting rifles with me to keep one in good repair isn't actually a terrible thing.

If you'd told me before I played that they removed degradation, I would have harrumphed at "watered down console games" or something. In practice, not having to carry six hunting rifles with me to keep one in good repair isn't actually a terrible thing.

I'm in the middle of watching the Nero Wolfe series again!

Sucks it didn't go on longer.
Yeah, but what can you do? That was the same time that Family Guy and Firefly were both taken off the air and reality TV took off. Dubya's "War on Good Television" hurt us all in the end.

If you'd told me before I played that they removed degradation, I would have harrumphed at "watered down console games" or something. In practice, not having to carry six hunting rifles with me to keep one in good repair isn't actually a terrible thing.
Fractured my tibia last week and decided to start playing Dead Island because I enjoyed the pain so much. Weapon degradation is an okay concept, but sucks in games where the enemies are constantly respawning. I have one orange-rarity baseball bat that's great, yet I keep all the other junk in case it's about to break from killing like 10 zombies.

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Green Man Gaming, following a spat with popular subreddit Game Deals, has made a change and will now tell buyers where game keys come from.

Game Deals outlawed Green Man Gaming for using allegedly unauthorised key codes for Activision and Ubisoft games - that is, keys not supplied directly by the publisher. That doesn't mean they're necessarily dodgy, as there are many third-parties that distribute keys they've been sent by publishers, but there is a grey area and some key codes do have suspect origins.

The Game Deals subreddit stipulates, in its rules, that it will not post links to any retailers that use unauthorised keys, and as Green Man Gaming refused to supply the kind of contractual proof the moderators of Game Deals were demanding - and in a statement (posted in full on GameSpot) threw its arms up in the air and walked away from what it felt was an unfair crusade against it - that was that. It wouldn't plead its case any longer.

That happened a couple of days ago. The change to Green Man Gaming operations was announced today, in a Facebook post titled "You spoke, we listened." The GMG website will also now tell you when you can expect delivery of a key, and both changes roll out today but will take time to implement across the entire catalogue.
Fallout 4


Rainbow Six Siege


Call of Duty - Black Ops III


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No more Ammo Crafting, Equipment Degradation, or Hunger,thirst,tiredness
Hmmm, I'll probably still play FO4 but you just saved me money since now I'm going to wait for a really good sale price. I was thinking about buying it at the winter sale for whatever small discount it got but now I'm not as excited to play it.

If you'd told me before I played that they removed degradation, I would have harrumphed at "watered down console games" or something. In practice, not having to carry six hunting rifles with me to keep one in good repair isn't actually a terrible thing.
Well that's what you get for using a crappy hunting rifle instead of the plasma gun. :razz:


More like them getting yanked from IsThereAnyDeal caused them to listen.

And I'm still not clear what "authorised distributor" means exactly. Is this Vladimir in Vladivostok who runs a Russian GameStop and is authorised to sell the games there but opens the boxes and scans the keys to send to GMG?

To my knowledge most publishers don't sell to 3rd parties to sell to someone else to sell and the only sensible reason for not buying from the publisher is to skirt regional restrictions and go around the publisher in doing so.

Saying you have an authorised source who is not the publisher is a bit disingenuous because while that source may indeed be authorised, in all likelihood they were authorised only to sell to Russia or whatever their region is and in some cases only to sell at retail in a box.

TL;DR they're still part time shady.

Edited to add: I'm not telling anyone not to buy from them but let's be clear about what they're doing and cut through the shenanigans double talk.
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SWBF is a let down. How can you go from BF4 to BF, seems like regression. Like someone else posted on another site. It feels like a lobotomized battlefield
It just depends on your expectations. If you dont go into it thinking its star wars battlefield then your not disappointed. My whole group that regularly played bf4 for the past 2 years all got battlefront and are loving it so far. Due to the maps its much more close combat in general than bf4 was, but the majority of the maps have so much better layout and intricacies than bf4 did. The flight mechanics are also much more fun.

The other modes IMHO are also better. We basically only played conquest the entire time as no one ever PTFO'd in the other modes and they just got annoying in BF4. The modes like droids, cargo, etc are just better than bf4's extraneous modes

Gee thanks, authorized distributor sounds totally legit.
It's basically 'Hey Sergei told me these keys are totally legit. 2legit2quit'

It means nothing. But the Redditards will probably go 'Well that changes everything' and let them slide just like they did for Funstock when they handed them a similar line of baloney about having an "authorised source".
Fractured my tibia last week and decided to start playing Dead Island because I enjoyed the pain so much. Weapon degradation is an okay concept, but sucks in games where the enemies are constantly respawning. I have one orange-rarity baseball bat that's great, yet I keep all the other junk in case it's about to break from killing like 10 zombies.
Dead Island was annoying because a steel crowbar would break after hitting six zombies with it. I don't know what quality of steel (or zombies) they have on Dead Island but...

Saying you have an authorised source who is not the publisher is a bit disingenuous because while that source may indeed be authorised, in all likelihood they were authorised only to sell to Russia or whatever their region is and in some cases only to sell at retail in a box.
Gee thanks, authorized distributor sounds totally legit.
"We're totally legit - we swear!"


Dead Island was annoying because a steel crowbar would break after hitting six zombies with it. I don't know what quality of steel (or zombies) they have on Dead Island but...
I don't know if Dead Island is a good example of weapon degradation. I felt it was done alright in Fallout NV though.


Tonight the bros played Freestyle2: Street Basketball. It's a basketball MMO and really good for something F2P (or in general really). Weiler, Bobby, YCAG, and I showed up and played a few hours of 2 vs 2 with some pretty awesome moments. I won a game with a 3 pointer as time expired. Another game went to 4 overtimes. Then we did some competitive 3 vs 3 and won once, lost once, and absolutely got our asses handed to us once. YCAG was a gracious host because it was the equivalent of him playing with little kids with how much more experienced he is.

If you like basketball, the game plays pretty well. Think the NBA street series and it supports controllers. Will likely keep it installed and try to keep leveling up my character.

Thursday is Morans Night for the Bros with Lethal League. Come get your official Morans Club Card.
we need to bro this up again and get a 3 vs 3 going. We had fun with this and played until after 10 pst, so fox might be cranky today being on the east coast. I played a big man, and in typical SHAQFU fashion, couldnt make shots from 2 ft.

My Moran ticket is punched for tomorrow.

I find weapons/items degradation generally obsolete these days and altogether annoying, made more so when they spam you with gold/repair kits/etc to repair said items.. just extra clicks/work for little gain which distracts from the core gameplay... the same way old d&d rpgs or more recently diablo and its clones/spawns etc. is annoying with its identify/ID scrolls.. it doesn't serve a purpose when you can load up with tons of ID scrolls anyway...

.. unless the gameplay is all about item conservation in the first place (survival games).. in which case, it should really go all out and make the items expire period. no repairs etc or make it extremely limited so that you're forced to go out to gather more materials..

Fractured my tibia last week and decided to start playing Dead Island because I enjoyed the pain so much. Weapon degradation is an okay concept, but sucks in games where the enemies are constantly respawning. I have one orange-rarity baseball bat that's great, yet I keep all the other junk in case it's about to break from killing like 10 zombies.
wha? honestly, there were repair benches everywhere. on the odd time you were strung out it wasnt like you didnt have 3 or 4 quality modded weapons on you at all times

Update: My email last night got a response!

"Dear Customer,

We are really sorry for the late answer. That is a fine, healthy looking butthole. Please do not hurt our children or womenfolk. Here are the new Steam Activation numbers for the Darksiders 2 Derpfinitive Edition."

Thanks all for you help and fantastic advice.
Three emails here and all I got to show for it is...nothing.
we need to bro this up again and get a 3 vs 3 going.  We had fun with this and played until after 10 pst,  so fox might be cranky today being on the east coast.  I played a big man, and in typical SHAQFU fashion, couldnt make shots from 2 ft.

My Moran ticket is punched for tomorrow.
once u get lvl 32+ on ur power forward or center, there is a skill u can learn/acquired that lets u consistently hit ur mid range 2 point jump shot. like i said this game is more fun / entertaining when u are higher level.
we need to bro this up again and get a 3 vs 3 going. We had fun with this and played until after 10 pst, so fox might be cranky today being on the east coast. I played a big man, and in typical SHAQFU fashion, couldnt make shots from 2 ft.

My Moran ticket is punched for tomorrow.

once u get lvl 32+ on ur power forward or center, there is a skill u can learn/acquired that lets u consistently hit ur mid range 2 point jump shot. like i said this game is more fun / entertaining when u are higher level.
Yeah, if I wasn't absolutely swamped with work (I probably should have bailed earlier tbh) I could have played a few more hours. I do like the game and plan to try to level up my Ballita.

Actually there's companies specialised to this eg. Exertis and Nexway.
Okay so the publisher sells to them and then they sell to someone else who would in turn sells to the end user and this somehow doesn't increase the price but lowers it?

Sorry but the math isn't adding up unless there's some regional price skirting going on which obviously the publishers don't intend to happen.

If the publishers are giving these middlemen some kind of bulk discount then why not just give that to the stores?

This all sounds like them wanting to have their cake and eat it to by doing the same regional price dodging G2A and the like do while being labeled "legitimate".
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Yeah, if I wasn't absolutely swamped with work (I probably should have bailed earlier tbh) I could have played a few more hours.  I do like the game and plan to try to level up my Ballita. 
just one last thing i have to add, save those blue points , because u will need to to unlock skills/abilities, because it cost 2000-14000 points to unlock/learn skills in this game, it is very costly. you should try to login daily for the daily login reward that ends on nov.24, which consists of points and free items. but u gotta login on consecutive days. U don't even need to play. just login into the game. and it will show up in ur gift box. claim any items in ur gift box. because they auto delete items over 90 days unclaimed in ur gift box.
Wait what? How is my name associated with this? I play grandma games not weeaboo deviant pigeon sex games that I need a plushie to do god knows what to.
You're right. I should apologize. You have 1.3 hrs playing it. Same as me, which means not played at all.

I'm sorry Motoki. :) I should have known better since it isn't a Big Fish game.

bread's done