Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Windows 8.1 upgradable to 10. It was a good deal.
Oh, this actually had windows?

I thought it just had SteamOS.

In that case, not bad for someone who doesn't want to build a system or mess with rebates and wants to play older games.

I've seen some component combo deals from TigerDirect that would blow this out of the water for around the same price, but it had rebates and required building a PC.

Oh, this actually had windows?

I thought it just had SteamOS.

In that case, not bad for someone who doesn't want to build a system or mess with rebates and wants to play older games.

I've seen some component combo deals from TigerDirect that would blow this out of the water for around the same price, but it had rebates and required building a PC.
It is like a console. Small size. The HD is somewhat slow, and it could use a RAM upgrade, but for $190, it wasa great deal.
The only good piece of tech in it is the integrated 750 graphics card with 2GB GDDR5 VRAMz. Mobo looked like an outdated micro ATX. I wouldn't have paid $190 on it; most televisions and BR players are multimedia players, and it's mediocre for a gaming PC even at that price.

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If I'd been around I would have bought it because it was a "deal".

Then I would have regretted paying $200 for a shitty computer that's mainly suitable for playing indie games from 2013.

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The only good piece of tech in it is the integrated 750 graphics card with 2GB GDDR5 VRAMz. Mobo looked like an outdated micro ATX. I wouldn't have paid $190 on it; most televisions and BR players are multimedia players, and it's mediocre for a gaming PC even at that price.
It plays games better than the current gen, came with a wireless 360 controller and wireless adapter, had a haswell i3 in it, upgradable, smaller than a wii, can be used as an HTPC, emulator box, steam streaming link, plus full steam/origin/gog etc.

For $190, you're not gonna find anything better new with the performance equivalent of a 750ti. It would be a good dorm room or starter PC.

Not saying it's the greatest thing ever and of course your build probably beats it, but...For the money it's really good.
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plus1zero you have to remember that people in this thread have refrigerators with better specs than the Alienware Alpha

But I'll grant you that it's good for console peasants getting into PC gaming since it's a base model hybrid. I wasn't interested because it's got the same specs as the laptop I bought in 2010.

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I like Fallout 4 so far. The removing of skill points is a very good example of streamlining. Skill points were a pointlessly fiddly holdover from when people thought "ALL RPGS HAVE TO HAVE STAT NUMBERS AND DICE." That shit is not necessary. It's never been necessary, but it's especially less necessary with a real time shooter combat system.. People don't know what to do with stats any more because NOBODY has any idea of how RPG mechanics work these days except for maybe Fatlus and even then that's the same schizo company that gives us EO and P4. (Spoilers: You can trace the modern RPG back to the P&P variant and back to some of the very first wargames... Well, you all can't. I can't either. There's probably only a couple hundred people gaming today that have the knowledge of the mechanical history to know why RPGs are so fucked up with stat crap that nobody knows how to use.)

Perks slow your growth a lot, but now you just get one concrete, measurable advantage each level up and more health. That's it. All the rest of your growth is in trash collecting for gun crafting and getting perks to get better gun/armor crafting. You can say that's a simplification, and it's true. But you can't give me a good reason why that's not a cleaner system of more impactful choices in the context of this style of shooter/RPG hybrid. Level ups actually are tough decisions now rather than "Eh, six points in speech, five in small guns, three in steal."

The writing is absolutely full of Bethesda-esque schlock where they don't give a crap about world-building and just throw cool crap at you. It's less ridiculous so far than Fallout 3 and, to be fair, Bethesda's earnest desire to entertain is enough to merit a smile when they aren't completely inept.

No New Vegas writing, but the open world and better perk/combat makes it an easier play.

That said I never finished FO3 or NV. But I think once I saw all the ways the Benny situation could play out I got the best part of NV.

Runs like shit on my machine which can make Mad Max and MGS The Grindan Pain sing though. Eat shit Bethesda learn to code.

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It's quite likely that the Alpha is the best computer you can buy for $200.  But that's like saying you're in the best house you can buy for $15k. You're  still in a real shitty house.

Should run Batman: Arkham Knight at 4K with 60FPS at Max settings.
awesome i will buy 6 then i should be able to play arkham knight at 4 k a 360 fps at max settings

I like Fallout 4 so far. The removing of skill points is a very good example of streamlining. Skill points were a pointlessly fiddly holdover from when people thought "ALL RPGS HAVE TO HAVE STAT NUMBERS AND DICE." That shit is not necessary. It's never been necessary, but it's especially less necessary with a real time shooter combat system.. People don't know what to do with stats any more because NOBODY has any idea of how RPG mechanics work these days except for maybe Fatlus and even then that's the same schizo company that gives us EO and P4.

Perks slow your growth a lot, but now you just get one concrete, measurable advantage each level up and more health. That's it. All the rest of your growth is in trash collecting for gun crafting and getting perks to get better gun/armor crafting.

The writing is absolutely full of Bethesda-esque schlock where they don't give a crap about world-building and just throw cool crap at you. It's less ridiculous so far than Fallout 3 and, to be fair, Bethesda's earnest desire to entertain is enough to merit a smile when they aren't completely inept.

No New Vegas writing, but the open world and better perk/combat makes it an easier play.

That said I never finished FO3 or NV. But I think once I saw all the ways the Benny situation could play out I got the best part of NV.

Runs like shit on my machine which can make Mad Max and MGS The Grindan Pain sing though. Eat shit Bethesda learn to code.
i will say what i like about the perk system is that it makes it easier to take longer before your character is way over powered. im 34 hours in and still die relatively regularly (i think the combat in FO4 is much more dangerous overall than in new vegas or fo3). game actually runs great for me, fortunately. i've had only a handful of bugs (only one bad enough where i had to reload the game) and havent had the game crash yet.

plus1zero you have to remember that people in this thread have refrigerators with better specs than the Alienware Alpha

But I'll grant you that it's good for console peasants getting into PC gaming since it's a base model hybrid. I wasn't interested because it's got the same specs as the laptop I bought in 2010.
Very true!

Also, be honest, how many of you use steal or speech checks and don't reload on failure? In all Bethesda or all classic Fallout games? I don't believe for a second any of you played a FO2 pickpocket without reloading failed steals except maybe on a joke run after beating the game once or twice.

I can understand not reloading EVERY speech check. Some are fine to just let lie but for the important ones, of course you're gonna reload those. Don't lie.

Also people claim FO3 was dumb for having you be able to say "B-b-but your a machine you can't be president." and have Malcolm McDowell kill himself. First, not only was that dumb but anyone who made that choice was doubly dumb. Enclave Radio was amazing. Second, in fricken Fallout 1 you can tell the final boss "Oh your evil plan doesn't work right." "What? Really? Welp better kill myself then."

This will always be funny now and forever. I want to start over now to use this.

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Also, be honest, how many of you use steal or speech checks and don't reload on failure? In all Bethesda or all classic Fallout games? I don't believe for a second any of you played a FO2 pickpocket without reloading failed steals except maybe on a joke run after beating the game once or twice.

I can understand not reloading EVERY speech check. Some are fine to just let lie but for the important ones, of course you're gonna reload those. Don't lie.

Also people claim FO3 was dumb for having you be able to say "B-b-but your a machine you can't be president." and have Malcolm McDowell kill himself. First, not only was that dumb but anyone who made that choice was doubly dumb. Enclave Radio was amazing. Second, in fricken Fallout 1 you can tell the final boss "Oh your evil plan doesn't work right." "What? Really? Welp better kill myself then."
I always fail speech and steal checks and let it go because i always roleplay as a character who fancies himself a charismatic highly successful thief but is in reality the worst thief in the world world and socially awkward and i feel bethesda has robbed me of that

o yeah, i almost forgot to add this, but regarding tomorrow's bro event of freestyle 2 street basketball. the game runs schedule maintenance every wednesday. Sometimes they start the maintenace on 12am or 2pm Eastern time. you might want to show up a little early just in case. also because the game requires updating every time u launch the game client.

for those who are familiar with nba 2k basketball games, and prefer to use xbox controller, the game supports it also. other wise it will be default keyboard control of arrow keys (up , down, left, right) to move. instead of wsad
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No New Vegas writing, but the open world and better perk/combat makes it an easier play.

That said I never finished FO3 or NV. But I think once I saw all the ways the Benny situation could play out I got the best part of NV.

Runs like shit on my machine which can make Mad Max and MGS The Grindan Pain sing though. Eat shit Bethesda learn to code.
About FO:NV...

If you haven't - you really should check-out Hoover Dam finale section (of the FO:NV base game); Old World Blues DLC; and do the Lonesome Road DLC (even as linear as it is) b/c the final boss battle + conclusion is pretty good.

Don't ever expect Bethesda to be in Obsidian's realm, writing-wise. It's a no-contest there, as Obsidian's fantastic w/ writing, narrative, story-telling, and character development.

Also, be honest, how many of you use steal or speech checks and don't reload on failure? In all Bethesda or all classic Fallout games? I don't believe for a second any of you played a FO2 pickpocket without reloading failed steals except maybe on a joke run after beating the game once or twice.

I can understand not reloading EVERY speech check. Some are fine to just let lie but for the important ones, of course you're gonna reload those. Don't lie.

Also people claim FO3 was dumb for having you be able to say "B-b-but your a machine you can't be president." and have Malcolm McDowell kill himself. First, not only was that dumb but anyone who made that choice was doubly dumb. Enclave Radio was amazing. Second, in fricken Fallout 1 you can tell the final boss "Oh your evil plan doesn't work right." "What? Really? Welp better kill myself then."
Never underestimate their ability to go brain dead at times. After all, these are the same people who wouldn't let you send the ghoul, super mutant or robot(who are freaking immune to radiation) into the chamber to stop the machine in the original Fallout 3 ending.

So do you want to play Batman Arkham Knight with everything to the Max with no micro stutters or below 90 fps than buy a 980ti (thanks Brut) my retired 970s in SLI could not do that.
Old World Blues gets more credit than it deserves in the writing department. It started off fine, but wore extremely thin pretty quick.
That was my feeling. The first five minutes or so were grand and there were flashes of brilliance throughout but I could have done without a lot of it.

Plus, from a mechanics point of view, it was a tedious slog the first time through on my firearms spec'd light armor/sniper type doing minimal firearms damage against robots, robots and more robots.

In b4

MysterD doesn't buy until It's 75% off ;) etc etc

Edited to add: Though the retail on Steam is $50 so the price we're getting it for isn't too far off.
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In b4

MysterD doesn't buy until It's 75% off ;) etc etc

Edited to add: Though the retail on Steam is $50 so the price we're getting it for isn't too far off.
It's Activision and they're incredibly tight with discounts so I think ~$19 is the best price we'll see for quite a while.

Damn I can't wait to try out this neues nahkampfsystem.
I got one of the 4 copies from Flow, no need for people to get all pissy because they missed out

Like when I got that Fallout 4 key drop from the nerd soup kitchen and Booby had a fit

God forbid someone outside of the 5 people that stalk that thread get it.

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I passed on the Transformers deal because I played one of the previous games for a night and wasn't too in love with it.  But I'll admit to being a little envious now.

You may have Transformers but I bet you don't have this canvas!












bread's done