Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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desura already said i had it....da fuq

how about dese peeces of feces:



I got one! 99 Levels to Hell. Thanks

Sharing the Desura love:





So about that CSGO Complete "glitch"

Will that UK sites key work on US Steam?

They actually gave me a code at the $5 price even though it said $22 or w/e

AC Syndicate preload is live on uPlay.


In case you accidentally bought it or something.
I'm sure Motoki will be pleased. The rest of us will wait for the Steam version to be 75%-90% off in 2 years.
Preloaded 37.5 GB in 7 minutes. It's nice to have gigabit fiber internet.

And in two years at 75% off on Steam it still won't be 99 cents and still will use Uplay anyway.
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The Mindhunters Incident dev finally added me on steam and gave me a key. I think they had issues with their site where some email addresses weren't showing up as registered (shocking). You better go bitch on the forum if you joined that greenlight group and haven't received your key yet.

EDIT: Oh, and the dev just locked Motoki's key thread, so uhh.. good luck.

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I guess that Hunger Games simulator was right when it pegged you a quitter.
Ouch! Almost as bad as getting shamed by spoder when I buy something that I could have gotten cheaper...

I guess I don't see what leverage I really have; I'm just another asshole trying to get something for free. Also, with not a single response so far, I don't see how I will warrant getting a response by getting threatening.

I'll send another email. I don't have it in me to be nasty over this, but I will muster up some kind of outrage over being ignored.

So do you want to play Batman Arkham Knight with everything to the Max with no micro stutters or below 90 fps than buy a 980ti (thanks Brut) my retired 970s in SLI could not do that.
Of course two 970's couldn't run B:AK at max!

Two 4GB 3.5GB 970's in SLI still doesn't equal 8GB 7GB total. You're still stuck with that 970's 3.5GB maximum buffer, SLI or not.

B:AK easily eats anywhere from 3.5-4GB of VRAM regularly at 1080p w/ max settings on the first set of Non-NVidia stuff alone with my 4GB 960. I don't wanna imagine what it might even eat up for VRAM with all of the NVidia settings cranked-up and at even at higher resolutions.

As gorgeous as it looks at higher settings, Batman: AK is a royal VRAM eater and is absolutely terribly optimized. They still need to and should fix this crap.


I'm sure Motoki will be pleased. The rest of us will wait for the Steam version to be 75%-90% off in 2 years.
MysterD also would be fine w/ having any recent Ubi games on UPLAY, actually.

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Ouch! Almost as bad as getting shamed by spoder when I buy something that I could have gotten cheaper...

I guess I don't see what leverage I really have; I'm just another asshole trying to get something for free. Also, with not a single response so far, I don't see how I will warrant getting a response by getting threatening.

I'll send another email. I don't have it in me to be nasty over this, but I will muster up some kind of outrage over being ignored.
Well, the threat part was a joke. Did you send it to the right email? What's your subject line look like? What did you send as proof?

Probably should go in the gala thread more, but it's already past cheap time so meh.

Played Pizza Express a bit last night and it's pretty damn fun. Can see the CSD influences, though CSD works a lot better as everything is key driven, where Pizza Express uses the mouse and especially the dragging aspect. Hated dragging as it was easy to miss and have to redrag and waste time. At least you have way more control in menu planning, ordering, etc. then you did in CSD. 

Haven't gotten too far into the story yet, know eventually you can do some editing of the restaurant besides just the menu, but so far it does seem a bit like CSD in the day-to-day operations while mixing some of the old Pizza Syndicate/Pizza Tycoon game elements when it comes to management. See how much it keeps with that as the game goes on. Oh also it has furries, so far I work for a cat and one of the rival chefs is a dog, oh and a critic came in that was a horse so...yeah. 

That was my feeling. The first five minutes or so were grand and there were flashes of brilliance throughout but I could have done without a lot of it.

Plus, from a mechanics point of view, it was a tedious slog the first time through on my firearms spec'd light armor/sniper type doing minimal firearms damage against robots, robots and more robots.
Loved OWB, though that opening really could have been broken up or something (took forever), but that was one thing I didn't like was having to focus on energy weapons for much of the leveling once I got there. Never used them, so never needed it (was also a sniper), so bit annoyed about that.

OWB was great, imo, for story more so then the rest, at least it wasn't Dead Money in gameplay though. So far, haven't played Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts is my favorite for the gameplay side.

This just sprung up on me but we're giving away copies of Vermintide tomorrow and will be playing with Fatshark's CEO.

When? - 18 November @ 12PM Pacific Time

Where? -

Also, here's a fantastic banner that the stream team made with Paint skills:


We're also giving away a bunch of copies of Parallels tonight at 8pm PST.

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That was my feeling. The first five minutes or so were grand and there were flashes of brilliance throughout but I could have done without a lot of it.

Plus, from a mechanics point of view, it was a tedious slog the first time through on my firearms spec'd light armor/sniper type doing minimal firearms damage against robots, robots and more robots.
I actually did the start of Old World Blues and it was entertaining, I will admit.

Obsidian is good at writing, I won't disagree, but they have a sort of... "writing for writers rather than the audience" air about them. Technically quite good but they are doing more trick writing than satisfying writing, it feels like to me. That said, my experience with them is KotOR2, Alpha Protocol, and New Vegas. (Maybe some others if they've done something recently but anything older than that I was too young when I played to critique properly.)

KotOR2 was a tedious disappointment of a story. Yeah, you can send me all those 400 page analyses of how Kreia is even deeper than The Boss or some bullshit but it was fundamentally a story about a fantasy religion called the Force written by people who hate fantasy and hate religion. This may forever be a personal disagreement between them and me but to me there is NO WAY to say that story takes the Jedi and the Sith as seriously as they are supposed to be in that universe. (To be fair, KotOR1 was some loose shit too. Jolee? Grey? What in blazes did he do that wasn't 100% good except for hiding out and being an eccentric goof with strong heroic tendencies rather than a proper ascetic warrior monk with strong heroic tendencies. But KotOR1 focused on the emotional beats of the swashbuckling space princess story of classic Star Wars while.... KotOR2 gently mocked you for expecting swashbuckling space princess action in a game with Star Wars on the title. I just now realized how insulting that is.)

Alpha Protocol somehow made spy intrigue boring. You can quote Heck all day. You all remember Heck. But the villain's plot? As opaque and pointless as Chaos Theory's, only they fill up so much time with this bloodless, inane chatter between the protag and the villain as if they are matching wits in a game of spy chess... but neither of them were actually good spies, just retards cosplaying as spies pretending a bus station bombing and EvilCo profiting off war is somehow the most interesting thing ever.

I didn't finish NV and while there were a lot more interesting flourishes it still felt just as cartoony as FO3 but in a different, less self-aware direction.

Now, I like Obsidian writing and everyone will agree they are technically miles ahead of Bethesda, I do not want there to be too many companies aping what Obsidian does without having more fun with it.

I may have to go back to NV and just try to zoom through it to see all the good bits. I am a little curious how it ends, to be honest.

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Probably should go in the gala thread more, but it's already past cheap time so meh.

Played Pizza Express a bit last night and it's pretty damn fun. Can see the CSD influences, though CSD works a lot better as everything is key driven, where Pizza Express uses the mouse and especially the dragging aspect. Hated dragging as it was easy to miss and have to redrag and waste time. At least you have way more control in menu planning, ordering, etc. then you did in CSD.

Haven't gotten too far into the story yet, know eventually you can do some editing of the restaurant besides just the menu, but so far it does seem a bit like CSD in the day-to-day operations while mixing some of the old Pizza Syndicate/Pizza Tycoon game elements when it comes to management. See how much it keeps with that as the game goes on. Oh also it has furries, so far I work for a cat and one of the rival chefs is a dog, oh and a critic came in that was a horse so...yeah.
I hate you. I couldn't trade for that game to save my life. Now I will have to buy the whole damned bundle even though I have everything else in it and be shamed by Spoder.
That was my feeling. The first five minutes or so were grand and there were flashes of brilliance throughout but I could have done without a lot of it.

Plus, from a mechanics point of view, it was a tedious slog the first time through on my firearms spec'd light armor/sniper type doing minimal firearms damage against robots, robots and more robots.
I was also disappointed by OWB but part of me wonders if this was because I had read/heard so many great things about it before hand. I did think it was the best of the FONV dlc. I also thought Dead Money was underrated, a lot of people seem to hate that one.

Finally got the chance to play some Battlefront after not being able to last night. Runs slick as shit on a 970, everything ultra, never dipped below 60 FPS. Every map Ive seen so far has looked jaw droppingly good. Gameplay is super casual, but Ive not the chance to dig into most of the modes yet.


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Finally got the chance to play some Battlefront after not being able to last night. Runs slick as shit on a 970, everything ultra, never dipped below 60 FPS. Every map Ive seen so far has looked jaw droppingly good. Gameplay is super casual, but Ive not the chance to dig into most of the modes yet.

You should feel bad

Well, the threat part was a joke. Did you send it to the right email? What's your subject line look like? What did you send as proof?
OK - - I Sent the emails to [email protected]. I sent them screenshots of the Darksiders 2 licenses in my account details, screenshots of the game in my library and a copy of the receipt for the Steam purchase of the base game and the Season Pass. This was across three emails.

At your prompting, I have now threatened their children and womenfolk while they slept, said I would boycott all Nordic products and would tell all my friends to do so as well, and sent them a picture of Uranus Motoki's Anus an anus my middle finger.

The last bit is not actually true.

OK - - I Sent the emails to [email protected]. I sent them screenshots of the Darksiders 2 licenses in my account details, screenshots of the game in my library and a copy of the receipt for the Steam purchase of the base game and the Season Pass. This was across three emails.

At your prompting, I have now threatened their children and womenfolk while they slept, said I would boycott all Nordic products and would tell all my friends to do so as well, and sent them a picture of Uranus Motoki's Anus an anus my middle finger.

The last bit is not actually true.
they need butthole pictures

every time you omit it and pretend to send them balloon knot pictures they are just deleting your email.

Galak-Z is incredibly good for the first three hours. Then you cross the threshold where "THE TRUE GALAK-Z STARTS HERE" at the fourth chapter. Then every single fricken enemy has 50 health and your breezy fun speedy asteroids on meth space combat anime game suddenly becomes... well, a cover shooter in space really. Enemies take more damage than Gears of War aliens and you take less damage than a CoD MW2 and onward hero on Veteran.

Galak-Z is incredibly good for the first three hours. Then you cross the threshold where "THE TRUE GALAK-Z STARTS HERE" at the fourth chapter. Then every single fricken enemy has 50 health and your breezy fun speedy asteroids on meth space combat anime game suddenly becomes... well, a cover shooter in space really. Enemies take more damage than Gears of War aliens and you take less damage than a CoD MW2 and onward hero on Veteran.
Wanted that game for a long time.
OWB was great, imo, for story more so then the rest, at least it wasn't Dead Money in gameplay though.
Dead Money could have been some awesome heist/caper thing instead of the beepbeepbeepbeep mess that it was. Wasted opportunity.

Played a mess of Fallout 4 today. It is, in fact, more Fallout (3/NV Style). I'm enjoying it in a standard Fallout sort of way I guess although it seems odd that they couldn't have done "more" in the years since New Vegas. Parts of it are shallower or easier though I suppose I don't actually miss equipment degradation.

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Dead Money could have been some awesome heist/caper thing instead of the beepbeepbeepbeep mess that it was. Wasted opportunity.

Played a mess of Fallout 4 today. It is, in fact, more Fallout (3/NV Style). I'm enjoying it in a standard Fallout sort of way I guess although it seems odd that they couldn't have done "more" in the years since New Vegas. Parts of it are shallower or easier though I suppose I don't actually miss equipment degradation.
I miss equipment degradation, only reason I played FO3/NV. I would like to play some type of equipment degradation simulator but I haven't been able to find one so settled for FO3/NV, feel like I wasted money on FO4 now that they took taht out

Supporting a hollow and shallow game.

The game will be successful because of the name alone. -.-
Have you played it at all yet?

I dont find it hollow/shallow. There are a bunch of different game modes and the ones Ive tried so far are all fun and the maps are intricate and well designed. I love Star Wars and it delivers on the immersion ten-fold. I got it for free anyway lol. The one thing Id have liked to have is a campaign though.

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Have you played it at all yet?

I dont find it hollow/shallow. There are a bunch of different game modes and the ones Ive tried so far are all fun and the maps are intricate and well designed. I love Star Wars and it delivers on the immersion ten-fold. I got it for free anyway lol. The one thing Id have liked to have is a campaign though.
Stop supporting a hollow and shallow game. You only like it because of the name

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Wanted that game for a long time.
You still should. It executes everything EXTREMELY well up to that last chapter. I think that last chapter is meant to be the supar hardcore ultra roguelike manly mans chapter where shit gets real but it just bypasses hard (The first three chapters are pretty easy up to tricky.) and goes straight over the cliff into tedious, like the one in twenty BoI runs where you don't get an OP build and spend thirty minutes fighting bosses in each room because that game is stupid, only in Galak-Z you die fast rather than the death of 1000 cuts in BoI on a weak run.

Stop supporting a hollow and shallow game. You online like it because of the name
Far be it for me to interrupt a good round of shit posting but was there even one game released this year that does not qualify as hollow and shallow? I thought not.

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bread's done