Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The daily deal on Steam for Just Cause 3 matches the Humble Store promo, and it's a better deal for some non-US region users. It seems likely that it will be Humble Monthly'd soon. Seems more likely to be an early unlock, with the DLC missing, like Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Unless a Monthly unlock includes the Season Pass, I'll probably go for the Steam Store option instead of trying to find a trade.

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Yeah, Schreier is typically on point with his reporting

Yeah, agreed. Note that FO4 I believe was their best selling game ever despite the numerous complaints people had about it in regards to the changes made to it. Note that TESO is currently very successful despite it not being what many of TES' core fans want out of an elder scrolls game. I have no doubt that no matter what FO76 winds up being it'll make Bethesda a ton of money and a ton of people will play it unless it's an absolute clusterfuck
I thought Fallout 4 was very good from a gameplay/mechanics standpoint but mediocre at best from setting/quests/narrative. It's why I was hoping another studio got a shot with the updated engine but could write better content than Bethesda.

Oh, FO4 DLC seemed pretty terrible aside from Far Harbor.

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I thought Fallout 4 was very good from a gameplay/mechanics standpoint but mediocre at best from setting/quests/narrative. It's why I was hoping another studio got a shot with the updated engine but could write better content than Bethesda.

Oh, FO4 DLC seemed pretty terrible aside from Far Harbor.
Setting was fine, I thought, although I didn't enjoy exploring a dense city as much as i did the more spread out, dilapidated wastelands of FO3 or NV. It didn't feel like you were exploring as much as you were just shuttling in and out of the copious amounts of buildings.Also I didn't think the atmosphere was that great, I think a lot of it was due to soundtrack which I enjoyed much less than FO3/NV. Quest design from Bethesda i thought peaked in oblivion and got progressively worse until FO4, which only had a couple of quests that I would really call creative or interesting. Agreed the dlc was pretty poor...even Far Harbor I didn't enjoy as much as past large expansions from bethesda. Automatron I actually really liked the questline, but it was pretty short as the point was being able to build robots. I did enjoy FO4 quite a lot (I've played it twice, and both times it sucked me in like Bethesda's games typically do), but it was really disappointing and easily my least favorite of the "modern" games developed by Bethesda (FO3, Oblivion, Skyrim...also NV if you want to include that even though it was made by Obsidian).

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For some reason, I couldn't use automated email address changing for one of my old accounts. Had to send in a support ticket, and their responses are terrible:

Hello, my domain registrar was deactivated without notice years ago and I haven't been able to log into this associated email account since. I know the password and would like the email address changed so I can setup two-factor authentication. Thank you.
To investigate the issue, we must verify ownership of a CD Key registered to the account.

Please handwrite your Support Ticket Number directly on the quick reference card or sticker above the CD Key (the number should not be written on a separate piece of paper or inserted with an image editor) and reply with a digital photo or scan of the CD Key in .jpg format. Please ensure that you submit a full-color image and not a photocopy.

If you have any difficulty locating the CD Key on the packaging, please see the following link:

Note: Please use a pen with permanent ink and avoid marking over the CD Key code.

Example images:

Thanks for using Steam,
How would I know what the actual product code is when I created this account in 2011 and haven't been able to log in since? Pulling this archaic "physical CD key verification" bullshit in 2018 where people can buy and redeem digital Steam keys up to 50 times an hour is ridiculous. I have Humble Indie Bundle 4 on this account, which includes Shank, Super Meat Boy, Bit.Trip Runner, Jamestown, and NightSky. Obviously it's my account, there's no community profile set up for it, so how would I know what products I have unless I owned it? I even told you that I had registered Humble Indie Bundle 4 to the account. AND I know the email address and password associated with it.

Just change the email already.
Hey there,

Before we can make any security changes to the account, we will need to verify further ownership.

Please review the previous correspondence that Gon had sent to see what information you can provide us for further verification.

If you can not provide the CD Key, we will then ask for you to verify the original email address used to create this account.

Please logout of Steam, and create a new support ticket using the first email address associated with the Steam account as the ticket contact email. Also reference this ticket number in the new ticket:

I know you have stated you no longer have access to the original email address, you will need to contact the email provider or current registrar to recover it. It is still an active domain on that email so there should be a company to which can assist you with regaining access.

Please note, if you are not able to perform this action we will not be able to make changes to the account.

Thanks for using Steam,

I'm just going to leave this here, hoping this will be the catharsis I need:


I definitely mean to play it today as opposed at launch.  But don't you guys remember Chapter 2?  or the freaking load times?  And don't get me started on the "playing cards" that were fucking ignorant.


It's definitely rough around the edges .
I'll accept this for the graphics and the stilted dialog. I would even probably still be playing if it was just that. The UI for doing things inside and outside of combat, just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really is not my cup of tea.....reallly.. Tried 3 times and I can't make it through the starting castle area, before I start to twitch.....I'm out....

I bought my first "gaming" PC just for the original witcher game, and even with nostalgia goggles on I can tell you that game is pure bs, specially the rhythm based combat. Character models look hilarious though so that's +1

I definitely mean to play it today as opposed at launch. But don't you guys remember Chapter 2? or the freaking load times? And don't get me started on the "playing cards" that were fucking ignorant.
The load times were never a major issue for me (especially when they cut it even further in the Enhanced Edition). Hell, some of the loading in Witcher 3 could take a long while, especially if you died and had to reload a save. And I liked Chapter 2, the whole detective aspect and figuring out who is the enemy was interesting. Sure, the backtracking between Vizima and the swamps could get a little tedious, but it never turned me off from the game.

And the trading card thing never bothered me. It was silly, but that's about it. It's a video game, getting offended over something like that is even sillier.

The only 'bad' parts of the first witcher that I remember was having to go back and forth through the swamp over and over, and the intro in the castle was pretty slow going.

I thought chapter 2 was great. I can see how the game is dated, but I would say push through the beginning until you make it to the outskirts of vizima before you give up as it really picks up there. I don't remember what the ui was like at all though.
I definitely mean to play it today as opposed at launch. But don't you guys remember Chapter 2? or the freaking load times? And don't get me started on the "playing cards" that were fucking ignorant.
I played it like 4 years ago so I don't remember a ton about it, but I thought it was fine. And I played it prior to W2/3 so it's not like my views of those games tainted my opinion. And while the playing cards were kind of ridiculous I don't see how they can seriously alter your opinion of whether or not the game was okay

Humblie Bundlie Junie

Destiny 2 + Planet of peace emblem

Cooke Serve Delicious 2

Ken Follett's The Pillars of Earth

New Reveals

Styx: Shards of Darkness

Bear With Me (collectors edition)

Acceleration of SUGURI 2

Yooka Laylee


Hearts of Iron IV

Black Wake

Portal Knights

Heads up that Steam is having a "dungeons and dragons sale" and a few items are at historical lows (unless there's been some obscure sale I don't know about) -

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear is 5 dollars (75% off)

Planescape Torment EE is 4 dollars (80% off)

I definitely mean to play it today as opposed at launch. But don't you guys remember Chapter 2? or the freaking load times? And don't get me started on the "playing cards" that were fucking ignorant.
Witcher 1 might have had some clunky elements but it some quality RPG design in certain places; specifically the murder investigation quest where you would only be able to pick up on certain clues if you had asked people about things, bought and read certain books about various animals, etc. It's a level of depth I never saw again in the series. I don't care about the technical shortcomings of a game unless they are seriously terrible a la Arkham Knight.

Witcher 3, despite t3h gritty/adult tropes, bored me while it drifted towards copy/paste AAA 'open world' action game.

Well, when you throw out the animu trash game, the 2deep4u teddy bear adventure, the Ken Burns or whoever game, YouWorkInTheFastFoodIndustrySimulator game, the lol failing sales of Derpstany 2... then... I guess it's okay.  I sold Derpstany and Cook Serve so I have little money 'sunk' into the remaining games, all-in-all, not terrible.  But, ofc, if anyone wants to buy Ken Burns the whatever early unlock or maybe even Yokkel-Lou-Lou for some Amazon cred, hit me upZ!

Well, when you throw out the animu trash game, the 2deep4u teddy bear adventure, the Ken Burns or whoever game, YouWorkInTheFastFoodIndustrySimulator game, the lol failing sales of Derpstany 2... then... I guess it's okay. I sold Derpstany and Cook Serve so I have little money 'sunk' into the remaining games, all-in-all, not terrible. But, ofc, if anyone wants to buy Ken Burns the whatever early unlock or maybe even Yokkel-Lou-Lou for some Amazon cred, hit me upZ!
Maybe you didn't read the "maybe not your cup of tea" part

I had no interest in Destiny 2 but sold it for 8.50. I have a sub so that means a spent 2.50 for Yooka Laylee, Styx, the Ken Follett game, the food game, the bear thing, and the humble original

I will probably sell everything but Yooka Laylee/Styx. The Follett game and CSD2 are each going for like $2 or more in the cesspool. Meaning that even before selling the bear detective thing i will be getting paid to get Yooka Laylee and Styx....yeah I'll take that.

Maybe you didn't read the "maybe not your cup of tea" part

I had no interest in Destiny 2 but sold it for 8.50. I have a sub so that means a spent 2.50 for Yooka Laylee, Styx, the Ken Follett game, the food game, the bear thing, and the humble original

I will probably sell everything but Yooka Laylee/Styx. The Follett game and CSD2 are each going for like $2 or more in the cesspool. Meaning that even before selling the bear detective thing i will be getting paid to get Yooka Laylee and Styx....yeah I'll take that.
That was patented Mooby sardonic humor. The June bundle was fine.

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I hate Fallout76.

"Buh-thes-duh, take me hooooome,

to the Creation Cluuub,

where I git paid mods!

Ten whole dolla-uhz,

for uh a moood-uhhh,

of some skins

from mah Buh-thes-duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!!" 

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My own history with The Witcher series, FWIW:

Witcher 1 - Played 15 hours, became extremely bored, never went back.

Witcher 2 - Played a couple hours, became extremely bored, never went back.

Witcher 3 - Played zero hours, satisfied so far.

I was a bit bored on Witcher 1. Played a couple hours of Witcher 2 and... Don't know why I left. Currently playing Witcher 3 and totally love it. I don't usually care about the plot on games, but I'm liking it here. I'm even doing a lot of side missions because they are fun.
My thing with all the Witcher games is that for whatever reason they all take awhile to get into. Witcher 1/2 I thought were both horrible for a good while until I settled in and by the end enjoyed them, although I thought they were both overrated. Witcher 3 the first ten hours or so I thought was alright, although was convinced that I would again find it to be an overrated the end I thought it was a pretty incredible game, it was my favorite game I played last year. Thought it actually lived up to the hype. My only complaint is the combat is so-so and midway through gets very easy, but tbh this is the case with many open world rpgs, as long as the world is immersive and fun to explore that tends to be enough for me (really that's the only thing Fallout and Elder scrolls games do exceptionally well, and I love those), but the writing and story is very good, and the side quests really are done better than just about any other game I know of. 


Yeah, I'm debating buying this and Siege of Dragonspear. The only reason I wouldn't is I have a bunch of crpgs in my backlog that I mean to play, so I'm debating saving my Steam wallet incase something toward the top of my wishlist is like 20-25 dollars in the steam sale coming up and i want to splurge

Witcher 2 was a a slow start but really liked the story telling.  3 was on such a higher level.  Was done right.  But,  then again, my avatar says it all.


It's definitely rough around the edges and I can imagine somebody trying to play it now instead of back when it was released would have a hard time, but to say it's a "dumpster fire" is kinda silly.
I thought Witcher 1 was great. Yes, it was rough around the edges in certain areas and combat was certainly much different (Witcher 2 and 3's combat is much better, but still not spectacular) - but the story, the characters, the choices/decision-making, and all of that important RPG stuff was fantastic.

Heads up that Steam is having a "dungeons and dragons sale" and a few items are at historical lows (unless there's been some obscure sale I don't know about) -

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear is 5 dollars (75% off)

Planescape Torment EE is 4 dollars (80% off)
PST is fantastic. One of the best CRPG's of all time. The writing, prose, dialogue, and choices are some of the best ever in a CRPG.

For those who have PST EE - how much has PST EE improved much in performance, graphics, resolution support, and all of that stuff since the PST old original edition? Is there any new content, areas, choices, or things of that sort?

I thought Witcher 1 was great. Yes, it was rough around the edges in certain areas and combat was certainly much different (Witcher 2 and 3's combat is much better, but still not spectacular) - but the story, the characters, the choices/decision-making, and all of that important RPG stuff was fantastic.
When I say Witcher 1 was rough around the edges I'm talking about on a technical level. Like visually it was incredibly impressive back in 2007 (at least in terms of environments and textures and whatnot). But the rhythm-based combat, backtracking in Chapters 2 and 3, stiffness of the non-combat animations and sometimes awkward dialogue (the latter two mostly fixed with the EE update) can be rough for people coming to the game years later.

Witcher 1 was fantastic, it's still one of my favorite games to this day. But I first played the game back in 2007 when it was new and fell in love with it then so I'm a little bias towards it. But I can understand people coming to the game years later seeing it as rough and janky compared to later games.

The only thing I remember about the original Witcher was that was when Yahtzee coined the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race term.

bread's done