Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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{Excellent explanation of why we need more raw-power of VRAM for very high-res textures}

No one posting has demonstrated a working understanding of VRAM...

You need more VRAM for higher res textures!

Higher Resolution! (and SSAA)

Higher MSAA (2x,4x,8x)

You are all discounting the fact that high res textures require a lot of VRAM. In a scene you have the texture map of every element in VRAM (and probably many more textures)... as textures scale up from 256x256 to 512x512 to 1024x1024 (or even 2048x2048) you need FOUR TIMES MORE VRAM each step. This is independent of the resolution of your display.

IIRC the Skyrim high res texure pack is 512x512 textures.... modders have made 1024x1024 and 2048x2048 textures (the full width of your 1080p display).

In regards to that 4GB VRAM game... information looks sketchy... very very few people have 4 GB cards atm... you really need to be targeting your game to run well in 2GB of VRAM @ 1080p to be able to run on most enthusiast rigs. They will be optimizing it.

That said they might have used huge textures in targeting PS4 (8GB GDDR5 shared between "system RAM" and VRAM).

[puts on tin-foil hat]

Conspiracy b/t dev's + vid card makers to make sure PC gamers have no choice buy to upgrade their vid-cards or buy/assemble a brand-new rig.

Happens every few years or so - usually not too long around or after brand-new consoles drop. ;)

[still wearing tin-foil hat]


Up to 80% off 2K Weekend Sale over at GameFly.

*Purchase any 2K game (excluding DLC) and receive Bioshock 2 for free.
Dammit - XCOM EW Complete needs to get cheaper.

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Be aware of spam bots posting broken images in this thread. Report the post and do not quote them. Thanks to those of you that reported it.

That reminds me, I should play LOTR: War in the North sometime soon, before M-E:SoM drops in price...
I've been playing it this evening, as I had the same line of thinking.

It's... alright. There's not a lot of depth to it and you're effectively just running around hitting light strike-light strike-heavy strike a lot. It's not a bad game but I don't think it's a particularly good one either.

As I continued on from your line of thinking I went off and toasted a bagel.


I've been playing it this evening, as I had the same line of thinking.

It's... alright. There's not a lot of depth to it and you're effectively just running around hitting light strike-light strike-heavy strike a lot. It's not a bad game but I don't think it's a particularly good one either.

As I continued on from your line of thinking I went off and toasted a bagel.

Thanks for the summary on LOTR:WITN.

BTW - how was that bagel?

Do you like it better toasted or un-toasted?

Does anybody even eat untoasted bagels?  That's disgusting.

I checked and recommended VRAM for Dead Rising 3 was 2GB and that's what I have and I can run it on lower settings.

I know Bethesda games a pure shit when released so I don't expect EW to be optimized well or anything like that so I think I'll keep my PS3 pre-order open.  It's a better deal anyways compared to anything I'd find for PC.  

They're great straight of the freezer. No cream cheese or anything. You haven't lived.
It's even better if you put all of the bagel ingredients into your mouth separately. Just remember to salivate properly if you have any problems swallowing the raw flour or live yeast.

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I checked and recommended VRAM for Dead Rising 3 was 2GB and that's what I have and I can run it on lower settings.

I know Bethesda games a pure shit when released so I don't expect EW to be optimized well or anything like that so I think I'll keep my PS3 pre-order open. It's a better deal anyways compared to anything I'd find for PC.
Bethesda is not developing the game. Buying the PS3 version hardly sounds like a solution when it's not like it will outperform any halfway decent PC.

Does anybody even eat untoasted bagels? That's disgusting.

I checked and recommended VRAM for Dead Rising 3 was 2GB and that's what I have and I can run it on lower settings.
Oh, boy - I got 1 GB of GF GTX 560 Ti here; Intel i7 950; and 8 GB of RAM.

What res' you running it at?

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Does anybody even eat untoasted bagels? That's disgusting.

I checked and recommended VRAM for Dead Rising 3 was 2GB and that's what I have and I can run it on lower settings.

I know Bethesda games a pure shit when released so I don't expect EW to be optimized well or anything like that so I think I'll keep my PS3 pre-order open. It's a better deal anyways compared to anything I'd find for PC.
Dead Rising 3 uses more than 2GB of VRAM for me. Though I am playing my games at 1440p. Ran fine for the most part. Still need more performance patch and the latest nvidia driver improve it a bit.

Shadow of Hodor secured, all hail our dear leader of cheap deals Krugozor.

Holy shit, I miss crumpets. There're no crumpets to be found anywhere in Texas =/

Edit: Ordered me some damned crumpets from the Vermont Country Store
Big Lots probably sell crumpets. They stock all sorts of British cracker and cookie. Some even Flowette didn't know about turns out they bake them in his backyard.

I've been playing it this evening, as I had the same line of thinking.

It's... alright. There's not a lot of depth to it and you're effectively just running around hitting light strike-light strike-heavy strike a lot. It's not a bad game but I don't think it's a particularly good one either.
I just played LOTR: WITN for about 2 hours, all by myself. I really liked the look and feel of the combat w/ the KB/mouse, maxed-out on setting and running at 60 FPS and never budging below it. Problem is - like you said, there doesn't feel like there's just much to the combat itself. It just...doesn't feel too fun, after the initial reaction of "this is smooth and feels nice". It's lacking depth. And they don't have enough skills or any other interesting things in the game, early on to be that carrot on the stick to make you to "keep going" - while other action games and RPG's usually do.

If that isn't enough already, the game so far seems to lack and seem of interesting equipment. It just seems like what I'm picking up is just better than what I have in stats...and not much else. In Diablo series, Torchlight series, and other ARPG's - you are often caught in this dilemma of deciding b/t what loot to use b/c they are often so radically different in both their base stats + what the actual bonuses do/don't do. And of course - a lot of those items can be socketed and other stuff can be done with it. Stats often have a trade-off in loot in those game - and you have to decide which way you want to swing your character. LOTR: WITN - nope, doesn't seem to do that just yet. Who knows if it'll get better or even do so, at all.

Story and characters don't seem to be anything horrible or bad - but they don't seem like they're anything exciting, different, or even remotely half-way interesting here, either.

So far - "meh."

I just played LOTR: WITN for about 2 hours, all by myself. I really liked the look and feel of the combat w/ the KB/mouse, maxed-out on setting and running at 60 FPS and never budging below it. Problem is - like you said, there doesn't feel like there's just much to the combat itself. It just...doesn't feel too fun, after the initial reaction of "this is smooth and feels nice". It's lacking depth. And they don't have enough skills or any other interesting things in the game, early on to be that carrot on the stick to make you to "keep going" - while other action games and RPG's usually do.

If that isn't enough already, the game so far seems to lack and seem of interesting equipment. It just seems like what I'm picking up is just better than what I have in stats...and not much else. In Diablo series, Torchlight series, and other ARPG's - you are often caught in this dilemma of deciding b/t what loot to use b/c they are often so radically different in both their base stats + what the actual bonuses do/don't do. And of course - a lot of those items can be socketed and other stuff can be done with it. Stats often have a trade-off in loot in those game - and you have to decide which way you want to swing your character. LOTR: WITN - nope, doesn't seem to do that just yet. Who knows if it'll get better or even do so, at all.

Story and characters don't seem to be anything horrible or bad - but they don't seem like they're anything exciting, different, or even remotely half-way interesting here, either.

So far - "meh."
I agree with most of what you said except for it being "smooth". The game stutters for a lot of people, the only way I fixed it was to play in windowed mode. Also, co-op helps make the gameplay more bearable, but it's very dull regardless of how you play the game.

I agree with most of what you said except for it being "smooth". The game stutters for a lot of people, the only way I fixed it was to play in windowed mode. Also, co-op helps make the gameplay more bearable, but it's very dull regardless of how you play the game.
Really??!?!I ain't had any sort of stutters or anything of the sort here w/ LOTR:WitN.

The combat controls + in-game performance of the game for me is smooth.

I guess I should consider myself lucky then!

I just wish....some of this stuff was fleshed-out more to keep me wanting to "keep going" - whether it's the story, characters, combat, loot, and/or (better yet) all of the above.

Seems like this game has some of the same problems that I had w/ Rise of The Argonauts - another game where I really liked the combat, but just thought everything else surrounding it wasn't anything special, interesting, or worthwhile.

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...I just played LOTR: WITN for about 2 hours, all by myself. I really liked the look and feel of the combat w/ the KB/mouse, maxed-out on setting and running at 60 FPS and never budging below it. Problem is - like you said, there doesn't feel like there's just much to the combat itself...

...If that isn't enough already, the game so far seems to lack and seem of interesting equipment...

...Story and characters don't seem to be anything horrible or bad - but they don't seem like they're anything exciting...

...So far - "meh."
Edited your review there.

Anyhow, I have a different level of tolerance for games I buy for a few dollars. I don't disagree with what you said, but I settled on a similar summary from a slightly different perspective:

It's an adequate/average action game with a setting I enjoyed. I paid a couple of bucks for it and wasn't expecting much.

Verdict: I enjoyed it more than I expected.

Edited your review there.

Anyhow, I have a different level of tolerance for games I buy for a few dollars. I don't disagree with what you said, but I settled on a similar summary from a slightly different perspective:

It's an adequate/average action game with a setting I enjoyed. I paid a couple of bucks for it and wasn't expecting much.

Verdict: I enjoyed it more than I expected.
Well, here's the other thing...

In the very beginning, you can talk w/ characters; soak in the environment + lore; and can do a side-quest - which, I found were actually interesting and cool.

I was really liking this start...

...Then, something happened. It changed. Big time.

Problem is, once you start the first real main mission - and I'm on Chapter 1, at a boss in a Tower here - the game for a while turns into a long-winded linear level-crawl/dungeon crawl. It's one thing if these parts weren't so damn long - but, they are...they just keep going on and on here in Chapter 1, so far. Combat, loot, and/or story all here is just not deep or interesting enough, to keep me wanting to keep pressing on here.

Would've been nice to mix a little of both linear dungeon-crawl/level-crawl + typical open-area fantasy where you have even a small town-like area where you can be in there and just do some side quests + soak in the environment + game-world.


Team AI ain't so hot, either. Andriel seems to play too defensive...and constantly is taking a beating. Worst of all - she's always dying. I'm playing as The Ranger, BTW.

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I agree with most of what you said except for it being "smooth". The game stutters for a lot of people, the only way I fixed it was to play in windowed mode. Also, co-op helps make the gameplay more bearable, but it's very dull regardless of how you play the game.
More or less dull than Dungeon Siege III (in coop)?

I wanted to like Dungeon Siege III, but I stopped after 10 hours.

More or less dull than Dungeon Siege III (in coop)?

I wanted to like Dungeon Siege III, but I stopped after 10 hours.
I ain't played Co-Op for DS3 or LOTR:WITN - but, I'll speak more on playing SP-style.

At least Dungeon Siege 3 lasted me for both base-game + expansion. At least DS3's loot, combat + story each were all compelling enough to take me to the end.

I'm ready to shut LOTR:WITN off, after 3 hours here. This game's headed nowhere in pretty much...just about everything. It tries to be a Jade Of All Trades, but it's a Master of Absolutely Nothing.

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