Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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All that and you don't tell us what you won?!
I was still feeling a bit traumatized after the whole event and didn't want to open myself up to scorn and criticism for making a bad auction choice. Or maybe I just hadn't had my morning :beer: yet.

My only auction win was Arsenal of Democracy for 1000 gems.

I'm wondering whether it's one key or multiple keys.

If the latter, we may have a key giveaway ahead. I'd like to make it fun though so I think I'll demand that entrants slaughter a powerless seasonal lurker by clubbing them with a sack full of gems. That's about as topical as we can get I think.
I have 11 gems left so I would be down for a eye gouge or two. I'm calling dibs on the meek and frail due to the close contact requirements of my chosen attack method.

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Figure I'll post my auction haul too, since all the cool kids are doing it;

ZAMB! biomutant extermination - 1300

Joe Danger bundle - 2100

Drunken Robot Pornography - 3100

Moorhuhn: Tiger and Chicken - 1000

First two have been on my wishlist for a while, almost bought DRP during the fall sale but ultimately passed, and the last was an impulse buy based on what came up on my activity feed (plus it was cheap). Probably could've got some better prices but I won all of them last night and this morning. Not bad for ~$7-8 in card monies.

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I think you should look yourself... You seem to have confused yourself over the sequels or something.

I'd take you up on your offer but work + videos = unemployed.

There is absolutely no difference between Hatred and the original Postal except for the passage of time and the new tech... Hell, they're insanely similar to be honest.

Both seem to be typically designed isometric shooters of their day in age.

Both have you killing innocents.

Both have innocents begging not to die...

Defending yourself from cops...

etc. etc. etc.
It's certainly possible that they're very similar. If so, then, yes, I would support Postal 1 not being on Steam too, but I really don't think Gabe gives a crap about anything other than whether you have a semi-functioning product (and I guess that it doesn't involve explicit sexual activity).

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We are T minus two hours from The Big Event. I'm expecting something to happen to the value of Winter Sale Cards, although whether we see anything like the 100% increase from last year I'm not so sure.

Also, gem prices could spike/tank if they're in any way related to a Winter event.

Exciting times.

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We are T minus two hours from The Big Event. I'm expecting something to happen to the value of Winter Sale Cards, although whether we see anything like the 100% increase from last year I'm not so sure.

Also, gem prices could spike/tank if they're in any way related to a Winter event.

Exciting times.
Annoying times as well lol

The main thing I get annoyed by is just the stability of Steam. If they decide to give away a freebie like last year.....

I'm afraid of buying Legend of Korra for fear of Nickelodeon cancelling the gameplay halfway through and giving me a clip show.

Oh, that wasn't very subtle was it...

It's certainly possible that they're very similar. If so, then, yes, I would support Postal 1 not being on Steam too, but I really don't think Gabe gives a crap about anything other than whether you have a semi-functioning product (and I guess that it doesn't involve explicit sexual activity).
The only thing Gaben should care about is if the product in question is going to make money, which is his job. He's a business owner not the moral police or your mom and dad.

Friendly reminder, If there's free cards for voting again, I'll be running a Holiday Card swapping service for people who want to complete their badge. I won't have cards until tomorrow, though, so I'll post the link in my signature then.

It'll be free for all, but if you try to take other unrelated things you'll be blocked.

Emoticon donations are appreciated. :p

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Nobody's talking about that anymore. Everybody's talking about gem bid remorse.

Open up and share your pain!

Gems? Didn't do a thing with them...

As for the region trading going bye bye, I think the only other topic I know of, I can see why Valve did it... but at the same time the developers/publishers already had the tools to lock games from trading so I wonder if their be some developers/publishers upset at the lack of money they get from the next big steam sale...

I mean some money is better than no money... and if I wasn't trading for it at a big discount then I don't see how the sales will come close to getting me to buy at a higher price... (That said it will be nice that buyer's remorse will be allot more limited if I see something that rarely gets discounted go on sale at another site and i buy it... Only to see it discounted on steam the week after.)

I liked the auction.  It let me get rid of a bunch of junk in my inventory.  I had planned on buying a cheap game to get a badge, but I actually found something from my wishlist.  I picked up 7 Grand Steps for 2100 gems. (about $2.50 when I won it.) The rest of my gems, I used on booster packs.

Bring on the sale!

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The only thing Gaben should care about is if the product in question is going to make money, which is his job. He's a business owner not the moral police or your mom and dad.
If this were true, we'd be able to buy AO rated games from Steam and wouldn't be getting Americanized versions of Japanese fighters with the panties covered up or edited versions of Russian virtual novels. Valve has no problem making moral judgements, they (or, "he" as the case may be) just made the judgement in this case to let the game go back on Greenlight.

I wasn't going to deal with the auction, but then I saw same games I could get for cheap off of my wish list. Ended up with Appointment with FEAR, Blood 1 + 2, Kingpin, Avadon 2, and Platformines. All of them cost around 1500 gems each. So more games plus less crap in my inventory wasn't a bad trade off.
If this were true, we'd be able to buy AO rated games from Steam and wouldn't be getting Americanized versions of Japanese fighters with the panties covered up or edited versions of Russian virtual novels. Valve has no problem making moral judgements, they (or, "he" as the case may be) just made the judgement in this case to let the game go back on Greenlight.
i think it's mainly because people view nudity and porn as more offensive than gratuitous violence

You can thank the Bible Belt for that... Praise the lord and pass the ammo.
i think it's mainly because people view nudity and porn as more offensive than gratuitous violence

You can thank the Bible Belt for that... Praise the lord and pass the ammo.
I'm not so sure about that. This came up earlier in the thread when MysterD was discussing Fahrenheit vs. Indigo Prophecy. I think it's more of a mainstream American aversion to sexual content being "okay" in games because Americans still view video games as media designed for and consumed by children and adolescents.

i think it's mainly because people view nudity and porn as more offensive than gratuitous violence
No argument and I think people view video games as inherently violent due to a history of being chased by ghosts, shooting aliens, avoiding asteroids or jumping over barrels thrown at you by an ape. So I think people are overall more forgiving of it since it's just "normal".

That said, no matter the reason, Valve still makes moral judgement calls on games all the time. Rejecting a game because of nipple-bounce is still rejecting it on moral grounds even if they're okay with shredding city streets with machine gun fire.

i think it's mainly because people view nudity and porn as more offensive than gratuitous violence

You can thank the Bible Belt for that... Praise the lord and pass the ammo.
I think gamers in particular do it too because they get this righteously indigent moral outrage if someone dares to suggest anything is wrong with violence in games (even if they don't want to play it they will type to the death for their right not to play it) but then nudity is all 'Oh that's dirty/hentai tee hee'.

I mean, there's this huge stigma that you're pervy if you sneak a split second flash peek at pixelated panties but no one in the gaming community thinks anything of violence on a massive scale because that's the basis of like 90% of mainstream games out there.

Now I'm not even suggesting all violence in games is in poor taste or that all nudity in games is in good taste but rather the double standard isn't just a 'Murican one, but also a gaming community one. For one thing, it's just easy and lazy to make games out of shoot/slash/smash and takes effort to actually make games interesting in other ways and even then you risk losing the mainstream audience because it's 'different'.

I mean, there's this huge stigma that you're pervy if you sneak a split second flash peek at pixelated panties but no one in the gaming community thinks anything of violence on a massive scale because that's the basis of like 90% of mainstream games out there.
I'd rather have my wife "catch" me slicing people in half with a car door and tearing their hearts out in Darkness II than have her "catch" me engaged in creepy underwear humping in Dragon Age: Origins. Despite the fact that she and I personally engage in much more creepy humping than we do murder.

I'd rather have my wife "catch" me slicing people in half with a car door and tearing their hearts out in Darkness II than have her "catch" me engaged in creepy underwear humping in Dragon Age: Origins. Despite the fact that she and I personally engage in much more creepy humping than we do murder.
Does she make you call her "Gray Warden"?

The only thing Gaben should care about is if the product in question is going to make money, which is his job. He's a business owner not the moral police or your mom and dad.

Gaben is thy Holy Father of digital distribution. Lain down amongst his R & D brethren, and on the third day he rose Steam.

Holy Portal, father of Half Life, sell to us hoarders, now and at the hour of our death.


One card per vote? Hmm....

Ah. Well, that's both good (being harder to miss your daily card) and bad (fewer chances of a repeat if you missed it.)

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