Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

Crotch: I am happy. With what you did. Or, rather, the stage itself. Not necessarily with you.

To all those I played with tonight (Dy, Chew, blue, Ultimo, and others I'm forgetting): Very fun matches. Chew and Suko, I'd love to have stayed longer, but I've played more today in terms of total hours than ever before, so I'm a little out of it.

It's so much fun when you and the person you are playing - despite having no voice chat - are obviously thinking the same thing. With Amigo and Chew, we had 1v1 matches where it devolved into this really ridiculous crap, with most people shouting taunts, ducking, dodged, and basically acting dumb on the screen. Same with Joe when we both wailed on Mr. Resetti, despite having no good reason to do so.

You know, you could record 3 minute matches between people where they did synchronized....stuff. I wouldn't know what exactly. Taunting, dash dancing, etc. I wonder if there might be people out there making videos of such things.
[quote name='JoeB1233']GGs to Arikado and Amigo. It took me a while to warm up there, but I hope I ended up being a challenge toward the end there. [/QUOTE]

GGs. I wasn't playing so hot either. Delay was pretty noticeable, too.

Good 1v1 matches afterwards Amigo. Delay was still a pain in the ass, though.
[quote name='Mad D']Nice playing with you Arikado. Added your Capt Falcon to my list of character I could never beat 1v1.[/QUOTE]

Yeah dude, good games. Nice Lucario comeback you had that last game too... I just couldn't seal the deal with my Ganon.
I tried to make a level like that Crotch, but I don't really get it... the bags always fall off or I don't see the musak and it disappears since there are too many bags in the way.
You need Stage Parts B, which require making 5 custom stages. I just layed down a bunch of stage parts and then save and repeat, you have to do this 15 times to get the other set as well.

And I believe Stage Parts A requires playing on a custom stage for (10?) matches.
Last night's matches were a lot more fun than battling some random people in anyone mode. I was really excited when I saw that one of my friends was on - a first for me. I stayed up wayyy too late, but it was fun.

Blue, I commend you for using Olimar. I don't think I could ever attempt to master a tricky character like him, so that's cool that you mainly use him.

Strel, how long was that Kirby vs Kirby match? 10-15 min? It was classic. I'd love to pull that sort of thing on brawls with anyone, but no one would probably go along with it, unless they were someone like you. Oh and during that one match when I was King DDD and didn't do much, I was trying to eat a piece of bread, which didn't work well with no free hands. Wish I could've told ya.

Man, Suko totally showed me how it's done. I think some practice is in order. Great matches you guys.
[quote name='yukine']I tried to make a level like that Crotch, but I don't really get it... the bags always fall off or I don't see the musak and it disappears since there are too many bags in the way.[/quote]There are a variety of ways to do it, and some Youtube videos that give examples. I personally have treadmills on both sides that direct all the sandbags to the center of the level, and spam Ike's utilt. It might take a little while to get things going, but you should get about a billion sandbags bouncing up into the air before long.
Anyone want to share records for the homerun contest? I got 1841 last time I tried. I thought is was pretty good until I saw the save file they put into the game that shows Lucas getting 2000+.
Got a handful of songs just now.
Although I missed about 5 because I had a computer on, but he got on my way a couple of times. Either that or I didn't get there fast enough.
Songs disappear fast.

Is there a way to check what songs I have and which I'm missing?
Oh, and how many hours I've played.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Got a handful of songs just now.
Although I missed about 5 because I had a computer on, but he got on my way a couple of times. Either that or I didn't get there fast enough.
Songs disappear fast.

Is there a way to check what songs I have and which I'm missing?
Oh, and how many hours I've played.[/quote]

The easiest way to do it is have another human player on rather than a computer, and if you only have 1 treadmill with walls on both sides, the music should always be able to get to you before it disappears.
My school's Anime Club had a Brawl tournament. I came in third because the person doing the tournament decided the final match should be a 4 man free for all with items (instead of 2 1v1 semifinals then final match). Of course since it is a college there are two friends there in the finals and they gang up on me the whole match and I lose :bomb:. I did win the first two rounds to get me to the finals though.

Then after that we a 1v1 tournament with no items and I cleaned house, but this time it wasn't for cash.

I must say though, they made Pikachu really deadly in this game. He is easily becoming my new main character and he might even replace link.
I just got back from a Smash 64 tourney (Yeah, you read that right). It was crazy rules: 4-player, 7-minute time matches, items, random stage. I got first place in my first match, but I got last in the second match. I had so much trouble using PK Thunder with Ness compared to Melee and Brawl.
I thought one of the challenges was finish 100 multi-man brawl in under three minutes. I finished it, but it took a while. Then it turned out it was four minutes so I wasted all that time for nothing :bomb:
Going through the challenges now. I just now found out about the hammer to instantly unlock items, I fell like such a moron. How to get the hammers?

It's a lot of fun to create stages in helping you unlock some of them. I made an inclosed arena for the Coin challenges.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']The easiest way to do it is have another human player on rather than a computer, and if you only have 1 treadmill with walls on both sides, the music should always be able to get to you before it disappears.[/quote]I don't even need walls. Just have a straight line of treadmills that funnels all the sandbags into the middle. If need-be, put a treadmill or two going right (if a sticker spawns on top of a treadmill going right, it will fall off - if it's on one going left, it will just get stuck) at the top of the stage just above the middle to stop the sandbags from going too high. With Ike's utilt, you always send the sandbags perfectly vertical, so you'll never knock them - or whoever your partner is - off, and their CDs and stickers will spawn right by you.

/me got a Big Boss sticker the other day.

EDIT: I also got the Golden Sun song. Hah!

EDIT2: You get hammers by completing challenges. You'll know which ones they are when you look at them, as there will be a hammer in the background.

With your coin arena level, make sure that the top is made of falling blocks or something, otherwise you'll just spawn on the outside of the level.

Also fun with the level editor: making an arena with a "fall-through" bottom and setting the "Pitfall" item to spawn on high.
[quote name='Rodimus']Going through the challenges now. I just now found out about the hammer to instantly unlock items, I fell like such a moron. How to get the hammers?

It's a lot of fun to create stages in helping you unlock some of them. I made an inclosed arena for the Coin challenges.[/quote]

There are only 5 hammers, and they're hidden under some of the challenges.

[quote name='The Crotch']I don't even need walls. Just have a straight line of treadmills that funnels all the sandbags into the middle. If need-be, put a treadmill or two going right (if a sticker spawns on top of a treadmill going right, it will fall off - if it's on one going left, it will just get stuck) at the top of the stage just above the middle to stop the sandbags from going too high. With Ike's utilt, you always send the sandbags perfectly vertical, so you'll never knock them - or whoever your partner is - off, and their CDs and stickers will spawn right by you.

I just use Lucas' neutral A combo over and over.
Remember that hammers don't work on boss-related challenges.[quote name='ChibiJosh']
I just use Lucas' neutral A combo over and over.[/quote]Nothing can match the sound of Ike doing his utilt on 30-ish sandbags over and over.
Would anyone be willing to exchange friend codes to help me with a CD factory level? And maybe any other cool level designs you might have (that 1-4 level from mario 1 was awesome).

FC - 2878-9319-2441
[quote name='The Crotch']Remember that hammers don't work on boss-related challenges.Nothing can match the sound of Ike doing his utilt on 30-ish sandbags over and over.[/quote]

I wasted one off my hammers on the "Beat Target Lvl1 under 15 sec." I didn't know what I was doing. Wish I could take it back. I was just like "Ohh I'll use it on that blue space." Figures it'd be something really easy I just haven't gotten around to doing yet.

I used to think the target challenges were hard, but after a few minutes with them they're not bad at all.
Was anyone able to get complete boss battles on intense?
and what was the third box down on the very left? Thats like the only blue box for me left.
There's a video on Youtube of a guy who beat all the bosses on Intense without using any hearts. He used Lucas' down+b to absorb energy attacks. If you wanna do Intense, I recommend using someone who can deal with ranged attacks like a space animal, Motherboy, or Mr. G&W. Maybe Double Charizard for the forward+b rape - never tried boss battles with two people.

I'd have to turn my Wii on to see what the box is, and I'm mad at it right now. fuck you, Cruel Brawl. I get 7 of those assholes to Aethercide, then I get dropkicked off.

EDIT: I'd send you my level, Zforce, but I don't go online with my Wii...
lol just use jiggles and make em die by suicide of jumping off. Or some others use spikes to quicken the process, like ganondorfs.
i finished boss battle on intense, and it is one of my proudest achievements in gaming.

I couldn't do anything else in the game until I got that taken care off, it took me almost 2 days to finally get it.

I used Yoshi who is my main, and you better hope that you get master hand, crazy hand, and petey as your last 3. I died so many time because the last 3 bosses were Rayquaza. Duon, and Porky.

The last 3 bosses always move much faster, so yea.
[quote name='AmigoOne']Was anyone able to get complete boss battles on intense?
and what was the third box down on the very left? Thats like the only blue box for me left.[/QUOTE]
I've been trying to work my way up to doing that. Just beat hard fairly easily with Lucas while only using 2 hearts. Once you get the rhythm of the attack patterns of each boss it gets a lot easier. I've heard that Taboo's rhythm on intense is completely different however, but I haven't made it to that point to find out.

Lucas' dair and up-b seem to be a fairly effective method of dealing damage, in addition to his down-b to absorb certain projectiles.

[quote name='AmigoOne']and what was the third box down on the very left? Thats like the only blue box for me left.[/QUOTE]
According to GameFAQs, it's 2000+ KOs in brawl.
Anyone read Wednesday's Dojo update? It explains the order of the All Star fights - they're done in order of when the first game in the series was. So obviously G&W starts, and Pikmin, released in late 01, is last. At the bottom, he says...

[quote name='An Awesome Man']When they’re all lined up like this, it becomes obvious that there is roughly 6-year blank before and after Pikmin. While there have been big series since then like "Animal Crossing," "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day," and "Wii Sports" it does seem that coming up with a completely new character-driven series has gotten more difficult recently.[/quote]
bread's done