Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

I haven't played online in a while.
I'll start a room, feel free to join.

I enjoy items, so please.. Im not looking for ZOMG COMPETING.. just lookin to have some fun matches. That is all.
:lol: JFD + 2 good games.
That jigglypuff battle was hillarious.

See? Using Jiggly is hard. She's a killer.. if you can use her right!
[quote name='lilboo']
See? Using Jiggly is hard. She's a killer.. if you can use her right![/quote]
Not as much as in Melee. You barley had to build up damage on your opponent at all before you could beauty sleep the fuckers off the screen. Cruel Brawl would be so much easier with that technique. Altough I ended up beating the Cruel Brawl challenges with Jiggy hiding under the stage until the alloys jumped off.

I might want to play you. I like the items, except smash balls, poke balls, and assist trophies. Too damn unbalanced. I always hate brawling my Olimar-wielding friend when I forget to turn off smash balls because I have D3's somewhat good FS or Meta Knight's impossible and useless FS and he has that (almost) guaranteed damage + possibility of getting hit on the landing... *grumble*
[quote name='JoeB1233']I'll play, but
you're not online. :whistle2:#
If you two do play could Joe make the game so I can add amigo the easy way?
Ill be on!
Strell plays an amazing DK

Hold on guys, my internet is being iffy with te wii and im going to make a snack
Omfg rofl, how stupid is it that we can't tell who is on whose team until the match begins?

I wanna be blue. Someone else be blue and the other two be red or green. BOTH THE SAME COLOR. Stop with this 3 team shiz. :p

This is seriously the most ridiculous thing ever. Both in hilarity and being annoying.
Well, I'm pretty sure this is true, but this is advice for dyeknom.

You can borrow your teammate's stock. A Bowser fortress would have won us the game a little bit more quickly. ;)
Geez, dyeknom, you did great with Yoshi. Call me biased, but I didn't think Yoshi could control like that.

EDIT: Oh, and way to go Strell, pulling off that victory against two opponents!
Finished 3rd out of 40 in Houston. Won $38. I keep dropping the ball at the very end of these things. Those guys were definitely beatable.

Thats 3 straight tournaments at 3rd or 2nd, but not first. BOO
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Finished 3rd out of 40 in Houston. Won $38. I keep dropping the ball at the very end of these things. Those guys were definitely beatable.

Thats 3 straight tournaments at 3rd or 2nd, but not first. BOO[/quote]
very impressive. DMK.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Finished 3rd out of 40 in Houston. Won $38. I keep dropping the ball at the very end of these things. Those guys were definitely beatable.

Thats 3 straight tournaments at 3rd or 2nd, but not first. BOO[/QUOTE]

Curious. Who do you play as in tourneys?
I play Metaknight pretty much exclusively, though I am proficient with Wolf and Zelda as well.

First place was a Snake. First good one I ever played. So many surprises to deal with :|
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I play Metaknight pretty much exclusively, though I am proficient with Wolf and Zelda as well.

First place was a Snake. First good one I ever played. So many surprises to deal with :|[/QUOTE]

It's ridiculous how well Snake can trap an entire stage with minimal effort.

Oh yeah, did they let you use that modded controller?
I ended up not using it.

There are still a lot of characters that I havent played even once yet.

Like that Falcon.

3 Tournaments and I havent played a single Ike, yet I hear that online its every other guy is Ike.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I ended up not using it.

There are still a lot of characters that I havent played even once yet.

Like that Falcon.

3 Tournaments and I havent played a single Ike, yet I hear that online its every other guy is Ike.[/QUOTE]
Its a lot easier to play as Ike online where both people have to deal with lag. Certainly not someone you'd want to be locally.
I didn't realize that was him I guess. I knew he threw hammers out, and made everyone have spicy curry, but that's the first time I've seen that one.
GGs to Arikado and Amigo. It took me a while to warm up there, but I hope I ended up being a challenge toward the end there.

And GGs to the earlier Smashville party (Strell, dyeknom, and UltimoRey). Those were some hilarious games. My favorite, though, was when Strell and I were 1v1, and we both tried to beat up on Mr. Resetti. Fun times!

Oh, and good homerun contest to Amigo. We were hilariously pathetic (me moreso than you).
Be proud of me, Strell. I made a wall-and-conveyor-belt filled level called "I WANT TO MUSIC!" specifically for the purposes of harvesting precious CDs from sandbags. I got 10 earlier today in a rather short time - and a billion stickers.[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']
3 Tournaments and I havent played a single Ike, yet I hear that online its every other guy is Ike.[/quote]Ike is an absolute bitch to play in a game that favours campers. With no speedy moves save for his forward B (no lag on it if you don't make contact with anything), no ranged attack (which is ridiculous - his neutral B should be the ranged attack he had in FE9 and 10 instead of some bizarre fire attack that he never used), and no reflectors, taking on a camping Pit or Toon Link is brutal. I still main as him, but there are definitely easier and better choices in the game.

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']
First place was a Snake. First good one I ever played. So many surprises to deal with :|[/quote]Running attack into upsmash?
[quote name='The Crotch']

Running attack into upsmash?[/QUOTE]

I do only that in random battles all the time (if the stage allows), and win 75% of the time. That + crawling back and forth is strangely fun and entertaining.
bread's done