Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

GGs JoeB, Daisydog, and Gunstar!

EDIT: Your D3 is a terror as usual JoeB, going up against him with Sonic felt like a boss fight each time. Hopefully I'll give you more of a challenge next next time we brawl :)
[quote name='dmunkee']GGs JoeB, Daisydog, and Gunstar!

EDIT: Your D3 is a terror as usual JoeB, going up against him with Sonic felt like a boss fight each time. Hopefully I'll give you more of a challenge next next time we brawl :)[/quote]

Haha! Thanks for the compliment! After just coming out of a match with dyeknom, I thought it was him playing as Sonic. But after you started being Pit, I was like, "Ah, of course." You two have very similar names in Brawl.

You're, of course, no slouch either with Sonic or Pit. I think we were quite even in terms of wins. iirc.

EDIT: I can tell dyeknom is frustrated when he picks Bowser. Sorry about that, d!
[quote name='JoeB1233']
EDIT: I can tell dyeknom is frustrated when he picks Bowser. Sorry about that, d![/quote]

Lol that's not frustration. Frustration is picking pikachu to spam alongside everybody else or me just jumping around the level with lucario because I'm tired of chasing people. Oddly, the pokemon are some of the best characters to be annoying with.

Bowser is for comedy. Three bowser hugs = loss.
[quote name='dyeknom']Lol that's not frustration. Frustration is picking pikachu to spam alongside everybody else or me just jumping around the level with lucario because I'm tired of chasing people. Oddly, the pokemon are some of the best characters to be annoying with.

Bowser is for comedy. Three bowser hugs = loss.[/QUOTE]

GGs dyeknom and JoeB.

Dyeknom, I was tired of your pika-spamming so I spammed w/ Pit :p
Yeah. I was tired of chasing a nade spamming/running Snake, myself. Pikachu spam was the best way to get it to stop lol.

Some days I'm in the mood to chase, today just hasn't been on of them.

I thought JFD was getting on -_-
[quote name='dyeknom']Yeah. I was tired of chasing a nade spamming/running Snake, myself.[/QUOTE]

LMAO. I didn't know my Snake was that annoying.
[quote name='evergoo']LMAO. I didn't know my Snake was that annoying.[/quote]

Nah, it's mostly the overall lack of active engagement.

And yes, johnny! We were waiting for yous.
For you Houston people, there is a tournament at the Play N'Trade in Spring, TX tomorrow (Saturday). I cant get the page to load right now, but I believe that they want people there at 11 am, and there are 45 spots. I expect them to fill.
I really shouldve brought my Wii for my trip. I didnt think the hotel would have the rca input available, but it does.

I did bring my screwdriver set though, and I just now removed the spring from the L/R buttons, and it feels so much better. I cant wait to try it out.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I did bring my screwdriver set though, and I just now removed the spring from the L/R buttons, and it feels so much better. I cant wait to try it out.[/QUOTE]

I thought controller mods were banned in tourney play?
[quote name='dmunkee']GGs JoeB, Daisydog, and Gunstar!

EDIT: Your D3 is a terror as usual JoeB, going up against him with Sonic felt like a boss fight each time. Hopefully I'll give you more of a challenge next next time we brawl :)[/QUOTE]

Those were some of the best 4-player Brawls I've had online. That's the first ever that had almost no lag! And there was no Ike, so yay! Sad that no lag games are the rarity and not the norm.

Wish I could have stayed longer, but my girlfriend came home and did the, "Are you playing that game AGAIN?" look and I knew I had to go.
Its not dificult, but you need a real small tri-wing screwdriver for the 6 screws that hold the casing together and a real small regular screwdriver for the 2 small screws inside holding each trigger in place.

I was skeptical that it would sit right at first, but it sits right where it should: real low right above the pad, and it doesnt pop up or anything. Its just like any other button now. It feels nice. I think theres another tournament in Flower Mound in late April.
lol! The instant I saw Bowser with the little 'MnkyD' tag above his head, I knew what was to become of me.

EDIT: Whatever happened to maigo joining us?
[quote name='JoeB1233']lol! The instant I saw Bowser with the little 'MnkyD' tag above his head, I knew what was to become of me.

EDIT: Whatever happened to maigo joining us?[/quote]

Yeah, you gotta join the fight rather than just sit back while we fight. 189 dmg and 2 kill, with everybody in the 300-450 range >.< What was funny was that last accidental suicide, followed by bowser pulling it out in the end.
GGs to dyeknom and hero.

I left because I wanted to see if anyone else was playing. blue is on right now, hosting a room, but he isn't responding (or is rejecting me).

EDIT: I started a room - I want to do teams! Let's get four people in here and get this going!
[quote name='GunstarRed']
Wish I could have stayed longer, but my girlfriend came home and did the, "Are you playing that game AGAIN?" look and I knew I had to go.[/quote]

LMAO, yeah, my girlfriend rolls her eyes when she comes into the room and Brawl is on the screen. She's fine with it though, she was more annoyed when I played Guitar Hero.

EDIT: Wow, I did not mean to put that logo in the subject lol.
yeah, it wouldnt let me either. I think it just mass disconnected my friends list though, since i came back and nobody was on.
GGs everyone. Joe, I'm not sure what happened with you not being able to connect. I briefly lost 'net connection and came back in and saw you as "online," and was puzzled why you weren't entering my room.

Amigo and I had the most epic dubba DK fight ever.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Fun games, Suko and Blue. That Olimar always makes me so angry, lol![/QUOTE]

And playing against you made me angry. Heh. My Olimar is "decent" but not good enough to win most games yet against skilled players.
I'm like 3 hours late, but good games Strell and JoeB. Those two zeldas will haunt my dreams.

And that Wario ditto was the most ridiculous match I've ever had.

GGs to the following people who I played today (I'm sure there are others I'm missing): Strell, zitanix, evergoo, Mad D, blue, dmunkee, and ?.

EDIT: Okay, here's the deal. I want a team battle. Is there anyone who can meet up anywhere from 1 to 2 hours from now to do some good team matches? I'd be very appreciative (Yes, that's your incentive).
bread's done