Target Clearance Thread: Summer 2K5

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67 (100%)
*Copied from OP of former Target Clearance threads*
Spring 2005 thread
Original Target Clearance Thread

Since the Target deals are usually of the "your mileage may vary" type, let's keep all the target clearance deals in this thread.

Here is a fairly easy way to check if your local Target has the games on clearance without making the store clerk unlock the display case and price-scan a bunch of games. Very often, games may be on sale, but will not be marked as such.

BigDirty came up with this nice time saver. Respect his cheap ass skills.

1) Check this thread for games that have been reported on clearance.

2) Go to, or similar website and search for the game to locate its UPC code number. Its in the grey box underneath the box art graphic.

3) Go to , , or and enter the code so you can print out the UPC.

4) Go to Target and use the price scanners to scan your printouts and search for cheap ass deals!

FYI: "When a game's price ends with 8 cents, further reduction is possible, when it ends in 4 cents, that's the ball game, pick it up cause it's not going any lower. If it ends in 9 cents, it's just on sale or on a non-clearance reduction." - BigDirty

This thread is for Clearance deals, not sale items or raincheck "scams"
Please Post City, State and Store (If City has many stores), game, system and price

Keep extraneous discussion to a minimum, as posts not pretating to clearance deals may be deleted by the mod crew.

As always-- YMMV


Philadelphia, PA Snyder Plaza
BigDirty's Wild Ride, XBox, $4.98

*Thanks to CheapyD and BigDirty for the info*
I picked up a Logitech gamepad (no analog sticks on this one) for $2.48 there on Monday night. Worked well with the Sega Smash Pack 1 + 2 I bought at the same Target for $2.48 a couple of months ago.
I hit another Target (Kenosha) they are doing the remodel and very little clearance (but I don't think they had much) Saw only a GTA 3 pack for PS1 and almost bought it at $6.98 . . . but declined. They had 4 of them . . . at $5 I'd get it.

Didn't see any Target stuff at one Goodwill but then my store had a stack of 4 Gundum Seed GBA games for $6.99 each and 2 Pokemon GBA videos for $4.99 each.

The Target to Goodwill connection can be odd. I don't think the stuff goes straight to the store . . . it often seems to trickle out.

I think I've seen as much Target stuff at Salvation Army but never console games. I think the SA workers grab up console games that come in. Locally, SA seems less disciplined than GW.

I'll look again tomorrow.
As I metioned, the Big Lots around here carry games and may be the closest place to the target if they were dumping stuff locally... As for employees, yeah, if they get a discount, I could see that happening moreso now with college kids back at the helms... especially after seeing what happened at BB locally where the employees basically raided and hid the games they wanted... on the bright side, they did end up moving all of the other $5 games they had up to the front of the store.. still a ton of Xbox stuff left over... PS2 is clearly the more popular system locally...

As for hiding spots, I've never really thought of one. My best guess would be to either put the games in a place that no one would notice but wouldn't be that out of place, e.g., behind a bunch of cheap $19.99 PS2 GH games like say The Sims or Burnout 3... e.g., on a bottom rack where older folks won't bend over to examine... or perhaps to take the game and mix it in with the PC games or over in childrens DVDs like Muppet show, etc...
[quote name='Ilovephysics']
As for hiding spots, I've never really thought of one. My best guess would be to either put the games in a place that no one would notice but wouldn't be that out of place, e.g., behind a bunch of cheap $19.99 PS2 GH games like say The Sims or Burnout 3... e.g.,c...[/QUOTE]

This dosen't work at all... one of my favorite past times is going to Target, searching through EVERY 19.99 and regular priced game, and finding lots of stuff that people have hid waiting for it to get cheaper, and then promptly buying it because the price is good enough for me.
[quote name='Roufuss']This dosen't work at all... one of my favorite past times is going to Target, searching through EVERY 19.99 and regular priced game, and finding lots of stuff that people have hid waiting for it to get cheaper, and then promptly buying it because the price is good enough for me.[/QUOTE]
Same here. I would dig through the games to find the hidden gems, if any.
Wow I'd snatch up a ton of those $5 GC games, and if I can find Fire Emblem, I'd get that too... big IF though, I'll be stopping by a few of the 4 local Targets tomorrow.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Wow I'd snatch up a ton of those $5 GC games, and if I can find Fire Emblem, I'd get that too... big IF though, I'll be stopping by a few of the 4 local Targets tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

4 local targets....ah, don't forget about gas expenses. It may kill any deal that you may find. Further if gas isn't a consideration, you might as well wait until Monday evening or Tuesday for the next set of markdowns.
[quote name='pthagonal']All I want is the latest Prince of Persia really cheap. Why cant I find that dammit! :([/QUOTE]

I just want the same $10 deal some people got at Circuit City two months ago, but I'll take it for $7.50 at Target if they'll ever drop the price at my local store. :D
[quote name='speedy05']I've r ead/followed a lot of this thread but could someone kindly post what GC Bongo's have been found marked-down? Thank You![/QUOTE]

The stand-alone set... no game included.
[quote name='speedy05']I've r ead/followed a lot of this thread but could someone kindly post what GC Bongo's have been found marked-down? Thank You![/QUOTE]
Clearanced between 7.48 and 14.98. Mine disappeared a long time ago, sadly.
the target here in NW las vegas seems to have pulled all their clearance games. i was wandering around the store and alas i found them!!! they were all bunched up on an end shelf marked "Clearance". most left were GBA games and a few GC games. i saw Fire Emblem for $10 but didnt get it since i have no GBA anymore! :(
so if you dont see them in the video game section look around all the end shelves nearby. you might find leftovers.
Irving TX, and Arlington : I picked up...
2 x PS2: Madcatz PS2 Beat pads 4.98
1x GC: 1xBongos - $7.xx
1x PS2: Network : $8.xx
1x PS2: Multitap : $8.xx
1X GC: POP: WW 7.xx
1x GC: EA NCAA 2k5 7.xx
1x PS2: Atari Anthology.. I think 2.xx
1x GC: LOR Two Towers 3.xx
1x GC: DefJam 7.xx
1x GC: 007 3.xx

Saw 2 or 3 Xbox soccom headsets $12.xx
Saw 1 Bongo
Left 1 MadCatz Beat Pad that was opened and ripped box back.
Saw 1 Fire Emblem ..had 14.xx price tag when scanned the item did not show up.
All other stuff was gone...

That's about it...
Mine pulled the 8 (!) copies of PoP: WW for GCN and NBA 2k5 for PS2., either that or somebody bought them all, but I doubt that because they sat there for almost a month untouched except for the one copy I got for $15. I was very displeased.

However, if anyone is looking for Netwrok Adapters PM me and I'll hit up my other Target to see if they've got them in stock, and I'll see what I can do.
Im not sure if this was said but there was ALOT of Mad Catz Microcon controllers for around 6-7 bucks. Oh and this is in the Seaside, Ca target.
[quote name='shajek']The stand-alone set... no game included.[/QUOTE]

ok, thanks!

I've seen them locally, but they have been marked $20.XX, maybe I'll get one price checked tomorrow.
[quote name='Redeema']Mine pulled the 8 (!) copies of PoP: WW for GCN and NBA 2k5 for PS2., either that or somebody bought them all, but I doubt that because they sat there for almost a month untouched except for the one copy I got for $15. I was very displeased.

However, if anyone is looking for Netwrok Adapters PM me and I'll hit up my other Target to see if they've got them in stock, and I'll see what I can do.[/QUOTE]

People are looking for network adaptors? PS2 ones, I'm assuming, right? I've seen a lot of used one's lately and they have $12.99-$14.99 price tags.
"Originally Posted by darkwingduck13
Soul Calibur II - Cube, $9.98 before employee discount."

Went to Super Target in Shoreview MN today. Picked up a copy of Soul Calibur 2 for $9.90. Had 4 left, all of them PC.
last week, my local target had several copies of POP:WW red tagged at 20.98. I scanned one hoping to get a lower price. It scanned at 14.98. Since there were so many copies left, i figured I would wait until the price lowered. This week I went back and there were still a lot of copies left, all with a 20.98 red tag, but when I scanned one, it said it was not in inventory. what does this mean? they obviously have the game. If I were to buy it what would they charge me 20.98, 14.98, or possibly even less?
Grabbed a Doom 3 expansion for $9.98 today (was marked $13.98). They still had at least 3 copies left. Not much else is there tho - none of the games people are mentioning that are recent markdowns are there. I scanned one of the Suikoden 4's, but it still scans for $20 (which isn't a clearance imo, since several other stores sell it for that).
Went to Target last week, picked up:

WWE: Day Of Reckoning (GC) $5.04
Def Jam: FFNY (GC) $5.04

Also Saw:

Bongos $7.48 (they were gone later that day)
Wireless X-Box Star Wars Controller $7.48
PS2 soft carrying case $7.48
PSP cleaning cloth/USB Cable/headphones combo $2.4x

Definitely look around endcaps. The games I found were in the music/DVD section which is relatively far away from the console games section at my Target. The bongos were in the batteries section!
[quote name='klabberjass']last week, my local target had several copies of POP:WW red tagged at 20.98. I scanned one hoping to get a lower price. It scanned at 14.98. Since there were so many copies left, i figured I would wait until the price lowered. This week I went back and there were still a lot of copies left, all with a 20.98 red tag, but when I scanned one, it said it was not in inventory. what does this mean? they obviously have the game. If I were to buy it what would they charge me 20.98, 14.98, or possibly even less?[/QUOTE]

this happened when i scanned "eyetoy groove" for ps2 awhile back. i had to go up front and the manager used some wireless hand scanner that showed it to be 7.48...try it out i guess or ask somebody.
[quote name='mentos888']this happened when i scanned "in the groove" for ps2 awhile back. i had to go up front and the manager used some wireless hand scanner that showed it to be 7.48...try it out i guess or ask somebody.[/QUOTE]
ITG is 7.48?! AWESOME! :bouncy:
Went to see if MK: Deception dropped any lower than 19.88 for the Cube... all the remaining copies are now gone, so I'm starting to believe the theory that Target is shipping all these games elsewhere. They also had no other clearance whatsoever, which is odd since they had tons.
[quote name='Roufuss']Went to see if MK: Deception dropped any lower than 19.88 for the Cube... all the remaining copies are now gone, so I'm starting to believe the theory that Target is shipping all these games elsewhere. They also had no other clearance whatsoever, which is odd since they had tons.[/QUOTE]

Yep - I went to 2 Targets in the DC area today and neither had a single clearance game. I'm going to one this evening that had a ton 2 weeks ago. I'm not hopeful, though I did hide a few. I'm sure those will ring up "item not found" though.
I finally found one of the Star Wars wireless "Vader In Flames" Xbox pads. It didn't look especially great for the money, but given that I hadn't found any of these at my local Target stores before, I figured I'd better buy it while the opportunity was available.
[quote name='Roufuss']Went to see if MK: Deception dropped any lower than 19.88 for the Cube... all the remaining copies are now gone, so I'm starting to believe the theory that Target is shipping all these games elsewhere. They also had no other clearance whatsoever, which is odd since they had tons.[/QUOTE]

It's the same at all 3 Targets in my area. Once the games go over 50% off, they magically disappear (all 25 copies of Madden 2005!) and if you do find one that was missed it scans as "price not found."

I did manage to find a copy of Ghost in the Shell (PS2) for $4.98 that was not stickered.
heh so i'm at the commerce township target this morning, and just like everyone else is reporting- most the games have disappeared... i find a few copies of MK Deception for the Cube- untouched by the scourge-

they scan up item not found.
i take one up to the register - the girl doesnt know what to do with it-she calls back to electronics.

they dont know anything about it so we walk over to this old woman with a PAD price gun, Colleen. shes about 60... she scans it, and whips it away...

"you cant have this! Its salvage, and we wont sell it to you!" I'm like theres a bunch more back there...

Colleen freaks out. she's on a mad tear as quick as her old legs will carry looking for the boy whos supposed to be back there but in break... barking at me to tell her where i found this game and where the others were... my response- i dont work here- why should i help you do your job? Basically collen is a rude old lady who needs to like get attention from her kids or something...

But being a right rat bastard i figure i'll go back and see what she does... Colleen... well i've not seen her like in a while. she's barking orders to people- telling the whole department to be on the lookout for someone in the store with an "armload or a buggy full of games" and to "stop that person" and she' s running around to the other target employees asking them where the offending games are... and of course my beng in the vicinity is raising her Ire to boot...

So then wanda, another target employee comes up and tries to apologise to me. I tell wanda it not her fault and really, i'm a little disturbed by colleen and while i'd like the game its in Colleens hands. i explain to wanda that rude people like colleen are the reasons i dont like to come into stores, and that i can just start going to the walmart down the road, or i can go online and get anything i need. However today i came into a target and Colleen, whether its salvage or not- well Colleen didnt do her job or someone didnt and theres a bunch of games on a shelf that cant be sold for one reason or another and well, that just ruins the whole idea of commerce.

Wanda agrees with me, and tells me that Apparantly a manager could sell it to me. Sadly christian the team leader/manager is in a meeting at the moment and cant come out to talk to people. Being that i have to go to work? i leave the matter as is- if someone has a target number to complain? i just might do that- i mean i dont think anything will come from it- but this sort of thing rubs me the wrong way.
[quote name='Roufuss']This dosen't work at all... one of my favorite past times is going to Target, searching through EVERY 19.99 and regular priced game, and finding lots of stuff that people have hid waiting for it to get cheaper, and then promptly buying it because the price is good enough for me.[/QUOTE]

It was just a guess, and I suppose it depends on how the racks are set up at your local store as well. On the other hand, while you may find such games in that location, my goal in the above situation was not to keep you from finding them (if you so choose to look there), it is to keep Target employees from finding them... If someone else snags it (e.g., a CAGer), so be it...
[quote name='Roufuss']Went to see if MK: Deception dropped any lower than 19.88 for the Cube... all the remaining copies are now gone, so I'm starting to believe the theory that Target is shipping all these games elsewhere. They also had no other clearance whatsoever, which is odd since they had tons.[/QUOTE]

Yup, noticed this again... You figure we'd be able to find one target employee on this site, etc., to confirm/deny this... Heck, if target is selling these games to someone else, we shoudl at least figure out who...
[quote name='lurknomore']4 local targets....ah, don't forget about gas expenses. It may kill any deal that you may find. Further if gas isn't a consideration, you might as well wait until Monday evening or Tuesday for the next set of markdowns.[/QUOTE]

Well, I went to 3 of the 4. I omitted one as it's really not anywhere near any of the other ones. Two of them are right by each other, roughly 5 miles or less apart, while the other isn't really close to the other two, I went to it, because it is right by the Sprint Store that I needed to go to. Anyway this was all on Friday.

Michigan Targets:

1. Livonia: This was great, I didn't find Fire Emblem, but I did get 3 other great games. Grabbed PP:WW for 7.50 (last copy), DefJam:FFNY for $5, and MK: Deception for $10. They had many more copies of DefJam and a handful of MK: Deceptions. Few other games too, nothing comes to mind though except several copies of Final Fantasy:CC marked at $15.

2. Canton: This was a bust. They had DefJam marked at $10 & $20, and a few other clearance games that didn't scan, but had $20 stickers on them. I wonder if this is Target's way of preventing clearance drops below what they want to sticker them. Oh... they had a few gameboy games too, but nothing of relevance, ie- NO FIRE EMBLEM!

3. Westland: Another bust... a major bust in fact. They had almost no clearance games at all. Then the one or two they did have was something pointless, as I seem to have forgotten what it was. The funny thing is they completely re-arranged the area where they keep their bargain games, right next to the endcap with the clearance games. Now, this was the Target my friend and I had actually hid a few games to see what happened. Well, those areas were completely re-arranged, quite interesting IMO.

Anywho, the second Target trip wasn't a total bust, as that Westland Target is right by TRU, so I went and picked up SF2:AC for $15.

I'm back in Mt Pleasant now, and I'll have to check out the Mt.P Target later on, although I'm quite pleased with the current games I have, and that one is usually bad for clearance.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']
2. Canton: This was a bust. They had DefJam marked at $10 & $20, and a few other clearance games that didn't scan, but had $20 stickers on them. I wonder if this is Target's way of preventing clearance drops below what they want to sticker them. Oh... they had a few gameboy games too, but nothing of relevance, ie- NO FIRE EMBLEM!
I miss my Canton Target now that its three hours away. Not that it was all that great for games, though I did pick up Tales of Symphonia for $20 back in November (Black Friday maybe?) which was fabulous.
today sucked, it seems to be pretty much the end of the clearance season so very few items, if any are being added and stuff seems to be leaving sooner than ever. I did notice that Counter-Strike:Condition Zero, Half Life 2 and the Half Life 1 Platinum set were all green tagged, so you guys might want to keep an eye out for those.

I did manage to score two wavebirds and another set of drums for $3.74 each thanks to a store closing sale(50% off all clearance items). It's a shame all the good stuff was gone already though, I was hoping for an MP3 player. There was actually one left(a Rio 128MB, I think w/expandable memory) but the employee already had dibs on it.

While there I also found out what the numbers on the price scanners are for, Apparently, every item has a target DCPI(?) number which you can punch in to the scanner instead of scanning the barcode. I figure this would be good for us so we can use it instead of printing out UPCs. not sure if all targets are equipped with these though, although all of the local targets around here have them. the DCPI number can usually be found on the shelf price tags or on your receipt to the left of the item. Not sure if they'll be of any use but here's the two I've got, I threw all of my other receipts away already.

207 00 0424 GCN Bongo Drums
207 00 0181 GCN Wavebird Grey
[quote name='sanjuro']today sucked, it seems to be pretty much the end of the clearance season so very few items, if any are being added and stuff seems to be leaving sooner than ever. I did notice that Counter-Strike:Condition Zero, Half Life 2 and the Half Life 1 Platinum set were all green tagged, so you guys might want to keep an eye out for those.

I did manage to score two wavebirds and another set of drums for $3.74 each thanks to a store closing sale(50% off all clearance items). It's a shame all the good stuff was gone already though, I was hoping for an MP3 player. There was actually one left(a Rio 128MB, I think w/expandable memory) but the employee already had dibs on it.

While there I also found out what the numbers on the price scanners are for, Apparently, every item has a target DCPI(?) number which you can punch in to the scanner instead of scanning the barcode. I figure this would be good for us so we can use it instead of printing out UPCs. not sure if all targets are equipped with these though, although all of the local targets around here have them. the DCPI number can usually be found on the shelf price tags or on your receipt to the left of the item. Not sure if they'll be of any use but here's the two I've got, I threw all of my other receipts away already.

207 00 0424 GCN Bongo Drums
207 00 0181 GCN Wavebird Grey[/QUOTE]

Yes the DCPI numbers are usually on the Target Red Clearance Tags. if you have the newer price scanners in your target with the numbers on them, you can use these. When I end up going back to my Target, I'll try to remember to try these. Thanks!
Went to the local supertarget today. They just converted to the new game setup the last couple of days. There was absolutely no games or accessories on clearance. The new setup expanded the amount of space dedicated to games. I would say they now have at least another aisle 1/2 just for games/accessories. First aisle psp/ps2, second aisle xbox/ps2 cheap games, and third aisle gamecube/ds/gamboy advance. With more space could it mean fewer markdowns?
Went in today, got that sega compilation gba game(sonic spinball, ecco,golden axe) for 3.49. I also picked up the PS2 network adapter, at 8.49, and i got the last(and hidden) Prince of Persia for.....$25?!

Heres what happend. PoP at the price scanner was at 0.00 for some reason. The lady rang me up, and it was $25.18, but yet i didnt get charged for the ps2 network adapter....i think she might have mixed up the old network adapter clearance price or something, so i need to go back and see whats up with this lol.
Clearance Over.

Picked up FF:CC that I had hidden behind Richard Pryor DVDs a week or so ago... rang up 7.54, thank God. One other copy had been moved to the "clearance endcap" by the printers which had a couple copies of Guild Wars and that was about it. Everything else is gone, replaced by just the stacks of PC/PH/GH games.
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