Target Clearance Thread: Summer 2K5

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67 (100%)
*Copied from OP of former Target Clearance threads*
Spring 2005 thread
Original Target Clearance Thread

Since the Target deals are usually of the "your mileage may vary" type, let's keep all the target clearance deals in this thread.

Here is a fairly easy way to check if your local Target has the games on clearance without making the store clerk unlock the display case and price-scan a bunch of games. Very often, games may be on sale, but will not be marked as such.

BigDirty came up with this nice time saver. Respect his cheap ass skills.

1) Check this thread for games that have been reported on clearance.

2) Go to, or similar website and search for the game to locate its UPC code number. Its in the grey box underneath the box art graphic.

3) Go to , , or and enter the code so you can print out the UPC.

4) Go to Target and use the price scanners to scan your printouts and search for cheap ass deals!

FYI: "When a game's price ends with 8 cents, further reduction is possible, when it ends in 4 cents, that's the ball game, pick it up cause it's not going any lower. If it ends in 9 cents, it's just on sale or on a non-clearance reduction." - BigDirty

This thread is for Clearance deals, not sale items or raincheck "scams"
Please Post City, State and Store (If City has many stores), game, system and price

Keep extraneous discussion to a minimum, as posts not pretating to clearance deals may be deleted by the mod crew.

As always-- YMMV


Philadelphia, PA Snyder Plaza
BigDirty's Wild Ride, XBox, $4.98

*Thanks to CheapyD and BigDirty for the info*
[quote name='botticus']I miss my Canton Target now that its three hours away. Not that it was all that great for games, though I did pick up Tales of Symphonia for $20 back in November (Black Friday maybe?) which was fabulous.[/QUOTE]

You don't miss it right now, they're renovating and the store is kinda torn apart, and in that magical transition stage, so now you can get your groceries at target!
I wasn't able to land any clearanced games today, but I did load up on Warner Bros. DVD boxsets, since they are on sale for $18.88 minus $8 in MIR when you buy six, so not a complete waste. ^_^
I picked up the Hip Gear speaker for the PSP at 14.88

It was originally 59.99 and I'm hoping I like it. They didn't really have anything else marked down at my target though. They haven't had much of anything for a while.
I was able to get a PoP:WW for $7.48 yesterday (in the case with a $20.98 tag :D). I also got LOTR:Two Towers for $3.74 (actually tagged that way!). The Yoshi's Island and Sims Urbz (GC) that I hid were no longer in the system, and the hand scanner showed the last prices the same as they were 3 weeks ago, so I passed ($14.98 and $9.98 - not cheap enough). Today I got an Atari Anthology for $5, and a PS2 wireless Star Wars controller for $7.48. The last two were the ONLY clearance game items at one particular Target with a newly remodeled game section.
I've been watching SWAT 4 for a long time by the Target by work. Got the last one for 12.48 today. Pariah was 9.98, as well.

The Target closest to my abode has SWAT 4 for.....full price. Pariah as well.
[quote name='allout1986']I picked up the Hip Gear speaker for the PSP at 14.88

It was originally 59.99 and I'm hoping I like it. They didn't really have anything else marked down at my target though. They haven't had much of anything for a while.[/QUOTE]

I picked one up about a week ago here. I finally unboxed it last night and was playing around with it, MP3's sound great. Haven't tried a movie yet but you can adjust where the PSP sits vertically/horizontally a little bit so I can sit in pretty much anywhere on the desk.

Hit two Target's today so far and came away with a $7.48 wavebird. One of them last week had a lot of games (like a 4' section of GC/PS2/XB) that were (and had been for a while) at $9.98, this week there all gone replaced by PH/GH/PC games.

As someone else mentioned one of the stores has switched over to the new 1 1/2 game/accessory aisle system, so a lot of thier clearance was gone.
I bought the GTA 3 pack PS1 games for $5 . . . was tempted to wait for $2.50 :)

I found a lone True Crimes GC in with games came up not found in the system.
[quote name='edison']

As someone else mentioned one of the stores has switched over to the new 1 1/2 game/accessory aisle system, so a lot of thier clearance was gone.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I mentioned that - it is more widespread than I even thought though - seems like a good 3/4 of all the Targets I've been to in the last 3 weeks have switched over... And most nuked their clearance stock in the process. The Target that I got the Two Towers for $3.74 had a BUNCH of Wavebirds 2 weeks ago, marked $20.98. Strangely they had none the other day even when they still had clearance games... Oh well...
All the clearance stuff at the Novi, MI target is gone... which is weird since it was overflowing a few weeks ago (20+ copies of alot of stuff). I'm guessing they sent them all somewhere.
[quote name='sanjuro']
While there I also found out what the numbers on the price scanners are for, Apparently, every item has a target DCPI(?) number which you can punch in to the scanner instead of scanning the barcode. I figure this would be good for us so we can use it instead of printing out UPCs. not sure if all targets are equipped with these though, although all of the local targets around here have them. the DCPI number can usually be found on the shelf price tags or on your receipt to the left of the item. Not sure if they'll be of any use but here's the two I've got, I threw all of my other receipts away already.

207 00 0424 GCN Bongo Drums
207 00 0181 GCN Wavebird Grey[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip about the Target in-house codes. I was able to price-check some games that were behind the glass today much easier than asking an associate to get the games out of the case.

Only thing I picked up today at the Savannah Target was a Grey Wavebird for $7.48. It was the last grey one.
[quote name='snipegod']Thanks for the tip about the Target in-house codes. I was able to price-check some games that were behind the glass today much easier than asking an associate to get the games out of the case.

Only thing I picked up today at the Savannah Target was a Grey Wavebird for $7.48. It was the last grey one.[/QUOTE]If anyone in the north Dallas area wants a grey wavebird (packaging is very beat up but unopened) I just returned one to the Plano store on 75. I also returned a set of bongos.
I returned a Wavebird cause I don't really need an extra one and the money I spent last month made it unbearable. As for new clearance stuff, how about Half Life 2 at 38.48? At least the PC clearance is still going strong. But I picked that up when it was $20-something at Staples and have yet to open it up.

Edit: By the way, anyone notice anything different about some of their Target game receipts? A game I bought on 9/19 shows GCUBE SFT as usual, but one back on 9/14 says GCUBE VAL. Both were clearanced for 7.48. Only one I've ever seen like that, weird.
Saw the Hamtaro Ham Ham games on clearance for $7.xx. I was going to pick it up then thought otherwise, but I think I'm gonna go back for it. Wierd thing was that this particular Target was also remodeling, and the only games they had on display was for the Nintendo systems. I asked an employee and she said to check back in a week for games for the other systems. Did Nintedo pay Target to do this or something?

BTW, check the candy section cause I got a few nice things to satisfy my sweet tooth on the cheap. I guess they're clearancing some of it cause of the ton of Halloween candy I saw.
I found GC PoP:WW at a Target today and scanned it, which showed -DELETED-. I took it to checkout, and after a lot of time, they finally decided to price it $14.98. Too bad.
Can the person with the ham ham games pick up an extra copy for me if possible, i will pay for the game and shipping, and probably a little more for the trouble. I need this game and cant seem to find a deal on it, thanks.
[quote name='joeposh']dude.. you guys are returning wavebirds? ugh... I woulda killed to find one around here...[/QUOTE]
I had one from a friend and one from the Metroid Prime bundle. So I had a third hoping it would go down to 7.48, but no luck. $15 is too much for a useless third wireless controller.
[quote name='banpeikun']I found GC PoP:WW... and after a lot of time, they finally decided to price it $14.98. Too bad.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me recently. It was a very sad day. :cry:
[quote name='joeposh']dude.. you guys are returning wavebirds? ugh... I woulda killed to find one around here...[/QUOTE]Well I have two platinums already, and decided I really didn't need a third, especially with Revolution coming out in the near distant future...
Poked around my local Target (Mall 205 in Portland, OR) since I was there to get some DVDs. Most of the video games mentioned in this thread was nowhere to be seen. They do have a decent supply of clearanced PC games like Area 51, Tom Clancy Stealth Pack (Splinter Cell and Pandora Tomorrow), Half Life 2, and plenty of budget jewel games. All in the computer games section with the normal priced games, along with the red-orange stickers and red clearance tabs marking their location. The video game section added a full aisle of glassed in video games. Half stocked too. Most of the random games were on the front cap of aisles. Platinum wavebirds full price. I also found a ton of EverQuest II preorder discs with the full character creator and other goodies to be unlocked when one gets their EQ2. Maybe 15-20 of them at 68 cents each. I grabbed one cause I don't have the budget to grab all of them. Zero clearanced video games, but a few ps2 carrying cases. I picked up some pocket dictonaries for grammar, thesaurus, and spanish/english. Plus they were completely out of the DVD box set I went there for. I should check another Target tomorrow.
[quote name='sarkenobi']Poked around my local Target (Mall 205 in Portland, OR) since I was there to get some DVDs. Most of the video games mentioned in this thread was nowhere to be seen. They do have a decent supply of clearanced PC games like Area 51, Tom Clancy Stealth Pack (Splinter Cell and Pandora Tomorrow), Half Life 2, and plenty of budget jewel games. All in the computer games section with the normal priced games, along with the red-orange stickers and red clearance tabs marking their location. The video game section added a full aisle of glassed in video games. Half stocked too. Most of the random games were on the front cap of aisles. Platinum wavebirds full price. I also found a ton of EverQuest II preorder discs with the full character creator and other goodies to be unlocked when one gets their EQ2. Maybe 15-20 of them at 68 cents each. I grabbed one cause I don't have the budget to grab all of them. Zero clearanced video games, but a few ps2 carrying cases. I picked up some pocket dictonaries for grammar, thesaurus, and spanish/english. Plus they were completely out of the DVD box set I went there for. I should check another Target tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Exactly how is at the nearest Target to me. They added another aisle and all the clearance games disappeared. Some PC titles were still out there though.
I was looking at games on Ebay and came across a listing for Freedom Force versus the Third Reich that said:

"This auction is for a Brand New Freedom Force VS The Third Reich (PC Version)"

"Note: I have 10 of these and they are shelf pulls from Target so the last 2 pages of the directions to the game are missing. These pages were the manufacturers warrantee pages."

"Other than the 2 pages missing you get everthing as if you bought it new. "

This listing had 5 games at a Buy It Now price of $13.95 with free shipping. The games were listed as NEW (despite the fact that the manual was missing 2 pages).

The comment about "shelf pulls" was what got my attention. Maybe Target has pulled the clearance games.
I'm laughing because I went to one of my local Target's last night and they had PoP:WW GC on clearance for the grand total of..............................$25.98.
[quote name='uzumaki_star']I'm laughing because I went to one of my local Target's last night and they had PoP:WW GC on clearance for the grand total of..............................$25.98.[/QUOTE]
Hmm... have you seen much clearanced cheaper there? That sounds like the standard introductory 15% clearance, whereas most places are down to 30 or 50% (or having things pulled after that point).
Hmm.. correct me if I am wrong, but you are not suppose to sell those items. (the pages are sent back to the publisher for a refund of the money.) This is the equivilant of removing the front cover to a magazine so you can send it back for credit, and then selling the magazine.

[quote name='simpsonps121']Hmm.. correct me if I am wrong, but you are not suppose to sell those items. (the pages are sent back to the publisher for a refund of the money.) This is the equivilant of removing the front cover to a magazine so you can send it back for credit, and then selling the magazine.

That is correct.
[quote name='spideymike']The Willoughby Target in NE Ohio had PoP:WW for Gamecube for $14.98. That was all I saw there.[/QUOTE]

At the rate Target deals have been drying up recently, I guess I'm just glad I found one of those lousy Star Wars wireless Xbox controllers for $7.50. It's not a Wavebird, but I had one of those already. :cry:
[quote name='spideymike']The Willoughby Target in NE Ohio had PoP:WW for Gamecube for $14.98. That was all I saw there.[/QUOTE]
What are you doing up in Willoughby, you crazy fool? ;) I would have jumped on that (probably going to the GS there this weekend again), but my PriceGrabber rebate was up last week, so there goes my super deal. Might have to wait till it gets clearanced elsewhere for cheaper.

I almost went there last weekend when I went to GS, but I think my fiancee would have killed me. Not to mention I was already spending $55 on a combination of Ikaruga, Game Informer/More card, and dinner, so I decided that was enough for the day.
[quote name='botticus']What are you doing up in Willoughby, you crazy fool? ;) I would have jumped on that (probably going to the GS there this weekend again), but my PriceGrabber rebate was up last week, so there goes my super deal. Might have to wait till it gets clearanced elsewhere for cheaper.

I almost went there last weekend when I went to GS, but I think my fiancee would have killed me. Not to mention I was already spending $55 on a combination of Ikaruga, Game Informer/More card, and dinner, so I decided that was enough for the day.[/QUOTE]

My wife had a Dr.s appointment in Willoughby, so I went with her with our newborn son in tow and we had to buy diapers, so I slyly recommended Target. Btw, they had 4 copies of it there directly behind the shelf where the Xbox games were.
So with Target apparently pulling all these games... has anyone seen anything at their local Goodwills lately? Or are they probably just sending them back to the manufacturer for credit?
Went to my target, the only clearance game they had was Yu-Gi-Oh: Dawn of Chaos (Kaiba) for $9.99. However i picked up two PS2 network adapters for $8 each, and a Logitech Rumblepad for $7.42.
Last time I was at target here they had atleast 10 GC wireless controllers, 9 Hamtaro games, a few pokemon things, and a PS2 network adapter that way 15$
For Indy CAGs:

Carmel Target had three copies of Doom 3 RoE for $4.98 left as of Friday afternoon.

Seems to be the last good place with clearances in the area along with the Nora location.
[quote name='cheapfrag']I was looking at games on Ebay and came across a listing for Freedom Force versus the Third Reich that said:

"This auction is for a Brand New Freedom Force VS The Third Reich (PC Version)"

"Note: I have 10 of these and they are shelf pulls from Target so the last 2 pages of the directions to the game are missing. These pages were the manufacturers warrantee pages."

"Other than the 2 pages missing you get everthing as if you bought it new. "

This listing had 5 games at a Buy It Now price of $13.95 with free shipping. The games were listed as NEW (despite the fact that the manual was missing 2 pages).

The comment about "shelf pulls" was what got my attention. Maybe Target has pulled the clearance games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and either the Target employees are grabbing them before they get to Goodwill, or somebody at Goodwill is snatching them up for Ebay profit.
I'm still holding out hope that I'll wander into one of my Targets Monday or Tuesday and some of the clearance will magically reappear.
[quote name='Dogpatch']Exactly how is at the nearest Target to me. They added another aisle and all the clearance games disappeared. Some PC titles were still out there though.[/QUOTE]

It seems they did this at nearly every Portland Target (I tend to go to the more southerly ones), as well as a few Targets I went to in MD and VA last week.
Sigh.... went to a Target that I've never been anywhere near (on the way back from a trip with the lady), was hopeful... but nothing other than Madden 05 for 7.54. I was tempted to get Delta Force Xtreme for $9.98 (yeah, its just a rerelease of an old game, but there's some nostalgia there; it was the first multiplayer game my old roommates/dormmates and I tore up for a year during school), but I passed. I consoled myself by picking up Best of Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken for 7.50 each (on sale this week).
Hit the Goodwill in South Elgin yesterday. Picked up POP:WW (GC) for 4.99, 007: EON (GC) 3.99 and a GBA Pokemon video for 2.99.

There were several copies of POP:WW and Zelda: Four Swords (6.99) still in the case.

The Super Target nearby must've dumped another batch.
[quote name='shajek']Hit the Goodwill in South Elgin yesterday. Picked up POP:WW (GC) for 4.99, 007: EON (GC) 3.99 and a GBA Pokemon video for 2.99.

There were several copies of POP:WW and Zelda: Four Swords (6.99) still in the case.

The Super Target nearby must've dumped another batch.[/QUOTE]
Ha.. the fiancee informed me that there is indeed a Goodwill store right down the road from me, so we might check that out tonight. From their website it seemed like the closest was some 20 miles away, but perhaps Target dumped stuff at this one. Even though I already lost my PriceGrabber rebate, PoP: WW for $5 would be worthwhile.
stopped by the local target today, looks like they renovated the games section and got rid of all the corresponding clearance stuff. they did have some compact flash cards on clearance as well as two RIO flash-based MP3 players, hopefully I can catch those when they bottom-out.

not really game related, but I noticed that they were clearancing out the Unleashed Obi-Wan figures, they were $7.4X here. I'll probably go back tonight and get one before they sell out, not sure if anakin or any of the other unleashed figures are clearanced as this store was sold out of all of them except for obi-wan. also, it seems the price of ROTS figures has dropped down to $4.7X(or around there) recently.
[quote name='shajek']Hit the Goodwill in South Elgin yesterday. Picked up POP:WW (GC) for 4.99, 007: EON (GC) 3.99 and a GBA Pokemon video for 2.99.

There were several copies of POP:WW and Zelda: Four Swords (6.99) still in the case.

The Super Target nearby must've dumped another batch.[/QUOTE]

Can you hook me up with both titles?
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