Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

[quote name='neocisco']The boat gets attacked by a polar bear and a smoke-like monster.:whistle2:#[/quote]

No, no, you're thinking of that other James Cameron movie.

...oh, wait. "smoke" monster? Nevermind.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Yeah, um... :cough: Spoiler tags :cough:[/quote]

If you watch the show, why in the world would you click on the thread if the show is that night and you haven't seen it yet? Fine, I'll use tags.

Anyway, yeah, you can see her struggling. I like the teases they give. I also think Riley is a terminator, or knows something. And what's with the hitlist? Did the resistance fighter at the beginning write it with his blood, or was it someone else?
[quote name='VipFREAK']Yeah, um... :cough: Spoiler tags :cough:[/QUOTE]

How about you avoid the thread till you watch the current episode? Dont make a whole thread cater to you.
yea I think Riley is a terminator. perhaps she's a terminator similar to cameron but has better deceptive technology.

I am also thinking the future is being re-written as the team takes action. Cameron doesn't know much about future events anymore because the information is being changed all the time.

As for the T-1001, what is she up to with the power plants? melt down if things don't go as planned?
[quote name='neocisco']The boat gets attacked by a polar bear and a smoke-like monster.:whistle2:#[/quote]

Damnit! I knew there was a reason we needed to kill all the polar bears.

I found this episode rather... ehh....
[quote name='neocisco']The boat gets attacked by a polar bear and a smoke-like monster.:whistle2:#[/QUOTE]
Pepper monster!

Felt like a filler episode already...definitely a letdown after the premiere.
[quote name='ITDEFX']
As for the T-1001, what is she up to with the power plants? melt down if things don't go as planned?

I think it's pretty obvious she's bringing them under control of Skynet. She said stuff about automating the control rooms with machines smarter than any humans.

I too found tonight's episode kinda ehh. I didn't care for the Riley storyline, hope it gets better. And why did John take her up to his room just to lie on his bed head-to-toe? She definitely wanted some. I thought he was going to get lucky!
[quote name='keithp']I think it's pretty obvious she's bringing them under control of Skynet. She said stuff about automating the control rooms with machines smarter than any humans.

I too found tonight's episode kinda ehh. I didn't care for the Riley storyline, hope it gets better. And why did John take her up to his room just to lie on his bed head-to-toe? She definitely wanted some. I thought he was going to get lucky![/quote]

The genitals are still aligned.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Cameron playing pool in THAT outfit! :drool:[/QUOTE]

Yeah that was about the best part of the show.

[quote name='ITDEFX']Ok, Cameron's fucked up... bet you she is still struggling between her Termination/Protect directives.[/QUOTE]

From the end of the show you can tell that. She is struggling with the fact that she could go bad again and that was clear at the end of the show. Just like Sarah is struggling with the fact that she will get Cancer. Makes me think they are trying to make Cameron more human the the other terminators and I'm not really liking it.

[quote name='Scorch']If you watch the show, why in the world would you click on the thread if the show is that night and you haven't seen it yet? Fine, I'll use tags.

Anyway, yeah, you can see her struggling. I like the teases they give. I also think Riley is a terminator, or knows something. And what's with the hitlist? Did the resistance fighter at the beginning write it with his blood, or was it someone else?

Guess I will use spoilers on this one.

The teases are good and now with Riley in the picture they are making me think that the one that dies is Cameron or hell maybe even Riley. I don't see Riley as a terminator but I think she does know something or atleast their is more to her then what they are showing. Also that was the fighters blood. When he got there something happend to his chest and that is how he died. He wrote the hitlist in his own blood then died after he got in the house.

Also is this the same school from last season? If it is what happend to the other girl that was "damaged goods" that was around?

[quote name='ITDEFX']
yea I think Riley is a terminator. perhaps she's a terminator similar to cameron but has better deceptive technology.

I am also thinking the future is being re-written as the team takes action. Cameron doesn't know much about future events anymore because the information is being changed all the time.

As for the T-1001, what is she up to with the power plants? melt down if things don't go as planned?

Like I said I don't think Riley is one. Cameron would have been able to tell unless he is a lot more advanced and was made after Cameron was sent back.

The future is always being re-written and has been from the first movie. Only things that stay the same is that Judgment day does happen and John Connor does lead them to victory or is still a threat to Skynet for them to still want to kill him. Infact hasn't the day of Judgment day changed? Cameron only knows what happend in her time and what happend in the past from her time. They are now trying to stop Skynet and now Skynet is trying to take the key places the resistance has in the future before Judgment day.

That is why the T-1001 is after the power plants. It knows that the resistance has controle of them in the future and that if it takes them now chances are better for Skynet. It is also trying to make sure Skynet and Judgment day do infact happen. Skynet wins if the plant melts down or if it is shut down. However if Skynet has controle of it they can chances are use it. That is why the T-1001 is after it.

[quote name='keithp']I think it's pretty obvious she's bringing them under control of Skynet. She said stuff about automating the control rooms with machines smarter than any humans.

I too found tonight's episode kinda ehh. I didn't care for the Riley storyline, hope it gets better. And why did John take her up to his room just to lie on his bed head-to-toe? She definitely wanted some. I thought he was going to get lucky![/QUOTE]

Maybe he did get some or he changed his mind who knows. I also thought this episode was not that great and so far the season is starting out to be not that great. Last season was a lot better I thought.

Also what happend to the Mexican chick from the first season? I thought she would show up again. At first I thought she was another terminator however I now know she can't be. You can always tell if they are if the dogs bark and the dogs never barked. I think they had more planed for her but then changed their minds much like the other girl from last season.

Last season was getting good and it seemed like they were building up some of the characters to a larger role and now just dropped them from the show. I'm starting to not like where they are going or where I think they are going and don't see me watching this next season or atleast not like I do now. For me this is the best show on TV and I don't see me saying that next season or even near the end of this one.
It was either a story oops or Cameron fucked up. Putting the remains of a terminator into a waste drum? Someone is going to notice this(weight difference?). I am also betting that Cameron took out CPU off camera and this time she is going to keep it safe and hidden from everyone else. She left the Terminator's head intact, which can be a bad thing. The other parts of a terminator are nothing but metal and hydrolics which won't change the future much except in the area of robotics, not AI. That homing device within the body might be a problem.
Yeah I was thinking it was odd about her puting it in the drum myself. I thought at first maybe it had waste in it and the wast would take care of it however when she put her arms in the drum to put the parts in I know that was not the case. So then I thought maybe waste would be put in it and then I saw her shut it and was just confused and didn't know what was going on. I'm starting to think the writers are getting lazy on the show and it to me is starting to show. I'm still going to give it a chance but last season was 10 times better. Also I think I am one of the only few that do not like the new intro.

EDIT: Interview with Friedman from [url="http://www.terminatorfiles.com']terminatorfiles.com[/url].
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[quote name='sendme']Yeah I was thinking it was odd about her puting it in the drum myself. I thought at first maybe it had waste in it and the wast would take care of it however when she put her arms in the drum to put the parts in I know that was not the case. So then I thought maybe waste would be put in it and then I saw her shut it and was just confused and didn't know what was going on. I'm starting to think the writers are getting lazy on the show and it to me is starting to show. I'm still going to give it a chance but last season was 10 times better. Also I think I am one of the only few that do not like the new intro.

EDIT: Interview with Friedman from [url="http://www.terminatorfiles.com']terminatorfiles.com[/url].[/QUOTE]

No, I hate the new intro also. The old one had more impact, more "Oh shit! This is going to be good!" Now you hear the intro and it's like, "Huh? O-k-ay...blah, blah...get on with it..."

I was thinking while watching it that Cameron put the Terminator in the waste drum so it would be buried with the other drums and never found. But now that I think about it maybe she has an alterior motive, like when she took the CPU chip, and it will come out later.
I'm still wondering what is up with Cameron and what she is really doing and what is different about the John she knows. I have also been wondering what she did with the skin from the one that was after Derek and why she is keeping things. As for the drum I think we are all just looking to much into it.

Also I just watched T2 again today and in the show Sarah said that she was trying to get out to go to John and they had it wrote like it was because of the papers she signed. However it was because she know they were after John from the picture the cop showed her.

I am also thinking that it is Charly that dies this season. From the preview his wife is captured and attached to a bomb. I am thinking he dies trying to save here only it seems a little early to kill someone off. Atleast this season will be 10 or more episodes because they were filming episode 10 when the first one this season aired. I'm thinking they will have 12 or atleast I hope they have atleast 12.
IGN has a pretty big spoiler on the recent show's review. Pretty crappy of them to toss this in when it didn't appear in the episode.

It's sad to see Dean Winters (Charley) leave, but he's a busy actor and it's likely the show simply couldn't keep him as long as they probably wanted to. The rest of the cast is more than able to hold down the fort however.

Well that really doesnt say or spoil much however I will post what I'm about to say in a spoiler.

One of the guys that is making this show has said that someone dies this season that is known however what IGN said does not make it Charley. In next weeks episode from what the preview showed his wife is kidnaped and when they find her she is set on a bomb. If they move her they triger the switch and all of them die. It could be in that episode that he dies trying to save her or comes to the conclusion that she is going to die and chooses to die with her. Who knows. However if he does not die this season then that does not say he wont come back. He may just not be a regular. They may have already shot all the episodes he was to be in this season so he could be in episode 13. Last year they shot the D&D episode last because they wanted all of what was left in the budget for the season to go for it.

Now that I just looked it up on imdb.com they only have him listed for the first 2 episodes of the season. So he could come back next season and doe not look to be the one that dies in this one. That is if they have posted all of them that he is in and not just posting them as they are aired.
Sadly it doesn't matter and we will never get answers because the show is fucked.

The rating for the last episode were only 5.5 million, that's very bad, very very bad. So this will most likely be the last episodes.
WOW I didn't know it was only 5.5 million. I think the first episode in the first season was around 18.5 and has started going down from there. I dont see this lasting much longer. maybe a third season and after that it would just be milking it.
Season premiere and enders always get the best ratings....I wont expect every episode to be blockbuster knocking out of the park type calibre.
I just started this series and as someone who is not up to snuff with the Terminator lore can someone answer just 1 question, Why aren't the bad terminators the shape shifting ones from T2?
[quote name='homeland']I just started this series and as someone who is not up to snuff with the Terminator lore can someone answer just 1 question, Why aren't the bad terminators the shape shifting ones from T2?[/quote]
The t-1000 (liquid terminators) was a prototype, they had limited resources to produce them, which why only 1 was sent. No one is sure what the model exactly the current liquid female terminator is or WHEN it was sent.

The terminator from 1 (arnold) and the t 1000 from 2 were sent at the same time but to different periods in time.If I remember correctly...
[quote name='Will']Season premiere and enders always get the best ratings....I wont expect every episode to be blockbuster knocking out of the park type calibre.[/quote]

5.5 is terrible, the show is dropping like a rock and Prison Break, which should have ended years ago, had higher ratings.
[quote name='GBmanNC']The t-1000 (liquid terminators) was a prototype, they had limited resources to produce them, which why only 1 was sent. No one is sure what the model exactly the current liquid female terminator is or WHEN it was sent.

The terminator from 1 (arnold) and the t 1000 from 2 were sent at the same time but to different periods in time.If I remember correctly...[/quote]

According to an interview with IGN the Terminator is a T1001 wich make me believe i is not a ptototype anymore and therefore does not have nay glitches like the T100 did in T2. I have T2 exterme edition and in the extended edition the T1000 glitches after it gets frozen and starts walking again.
They better or this show will be lucky to get a third season. I don't expect it to go past a third one though.
I don't expect it to get a third season.

Fox, I think, has 5 dramas on the air right now. House and therefor Fringe are doing awesome in the ratings, Bones does it's normal 8-10 million viewers last I checked. That leaves this show and Prison Break. PB is doing better than T:SCC, and most likely costs a lot less. So T:SCC is the worst rated drama on Fox, and could be rather expensive, so why would they keep it unless DVD sales are HUGE?
Well for the most part it has only the Terminator fans watching it. Even then a good amount of them chances are hate it because Cameron has nothing to do with it. Hell some fans hated T3 before it was even in theaters because Cameron didn't direct it. I didn't think it was bad till I watched it again this weekend. I think if a channle like Showtime or HBO had this it would be a lot better. Hell I don't even think Fox is giving this show much of a budget. The D&D episode they expected to cost more then the rest did so they filmed it last. That way the had the full amount of what was left out of the budget to spend on it. All the futur parts were just filmed at a dump. They just moved some old cars around and from the sounds of it on the DVD set they didn't spend much on it. Atleast not unless they got ripped off big time.
They cut the budget a lot from the rumours back in the spring. It cost 2+ million for the first season episodes.
That doesn't surprise me. I wouldn't think they would have gave them more for their budget after last season. I see them getting even less next season. Don't know if they are shooting in order this season or trying to save it for episodes that will cost more. Like I said last season they saved the D&D episode to film last so they had the full amount of what was left and could just blow it all on it. I would rather have 12 or 13 episodes this season then 22. Atleast that way they could have had 12 better episodes then what they have now.
I didn't hear that on the extras. Only thing I heard about the budget was with the first season and them filming D&D last to use all of what was left.
[quote name='sendme']I didn't hear that on the extras. Only thing I heard about the budget was with the first season and them filming D&D last to use all of what was left.[/quote]

I think it was on one of the audio commentary on one of the episodes.
Watched the first 2 episodes last night on the fox website. Thought both were decent, nothing great, but decent. But that pretty much sums up the entire series. Will watch ep 3 tonight.
Well I thought episode 3 was better then the last one and 4 looks like it could be good.

Didn't think it would be his wife to be the one to die. I thought it would be a cast member with a major role. Also it looks like they might go more into the Cameron loving John story. My guess is that the Terminator Cameron killed the human Cameron and took her identity over. I'm also thinking that the human Cameron was John's wife.
So the episode was decent? I missed it because I was listening to some neighbors (Around 20) explain they didn't have sex with a 13 year old or something.
It was good but next weeks looks like it will be the best ouf of the 4. I may try to watch this one again online because someone was on the phone.
I thought it was pretty good. Better than some 20 year olds explaining they didn't have sex with a 13 year old? Dunno about that.
bread's done