Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

:lol: I think I'm in the minority when I say I actually like the artwork. That was the poster I chose when Fox was giving them away for free as a promo (although I never received it).
lol she looks like a future resistance fighter :rofl:

Just incase no one has said it yet season 2 starts on September 8th, 8PM Eastern. Atleast that is what terminatorfiles.com says.

Also they has this about Shirley Manson

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Garbage lead singer Shirley Manson will join the Fox drama in its second season and not just in a small role. Manson will be a cast regular, playing Catherine Weaver, CEO of a high-tech company. No other details are provided, but in the Terminator universe, CEOs at high-tech companies tend to exist only to push humanity one step closer to the brink of robo-domination.

They will also have a marathon in august.

Schedule mentioned in the article
All previous episodes will air at 9 PM.

Terminator pilot: Sunday, August 10
Episodes 2, 3 and 4: August 11, 12 and 13
Episodes 5, 6, 7 and 8: August 17, 18 19 and 20.
Season one finale: August 24.
Then, just two weeks later, the two-hour second season premiere of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles will air on September 8, starting at 8pm.
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']Robot.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Really ITDEFX, it's not that hard to figure out. You can't honestly think they would kill her off.
[quote name='keithp']Yeah. Really ITDEFX, it's not that hard to figure out. You can't honestly think they would kill her off.[/quote]

Well come to think about it, if the writers/producers wanted to get rid of Summer and bring in someone new for John's protector that would be one way to do this.

But now that it is confirmed Summer is coming back for the second season, she has to have *some* damage to her flesh. I think it would be neat if she showed more of her metal endo skeleton like the terminator movies did.
Is anyone else in the same boat as I am and would rather keep watching the tv show, as long as it keeps heading in the direction it is going, then see the fourth movie? The first two movies were great the third was ok and I think better then what people give it credit for. However it was lacking and like I said was an ok movie not all crap but not as good as it could have been or should have been. Now with the fourth one's filming starting from what I have read I dont know if I like it or not. I know it wont be as good as the first two and keep hoping it will be better then the third. I just dont see Christian Bale working well as John Connor.
[quote name='sendme']Is anyone else in the same boat as I am and would rather keep watching the tv show, as long as it keeps heading in the direction it is going, then see the fourth movie? The first two movies were great the third was ok and I think better then what people give it credit for. However it was lacking and like I said was an ok movie not all crap but not as good as it could have been or should have been. Now with the fourth one's filming starting from what I have read I dont know if I like it or not. I know it wont be as good as the first two and keep hoping it will be better then the third. I just dont see Christian Bale working well as John Connor.[/quote]


agreed. I am not really looking forward to T4 with batman. I will see it but it just wont be the same without the arhold
Well if I read right it takes place just as the war starts and leads up to the t-800 being made. The teaser from what terminatorfiles.com says will or could be shown before The Dark Knight. So look for it around July and the movie could be out around next Memorial Day.

Other then who they have as John Connor I really hate CG in the terminator movies. I would rather see the puppets and models like in the first 2. It looked alot better I think.

Anyway here is a link to the teaser


and here is one with some of the scenes shot along US 64 on June 10 on the on the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge.


Wish I could find out where they are filming and when so if it is out doors I could try and get on the set and dissrupt things or atleast check it out when I go on vacation.
[quote name='sendme']
Wish I could find out where they are filming and when[/quote]

Yeah, I wonder why they don't just release that info to the general public, it's not like anyone's going to--

so if it is out doors I could try and get on the set and dissrupt things or atleast check it out when I go on vacation.

...Oh, right. That's why. :p
Well if they tie this in with the new movie I know what Cameron was talking about when she said that the current John was not the John she knew and would not take orders from him yet.

This is a big spoiler about the ending to the fourth movie if true and my thoughts about it.

I took this from Terminatorfiles.com and they say it came off of CHUD and Aint It Cool News.

"Alright so the main character is a cyborg named Marcus. For some background, Marcus was a criminal who was executed in 2003. He donated his body to Project Angel which was involved with SkyNet. They take his body and make a terminator out of him so he's a terminator skeleton but has living muscle/skin and a beating heart too. At the end of the movie John Connor is fighting a T800 model 101 and loses. He dies and the top resistance people come up with a plan to help the resistance keep fighting on. The resistance feels that it's important to keep the image or idea that John Connor is still alive so the resistance keeps going. So they rip off Marcus' skin and put John Connor's on the skeleton so now Marcus is John Connor."

However this is only if they tie the movie and tv show together and still a bad idea to end the movie this way. McG has said that only 3 people know the way this movie is to end so that tells me that none of the cast knows how it will end.

Making John a cyborg is a really bad idea and to me a slap in the face to all the fans. I do think John Connor has to die but I think it should be in the fith or sixth movie that leads up to the end of the war.

Also here is some of the plot for the movie.

"This movie takes place several years after Judgment Day, but prior to 2029. Just like it took a long time to get an HD plasma screen in our world, it took Skynet a lot of research and development to get to the T-800, and this movie explores that "space between." We have all been fascinated with the world after Judgment Day. Here it is."

"In this film, there are Hydrobots that patrol the water, Transports that move human prisoners around, Harvesters that collect human beings as lab rats for Skynet and Aerostats that survey all that is going on with the resistance the world over."

"We've started shooting the T-600 - the bigger, grimier, nastier version that preceded the T-800."

"Like Reese says, they're easier to spot but they pack a mini gun and carry kick ass fire power. They're eight-foot tall killers that prowl the badlands looking for anything with a heartbeat to terminate."
[quote name='JolietJake']That doesn't make much sense though. Arnie took oders from John as if he was his future self, why won't Cameron?[/quote]
Perhaps she was ordered specifically not to do so. This would be likely, especially if her departure was post Arnie Deptature timeline.
[quote name='JolietJake']That doesn't make much sense though. Arnie took oders from John as if he was his future self, why won't Cameron?[/quote]

I think it was the second episode that states that Cameron was not designed to follow orders from "this" john, but the one in the future.

It also never states who she is truly authorized to follow orders from.
Well from the post above, it sounds like Cameron won't follow his orders because he is himself and not some skin on a endoskeleton. So that would mean that Arnold must have been sent back by the real John Conner, because he equates young John's orders with the future John's.

Meh, it's just rumor at this point, but done.
JolietJake, would be nice if you put that in spoiler tags because you are talking about what could be the end of the 4th movie.
[quote name='JolietJake']That doesn't make much sense though. Arnie took oders from John as if he was his future self, why won't Cameron?[/quote]well they cover that base by saying it's part of 'ignoring T3'. This didn't come up till T3 so they aren't bound by it.

Edit: nope my mistake. I just remember that in T2 he was programmed to follow orders from JC not T3. T3 was when he had to follow the chick.

[quote name='sendme']Is anyone else in the same boat as I am and would rather keep watching the tv show, as long as it keeps heading in the direction it is going, then see the fourth movie? The first two movies were great the third was ok and I think better then what people give it credit for. However it was lacking and like I said was an ok movie not all crap but not as good as it could have been or should have been. Now with the fourth one's filming starting from what I have read I dont know if I like it or not. I know it wont be as good as the first two and keep hoping it will be better then the third. I just dont see Christian Bale working well as John Connor.[/quote]Like the Matrix. It's a case of people making a movie where none should exist. The Matrix was a good movie. It was pretty much complete but idiots who don't know any better saw that Neo hasn't killed the robots and walked out of the theater saying "Can't wait for the next one". same with T3. I couldn't believe that people were discussing T4 at the end of T3. T3 was a bad enough movie. I saw T3 and that's enough. I for one won't pay to see T4. Maybe I'll download it. The show has it's issues but I can see potential there. Personally it's not one of my favorite girl-lead shows but it's FAR from the worst and as long as it's given room to grow. I'll remain a loyal supporter.
I tried to watch the BD of this and thought the quality was not all that good for a BD. Also i wish I didn't get this at Best Buy. I should have got it for 27.xx from amazon.
Might just be me then or something got changed in my PS3. Also I'm starting to not like how BD and even HD dvds go right into the movie or tv show. I always liked having my menu come up first then play the video. Something about this one really got to me. It really made me see how much I don't like that they are doing that.
that would be ok for a movie but for a TV show that would be really annoying. What if you want to start on the third episode? I hate when people don't think things thru. That would be almost as annoying as TV Box sets that don't have a "Play All" button.
Fox wants this show to fail. Mondays during the 8PM hour is going to be damn near impossible to survive.

Fox: Terminator
NBC: Chuck
CW: Gossip Girl
CBS: Big Bang Theory/How I Met Your Mother
ABC: Dancing With The Stars

I watch everything except Dancing With the Stars and Big Bang Theory and even with the DVR recording 2 shows at once I can't watch it all.
not really....chuck got poor #'s, gossip girl got solid #'s for a CW, but nothing great....how i met your mother/big bang theory both were mediocre come the end of the season. How I met your mother, was a bubble show that got put over the top due to the ratings spike of brittany spears. I watch all the same shows as you, good thing I have 2 dvr's that can record 2 shows at once :)
i agree. Chuck may not be The Office but putting TSCC up against it and HIMYM not the best move. I'd like to think they have extreme awesomeness planned because that's what it'd take for me to catch it live but I doubt it.
ugh... I forgot this show is on FOX, which is the SAME DAMN NETWORK AS AMERICAN IDOL! Try out shows start in January. It's been proven time and again that nothing survives Idol :(
I'm betting my wife will watch Dancing with the Stars, but that DVR will be recording Terminator.

Of course, Heroes comes on Monday at 9EST, right? So, I may not watch the show until Tuesday or even Friday.
[quote name='ITDEFX']ugh... I forgot this show is on FOX, which is the SAME DAMN NETWORK AS AMERICAN IDOL! Try out shows start in January. It's been proven time and again that nothing survives Idol :([/quote]

one of the biggest issues that terminator had was it wasn't pushed like house was. I forgot the reason but house got a special timeslot and was heavily pushed. Maybe it was superbowl sunday, maybe it was after americain idol one night, but even the cast/crew of house thought that terminator should have gotten that key time slot. House didn't need it and terminator did.

avg numbers

chuck: 8.2 mill
gossip girl: roughly 2.4 mill
terminator: approx 8.5 million but that is taking out the premiere that had
roughly 18million
how i met your mother 8.2mill avg, not including the brittany 10.4
mill bump
big bang theory is in the 8 million range

someone mentioned the office, and the office is down around 6million.....and dancing with the stars shouldn't affect the viewership of terminator, unless there is someone else in the house with only 1 or none dvr setups.
[quote name='Kayden']I download all my tv shows for free and then watch them when I have time. Suckers.[/quote]

Watching tv shows on the computer, bah.

Watching tv shows on an HDTV, priceless :bouncy:
[quote name='blueweltall']I'm going to miss the season opener is there any other way to watch it afterward?[/QUOTE]

Buy/Rent the DVDs?

May be able to watch online, I remember Heroes had all of their episodes on.
I'm really looking forward to the premiere!! It got a good advance review at IGN.
I didn't read it though because I didn't want to be spoiled! :D
[quote name='ryanbph']most shows are online, and it will most likely be available on xbox marketplace shortly after it airs[/quote]

I know but I want to watch it on a big screen.
here. we. go.

yes it WILL be online.. as far as watching on TV.. only thing i can think of is download a high def version and burn DVD
Holy shit.

Now that's one crazy 15 minutes of a starter for a season 2!

So Cameron is damaged and is hunting for the Connor's.

When Cameron's walking down the street in the beginning, you could clearly see the cover to one of Arnold's books in a store window in the background.
bread's done