Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

You're thinking about what they said about the T1000 in T2. Guns and bombs are too complex to mimic as they contain chemical reactions and moving parts, however, edged weapons are just fine. Even in the series, the guy smuggled in the power supply for the time machine in the bank by sticking it up his butt. I'd say a fusion core is a bit more complex than a gun.

[quote name='Wolfkin']guns are too complex. that's why the terminators don't have guns. Even the T3x or whatever she wall called didn't carry a gun she formed one afterwards.[/quote]
You guys are a trip. :rofl:

This arguement is alive and well for years after the terminator movies have been released.

They fucked up when they made the rules in the first movie, yet the second, third and tv series broke them.
[quote name='JolietJake']That makes no sense, if you can't send a gun through because it's to complex, then how the hell do the terminators get through? I'd say they're a tad more complex than a gun. Plus, TX did have guns, they were just internal.[/quote]
TX didn't have guns. TX formed guns. (the way T-1000 formed blades)

but i am willing to give up my guns are too complex theory. I only put about 3 minutes of thought into it as i think we can all see.
[quote name='Wolfkin']TX didn't have guns. TX formed guns. (the way T-1000 formed blades)

but i am willing to give up my guns are too complex theory. I only put about 3 minutes of thought into it as i think we can all see.[/quote]

"The T-X however carries weapons internally, allowing it to take an arsenal back with it."

[quote name='Kayden']Why doesn't anyone kill a dog and fill it with guns and send it back in time? Its the same principle as the organic shell on the terminators.[/quote]

Well, the only problem I see is that almost all of the futuristic weapons that would be better than modern weapons would all presumably rely on some form of battery for power. When Cameron was asked if the weapon the Resistance engineer had built was nuclear powered, she responded, "No, not really." That would imply that they either use uber-Duracells, or a type of reactor similar to a nuclear fission reactor (maybe fusion?).

It's not unreasonable to assume that the process of sending people back in time completely screws up electronics, or more specifically, power sources. Maybe the time travel machine generates a ridiculously powerful EMP field that screws up power sources that aren't properly shielded. In T3, the T-800 was shown to have nuclear reactors for batteries. Maybe that specific kind of power source is the only kind that can survive time travel. Perhaps that was what made the T-X such a big breakthrough--they figured out how to run weapons off of the Terminators' power supply. That would make sense...sort of.

In any event, the writers have already stated, multiple times, that they are somewhat removing Terminator 3 from their show's canon. Obviously, they're using some elements, such as Sarah having the threat of leukemia over her head. I personally liked the movie. But I definitely understand why they don't want to tie themselves too much to that movie--it would sort of constrict their plot options.
I still don't like that explanation. If that was their one caveat, I'm sure they'd be more than willing to scrap a few T-800s for a power cell to power a weapon. If a fusion powered robot assassin can drape skin over itself to go back in time you better fucking believe you can put a pulse rifle up a dogs ass to the same end!
[quote name='JolietJake']"The T-X however carries weapons internally, allowing it to take an arsenal back with it."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-X[/quote]what the blazes? I'd watch the movie again (it's on AMC like every other day) but I really don't care for it. I again will yield my point.
I of course will be standig firm on the return of Summar Glau looking terminator
[quote name='Wolfkin']what the blazes? I'd watch the movie again (it's on AMC like every other day) but I really don't care for it. I again will yield my point.
I of course will be standig firm on the return of Summar Glau looking terminator[/quote]

Don't you mean FX?

I dunno, T3 seems more depressing than the other two movies for some reason.
no actually i don't know about hte FX rotation but when I last watched TV (only at my sisters place) it was on pretty much 3 times a day on either AMC or TMC i can't recall which one.
I was going to say Edward Furlong could probably do it, but he looks like hell now.

[quote name='nadsofed']I wish they would replace the actor portraying John Connor he is the weak link in the show.[/quote]
ok, if some crazy reason FOX tells the producers to change Cameron's outside appearance (meaning boot Summer), who do you think could replace her?
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Jessica Alba.

Same skin color and body type (after vigorous weight loss).

Same lack of acting ability.[/quote]

For real?:whistle2:?
Why... why is Alba soooo overrated. Glau could kick her ass not to mention replacing her with Alba is an insult. :cough: Dark Angel :cough:
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Heroin hell or Post Apocalypse hell?[/quote]

Fat hell. Possibly with bonus heroin hell mixed in, but mostly just fat hell.

Also, there is no way that they're getting rid of Cameron. Remember, the car bomb cliffhanger was only supposed to be a one week long cliffhanger. The show was supposed to go on for the rest of the season, but the writer's strike made that the last episode of the season. Do you really think that they would have gotten rid of Summer Glau in the middle of the season? Heck no.

Of course, the writers now have the opportunity to make the car bomb into a bigger deal than they had planned--they sort of have to, I imagine. Otherwise it might seem like a lame payoff for such a long wait. But there's no way they're going to replace Summer Glau. They're probably just going to have Cameron be literally faceless a bit longer than they might have planned last season.
Summer also had an interview where she said she was really excited for the next 2 (maybe 3)episodes. It was on tvguide right before it went off the air.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Heroin hell or Post Apocalypse hell?[/quote]that's great.

good lord I just had a 3 hour conversation with my sister 3 days ago over why Jessica Alba is hotter then Jessica Biel. I had to spend about 45 minutes convincing her that I was attracted to her body and not her 'mind'*. The Fantastic Four 1 movie was not that good. I can't be the only one who watched it for Alba. I'm beginning to think the world has gone crazy. Biel is hot? Alba's not? Current articles show Nintendo hate and EA love. It's like everything bad is good and vica versa.

* meaning my perception was tainted by her in shows like Dark Angel. Which isn't true. I actually do remember her from Alex Mack and if we were talking about Larisa Oleynik that'd be a different story.
I hope to never have a 3-hour conversation with my sister about the women I'm attracted to.

It's not really oedipal but it's certainly...curious.
it wasn't so much about girls i'm attracted to.. but about whether or not Jessica Biel is hot. I'm pretty sure we'd just finished watching Next. Sides it wasn't nearly as creepy as this episode of Aliens in America I just saw.
ok here are the two people I think *could* replace Summer if she didn't come back for season 2

Michelle Trachtenberg


Eliza Dushku

dushku is already on a show called dollhouse and is in the works with joss whedon at the helm. Michelle Trachtenberg is going to be on gossip girl. Gossip girl is getting decent numbers, and I believe her role on that will not be a short one. Misha barton was trying for the part, but it was given to trachtenberg.
[quote name='camoor']Behind playing a retard, playing a robot is about the easiest gig in Holllywood.[/quote]

What about a role as a retarded robot?

I guess the closest we've seen to that would be Robbie the Robot.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'm used to paying $40 for season DVD sets with 20-22 episodes. Wonder how much this one will be.[/quote]


Just be happy this isn't a Paramount show or else you would have to pay 100+ bucks per season (star trek)
i don't know what else Paramount sells but Star Trek is expensive because it's Star Trek. I'm not saying it's that good I'm saying the fanbase is that extreme.
Makes me wonder how much TCF/Lucasfilm is going to charge for season one of the TV series (not the clone wars series) when it hits BR?
[quote name='Wolfkin']i don't know what else Paramount sells but Star Trek is expensive because it's Star Trek. I'm not saying it's that good I'm saying the fanbase is that extreme.[/QUOTE]

McGuyver, Happy Days, and Jericho are three Paramount series I can think of right off the top of my head.
[quote name='JolietJake']Thats not even a full season, it's like season .5.[/quote]

Guess how much we are going to have to pay for season 2 of Jericho when it hits DVD?
I have been wondering when this could come out on DVD. It just sucks that it is only 9 eps. I hope it has a lot of extras and is only priced around 20 bucks. If it is more then 25 i'm just going to hold out on a price drop.
[quote name='ITDEFX']$49.99


Wha-?! They've GOTTA be smoking crack or something. You'd have to be out of your mind to pay that much for 9 measly episodes. They better have a metric TON of additional content besides the usual commentaries and stuff!

So I guess Season 2 with 13 episodes is going to run $75, and the first full season is over $100!
[quote name='keithp']Wha-?! They've GOTTA be smoking crack or something. You'd have to be out of your mind to pay that much for 9 measly episodes. They better have a metric TON of additional content besides the usual commentaries and stuff!

So I guess Season 2 with 13 episodes is going to run $75, and the first full season is over $100![/quote]

I was just kidding...

it's actually going to cost 29.99 MSRP so expect it to be 24.99 or 19.99 the first week.


The show is hunting for a couple of new regulars: Becky, a hot teenaged hipster, and Catherine, an unusually earthy business bigwig in her early forties. Which leads me to believe that young John is about to get a girlfriend. Because of the new teenager, I mean, not the 40-year-old female Bill Gates. Although, now that I mention it, he does have some mother issues.

what's funny about this is this blog is the official Fox blog. yet they say "Since Fox hasn’t officially announced this, we merely linked to the rumors…"
[quote name='Wolfkin']http://www.fox.com/futurefox/blogs/index.php/2008/05/07/terminator-is-casting/

what's funny about this is this blog is the official Fox blog. yet they say "Since Fox hasn’t officially announced this, we merely linked to the rumors…"[/quote]


It could be a possibility that FOX is tossing out Summer in favor of a fresh new face for a new terminator protector. I doubt we will hear anything until the start of the new season as it might cause an uproar among the fans.
[quote name='keithp']

So I guess Season 2 with 13 episodes is going to run $75, and the first full season is over $100![/quote]

You think there will be a season three... and that it will be a 22 episode season? Man you are a dreamer.

The show will be canceled by Christmas.
bread's done