Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

[quote name='Pookymeister']crap, didnt know this started at 8[/QUOTE]

Season Finale started 1 hour early. Hasnt aired on the West Coast yet.
Do the terminator chips come with monster cable connections to connect to everything like modern pcs and a street lamp?
[quote name='GBmanNC']Do the terminator chips come with monster cable connections to connect to everything like modern pcs and a street lamp?[/quote]

[quote name='GBmanNC']arg, if fox cancels this i'll never bother watching a fox show again till its in its 3rd season.[/quote]

I waited until the second season for Bones.

And it was supposed to lead up to the season finale, but the asshole writers went on strike.
[quote name='anomynous']
Cameron's alright, she'll just be really shiny from now on

Of course she is.

That was a strange finale IMO. Somehow I expected more action from the previews. The Johnny Cash part was great though!! :D

But I'm looking forward to the new season!
What a badass season finale. Do we know yet when the new season is supposed to start because I cannot wait. and yes Cameron in a mini skirt is :drool::drool::drool: .
[quote name='bigdaddy']I waited until the second season for Bones.

And it was supposed to lead up to the season finale, but the asshole writers went on strike.[/quote]

Hey Why the hell do you dis the writers? It's not their fault hollywood wanted to rape them of their hard work. It's been coming for a very long time.

I have this feeling that the producers can use Cameron's death to write out Summer from the series and bring in someone else to play Cameron. I really hope not. She brings life to her character.
I diss the writers because I think they should have held out for more. They took a stupid deal and shouldn't have. It will be the last time I support them.

And from the weird wording between episodes of "The exciting conclusion to T:SCC...". Makes it seem like it is canceled to me.
whatever happens, I think that Agent Ellis is now going to be one fucked up character now that he knows the Terminators and the future that Sara described is real and coming. He might be joining their side next season.

Cameron's *upload* might be like her back up...so she's out there in cyberspace.
Way I see it, the T-888
left Agent Elis alive because Elis is its best chance of locating Sarah and John Connor.

Elis is increasingly becoming an ominous character what with his growing obsession with Revelations, Judgement Day, and the Rapture.
Stupid fox made it seem like it was going to be a KA BAM!! finale and it wasn't. Of course Cameron isn't dead, we all know a Terminator cannot be killed with a tiny bomb like that. The only thing i want to know is who the fuck was that other chick driving them around. Is she a Terminator too or what? I hope Fox picks the show up for a second season because i'm really into the show now.
The season finale was pretty good. I certainly look forward to the next season! When will that start!?

As others have mentioned the Johnny Cash song was great.
[quote name='eliter1'] the fuck was that other chick driving them around. Is she a Terminator too or what? I hope Fox picks the show up for a second season because i'm really into the show now.[/quote]

She was the lookout at the house of the guys who made the Connors the counterfeit identification. Everybody in that house was killed, so I guess she was helping in order to get revenge.
[quote name='eliter1']Stupid fox made it seem like it was going to be a KA BAM!! finale and it wasn't. Of course Cameron isn't dead, we all know a Terminator cannot be killed with a tiny bomb like that. The only thing i want to know is who the fuck was that other chick driving them around. Is she a Terminator too or what? I hope Fox picks the show up for a second season because i'm really into the show now.[/quote]

Hmmm I seem to have missed the end. I thought it was over when the T888 walked out of the apartment building. LOL
[quote name='Quintessence']She was the lookout at the house of the guys who made the Connors the counterfeit identification. Everybody in that house was killed, so I guess she was helping in order to get revenge.[/quote]

I know she was the lookout girl but i thought she was acting weird and maybe something else was going on. Now that i think of it she was just that girl. I was thinking there was something that made her special.

I still don't trust Reese, does anyone else think he might be up to something else.?
[quote name='camoor']Yes.[/quote]

Have any guesses at what that something might be.
I think that when he was captured in the future he got some kind of brainwashing done to him and maybe he doesn't even know it but he is going to end up fucking the Connors up.

Also, Cameron said she lied because her mission required it, i wonder what else she's been keeping if anything.
[quote name='eliter1']Have any guesses at what that something might be.
I think that when he was captured in the future he got some kind of brainwashing done to him and maybe he doesn't even know it but he is going to end up fucking the Connors up.

Also, Cameron said she lied because her mission required it, i wonder what else she's been keeping if anything.[/quote]

Check out page 18 of this thread.
What was up with Cameron telling the girl, "Do I need to kill you now?" and then giving her a gun-? Was that supposed to be a funny play on what the girl told Cameron when they first met?
[quote name='keithp']What was up with Cameron telling the girl, "Do I need to kill you now?" and then giving her a gun-? Was that supposed to be a funny play on what the girl told Cameron when they first met?[/quote]

I think she was running through a decision tree, ala "if I leave this woman alive she might be a danger to the Connors. But if I kill her well then her death/disappearance will be investigated by the cops..."

Also since we now know that the T-888 had a functional pecker, does that mean Cameron has a functional vag?

This show isn't ignoring T3 as much as they said they would...first there was the reference to Sarah Connor's cancer, mentioned only in T3. And now Derek telling John his ultimate, certain fate is to be killed by a Terminator. Referenced only in T3.
[quote name='aerotive']I think she was running through a decision tree, ala "if I leave this woman alive she might be a danger to the Connors. But if I kill her well then her death/disappearance will be investigated by the cops..."

Also since we now know that the T-888 had a functional pecker, does that mean Cameron has a functional vag?[/QUOTE]
Well, we know she can eat...
When Cameron commented on how effective it was when the T-888 kissed that woman in the video, it almost seemed like she was commenting on her and john's relationship. Like she could do the same thing to seduce him if she wanted.
I hope Fox brings back the series b/c they left us with a huge cliffhanger! *crosses fingers*

Anybody know what's up with the John Connors lab partner (the blonde girl)? It seems like she plays no significant role in the series, but they give her a decent amount of airtime here and there. I wonder why her father keeps her on the lockdown? #-o

ps. :whee:
[quote name='aerotive']This show isn't ignoring T3 as much as they said they would...first there was the reference to Sarah Connor's cancer, mentioned only in T3. And now Derek telling John his ultimate, certain fate is to be killed by a Terminator. Referenced only in T3.[/quote]I thought the whole point of the movie T1 was that after the war the Machines did kill John but it was too late. Hence that not necessarily being a reference to T3. Besides which I think it's safe to say that Future John is the one who sent back both of the Reese Brothers so John was alive when Derek went back.
[quote name='Wolfkin']I thought the whole point of the movie T1 was that after the war the Machines did kill John but it was too late. Hence that not necessarily being a reference to T3. Besides which I think it's safe to say that Future John is the one who sent back both of the Reese Brothers so John was alive when Derek went back.[/quote]

No I think the point of T1 was that they had to go back and kill Connor when it mattered. Remember Kyle Reese had some lines that went something like "their defense grid was smashed, we'd won, killing Connor at that point wouldn't have made a difference". I don't think they ever actually succeeded in killing him in the T1 timeline.

You're probably right about the second point...Connor would've had to've been killed between the time of giving the order and them actually jumping back.
I enjoyed the season, possible series, finale. I don't get the big hub bub over cliff hanger ending. Summer Glau has already talked about her role in what would be the next 2 episodes. We didn't see much of a fight scene at the end, it would have been a lot better to see the fighting rather then bodies being dropped into the pool.
What's with the 2 hour episode that had no connection with each other at all? Unless I'm seriously missing something, which is probable since I've been having trouble keeping up with the storyline.

So they tried to hack into the main computer and this "Vick" guy tried to go online or something? Then the next episode didn't continue on what happened with "Vick" at all.

I really like the show, but is it me or do each episodes not connect with each other at all?
It wasn't really a "Finale." It was just the last two episodes they had. They were supposed to have a few more episodes, but the strike happened, and they just went with a shorter season.
[quote name='javeryh']My stupid DVR didn't record the second hour and it doesn't appear on the guide... what are my options?[/quote]

Did anyone watch Fox news at 10pm right after the season finale? I think about the last 10 minutes they had an interview with Summer and the guy who played John. The reporter was asking if there was the possibility of Arnold coming on as a Cameo and both actors jumped on it saying that they don't want him on the show because the SCC wants to be unique from the movies....ok..... yet they were ok if he showed up as a Governor. :roll:

Earlier that night the ad for the news was saying "...Learn why the actors from the show do not want the Governator on the show...". The reporter made it sound like the actors HATE Arnold in real life and don't want anything to do with him for some reason. Guess suckers like me ended up watching the news just to see what was up with that story only to be swiped like that in the end.:bomb: God I hate my local Fox 5 news. Always pulling this shit.
is there a web site that tells you what the ratings are for each show? I would like to know how well this show is doing?
I enjoyed the last two episodes of the season. The cliffhanger was kind of weak, but I understand it wasn't the cliffhanger they necessarily wanted to end the season on.
The pool thing was really cool, I was looking forward to the fight, but I though the way they handled it was pretty cool.

[quote name='ITDEFX']is there a web site that tells you what the ratings are for each show? I would like to know how well this show is doing?[/quote]
The show's Wikipedia entry has a list of the ratings. Besides the first two episodes the show has been getting 7 and 8 million viewers per episode. Hopefully it's good enough to get a second season.
www.tvtracker.com you click on daily ratings in the left hand columm about 2/3rd the way down....you then click on the date you want the numbers for...I am pretty sure if you want monday night results you will look for the tuesday date, as the monday fast overnight numbers come in tuesday mid day...

the numbers have been decent for most shows, the issue I have heard that fox is having is that this show is costing them a shit ton more then an avg show does to produce. With so much more production cost, they need a shit load more viewers then the avg show gets. Most entertainment media considers this show on the bubble...most feel fox blew it by not having it air after the superbowl, as house didn't need a bump like this show did....
[quote name='ryanbph']The numbers have been decent for most shows, the issue I have heard that fox is having is that this show is costing them a shit ton more then an avg show does to produce. With so much more production cost, they need a shit load more viewers then the avg show gets. Most entertainment media considers this show on the bubble...most feel fox blew it by not having it air after the superbowl, as house didn't need a bump like this show did....[/quote]

Id rather see them cut the budget and develop the show instead of cancel it... but this is FOX so I expect them to cancel it.
[quote name='javeryh']Id rather see them cut the budget and develop the show instead of cancel it... but this is FOX so I expect them to cancel it.[/quote]

I'm sure they will.
[quote name='anomynous']Personally I think the hispanic chick is also a Terminator[/quote]

If she is then she is there on a good mission because Cameron would of course be able to detect that she was a machine, and if she was bad then she would be destroyed.
[quote name='aerotive']
Also since we now know that the T-888 had a functional pecker, does that mean Cameron has a functional vag?

Well, it's probably "functional" in the sense that it's...there.

It's probably not functional in the sense that it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing any "My Mother is a Teenage Cyborg" subplots.
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']Well, it's probably "functional" in the sense that it's...there.

It's probably not functional in the sense that it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing any "My Mother is a Teenage Cyborg" subplots.[/quote]

Yeah - TSCC is smart enough to leave soap-opera robot schenanigans to BG.

I really wasn't getting how it would work though. I mean, I know I'm overthinking it, but I thought the terminators felt like skin stretched over metal and weighed a ton - how is that going to fool anyone?
You're thinking about it way too hard and literal. Terminators are skin over a metal exoskeleton. Yet when you hug a Terminator it woudln't feel inhuman. It would feel like hugging a person who was being stiff. Not because of the metal but because they stand unnaturally. Presumably a similar type of thing in the genitalia area. Just because the Terminators weigh a ton doesn't mean they feel like it. It's the difference between lifting a conscious and unconscious person. Skeletal tone makes it feel lighter.
[quote name='Wolfkin']You're thinking about it way too hard and literal. Terminators are skin over a metal exoskeleton. Yet when you hug a Terminator it woudln't feel inhuman. It would feel like hugging a person who was being stiff. Not because of the metal but because they stand unnaturally. Presumably a similar type of thing in the genitalia area. Just because the Terminators weigh a ton doesn't mean they feel like it. It's the difference between lifting a conscious and unconscious person. Skeletal tone makes it feel lighter.[/quote]

Right, the terminator is holding up its own limbs. So yes, if you shove a terminator, it wouldn't budge, but if you brush aside its hand, they won't freeze their hand and resist movement. They don't have to lock their joints.
I was thinking today about what the Terminators want to do. Once they kill John conner and the rest of the humans what will they do? From what I've read on wikipedia Skynet is the only AI. Skynet runs everything, it's not like the borg or the robots in the Matrix.

At least the robots in the matrix had a civilzation. But really what would the terminators do once all the humans are dead?
bread's done