Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

[quote name='ITDEFX']I think that's what the producers want. Confuse the hell out of you but want you coming back for more, hence more ratings for them :|

Looks like episode 9 is the season finale. Yet still no word about if this is going to continue pass this season.


Did this show have a good lead-in last night or something? Wikipedia has the rating at 11.9, while the previous one was 5.1.

They've sunk a lot of promotional effort into the show for it to only last 9 episodes...but then again it is Fox.
I missed the first few minutes, almost forgot it was on--arrgh! Oh well, I have to watch the episode again to try to clear up some things.

First thing--I want to know why that terminators would just leave Reese, Andy, and the others with an ax in the building to free themselves? Doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't the machines just kill them if they were done there? Don't the machines want ALL humans exterminated?

This episode brought up SO MANY more questions it's unreal.

You definitely got the vibe that Cameron might have "gone bad" as she put it. For example, what was up when she told Sara's ex-fiancee that he should leave, it wasn't safe for him there? I half-expected her to take that knife and just kill him right then. And then when she out-right lied to Sara and said she'd make sure all the parts were destroyed, but kept the CPU? We know the FBI agent found the hand, and Cameron said there was only one part unaccounted for so that must be the one she meant and not the CPU.

SO many questions....not enough answers yet....

I'm really interested in what the overall story is though!
[quote name='aerotive']Did this show have a good lead-in last night or something? Wikipedia has the rating at 11.9, while the previous one was 5.1.

They've sunk a lot of promotional effort into the show for it to only last 9 episodes...but then again it is Fox.[/quote]

If this is true, it means that people want to see more of the apocalyptic future world run by Skynet.

Makes you wonder what would have happened if they hadn't cheaped out on T3 and instead went with Cameron's vision of having more of the movie set in the post-Judgement Day conflict.

Seriously, seeing all the crap they greenlight it's an absolute travesty that the studios weren't willing to ante up for Cameron's vision of T3.
[quote name='keithp']I missed the first few minutes, almost forgot it was on--arrgh! Oh well, I have to watch the episode again to try to clear up some things.

First thing--I want to know why that terminators would just leave Reese, Andy, and the others with an ax in the building to free themselves? Doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't the machines just kill them if they were done there? Don't the machines want ALL humans exterminated?[/quote]

When they were given the axe and made the comment about "is this a game" "isn't it always..." (paraphrased) I thought it was going to evolve into a killing game - with the machines testing the reactions of the humans as they were hunted.

Then when nothing attacked them I thought the machines were going to track Reese & co. back to the hideout.

However I now believe that team Skynet attempted to reprogram Reese and that other guy in the basement (or else they were replaced with advanced lookalike Terminators...)
When they had the axe in the room with all of them, i thought for sure they were gonna have a rip off Saw moment. With them cutting off hands to escape.
[quote name='camoor']When they were given the axe and made the comment about "is this a game" "isn't it always..." (paraphrased) I thought it was going to evolve into a killing game - with the machines testing the reactions of the humans as they were hunted.

Then when nothing attacked them I thought the machines were going to track Reese & co. back to the hideout.

However I now believe that team Skynet attempted to reprogram Reese and that other guy in the basement (or else they were replaced with advanced lookalike Terminators...)[/QUOTE]

Ah, you're I believe you're right, that makes alot of sense! The only reason to let them go is if they're being used in some kind-of plan. The comments you allude to seem to agree with that also!
[quote name='camoor']When they were given the axe and made the comment about "is this a game" "isn't it always..." (paraphrased) I thought it was going to evolve into a killing game - with the machines testing the reactions of the humans as they were hunted.

Then when nothing attacked them I thought the machines were going to track Reese & co. back to the hideout.

However I now believe that team Skynet attempted to reprogram Reese and that other guy in the basement (or else they were replaced with advanced lookalike Terminators...)[/quote]

I think a sort of Manchurian Candidate style brainwashing went on. The advanced Terminator thing doesn't work because Derek was seriously injured and has been examined closely.

I also think it's possible that John Connor was controlling the Terminator and brainwashing at the house--some sort of deep cover exercise.
[quote name='aerotive']I also think it's possible that John Connor was controlling the Terminator and brainwashing at the house--some sort of deep cover exercise.[/quote]

Damn now that makes sense as well, and would be a cool twist. It also could be that Connor was conducting a test on who would break under torture in the basement. Even the HKs hauling off the jet engine overhead the mansion could have been under John's control - they could have been assembling the parts he needed for the time machine.

I still lean towards a Skynet control explanation (and thx keithp), but I agree with everyone that the show is sure more interesting!
[quote name='camoor']Damn now that makes sense as well, and would be a cool twist. It also could be that Connor was conducting a test on who would break under torture in the basement. Even the HKs hauling off the jet engine overhead the mansion could have been under John's control - they could have been assembling the parts he needed for the time machine.

I still lean towards a Skynet control explanation (and thx keithp), but I agree with everyone that the show is sure more interesting![/QUOTE]

Seriously, once again lets hope FOX doesn't fuck this up and cancel it just cause they want more reality tv shows :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']Seriously, once again lets hope FOX doesn't fuck this up and cancel it just cause they want more reality tv shows :([/quote]

They better not cancel it! I hardly watch anything on television any more, especially reality shows, so if this is canceled then I will not be watching much at all.
I'm on the verge of not watching tv at all anymore, Especially after that stupid fucking Knight Rider... Anyway, my "free tivo" will pick anything up if needed that badly.
Yeah, I really hope that they keep this alive. In this respect, I think us fans would be much better off if another network aired the series.

Come to think of it, fans would be better off in pretty much all respects if Fox didn't air the series. Let SciFi take it, they don't have anything better to do with their timeslots. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I suppose Fox has been able to bring a lot of advertising to bear for this show.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Agreed. I think Conner needs judgment day to occur...other wise he won't exist. I guess either no one knows that his father is Kyle Reese, and that it's him that knocks Sara up.


Paradox and Terminator don't belong in the same sentence.
[quote name='aerotive']Did this show have a good lead-in last night or something? Wikipedia has the rating at 11.9, while the previous one was 5.1.

They've sunk a lot of promotional effort into the show for it to only last 9 episodes...but then again it is Fox.[/quote]

it was prison breaks season finale
Ok, I just watched the episode again. MUCH better on the second viewing!! Camoor is dead-on IMO. I'm still not sure what was going on in that basement, but I can't wait to find out!! Also I think I'm leaning towards Cameron not going "bad" but just having an alternate mission/objective.

Fox BETTER not cancel this series. At least give SciFi a chance to pick it up!
If they DO cancel the series, and it doesn't get picked up by another network, I hope they at least make a book or something out of whatever plot elements they had laid out. It would really irritate me if they never said who Cameron really is, or how the story ends. :(
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']If they DO cancel the series, and it doesn't get picked up by another network, I hope they at least make a book or something out of whatever plot elements they had laid out. It would really irritate me if they never said who Cameron really is, or how the story ends. :([/QUOTE]

The problem is that it was made for FOX. With FOX you have to water the stuff down and you have a high risk of getting the axe with them if your show is a threat to another hit series (*cough* American Idol *cough*). Sci-fi Channel, although would be perfect for shows like this (and firefly), they are a bunch of pussies for not taking the chance and footing the bill to have the show continue despite the fact the show could be a mega ratings hit on Sci-Fi Channel vs on FOX.

Sci-Fi won't pick up the tab for these great shows, yet they pick up the tabs for some crappy sci-fi movie no one is even remotely interested in.

Jericho has been spotted on Sci-fi.... are they testing the waters to see if they want to buy a 3rd season if CBS decides not to give it a 3rd season?

Who really knows what's going on a CBS HQ. With the new Knight Rider being a ratings hit for NBC, they might be thinking of going back to their old tv shows from the 80's and re-making, continuing what worked 20 years ago.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I didn't understand that statement. They aren't program for good or bad.. They are programmed to complete their mission. If it is to haul a large jet engine type across the ruins or to seek out and destroy humans it just doesn't matter as they are machines programmed for specific tasks.[/quote]I think you're taking it too literally. For instance the 'Ghost in the Machine' concept doesn't actually apply to a ghost per se. It's the concept that as a program is more complex you can't predict every outcome and sometimes the output from an unexpected input yields a response outside the predicted range. For all the flak that "I, Robot" the movie gets (and it deserves a lot) I feel that was one thing that was explained very well.

It could be as simple as they reprogrammed the Terminators as best as they could but if they didn't do it right the machine could revert from helping to killing. Personally I think it breaks the canon but it's not as bad as some others things they've done so I'm not gonna obsess over it.
[quote name='Wolfkin']I think you're taking it too literally. For instance the 'Ghost in the Machine' concept doesn't actually apply to a ghost per se. It's the concept that as a program is more complex you can't predict every outcome and sometimes the output from an unexpected input yields a response outside the predicted range. For all the flak that "I, Robot" the movie gets (and it deserves a lot) I feel that was one thing that was explained very well.

It could be as simple as they reprogrammed the Terminators as best as they could but if they didn't do it right the machine could revert from helping to killing. Personally I think it breaks the canon but it's not as bad as some others things they've done so I'm not gonna obsess over it.[/quote]

Ahhh I understand now. Your "I, Robot" example helped that. Good point. I can understand that it is a trial and error reprogramming a terminator and it doesn't always work.

It's really too bad that rumors are FOX is going to cancel this show :(
Here comes another "insert name of show" the complete series DVD. I wish sci-fi would step up and pick shows like this up. They show enterprise every week, yet wouldn't pick it up for new episodes.
[quote name='JolietJake']Here comes another "insert name of show" the complete series DVD. I wish sci-fi would step up and pick shows like this up. They show enterprise every week, yet wouldn't pick it up for new episodes.[/quote]

I think there was a management change at sci-fi a few year ago. It's a lot cheaper for them to buy the syndication rights vs producing a budget for season 5-7 of Enterprise. FOX might not let this go cheaply though :(
Yeah but how long can they keep repeating the same episodes over and over? I don't even watch it anymore because i've seen them all at least half a dozen times..
[quote name='JolietJake']This is one seriously fucked up episode.[/quote]

Interesting..but yea it got a bit creepy after Cameron just took the information and let the two people die :( Very cold.

[quote name='keithp']Nice how they tie T2 in to tonight's episode!

Looks like doc is a little crazy himself these days...[/quote]

Why didn't they hire the original actor from the movies to do the part again? It's not like he's a huge hollywood star who wants 30 million dollars for a few scenes in this show. Also the fact that we just saw the same actor LAST week on Knight Rider. So great, the creator of KITT is also a believer of the apocalypse :)

[quote name='JolietJake']Yeah that was pretty funny, teacher said she was to robotic.:lol:[/quote]


[quote name='JolietJake']Cameron in tights:drool:[/quote]

She's cute. However notice that she dressed nearly exactly how her teacher was earlier in the episode.
2-hour shortened-season finale next week. Should be good! I'm going to be bummed if Fox cancels this.

Edit: According to interview below, while not officially ordering next season, it sounds like it's a go. At least the producers have a clear story arc mapped out for the entire show.
Just saw this interview with cast and crew on IGN-

WC 08: Terminator Cast and Producers Speak
The Sarah Connor creative team meet the fans and talk about the future.
by Eric Goldman

February 24, 2008 - While only a few weeks old, there was clearly a passionate fanbase out in full force for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles today at WonderCon - And unlike last summer at Comic-Con, it was obviously not almost entirely because of the ongoing love the geek crowd has for Summer Glau (thanks to Firefly), but because of the strength of her new series, which has quickly proven to be a worthy part of the Terminator saga.

The panel consisted of the series showrunners/executive producers, Josh Friedman and John Wirth, along with Glau ("Cameron"), Thomas Dekker ("John Connor") and recent cast addition Brian Austin Green ("Derek Reese"). Friedman said that going into Season 1 "We had a pretty good plan," and that during the nine episodes they completed, "it actually came together a lot like we thought." Friedman did add that the show was 'Funnier than I expected," and when he said he wasn't sure if others felt that way, Glau remarked "We laugh all the time," while shooting the series.

Dekker agreed, "We do laugh a lot for such a serious show," on the heels of Glau explaining that Dekker was infamous for coming in and preceding to read a different character than John during rehearsal, often to the confusion and concern of a new director, who don't know that he's joking. Dekker said that filming the show, "It's hard for us all being stoic, particularly Summer."

Glau said that one situation in particular that was difficult for her occurred while filming last week's episode, "Dungeon's and Dragons", which had Green laying in their kitchen set, acting as though he were on the brink of death. Glau said she tried to keep it together as Green did take after take "spitting up that foam," only to finally crack up. "It's funny in a horrific way, sometimes," said Green.

Joining the series was "really scary – overwhelming at first," Green remarked, adding that he was joining a cast who had already bonded. However, he said the "Cast was fantastic and really welcoming." Green said it was a dream job, garnering applause as he exclaimed, "I get to fight Terminators. Who doesn't want to do that?!"

Friedman said he initially had thought of bringing Kyle Reese into the show in a more direct way, only for his fellow producer James Middleton to convince him that was a bad idea. Friedman's next thought was, "What about his brother?" Friedman noted that Kyle Reese had a "sacred" place in Terminator lore, and that on a show focused on a "family unit, having a Reese was important to that." Friedman revealed he couldn't get FOX to go for his proposed tagline for the series – "The ultimate nuclear family." Wirth did interject that, "The family thing is really interesting, but it's the Terminators and the cast," that he loved the most about the show.

Green of course starred for years on FOX's iconic 90s series Beverly Hills: 90210, and when the moderator asked Friedman if Green was who he had in mind when he wrote the part, Green cracked everyone up, as he said he seriously doubted anyone said, "Brian Austin Green will be perfect for this!" The self-deprecation continued, as he dead-panned, "When you think action, you think Brian Austin Green," and referenced his 90210 character David Silver as he cracked that he was sure Friedman intended for Derek Reese to do, "A little DJing… a little shooting."

Friedman said Green simply gave an excellent audition, and that he recalled thinking, "S**t, I'm gonna cast Brian Austin Green!", to which Dekker threw in, "We all thought that!" Friedman explained that he figured, "He's gonna be our Scott Foley on The Unit," and that when some of the other writers expressed doubt at the casting, he simply showed them Green's audition tape and they all quickly were sold. When the moderator asked Green if working with Shannon Doherty prepared him to work with Terminators, the actor laughed and simply replied, "Yeah."

The Terminator series is also continuing in films, with the upcoming Terminator Salvation, directed by McG and starring Christian Bale as John Connor. Asked if they had concerns about the two projects occurring at the same time, Wirth said "I didn't give it a second thought." Friedman agreed, saying ultimately, "I wouldn't want to be constructed by what they do," and that he was sure the makers of the film felt the same way about the show. Friedman mentioned that he knew some fans try very hard to reconcile every story to, "try to make it one strict timeline," but that ultimately he felt obsessing on that will make you "rip your head off. It's impossible," and that it was best to simply think of the TV series as its own story and the new film as a different one.

The discussion turned to Cameron, and whether she'll get her own catchphrase, a la "I'll be back." Dekker said he felt "Thank you for explaining" was a good choice, to which Friedman replied, "We've tried to make the Terminators really polite."

Asked about the action on the show, Friedman remarked, "I think Big Shots had a larger budget, and that's not a joke," explaining that simply for budget reasons, it was important to mix action and drama. He said he felt they could also have fun with "small moments of violence," using the scene in which the Terminator Cromartie smashes his human double into a mirror as an example.

Glau said her personal favorite fight scene on the show so far was the one with Cromartie in the pilot, because "I love crashing into breakaway walls!" Friedman praised the willingness and skills of the cast to do much of their own stunts, noting that it saved time and money, and that it was "one of the reasons we can do it, besides being really cool."

Huge laughter greeted Glau noting that one way in which her character had rubbed off on her was her tendency to practice shooting with a BB gun, saying her boyfriend is the target, holding up a pillow for her to shoot at. Glau added that the crowd should, "Try it, but be careful!"

The cast were asked if they read internet response to The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Dekker said he does, adding, "Sometimes it makes me happy. Sometimes it hurts." Glau said she doesn't seek it out, however, "I let my mom send me some of the good links." Green again got big laughs saying he does read message boards, and that after news spread that he was cast on the show, "It became really entertaining to go on the boards and find out how much they hate me," saying the typical post went, "What the f**k were they thinking?" However, he said it had been nice to see all of the angry messages about Brian Austin Green the actor turn to posts speculating about Derek Reese since his debut, taking it as a good sign that he was now being referred to by his character name.

The panel was asked if they'd learned anything from their experience working on the series, and Dekker recalled, "We did this pilot a year ago and everybody said it would be crap." However, he added that when it came to the cast and crew, "We all believed" that it was a worthwhile project, and he had learned to feel more secure in something he was supportive of, even when faced with a lot of skepticism. As for Green, he said that he'd learned that "Science fiction kicks ass," adding "F**kin' praise the Terminator!"

Wirth remarked that he'd been in the TV industry for 25 years, and was constantly being told from above to "dumb it down," for the audience. He said he felt like they were making a complex and layered show with Terminator and that it felt very good confirming that, "You guys get it."

Friedman ended up going on a tangent at one point about the Terminator head he keeps by his desk, and it was revealed that his holiday card in December featured a picture of "My three old son with a Terminator head." Friedman recalled that he was sent the head in a box, saying it reminded him of Seven. His son walked over to the box, and Friedman was worried he'd be terrified. Instead, the three year old boy said, "Terminator, welcome to your new home."

As for the future of the series, Friedman promised, "Yes, I've mapped it out. Yes, I know where we're going." Season 1 ends with the ninth episode, cut down from the intended 13, thanks to the recently concluded writers' strike. Friedman said Episode 9 ends with a big cliffhanger, but that was "purely luck,' as it was meant to be a cliffhanger for the next week's episode, that now will function as one for the whole season.

Fans asked what they could do to ensure The Sarah Connor Chronicles continues, and the panel all thanked everyone for their support, saying they should just continue watching the show, with Friedman saying he was encouraged by the high numbers the show was getting for DVR playback and online viewing. While Season 2 hasn't been officially ordered by FOX yet, Friedman said, 'Rest assured, we're working on this.'

The majority of the audience questions went to Glau, including one asking if she saw similarities between Cameron and her Firefly character River. Glau said she thought they were "Both isolated in the way they see the world." She then laughed that it was, "Much easier to fight as Cameron. Mo more martial arts. I just pick up people and throw them."

Friedman confirmed we would see the character Tarissa Dyson again. When he was asked if he might find a way to incorporate Glau's real life ballet skills into the show, Friedman simply said, "Will you be watching tomorrow night? Call me after." Glau said the ballet training that Joss Whedon used as inspiration for River's righting style, "Doesn't help as much being a Terminator. I had to unlearn some things." However, in general being a dancer has helped her with action scenes, because "Choreography counts," making her quickly understand when a stunt cordinator tells her, "I'm gonna swing at you on two and you'll kick me on four."

The panel ended with Friedman introducing a special new clip, which he said comes from next week's season finale. Spoiler Warning!:
Friedman said the scene involved exploration of the CPU from the defeated Terminator that Cameron kept in last week's episode, explaining that in this scene, the characters were examining a recorded memory from that Terminator.

The scene began with a point of view shot, showing a man's hands touching a woman, as she lays down on a bed. We than back away from the scene, which we see is being watched by John and Cameron – the latter in the process of applying nail polish -- on a computer screen. Cameron notes that the man (presumably a Terminator) had the woman completely swooning "when he touched her lips," an observation that bothers John.

Their conversation turns to an encounter that Cameron had with a cop, and Cameron calmly tells John it wasn't a cop, but the Terminator, Cromartie. Cameron tells John, "He's going school to school looking" for John, but to not worry, as he's moved on from John's school. As Cameron continues to explain how Cromartie's mind works, John says, "You're just like him." The two are then interrupted by Sarah.
The fake season finale considering there was supposed to be 4 more episodes.

And I hope it stays on so the creators can have their 4-5 year plan. If Prison Break can do the same boring shit for 3-4 seasons than this show can to.
That was another very good episode.

And that was an interesting interview.

I kinda figured Glau had taken ballet, after they highlighted Cameron doing it in this episode. She does seem good, not that I have a trained eye. She does look good. \\:D/

But I must say, I'm annoyed by the fact that the series is now ending on a cliffhanger. If Fox doesn't pick the series up for a second season, it would cause even more weeping and gnashing of teeth than the bad news alone would.

On a different note, I found it interesting that they showed Cameron refuse to help the sister, but practice ballet later on. It's "not her mission" to kill or save innocents, but it is her mission to act human. If she believes practicing ballet will help her do that, I guess that's incentive enough to practice on your off hours.
[quote name='JolietJake']Why the shortened season? It's probably in the interview i know, but i'm reading it all just for that.[/QUOTE]

Writer's strike. Where've you been? ;)
[quote name='keithp']Just saw this interview with cast and crew on IGN-[/quote]

Great link - funny to see how much Brian Allen Greer loves Terminator. I would too if I had been forced to play second fiddle to Freddy Prinze.

I think all the acting is pretty damn good. The Terminators have been a bit cliched, but for one-off characters they're all right.
[quote name='keithp']Writer's strike. Where've you been? ;)[/quote]Ah, guess i just figured since they finished the number they did that it meant they finished them all.
I thought it was an 8 or so episodes ordered, and they had been all shot. Are you guys sure that this wasn't the plan all along...IIRC, prison break was originally scheduled to come back to air in april. Assuming there wasn't a strike, terminator was originally scheduled to lead into 24 untill they started the back half of prision breaks season.

Overall I have been pretty happy with the shows so far. Could be better, could be worse. It looks like they are going out with a bang in the finale.
I hate it when shows start getting good later in the season and then the season ends abruptly. The last couple of episodes have been great.
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']Damn!
I just finished watching the last episode and Cameron was cold when she left the brother and sister to die! :cold:

Yes very cold. Her mission is to acquire information on the status and whereabouts of the turk, not to protect those people. I am surprised those two hit men didn't try to kill her on the way in because she might have been a witness that could have identified them.
bread's done