Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

ZOMG another liquid metal terminator! Cool! But how are they going to explain how/when the machines sent back another one, the first one was a prototype I thought.
[quote name='GBmanNC']ZOMG another liquid metal terminator! Cool! But how are they going to explain how/when the machines sent back another one, the first one was a prototype I thought.[/quote]

She seems to be after the mechanical robot one.

The end was stupid, there's nothing badass about pretending to be a urinal.
But is *this* liquid terminator the one actually sent back to insure skynet's rise to power by heading the company or going to replace the head of the company and shift it to the development of skynet?

This is not a T-1000 model, more like T-10xx model. Not a T-X either.

Shit I thought they came very close to burning off Cameron. That John doesn't know how to fully reprogram/repair a terminator. Cameron *may* just be lying again until she's back to 100% then go after John.

How long do you think they are going to hide out in the church?
fucking storm warnings. Last half of the show was nothing but them. I saw the urinal part and that was about it for the last 5 minutes of it. Before that they started the warning just at the end of the commercials then when they ended it had 10 seconds then went back to the commercials. Last season I had to watch online or download because I had to work Monday nights. Now I'm off and the only thing that I really want to watch at night is this and I have to download the season opener. Would not have pissed me off so much had they actually said something about the storm. All they did was say what was running across the bottom of the screen.

EDIT: Also
from what was said on ign the producer or director said someone dies this season. I'm trying to think who it will be. We all know it wont be John.
liquid metal just made this show jump up my priority scale. I may actually watch it live when the other shows come back. I don't recall any mention of T1000 being the only prototype.

[quote name='camoor']there's nothing badass about pretending to be a urinal.[/QUOTE]

can't argue with that.
[quote name='sendme']EDIT: Also
from what was said on ign the producer or director said someone dies this season. I'm trying to think who it will be. We all know it wont be John.

It's probably the new liquid metal terminator, IMDB says Shirley Manson's only in two episodes this season. If any of the main characters dies off, though, it'll be Sarah Connor. Then it can be John Connor's Chronicles.

I just hope it's not Derek. He's awesome.
[quote name='Scorch']
It's probably the new liquid metal terminator, IMDB says Shirley Manson's only in two episodes this season. If any of the main characters dies off, though, it'll be Sarah Connor. Then it can be John Connor's Chronicles.

I just hope it's not Derek. He's awesome.

I don't think so, unless the producers plan to change it to The John Connor Chronicles for season 3. I think they are going to kill off either Derek or even Cameron. One of them is going to get killed saving the Connor's from Comroite, that's what me thinks.
I was disappointed that Sarah and John were so easily captured in the beginning. I'm glad she finally brought her A-game with the truck.

My wife asked me what all of those black things in the pool were? I answered, "20 Federal agents."

She damn near put her romance novel down.
The first 15 minutes were a let down to me. Mostly due to the music.

I dont see them killing Sarah and they can not kill John. It could be Cameron however I would not think they would do that till next season if they do. Also the fact that she told John she loved him and that he loved her. The character was almost human and it seems like the writers have something more in it for her. Out of all the Terminator movies I have never seen someone play the role like that. I would hope the director would have cought that and stopped her from acting so human if it was not intended. They have hyped up Shirley Manson to much for them to kill her however I could see it in the last episode of this season. Also they have built Derek up to much to kill him. Maybe next season though.

Out of all of them I think it would be James Ellison, Charley Dixon, or Cromartie. Ellison is questionable still to kill of for me however. Charley has almost no perpose at all. Cromartie could be replaced by the one Shirley Manson is playing or by another one.
I think Derek is a series regular now, so unless someone dies in the finale it's not him.

I think it will be the ex boyfriend of Sarah, it only makes sense.
awesome episode last night.. I am going with the assumption this is one of the 4 or so episodes that were filmed but never aired last winter. Summer Glau had said the next couple of episodes were awesome.
Considering what Cromartie said to the agent about the agent leading Cromartie to Sarah and John, he is going to die saying them or something. Of course, it could just be a red herring and have Sarah's ex kick it but I just don't think they would want to get rid of Sarah's love interest that quick. Plus, they've already built it up to a quasi mom, dad and son relationship. Don't see Brian Austin Green getting killed anytime soon as his story hasn't even really started his character arc yet. Kill him now and he's essentially a worthless character. If its Cromartie is the one who dies, its a cop-out. Hence, I think its going to be Ellison who dies, probably in the act of saving Sarah and John.
wtf happened in the house at the beginning? It seemed like they cut something out(almost seemed like a rape scene). Because the guy was on top of her. Then next scene in there, he's dead(probably from John getting loose).

Really didn't pay attention to the series until Fox decided to air all the episodes a couple weeks ago. Now I want to see what happens. I'm glad they went with a T-10xx model w/ the new season.
[quote name='sendme']The first 15 minutes were a let down to me. Mostly due to the music.

I dont see them killing Sarah and they can not kill John. It could be Cameron however I would not think they would do that till next season if they do. Also the fact that she told John she loved him and that he loved her. The character was almost human and it seems like the writers have something more in it for her. Out of all the Terminator movies I have never seen someone play the role like that. I would hope the director would have cought that and stopped her from acting so human if it was not intended. They have hyped up Shirley Manson to much for them to kill her however I could see it in the last episode of this season. Also they have built Derek up to much to kill him. Maybe next season though.

Out of all of them I think it would be James Ellison, Charley Dixon, or Cromartie. Ellison is questionable still to kill of for me however. Charley has almost no perpose at all. Cromartie could be replaced by the one Shirley Manson is playing or by another one.

Remember, Cameron is an advanced terminator model capable of faking convincing human emotions when needed. She was about to be deactivated and needed to say anything to get John to stop it. For her to say that she loved him was just an act. I remembered when I saw that scene it was like having to put your dog down that you cared about so much, then I was like DON'T DO IT, IT'S A TRAP!!

I was kind of worried that Cameron might have reactivated just as they were going to burn her. I did not expect John to reactivate her like that. This John still does not know much about reprogramming or even repairing terminator CPU's. This is going to get messy.

John cutting his hair.... why?
He cut his hair because he does not want to hide behinde it anymore. Atleast that is what they said in one of the interviews on ign.

I didn't give that a thought about Cameron however I dont see it being her that is killed and I don't think it was just so he would not kill her. This is not the John she knew at least not yet so she is to make him into that John. Also future John would chances are not taken the chance of sending her if he thought their was just a chance in her killing him. Their is more to the two of them that has not been said or shown yet. I can see why it would be Ellison now however I'm still not sure if it is him or not. Unless they replace Cromartie with an advanced model it has to be Ellison or Charley. I see it being Charley more then I do it being Ellison.

Also I have not watched the extras on the box set yet but do they talk about some of the story arcs that got caned due to the strike? I have always wondered what was with the one in the school and the girl killing herself. What the painting was all about and where it was to go.
well I thought that was closed up. The girl was sleeping with the guidance counselor and the painting was being done in more and more detail. First revealing that it was the guidance counselor door then that there was a couple then that the girl was a blonde student. Eventually it would have revealed her identity. It actually felt really lame. I mean who has the time to do something so elaborate. And then start over every time the janitor paints it over. On top of that from the perspective of the drawing (from what I recall) I don't know how you plan to reveal her? the door wasn't opening and we saw the blonde hair but besides that what are you going to do.
Don't know what they had planned for it but that was one of the story lines that got cut short due to the writer strike. One of the writers or producers was outside with some of the writers on strike when it was in production. So what they intended to do with it never happend because the person that was working with it in production at the time had no idea where it was to go. Don't know if I read that or if it was in a video interview but it was on ign and they said that was just one of them.
Haven't seen anyone mention it so far but seeing Cameron cry about not wanting to die and loving John...was that part a trick or was she genuine? Because when John put back the chip in her head, he didn't exactly fix the chip. I think all he did was clean some dirt off.

Does that mean that Cameron was already "fixed" during the moment she got nailed by the truck and she really was telling the truth about loving John? Either way, it was a creepy moment.
[quote name='Kendro']Haven't seen anyone mention it so far but seeing Cameron cry about not wanting to die and loving John...was that part a trick or was she genuine? Because when John put back the chip in her head, he didn't exactly fix the chip. I think all he did was clean some dirt off.

Does that mean that Cameron was already "fixed" during the moment she got nailed by the truck and she really was telling the truth about loving John? Either way, it was a creepy moment.[/quote]

I think that's the point. The writers want you questioning what her motives really are.
[quote name='neocisco']I think that's the point. The writers want you questioning what her motives really are.[/quote]

It was a trick. No way in hell that a hit to the back of the body (not the head) would rest her directives. Ran a test? I am perfect? Who the fuck is going to believe that?

John needs to learn to hate the machine, all machines. What does he end up making a truce with the machines in the future?

I don't trust Derek. Who know what the fuck happened in that house during the future flashback.
[quote name='ITDEFX']It was a trick. No way in hell that a hit to the back of the body (not the head) would rest her directives. Ran a test? I am perfect? Who the fuck is going to believe that?

John needs to learn to hate the machine, all machines. What does he end up making a truce with the machines in the future?

I don't trust Derek. Who know what the fuck happened in that house during the future flashback.[/quote]

A guy horny for some hot robot lovin'.
Well you have to think the only one that knows her is Derek. He was around her in the future and now. Also this John is not the same John she knows from the future atleast not yet from what she has said. For all we know that in the future she was his wife or reprogrammed to be like his wife if he had one. I'm not sure if I'm going to like the direction this could go. You can tell that she has not said everything and may have another job to do also other then protect John. She at first did not burn all of the T-888 and the kept the chip. Her eyes glowed blue as she burned the triple 8 when Charley was talking to her and now this.

EDIT: As for the test she could have been doing that as soon as she got up. You saw that she rerouted the power and changed different things. However after they did put the chip back in she still was programmed to terminate then suspended it.
That was an awesome episode, except for the first five minutes. The music was meh, but I think the lack of sound effects and overuse of slow motion made things less exciting. After a cliffhanger ending, the season premiere needs action. They (correctly, IMO) went for a media res intro, with plenty of action. But I think the execution could have been better. Also, I didn't realize that was Shirley Manson singing. I wonder if one of the stipulations in her contract was "must feature one of my songs in the show." Whatever, the song was better than I would have expected from a spawn of Manson.

Still, the rest of the episode was great. I like how Evil Cameron knew exactly what to say to John to make him stop and reconsider 'killing' her. That's going to make an interesting plot line.

Also, I didn't really like Manson's character, but having her be a terminator works, i think. Liquid metal terminators are always awesome.

On a side note, there were two things that I found amusing about this episode. Firstly, I like how Cameron takes a car bomb explosion, with an apparently full gas tank, and yet she still has all of her hair. I was expecting her to look like the terminator from the end of the first movie after the oil tanker explosion. But apparently, while the explosion wasn't enough to burn off her flesh, it was enough to damage her cpu. Okay.... Then again, the damage was apparently light enough to be repaired by a Q-Tip and a washcloth. I guess that puts John's computer repair skills at somewhere between MacGuyver's and God's.

Secondly, I liked how the lightly toasted hard drive was considered unusable, but scientists recently recovered data from hard drives that survived the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Obviously, that's way more of an understandable quirk than the hummer explosion, but still, I thought it was kinda funny.
[quote name='ITDEFX']It was a trick. No way in hell that a hit to the back of the body (not the head) would rest her directives. Ran a test? I am perfect? Who the fuck is going to believe that?

We saw from her point of view - she overrode the directive herself.
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']
On a side note, there were two things that I found amusing about this episode. Firstly, I like how Cameron takes a car bomb explosion, with an apparently full gas tank, and yet she still has all of her hair. [/quote]

I found that quite funny as well, they should have at least had her do what Cromartie did and find a way to "re-grow" it. But maybe for the sake of time, the writers decided to give her hair made of a fine diamond filament that is un-burnable and unbreakable.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Was there a fire after the explosion or just a big blast?[/quote]

[quote name='Bezerker']I found that quite funny as well, they should have at least had her do what Cromartie did and find a way to "re-grow" it. But maybe for the sake of time, the writers decided to give her hair made of a fine diamond filament that is un-burnable and unbreakable.[/quote]


Apparently the fuck heads who planted it didn't do a good job. The explosion and fire should have burned her flesh up. Terminator endoskeletons can take a beating and keep on going if the mission is not complete. This was evident in the other movies and with Cromartie. I guess either it would have been too expensive to create a fully cg endo Cameron taking out the bad guys or they didn't want to recast cameron and replace Summer with someone else. I had thought the writers where going to make Cameron do what Cromartie did (with the flesh blood bath) and then somehow get Summer's face and body back or whatever. But that was a twist huh?
Just watched it on my Tivo--glad I didn't come in here with all those untagged spoilers about the premier.

Anyway, excellent episode!! I'm not sure who's going to kick it at the end of this season, but I agree with most of the thoughts. Also, Cameron must have some bigger directive in mind, or else I would think she would've simply killed John as soon as he let his guard down after turning her back on. It's clear she's still evil since we saw her programming trying to get her to terminate John, even after she said she was all better.
[quote name='Pookymeister']We saw from her point of view - she overrode the directive herself.[/QUOTE]

Granted I dont know either but Id question that it was something else and not her that overrode it.
I figured it wasn't Cameron itself that overrode the kill John Connor command but whatever virus (if i can call it that) the resistance installed. I figure that after the explosion the virus went offline and Cameron went bad and a sound thrashing to the head meant the virus came back online and was thus able to override the original programming again.

yeah the logic of being hit in the head correcting any thing is weak but whatever I can suspend my belief.
[quote name='keithp']Just watched it on my Tivo--glad I didn't come in here with all those untagged spoilers about the premier.

It's not spoilers if the episode was already shown.
[quote name='JolietJake']I always thought they couldn't override their own programming.[/quote]

I think all terminators are hard wired to kill John Connor on sight as a basic directive.

The T-850 in t3 was able to resist/clear out the T-X override program. Maybe because the T-X can only control less advanced machines and nothing as complex as a T-850 CPU.

[quote name='Wolfkin']I figured it wasn't Cameron itself that overrode the kill John Connor command but whatever virus (if i can call it that) the resistance installed. I figure that after the explosion the virus went offline and Cameron went bad and a sound thrashing to the head meant the virus came back online and was thus able to override the original programming again.

yeah the logic of being hit in the head correcting any thing is weak but whatever I can suspend my belief.[/quote]

Computer Virus' make sounds?

John needs to tell Cameron to spit it all out. Get her to tell them everything on Skynet and their machines. Where they will be built, what are there weaknesses and so on, then start building a resistance army with a large amount of weapons, hide in a bunker somewhere and wait for the bombs to fall. Then when all is clear, hit skynet where it hurts early on.
[quote name='bigdaddy']It's not spoilers if the episode was already shown.[/QUOTE]

It is if you haven't seen it yet, but point taken. Exactly why I stayed away. :p
IMO, spoiler tags should be used until the show has finished airing on the West Coast. That's midnight eastern, 11 central.:) I'm guilty of this.
[quote name='Wolfkin']I generally try to avoid posting spoilers till the end of the week. sorry if I said too much I thought I was keeping back.[/QUOTE]

No, no, not at all. I was just trying to remind everyone that not everyone watches the show as it airs, but I guess you all have a point at where do you draw the line at talking about it? Anyone (like me) that didn't watch it live should know better than to come here anyway.

Sorry to sidetrack the thread...discuss on!...
[quote name='JolietJake']I always thought they couldn't override their own programming.[/QUOTE]
I think the fact that she can override her programming might be what makes her different from other terminators. She said early on in the series that she wasn't like the others. Maybe she has some sort of free will.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I think the fact that she can override her programming might be what makes her different from other terminators. She said early on in the series that she wasn't like the others. Maybe she has some sort of free will.[/quote]

I'm not sure if she was supposed to have overridden the programming, or if her programming overrode itself. She might have had the free will to choose to cancel the "terminate" command, or her programming might have fixed itself.

Then again, there is a third option: my initial "John's Magic Futuristic Computer Repair Q-Tip" theory was correct.
[quote name='keithp']It is if you haven't seen it yet, but point taken. Exactly why I stayed away. :p[/QUOTE]

So I haven't seen Titanic, please don't spoil the ending??? :lol:
bread's done